Ain’t That America?

God bless Aunt Zeituni…it’s not her fault that she doesn’t get it about America. What I wonder is how many Americans think exactly like Aunt Zeituni…that America owes people something…that “free country” means what you can get not what you can offer or contribute…that being a contributing member of society is not necessary or preferable…that being here and using the system is a matter of luck…that it’s our Christian duty to take care of everyone through our government. If this is the general attitude that most people have, whoa nelly…we is in deep, deep, deeeeep trouble!


President Obama Omits “Creator”…Again!


by Tina Grazier

I realize we have bigger fish to fry at the moment with the election pending, however, I also find it worthwhile to call attention to a disturbing pattern. Once again the President leaves a key word out of the text as he quotes from the Declaration of Independence. This is the second time the President has done this in public remarks. It cannot be an unintended error.

The President is touted as a brilliant man, a Constitutional scholar. It’s difficult to imagine that anyone who has studied the Constitution in depth, as it is claimed that he has, has not also studied the Declaration and other founding documents as well. There really is no excuse or reasonable explanation for this horrific blunder. Therefore, I am compelled to ask for the second time why he is doing this. What could possibly be motivating the man? What exactly is his intent?

Here’s the portion of his remarks made to the DSCC (Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee) that reveal the offensive omission:

Most of us here came from someplace else — or our parents came from someplace else, or our grandparents, our great grandparents came from someplace else. And they were inspired by a particular idea, this idea of America. As wonderful as the land is here in the United States, as much as we have been blessed by the bounty of this magnificent continent that stretches from the Atlantic to the Pacific, what makes this place special is not something physical. It has to do with this idea that was started by 13 colonies that decided to throw off the yoke of an empire, and said, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that each of us are endowed with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

The above quote is excerpted from “Remarks by the President at a DSCC Dinner in Rockville, Maryland – October 18, 2010, 8:03 P.M. EDT”

If the idea started by the 13 colonies was so “special” and if Obama acknowledges this special thing is not something “physical” why not include the exact thing that makes the idea immutable? Why leave the Creator OUT!

The quote should be expressed thusly, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

A few days ago, before a group of legal scholars and students, a candidate for the Senate was derided and laughed at when she dared to suggest that the words “separation of church and state” are not in the Constitution. She was right; the legal scholars were wrong…just as Obama is wrong in leaving the word “Creator” out of the quote from the Declaration of Independence. Yet I haven’t heard similar sneers about our Presidents lapses of intelligence or knowledge about the founding documents. Is that because these lawyers and scholars also choose to leace the Creator out of our founding?

Someone in the media should ask President Obama to answer for this disrespectful, ahem, error. Without a convincing explanation thoughtful Americans can only to conclude that our President believes that governing bodies have the power to grant rights and privileges to citizens…a dangerous road for us to allow him to set foot upon!

The President’s omission is deeply offensive to me and not just because I am a Christian but because, as an American citizen, that word means that no human being living or dead, now or in the future and likewise no governing body of men has the authority to grant me those inalienable rights. This is the precise thing that makes America unique and special!



European Socialist Policies Cause Riots as Budgets Slashed

by Jack Lee

As we approach the 2010 elections we’re still locked in heated debates over the pros and cons of socialism, i.e. ObamaCare, and we talk like no one has walked this way before we came along. Well, I hate to break it to our liberal readers but Europe has, in fact they are years ahead of us in that department!

Would it be too much trouble for those embracing socialism here to look how its worked out over there?


The deep global recession has worked like the tide going out and it’s exposed a lot of socialist garbage, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, England and others are all feeling the crush of their failed and failing socialist policies.

Back on this side of the world we shudder at the prospect of a 5% across the board cut to balance our budget, but that’s a tiny pin prick compared to the 40% or more cuts to some ministries in Ireland, England and France.

France can’t extract anymore taxes without forcing their businesses into ruin and the country into anarchy. The French government run healthcare, mandatory paid holidays, the high minimum wage and low retirement age simply can’t be sustained – C’est fini! Fait! Ils sont sans le sou! They are broke!

The reaction from the French people has been to riot, as if rioting will miraculously save them. It’s too late to be saved, they’re broke, but we’re not and why Democrats (and some Republicans) want to take the same steps, hoping for a different outcome is beyond my comprehension.

