Why Waltz When You Can Rock N Roll?

Having a little fun on the range. Note no barrel climb, this guy really has good control. For the non-shooters out here this is the same weapon our troops carry in combat at this time.
Really nice shooter, accurate, good range, flat trajectory and sufficient stopping power. Much better than the Russian AK47, although with some tweaks the AK47 can be very competitive in the right hands. Imagine if the allies had this in WWII, the war would have ended a whole lot sooner. Okay enjoy some rock n’ rollin …

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Assembly Debate in Chico

by jack Lee

Last night in the Council Chambers, we had 3 candidates debating for the 3rd Assembly seat open in November. Incumbent Assemblyman Dan Logue, R-Linda, Democrat Mickey Harrington-Magalia and Libertarian Gary Bryant fielded questions from reporters and the audience.

By the end of the evening there was one clear victor, Dan Logue.

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Dedicated to you…the people of the United States of America!

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47 House Dems – “Extend Bush Tax Cuts, Madam Speaker”


Posted by Tina

Dems are getting out of town without addressing the tax extension issues because their own members are joining the Party of “no” in calls to extend the Bush tax cuts for everyone, including those hated rich people:

Washington – Forty-seven House Democrats — enough to give Republicans a victory on taxes if the issue came to a vote — are breaking ranks with President Barack Obama by calling on party leaders to continue Bush-era tax cuts on investment income. The lawmakers, led by Rep. John Adler, D-N.J., have sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying they strongly support extending the current tax rates on capital gains and dividends. – AP

This is not surprising news; many of them are in grave danger of losing their seats. But there may be another reason, a big one!

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Meg Whitman v. Jerry Brown Debate

by Jack Lee

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Brown went on the attack early in the debate citing Whitman’s tax breaks to rich and corporations and claiming it will come directly from the schools. “I don’t want to further enrich millionaires and billionaires.” Brown said. But, he told a half truth about the school money, there’s nothing in Whitman’s plan to take money directly from the school budget. Granted, when money is taken from the general fund it could impact school funding, but Brown stretched the truth a bit.

Later on Brown told another half-truth when he said that Whitman wants to suspend the state’s climate change law. Whitman came out this week against Proposition 23, the ballot measure which would all but kill Dan Logue’s Assembly Bill 32 because it would suspend it until the state’s unemployment rate drops to 5.5 percent for four consecutive quarters.

Whitman made a come back of sorts when she advocated the death penalty, which has always been popular with the citizens of this state and her “tougher laws” approach was good too. “I will appoint conservative judges” contrasts with old Jerry Brown’s record of appointing liberal judges, anyone remember Chief Justice Rose Bird? I do, she was a nighmare for law enforcement back then. She started a citizens backlash where people started asking for victim’s rights – Bird was focused on protecting the rights of criminals.

Whitman said Brown’s idea of creating green jobs to save the economy was a fantasy. She pointed out that only about 3% of the state’s economy involves conservation, she advocated helping businesses start hiring and cut through the red tape like Texas.

By the close of the debate both candidates managed to avoid talking about specifics on our budget issues and almost any other topic too. They were both engaging in party rhetoric and sloganeering. However, Whitman pointed out that state hired 33,000 during this recession and she said of Brown and the state’s budget…”Like putting Count Dracula in charge of the blood bank.” But, how much control does the Governor have over the budget? Not that much, just ask Arnold.

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Three Things You Should Know About Islam

The following is submitted for your consideration. If you have a rebuttal video or essay to offer us, we would be happy to post it here.


Sheep, Wolves and Sheepdogs

Courtesy of Mark…

This letter was written by Charles Grennel and his comrades who are veterans of the Global War on Terror. Grennel is an Army Reservist who spent two years in Iraq and was a principal in putting together the first Iraq elections, January of 2005. It was written and addressed to Jill Edwards, a student at the University of Washington who did not want to honor Medal of Honor recipient USMC Colonel Greg Boyington . Ms. Edwards and other students (and faculty) do not think those who serve in the U.S. armed services are good role models.

