Does Rugged Individualism Translate to “Every Man for Himself”?

By Tina Grazier

“Every man for himself” is the way that many on the left characterize the philosophy of conservatism. Articulated most recently by Ronald Reagan when he spoke of the entrepreneurial spirit that built this great nation, rugged individualism is the desire of the individual to participate. Rather than being a selfish trait it is dynamic. The mischaracterization from the left reveals an arrogance of thought that oozes from gray matter incapable of appreciating the human spirit. How is it that this ridiculous definition continues given the history of innovation and prosperity of the United States? Chris Mathews offered a clue recently when he stepped forward to claim that if the Chilean miners were rugged individualists “they wouldn’t have gotten out, they would have been killing each other after about two days” (see video).

What a sad, or is it pathetic, notion of human capability! Chris believes that except for an elite few, human beings are helpless, needy slobs, lacking in the kind of self interest necessary even for preservation. He believes humans lack creativity, desire, urge, and intelligence. He believes that unless or until government steps forward to hold hands and provide funding and guidance a citizen’s world will not turn. He believes that you, dear reader, are nothing but a lump of clay requiring government hands to shape you into a neat little peg that will fit into an officially authorized and subsidized hole.

Dare I say it? What an idiot! Chris goes on to claim that the rugged individual is incapable of working with others. He implies that rugged individuals do nothing to assist others or contribute to anyone but themselves. History, of course, makes a sham of the man’s silly observations but he continues in his bigoted and arrogant observations!

Consider the many ways that individual Americans have taken matters into their own hands. From crossing the Great Plains to putting men into space rugged individuals have risked and worked with others to create new methods, products and technologies. By acting in their own interests, and taking the bull by the horns, they forged ahead and creatively grew cities and towns, businesses and products, methods and practices…including those that have made it possible for Chris Mathews to sit in his chair and talk to the entire world. What’s more, the prosperity and improved conditions that followed the efforts of these individuals created the wealth that build our universities, museums, hospitals, and other institutions and provided the backing and support that makes the arts possible. Government hasn’t exactly withered on the vine either!

Does conservatism embrace the “every man for himself” attitude characterized by Chris Mathews and others on the left? Hell no! Conservatism is a philosophy that believes every individual has great potential to become a responsible, contributing, satisfied member of society. Conservatism recognizes the creative spirit that innovates and also appreciates not only those who step forward to lead the way but also those who step forward to make the vision become viable in the world.

All work is honorable. Cooperative effort is a natural outcome that follows innovation of the entrepreneurial spirit. Providing for oneself through participation in this dynamic cooperative adventure is both honorable and invigorating. The rugged individual exists in every man if it isn’t beaten into submission by dictatorial powers from on high. Freedom is the atmosphere that allows the rugged individual in each of us take flight. Our resolve should be to encourage this in every citizen. Excessive government oversight, control and hand holding does nothing to inspire individuals.

By the way…the Chilean minors survived because a strong spirited group of individuals helped and supported each other. They were saved by the innovations that made recue possible.



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Posted by Tina

Agflation is what they’re calling it and according to some folks it means higher food prices are on the way…a CS Monitor blogger, Joshua M. Brown excerpts information from various sources:

“‘Shocking’ corn prices: the other rising gold market” – CS Monitor

Keep obsessing over gold, but the real explosion is happening in the agricultural commodity complex. Food prices around the world are exploding. Farmer Brown has been discussing the Agflation theme here since the summer. It’s happening… ** “Shocking!” That is the term used by some grain traders just after the release of the USDA’s yield estimate for this year’s U.S. Corn crop. The USDA projected 155.8 bushels per acre yield, which is well below the 162.5 bushels per acre projected in the September crop report. ** Meat prices are poised to extend a 14 percent rally this year that drove U.S. retail costs to the highest levels since the 1980s as surging corn futures prevent livestock producers from expanding their herds. ** As the world markets opened at 8:00pm est, a shocking thing happened to food commodities. As a whole, futures contracts jumped nearly 9% in an instant on the world markets


We knew this would happen…inflation is an evil that will punish everyone and rob working Americans of more of their hard earned cash.

Keynesian policies and forced “alternatives” just do not work! BIG government does not work. We must rid ourselves of the incompetence and extremism that creates such unnecessary misery!

Vote wisely Pilgrims.