The voters are turning back to the Republicans to deal with our costly experimenting with socialism and all I can say now is they better have the spine and the brains to fix it. If they don’t, France won’t be the only country with rioting in the streets. As Michael Savage said and I am paraphrasing now, “We won’t just be turned out to protest, we’ll be out for revenge.

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“The Free Exercise of Religion Clause”, A Very Good Idea!

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Posted by Tina

Perhaps you have heard about the guffawing crowd of smarmy legal scholars and wannabe’s at the debate between Republican candidate Christine O’Donnell and her opponent, when the subject of the “wall of separation” between church and state came up? IBD has an excellent article that describes quite succinctly why Ms. O’Donnell had a point that went right over the heads of the so-called educated crowd. The following conclusion deserves special note:

“Maybe we should start calling the First Amendment’s Establishment Clause the “Free Exercise of Religion Clause”– since that’s what its plain language protects. Perhaps then there would be fewer false decrees from judges and fewer laughs when a citizen politician states a constitutional truth.”

Exactly! Her point was that the language “seperation of church and state” is not in the Constitution.

One of the reasons our country is in the shape it’s in is because the Congress has been filled to bursting with lawyers and so-called legal scholars and not enough Americans that represent other professions and interests in our society.

Read the entire editorial here: “Decrees of Separation” – Investors Business Daily


Palin Warns GOP – Fiorina Poised for Victory

by Jack Lee

Sarah Palin warns GOP party bosses, you better stick to your principles or a 3rd Party could be born from the ranks of the Tea Party. “All right, here we go. Fifteen days and counting here until election day and guess who we’re hearing from now? We’re hearing from Tea Party darling, said Palin.

As some dunderheads still struggle to identify who and what the Tea Party is, Sarah Palin knows and shares their vision of smaller and more responsible government with an eye on fiscal responsibility. So does Carly Fiorina, who rightly said and I am paraphrasing, “We should be calling them the Tea Parties” because every group is unique, Marin is slightly different than Solano and each party brings their own energy.”


. Fiorina is expected to defeat the infamous Barbara Boxer-D (shown left) who has been branded by history as the least effective Senator in our state’s history. Oddly, CA voters have allowed Boxer to be re-elected for the last 28 years despite her non-performance and harsh anti-military views. Boxer is among a small minority of Senators that actually opposed additional medical benefits for certain types of wounds suffered by soldiers in combat. Her own hometown newspaper the Chonical, known for it’s liberal bias, has failed to endorse her.

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The Tea Party Verses the Status Quo

by Jack Lee

The Tea Party is founded in idealism, just like America. It’s never been about a rich class verses a working class or ethnicity. This is why it’s so widely accepted by so many and it’s so easy to support once you understand their purpose. And here’s the kicker, it’s just gone to a new level of power, giving voters a new voice. Across America there are hundreds of state and federal candidates that identify with the Tea Party movement and come January we expect to see about three dozen or more newly elected Congressmen added to the ranks of Tea Party caucus in Congress. The Tea Party caucus is already an important factor within the House and it’s soon going to be impossible to get any legislation though without thier support and this all started at the grass roots. This is people power at its best.


What is surprising to me is our mainstream media still seems to not understand what the Tea Party is all about. In my opinion, its an energy force made up of frustrated, unhappy voters and people so fed up they are willing to look at any alternative. They are also disenfranchised blue dog democrats tossed out by the radicals in the Democratic Party. Many are traditional independent voters, Libertarians looking for a podium and strong conservative Republicans that feel the party has left them behind. These people and many more are all united behind the Tea Party banner of responsible, accountable, fiscal conservatism.

Many adversaries have tried to label the Tea Party with ugly slurs, glibly calling them racist or rich elitists as they try to invoke that old class warfare pitch. This far left opposition always tries to use a broad brush to define them as something other than what they really. But, they have all failed because the truth is stronger. You can’t label the Tea Party patriots beyond their core principles that bonds them. Sure, on a macro level you’ll find whatever ugly example you may be looking for because the Tea Party has a lot of individual diversity that is not endorsed. As individuals in any organization there is going to be a much broader spectrum of values and ideas than the organization itself, but the Tea Party movement is, and has always been, about one thing: Fiscal conservatism and an accountable government, nothing more and nothing less. This idealism stands the test of time and critics and its why this movement has endured and grown.