To: Edwards, Jill
(student, UW)

Subject: Sheep, Wolves and Sheepdogs

Miss Edwards, I read of your “student activity” regarding the proposed memorial to Col. Greg Boyington, USMC and a Medal of Honor winner. I suspect you will receive a bellyful of angry e-mails from conservative folks like me.

You may be too young to appreciate fully the sacrifices of generations of servicemen and servicewomen on whose shoulders you and your fellow students stand. I forgive you for the untutored ways of youth and your naivet. It may be that you are, simply, a sheep. There’s no dishonor in being a sheep — as long as you know and accept what you are.

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Obama Wants Expanded Spy Tools


Posted by Tina

We aren’t supposed to name them, although most of us know who they are. We aren’t supposed to call what we’re engaged in a war either, but apparently they have become (continue to be) a big enough threat to us that the President is demanding new tools to…errr…stop…ummm…them.

The Obama administration is developing plans that would require all Internet-based communication services — such as encrypted BlackBerry e-mail, Facebook, and Skype — to be capable of complying with federal wiretap orders, according to a report published Monday. – FOX News

And that’s not all…they want to watch all financial transactions now too!

The Obama administration wants to require U.S. banks to report all electronic money transfers into and out of the country, a dramatic expansion in efforts to counter terrorist financing and money laundering. Officials say the information would help them spot the sort of transfers that helped finance the al-Qaeda hijackers who carried out the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. – Washington Post

Wow! Remember the legal backlash when President Bush (see illustration left) used wiretaps to monitor calls made to parties outside the US from parties within the US who were suspected of terror (sorry) ties? The non-stop hoopla was horrendous invoking calls for impeachment. War protesters joined in the outrage with some left leaning city councils making declarations of impeachment from their town halls. Democrats from San Fran to Maine jumped at the chance to make political hay, instead of supporting the President in his efforts to protect American from…well…you know who.

Will the anti-war left have a hissy over this broad expansion of authority? How about you, do you believe the President needs this authority to keep Americans safe?


Poll Shows Prop 19 Out in Front

by Jack Lee

Prop 19 promises to legalize the recreational use of marijuana and voters say yes 49% to 42% according to the latest Field Poll.


If California is the only state in the world to legalize marijuana we’ll become a safe haven for drug exporters.

Imagine if Afghanistan legalized growing opium poppy’s or Columbia legalized cocaine. We would have a flood of product into the USA and a whole lot more problems in the world.

We already have a deadly serious Mexican drug cartel problem in California today with illegal grow sites in rural Northern California, just wait until we legalize pot. There is a 99% probability that those same cash rich cartels will buy large farms here for legal grow operations for export to the other 49 states where the demand and price are still very high.

This new legal money crop would be an irresistable incentive for them to send thousands of their cartel members north and organize farms. They’ve already compromised our national forest lands, but that will be small compared to the next wave if we legalize grow operations. And following this logic its not inconceivable competing pot farm operations would also be at great risk by cartels who don’t like competition. You see what the drug trade has done for Mexico and they are moving North.

More complications:
It won’t stop with legal marijuana grows, that will just be the begining of export operations – it’s always been that way in the past, yet some people think history won’t repeat itself. Really good chance that we’ll be exporting more than pot, like cocaine, heroin, crank, whatever sells, we’ll be in the perfect tactical position to export it from California and to supply our own users too. Cartels have no reservations about this and we’ve provided them a great start for developing new routes to others states.

Reality check: If Prop 19 passes the huge criminal problems that will follow will force the federal government to step in and shut it down.


If we legalized drugs in the US and then treat abusers as a medical problem that’s a whole other ballgame with good and bad elements. For one state to unilaterally declare a popular drug legal is blatantly unwise, but as reflected in the latest poll on Prop 19, California voters do not have a reputation for voting smart. We’re the most overspent, dumbed down state in the union – the perfect place for this proposition to win big.

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$500 Million for Security that Doesn’t Work

by Jack Lee

Jeff Birnbaum reported today that Homeland Security spent roughly $500 million bucks on a device that could potentially detect radioactive material being smuggled into the USA. The project was brought into question early on that it was unworkable and ill considered, however Homeland pushed it ahead before critics could mount an effect block. The device has since failed to live up to expectations just as critics had warned.

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