Freedom As Depicted in 1948

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Love Chico Event

From Peggy….

Wish I had thought of this earlier before I had to get ready to head out for the Love Chico event. Hopefully, I can pull together enough info for you to put something on Post Script.

Love Chico started 3 years ago with a handful of churches getting volunteers from their congregation to work of projects at non-profit sites in Chico. Today it has grown to 29 churches and over 3,000 volunteers.

We will be doing everything from painting holistic playgrounds at schools for the children, visiting with the elderly at assistive care facilities, clening and painting facilities for the homeless, cleaning up the “Party Zone” at CSUC and bike paths all over. We will also do badly needed repairs to the human shelter for animals.

We are all meeting this morning to work on our projects. (I’m making pink ribbons for the American Cancer Society.) Then at 12:00 we are heading down for lunch and a celebration service at the city plaza.

So, if you see us out there today say a prayer for safe keeping and join us next year to be thankful for our community and to “Love Chico”.

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Mr. President, Tell the Truth!


By Tina Grazier

During his weekly radio address President Obama said the GOP’s Pledge to America “promotes the very same policies that led to the economic crisis in the first place. It is grounded in the same worn-out philosophy: cut taxes for millionaires and billionaires; cut the rules for Wall Street and the special interests; and cut the middle class loose to fend for itself.”

Why does our President lie to the American people? Why does he invoke class envy and promote division? Are we not all Americans? And has the president given any thought to the fact that wealthy people are responsible for funding, promoting and growing the businesses that employ so many in the middle class as well as the poor? We depend on those wealthier than we are for the jobs we hold and the loans we acquire for our homes, boats, cars and small businesses.

I know, I know…our president has not had much experience in these matters. He was groomed and well funded by others for the position he holds. His education and life’s work prior to entering politics was dependent on government grants. The home he and Michelle acquired in Chicago was subsidized and made possible through Chicago style deal making. The President has relied on the wealth of Wall Street and the cumulative wealth of special interest groups in his political career but has never worked in the private sector. He lacks public sector experience. He’s old enough to begin to ask, however, so he is either terribly naive or he is wiling to lie for the survival of his ideology.

How does he think the money, the wealth, that supports the middle class, the poor, and government is generated? Surely he doesn’t believe the White House has a grove of money trees that will provide an endless supply of cash that he can shower on the people. Mr. President, wealth isn’t created by government. Government generates only spending and debt. The wealthy among us create growth, opportunity, and prosperity. So it is not the wealthy that “cut the middle class loose to fend for themselves,” Mr. President, that has been YOUR doing.

Here’s another news flash. It is true that the wealthy “don’t need” the money that you and your Democrat pals would take from them through punishing tax policy, but, the American people do need it. We need that money working in the private sector to create jobs.

Mr. President, with all due respect, your attitude and your thinking are all screwed up and you are killing America. We know that “Wall Street” didn’t create the conditions under which the lending meltdown and this endless slogging recession happened….WE KLNOW THAT FAILED DEMOCRAT “EQUAL JUSTICE” and “SREAD THE WEALTH” POLICIES DID…THERE IS YOUR “WORN OUT” POLICY.

Quit lying to us, Mr. President. You have two more years to clean up the mess you have made and right the great ship of American prosperity. Cut the lines that tether that ship on bondage to government and set the people, including the wealthy, free!


New Black Panther Civil Rights Probe Heats Up

Posted by Tina

The Washington Times reported yesterday on the investigation into allegations that the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division is guilty of “racialist nonenforcement of voting rights laws,” a charge that came to the fore in the New Black Panther case. The testimony is damning:

Friday’s testimony to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights came from much-decorated Justice Department veteran Christopher Coates, a hero of the civil rights legal community when he was a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union. “The election of President Obama,” he said, “brought to positions of influence and power with the Civil Rights Division many of the very people who had demonstrated hostility to the concept of equal enforcement of the Voting Rights Act.” ** Mr. Coates named names and gave numerous examples of how the division and its political supervisors refuse to enforce civil rights laws to protect white victims against black perpetrators. He said his supervisor, Loretta King, then serving in a political position as acting assistant attorney general, specifically forbade him from asking prospective employees if they would be willing to enforce civil rights laws in a race-neutral manner. Additionally, he testified that the department under Mr. Perez has refused to enforce federal law that requires states to remove ineligible voters – including dead people and incarcerated felons – from their voting rolls. Mr. Coates officially recommended a full year ago that the department enforce the law against at least eight states that were flagrantly noncompliant, but Mr. Perez and the Obama team ignored the issue.

Americans must be able to rely on the Justice Department to uphold our civil rights and voting laws. A justice department that engages in pay back justice will not further the cause of minorities and could potentially destroy gains that were made through blood and sacrifice. Heads should roll.


Dems on WMD’s & Iraq

Submitted by Peggy. Peggy we’ve posted the words before on PS…but it’s so much better in living color! Thanks for sharing.


Important Breaking News – Meg Whitman Opposes Prop 23

by Jack Lee

Meg Whitman- R come out against prop 23. This is the save our jobs initiative sponsored by Assemblyman Dan Logue-R. Both Jerry Brown and Whitman oppose Logue’s job saving initiative.