The Tea Party is currently challenging the old Republican Party power structure that has drifted toward pursuing self-interests or purely partisan interests at the expense of national interests and the greater good and has too often recruited and supported RINO’s. Those party leaders and their RINO candidates have failed too many times to deliver on their promises, or as some might say, they don’t walk their talk. Voters have had enough of that deceit and this is why the Tea Party is a direct threat to this select group of self serving beaurocrats with the party.

If the GOP’s rank and file doesn’t repair this breach of ethics then the Republican Party is destined for another round of failure from which it may never recover. The 2010 election will be the tipping point for the GOP and so far it looks like the good guys are winning.

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How to Create Jobs – Texas, the Model


Posted by Tina

The perfect model for creating jobs is right before our eyes. It’s been made manifest countless times before in our history but it’s on display right now in Texas:

“Over half of all new jobs created in the last year were created in Texas,” by Mark Hemingway – Washington Examiner

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 214,000 net new jobs were created in the United States from August 2009 to August 2010. Texas created 119,000 jobs during the same period. If every state in the country had performed as well, we’d have created about 1.5 million jobs nationally during the past year, and maybe “stimulus” wouldn’t be such a dirty word. ** What does Austin know that Washington doesn’t? At its simplest: Don’t overtax and -spend, keep regulations to a minimum, avoid letting unions and trial lawyers run riot, and display an enormous neon sign saying, “Open for Business.”

Reagan showed the way in our recent history and in the process also clearly exposed the leftist model that kills jobs and the economy. Some among us still cling stubbornly to that job killing model and unfortunately, our country is still in its grips. The choice is clear. Individual opportunity comes when individuals are set free of big government control and oppression.

Set yourself free; set employers free…vote for smaller government and low taxes in November.

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Vets Helping Vets – Stand Down Continues Till Sunday

We’ve been giving away surplus military clothing and military supplies since Friday at the Elks Club in Chico.

Tomorrow is the last day, so if you are a VET and would like to pick up a jacket, coveralls, hats, boots, socks, towels, blankets, poncho’s. tee shirts, cold weather items, cargo pants, sleeping bags, back backs, canteens, desert storm uniforms, etc., you better come out tomorrow early. It opens at 10 a.m. and by 1 p.m. it will be shut down. This is all FREE, and 90% of it is brand new, just released military surplus.


Republican Corner: Chuck Norris on Washington

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Dear Readers,
In the final weeks of campaign season I am really pressed for time, so I am sharing with you some written work from famous actor and conservative writer Chuck Norris. I think you’ll be pleased to know that Mr. Norris is actually a pretty thoughtful and intelligent writer. Not to mention he is so tough that comedians write continuous jokes about his deadly abilities, but always anonymously.Republican Corner will be back soon with more fun light to shed on liberal corruption. Enjoy!
Steve Thompson

The Feds’ Disease: Spending! (Part 1)
By Chuck Norris

We all know ad nauseam that Washington’s spending is completely foolish and totally out of control. But will we show ourselves to be equally misguided by allowing those same bureaucratic bandits to stay in office?

Since World War II, federal spending has remained roughly between 18 and 22 percent of gross domestic product. Under President George W. Bush, spending increased from 18.4 to 20.9 percent of GDP. Since President Barack Obama took office, revenues have fallen by $381 billion and spending has increased by $508 billion, increasing the deficit from $459 billion to $1.35 trillion. Non-defense discretionary spending alone has jumped 28 percent.

According to the Congressional Budget Office analysis released Sept. 7, by the end of fiscal year 2010 (Sept. 30), there was another deficit of at least $1.3 trillion — what the CBO labeled “the second-largest shortfall in the past 65 years,” second to last year’s deficit of 9.9 percent of GDP. Even if all the Bush tax cuts were repealed, the CBO concludes that the deficit still would be nearly $1.1 trillion in 2011.

Continue reading “Republican Corner: Chuck Norris on Washington” »



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