Here are our long considered voter recommendations:

1. Governor – Meg Whitman

2. Lt. Gov. – Abel Maldanado

3. Senate – Carly Fiorina

4. Attorney General – Steve Cooley

5. Secretary of State – Damon Dunn

6. Insurance Commissioner – Tony Strickland

7. State Treasurer – MiMi Walters

8. Insurance Commissioner – Mike Villines

  2. Prop 20 SUPPORT
  3. Prop 21 OPPOSE
  4. Prop 22 NUETRAL
  6. Prop 24 OPPOSE
  7. Prop 25 OPPOSE
  8. Prop 26 SUPPORT
  9. Prop 27 OPPOSE

Chico City Council

  • Mark Sorensen
  • Bob Evans
  • Bob Kromer

ps strongly opposes the Chico City Council incumbents because they (excluding Larry Wahl) cost the city over a million dollars in a lawsuit that could have been avoided. Our City Attoreny warned them, but they ignored his advice and acted to reverse their position and shut down a legal subdivision. This cost the taxpayers big time when it went to court and the city lost! We say fire this current city council – we strongly support Sorensen, Evans and Kromer, they are our best hope for good city government!

Biggs City Council

  • Angela Thompson

Chico Unified School District, Governing Board Member

  • Sean H. Worthington
  • Dean V. Stefanides
  • Erik Lyon

City of Oroville, City Council Member

  • Barbara Cheri Bunker
  • Gordon Andoe

City of Oroville, Mayor

  • Victoria K. Coots

Town of Paradise, Town Council Member

  • Tim Titus


Summary of Propositions

Proposition 19. Legalizes Marijuana Under California But Not Federal Law. Permits Local Governments to Regulate and Tax Commercial Production, Distribution, and Sale of Marijuana — State of California (Initiative Statute – Majority Approval Required)


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Suddenly, Endangered Tortoises Don’t Matter!

3649-Tortoise San Bernadino County.jpg

By Tina Grazier

Environmentalists have a long history of taking action to protect endangered species, ecosystems and habitat from the “ravages” of industry and man. The mere thought of a team of big Cats tearing through the Amazon to build a road…a road!…was enough to cause a green international meltdown. The sounds of chainsaws find them taking to the trees to live like monkeys. Such zealotry is usually reserved to the fanatically religious…on the other hand, this devotion to earth is a kind of religion so it is not surprising that many green efforts fail to include the needs and concerns of humankind.

Environmentalists of every stripe have worked hard, through government and the courts, to prevent industry from creating a “blight” on the landscape through practices like clear cutting and strip mining and to stop practices that caused pollution. In some cases they were right to call attention to problems and their input helped to inspire better practices. But quite often green activist have been totally inconsiderate toward the industries in question. In fact they have been downright hostile making demands so unreasonable that companies or businesses were destroyed and their employees out of luck.

Of course there are instances when this outrage and hoopla just doesn’t materialize. Take for instance what happens when a wind or solar industries comes along. Suddenly it’s time for green activists to have a parade! All thoughts of endangered species, ecosystems, and habitat literally go out the window. Even the name that’s used to describe these projects is deceptively soft and cuddly…wind farms are so natural!

Let’s get real! These aren’t farms by any stretch of the imagination; they are industry! And if the makers and supporters of “alternative energy” have their way they will one day become BIG industry occupying millions of acres of land and displacing and destroying species, some endangered and disturbing habitats. Apparently wind farms are also messing with the survival and wellness of humankind as well as birds and bats. Installation and maintainance will bring another set of problems and do considerable damage per the old green standard, the standard by which other industry have been forced to live. My question is, how long will it be until these industries are demonized for the environmental problems they create?

An example of this hypocrisy is highlighted in an article by Investor’s Business Daily:

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California National Guard – Fraud Being Investigated

posted by Jack Lee

SACRAMENTO — The federal agency in charge of funding for the National Guard has started to examine its procedures for detecting fraud after a report revealed allegations of misuse of $100 million.

The National Guard Bureau is responsible for federal funds given to state Guard organizations. Click here for the full story.

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Dale Ogden-L, Candidate for Governor

“Republicans want you to have freedom in business and they mess with your personal life – Democrats want you to have freedom in your personal life and they mess with your business. I’m for freedom in both.” Dale Ogden – Libertarian

by Jack Lee

The Whitman – Brown debate was contentious, uninspired with little new coming to the table. If only the other candidate, Dale Ogden-L, were allowed to debate with them, then we would have had some really new ideas. But, you’ve probably never heard of Ogden have you? No, of course not, Libertarians are way under funded and unless they recruit a billionaire to run they have little chance of getting their message out.