Whitman opposes Logue’s initiative, but campaigns like this, “I want great environmental standards in California but we cannot continue to lose jobs to neighboring states because we have the fourth highest unemployment rate in the country,” she says, noting that “2.2 million Californians are out of work. Let’s take a pause to make sure we understand the situation in which we find ourselves which is far more dire than when the bill was started..”

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Republican Corner: Budget Talk


By Steve Thompson, Chairman of the Butte County Republican Party

I wanted to give all of our readers a heads up that the CA State Legislature may very well be holding budget votes soon. It is rumored that legislators will be called to the capitol on Monday. In light of this I thought I’d spend a moment talking about the budget process and why it’s so late this year.

As you all know, the two houses of the California Legislature have to agree and pass a budget before it gets sent to the Governor for his signature. That means that 80 assemblymembers and 40 state senators have to reach an agreement. Both houses have democrat majorities and so the democrats, namely Assembly Speaker John Perez and Senate Pro Tem Darrel Steinberg, have the power to call for a vote on any issue. In California, it takes a 2/3 majority to raise taxes or to pass a budget, so republicans have more leverage with democrats here than on other issues.

As I mentioned, the democrat leadership in the legislature can call for a vote on the budget at any time. They could have locked legislators in the building way back in June and forced a vote, had they wanted to. Instead we are now in late September and we have broken a record for the latest budget yet.

The sticking points for this budget remain the same as last year. Republicans want to cut spending and Democrats want to raise your taxes. The state is bringing in less revenue than what it spends. Currently we’re roughly $19 billion in the hole. There is no possible way to close a gap this large without making cuts to program (entitlement) spending. There is simply not enough money left to pinch with tax increases.
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Chivalry Lives!!


By Tina Grazier

Feminists took to the streets several decades ago shoving men aside with jeering disdain yelling, “chauvinist pig!” It wasn’t long until chivalry quietly took up residence in the closet. Over the years men have adjusted. They have learned not to jump in when a woman is present and in charge even if she is being bullied. Sadly, in some instances, males even look away when a woman or girl is being beaten or raped simply because they have not been taught to be chivalrous. In fact men are less likely to stop bullying of any kind with the advent of “tolerance” and “anger management” adopted as preferable methods of training. For all the so-called gains women have made to become significantly equal in the public square their methods for achieving these gains have come at a great cost to our society.

You can imagine my joy when I saw an article featuring Governor Chris Cristie today. He was present at a political event featuring Meg Whitman. During an unfortunate incident chivalry stepped out of the closet and Christie boldly took up the mantle:


New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie got tough with a heckler Wednesday during a Los Angeles town hall meeting with California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman. ** Whitman, a Republican and the former CEO of eBay, was finishing her remarks when a man sitting in the front row stood up and began shouting. ** “What are you hiding?” he yelled. “You’re looking like Arnold [Schwarzenegger] in a dress.” ** Christie rose from his seat behind Whitman and confronted the man. ** “You want to yell-yell at me, but don’t give her a hard time,” Christie said as he came face-to-face with the man. ** “It’s people who raise their voices and yell and scream like you that are dividing this country, we’re here to bring this country together-not to divide it,” Christie added.

I like that! Christie took control of the situation as a gentleman would and put the bully in his place. The other attendees obviously agreed with him (follow link for video). We need to see more of that style of authoritarian leadership in our society.

I’m here to applaud such gallantry in men; it’s my hope that it spreads like wildfire!


Arpaio Gets Top Rating


Posted by Tina

As many of you know Sherrif Joe Arpaio has been under federal investigation for some time. He is being accused of racism in his professional capacity among other things. As the slow work of the justice department plays out we must wait for a final determination. I have no doubt that he will be vindicated in the end. Meanwhile….

A second federal audit of Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s jail fascilities has resulted once more in the highest possible designation:

The Marshals Service conducted routine inspections of jail facilities operated by the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office in September 2009 and again recently. Those inspections, separate from the Justice civil-rights probe, were done as part of agreements under which the Maricopa sheriff houses some of the Marshals Service’s federal prisoners. ** Mr. Arpaio’s department polices much of the suburban region outside of Phoenix. ** In the inspections, the Marshals Service gave Mr. Arpaio’s facility “compliant” grades, the highest mark, in all major categories, according to the September 2009 inspection reports. In another series of inspections this month, the Maricopa County jails received the same grades, Marshals Service spokesman Thomas Henman said. ** In particular, the Maricopa County facilities received “compliant” ratings related to prevention of discrimination against detainees, according to the 2009 reports.

Since Joe is a target of the far left’s racism bleat I thought our loyal readers should know he’s still on the job and still performing, as expected, like a professional.

I’m not sure we can say the same for the Justice Department, see here, here, and here.

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Breaking News CRA Issues Positions – A PS Exclusive

by Jack Lee

Last night Pete Weber, Vice Chair North for the California Republican Assembly hosted a meeting with Mitch Brown, South Butte County Chairman for the CRA. Mr. Weber announced the following official CRA positions on the California Ballot Initiatives coming up in November:

Proposition 19 NO
Proposition 20 YES
Proposition 21 NO
Proposition 22 No Position – abstained
Proposition 23 YES (Sponsored by Dan Logue)
Proposition 24 NO
Proposition 25 NO
Proposition 26 YES
Proposition 27 NO