Unfortunately if you don’t have 10% of the vote you don’t get on stage. If you don’t get on stage you can’t get anywhere, it’s a self fulfilling prophecy. The 3rd party candidate had a lot to say and wish we could have heard Whitman and Brown try to respond to it.
Ogden wants to cut licensensing agencies from 172 down to around 40 something. He points out California has the most licensensing (control and regulation) of any state. He would eliminate some of the 900 commissions and committees too. Ogden points out that we have 17% of the USA living here, but we have 33% of the entire welfare numbers. He calls it like he sees it, “We have too many deadbeats in the system and we’re too generous.”

We should change the debate rules and allow the highest polling 3rd party candidate a shot at least with one debate. Instead of having a Spanish language debate we should have it with a 3rd party candidate instead. Don’t we want the spirit of competition and democracy to have a real chance? I think a 3rd party candidate could bring up some original ideas and that would be refreshing. Perhaps a few of those idea would take root, even if he or she doesn’t get elected.

For more on Ogden please use this link

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Investing In Gold Coins (When to sell?)

by Jack Lee


A lady asked me today, when’s the best time to sell gold? She said, “Since gold is at a record high price should I sell, keep it for safety or should I just let my kids have it as inheritance?” This is a good question and one that a lot of folks are thinking about now.

The first thing to be considered is she said she doesn’t need the money, so time is on her side no need to sell out today. Gold has been doing very well and my best guess is that gold will easily reach $1500 an ounce within the next 5-8 months. That would be a reasonable goal or strike price. So the first thing to do is set a reasonable strike price…in our case reasonable is estimated at $1500 an ounce.

This may be a very good time to sell gold you no longer want because gold has risen almost 70 percent in the past two years. As our economy struggles, gold always gets stronger. Gold is an indicator of economic nervousness, but as the economy gets better there is an inverse relationship to the price of gold. You have to ask yourself do you see the economy getting better (even if only by a small amount) or do you see it continuing down? Being a good guesser of economic direction will help establish the best timing. My guess is 5-8 months out and then gold should be getting close to a top, IF all things continue as they are…if not, well, there’s a whole new ballgame!

Next, the best way not to get a bad deal when selling your gold is to know as much as possible before you approach someone about buying your gold. We’ll discuss that a bit later.

As for inheritance, I like this idea best if you can avoid probate and thus the death tax. Passing your wealth down is always a great thing to do, but this is a very personal choice. I can’t advise on this part, but I can on valuing the collection and timing the sale. Of course I don’t have a crystal ball, but we can read the market charts and look at the gold charts and we can all be aware of current events in relationship to our economy – I feel very certain that based on this current market, gold doesn’t have a whole lot farther to run. But, what is left in the run could still make a lot of people some decent cash. /Where’s the top? Who knows? Maybe, it could go up to $1600-$2000 an ounce. Maybe higher, if something derails the economy again. But in all probability I see gold topping sooner than later. Time frame 5-8 months.

Whenever it gets near that time when one wants to sell we have to consider something else besides the raw gold (melt) value. I’m talking about the collector value. This value could increase its overall worth many times over… if she is lucky enough to hold the right year coins in good shape!

In order to make an informed decision she should get at least two appraisals to have a good idea of the collections value. Gold bullion is easy to calculate based on today’s market price, but gold coins can be complicated to value.

Two gold coins of the same year and same denomination could be valued quite a bit differently by collectors. This value is set according to its grade. So what is a grade? A “grade” is a commonly accepted label used by numismatists to indicate the appearance of a coin. In other words, if one collector tells another that he has a 50 Charlotte half eagles in uncalculated condition then both collectors should be on the same page.

In the 1940’s a numerical grading scale was invented by Dr. William Sheldon. This scale, which ranged from 1 to 70, was originally devised to ascertain values of 1793-1814 Large Cents by ascribing a basal value to each variety and multiplying this value by the grade in order to determine a price. The Sheldon grading scale is now used by most numismatists.

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Education Spending Cuts in California – Counting Pennies

by Jack Lee

California’s single biggest expenditure is in educating our future generations, but as you know declining tax revenues have forced school budgets to be cut to the bone and it has teachers counting pennies for classroom supplies. Everywhere you look schools are strapped for cash. Well here’s a few overlooked pennies…how about the $2.6 million dollars spent by the California Student Aid Commission to rent an empty EdFund buidling in Rancho Cordova last year and the year before. This would be $2.6 million paid for rent that could have provided financial aid for up to 1,000 college students And here’s the worst part, the California Student Aid Commission is still spending $1.3 million a year to rent it even though the Aid Commission has been relocated to a cheaper rental site. They had a lease and they were afraid the building would be sold so they didn’t want to move in for fear of having to move right again, so they are stuck with the lease agreement.


In Chico, teachers are struggling and fighting to get a new 2 year contract. But, not all educators have it so tough. Take for instance, the generous salaries in the CSU system. The California State University Board of Trustees voted unanimously to keep the annual salary of incoming Cal Poly interim President Robert Glidden roughly the same as that received by outgoing President Warren Baker, who is retiring at the end of the month after 31 years as president.

Mr. Baker is paid $328,209 per year, making him the highest-paid of the 23 CSU presidents. The brand new president, who is slated to begin at Cal Poly on August 1, will receive $328,200 – just $9 less than the 31-year veteran.

The CSU board also voted to provide Mr. Glidden with a university-owned vehicle and housing on the Cal Poly campus. The outgoing president receives a $60,000 housing allowance per year for his off-campus residence, plus a $1,000-a-month car allowance.
Life is pretty darn good for some in California’s edcuation system. This is pretty small stuff compared to the paying for an empty building, but there is so much wasted money, if we had tax money spent right schools would be very well funded. This is the gripe conservatives have had all along and one that liberals don’t wish to acknowledge. We don’t mind spending billions on education – but we do mind if a big portion of it is wasted on stupid stuff. Is that too much to ask, that they just spend the money reasonably?


$360 Government Pizza’s, Cost Overruns, Unused Airline Tickets and More

by Jack Lee

You have no doubt heard that if you give government a buck they’ll spend a buck and a half and this is why government has to be constantly weened away from cash. Cash is the drug of choice in D.C. and spending it wildly and foolishly is their ultimate high. Take for instance the “Big Dig. This is Boston’s highway project that reroutes Interstate 93 into a 3.5 mile tunnel beneath the city. Originally estimated to cost $2.5 billion in 1985, the project devolved into the most expensive highway project in U.S. history, costing some $14.6 billion in state and federal tax dollars by 2006.

Countless contractor changes and environmental obstacles later, the Big Dig’s crushing debt had “engulfed the state”, ballooning to $22 billion that will not be paid off in full until 2038 – at the earliest. This assumes no more hurdles for a project whose oversights have already killed a motorist and led a Massachusetts attorney general to demand $100 million in refunds to taxpayers as a result of “shoddy work.”

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Our Dumbest Senator in Washington

It’s been recently said that Senator Patty Murray-D, is the stupidest person in Washington. That seems incredibly unfair. Washington is big place and it attracts some of the stupidest people to be found anywhere, so pardon me I don’t just accept that Murray is the stupidest. There’s a lot of competition in D.C.! Okay, maybe we should go over a few of the many reasons she’s called stupid and see if the title holds up?

Murray said right after her election, “When I was growing up, the big fear in my life was the nuclear war. I remember second- and third-grade teachers giving us skills to deal with it, if that big alarm goes off, which was ‘Hide under your desk.’ Would that do any good? I don’t know. But as a child, that gives you a feeling there’s something to do beyond panic. Today the biggest fear our kids live with is whether … the kid beside them has a gun. We have to give them skills so they feel confident to deal with it.”

Whoa…lol….uh, deal with it? She wants to give kids skills to deal with what, avoiding being shot by leaping out of the way or maybe judo chopping an armed attacker into submission? What the heck is she talking about? No wonder dems try to keep this woman away from the microphone.

Right after 9-11 Murray said and I quote, “”He’s (Osama Bin Laden) been out in these countries for decades, building schools, building roads, building infrastructure, building day-care facilities, building health-care facilities, and the people are extremely grateful. He’s made their lives better.” OMG…what a stretch – what an idiot! Almost 20 years ago OBL helped build a road linking the capital, Khartoum, with Port Sudan and an airport. That’s about it and Murray has OBL building day care centers and health clinics and thats why he has devoted followers? This woman is a US Senator, unbelievable.

Murray’s major in college was “recreation” and she got her start in politics fighting to save her own government job…she was teaching a parenting class that was cancelled due to lack of attendance. That motivated her to run for office…what a shame, if we only knew she would go into politics we could have taken up a fund or something to keep her teaching instead…would have been cheaper!

“The highest-paying job I had before coming to Washington, D.C., paid $23,000 a year. … I know what it’s like to tell my kids they can’t buy everything they want.” Patty Murray. Oh brother, so now that she’s a Senator her kids CAN buy everything they want…makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. Granted, these really are pretty stupid statements and if you couple them to her voting record she looks pretty darn stupid. So, who do you think is dumber and why, Maxine Waters, Mary Landrieu, Charles Rangel, how about Barbara Boxer? I’m thinking Boxer and if she gets re-elected the democrats of California would surtely be the world’s dumbest voters.