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Breitbart Confronts Protesters

I don’t think anyone expected this to happen…


The Civil War Has Begun Again in 2010 (No, not literally)

BY Jack Lee

In an effort to keep you abreast of what’s happening in GOP politics, here’s a little tid-bit… CIVIL WAR HAS BROKEN OUT!


That’s right, it’s a civil war between those beltway, establishment repubs and those candidates who won’t even use the name republican on their campaign signs..and this attitude goes all the way down to the grass roots. They would all sooner just call themselves conservatives. Have you noticed that? I have a lot of friends like that and I have to admit, I prefer to call myself a conservative than a partisan republican.

That name disassociation is interesting because it implies or reflects three general things starting with the dismal job the GOP has done in recruiting and backing core-value candidates. Next it is a reflection of the GOP’s performance when they controlled everything from the White House on down and last, but certainly not least…there is the Tea Party factor. This national movement has galvanized a resistance movement against bad government regardless of party affiliation and it’s ignited a civil war among GOP factions.

The Tea Party effect can’t be marginalized anymore; it’s opened a big door that refuses to be shut. Voters are flooding through it. The TP are recruiting and winning elections for all good candidates representing their belief (and reason for being) in sound economic principles. However, they have done far more than merely bringing attention to fiscal responsibility. It’s not stated anywhere in the Tea Party principles, but for anyone who has spent at least two minutes among them you will soon know there is a deep reverence for the core values that founded this nation and the Republican Party begun under Lincoln.

Civil war has broken out amongst the party ranks in the GOP and the grass roots are winning. They are going to redefine what the GOP can be and should be, even if it means losing a few elections to RINO’S. This is placing principles before partisanship, something I have always wanted to see and here it comes….The Civil War Has Begun Again in 2010! That statement (of fact) has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it?

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Employers Fleeing California

by Jack lee

This may be one of the shortest articles I have ever written, because the facts I have copied speak for themselves, nothing more needs to be said:

Abraxis Health, a unit of Los Angeles-based Abraxis BioScience Inc, opened a new plant that will create 200 jobs in 2010 — in Phoenix. This follows the company’s Phoenix expansions that occurred in 2007 and 2008.

Alza Corp. In 2007 eliminated about 600 jobs in drug R&D while also exiting its Mountain View, Calif., HQ. At the time the company said that its 1,200-person Vacaville facility will continue to operate. But the Vacaville Reporter on Oct. 23, 2009 revealed that the plant is being offered for sale by J&J, its parent company. It’s unclear if more layoffs are in the facility’s future.

American AVK, a producer of fire hydrants and other water-related products, moved from Fresno to Minden, Nevada.

American Racing moved its auto-wheel production to Mexico, ending most of its 47-year operation in California.

Apple Computer has expanded in other states, most recently with a $1 billion facility planned for North Carolina.

Audix Corporation relocated from Redwood City, Calif., and to accommodate growth moved to a 78,000-square-foot facility in Wilson, Oregon.

Apria Healthcare Group of Lake Forest is shifting jobs from California to Overland Park, Kansas, a K.C. Suburb.

Assurant Inc. Cut 325 jobs in Orange County and consolidated positions in Georgia, Ohio and South Carolina.

Automobile Club of Southern California placed 1,100 jobs in Texas.

Barefoot Motors, a small “green” manufacturer, moved from Sonoma and will grow in Ashland, Oregon.

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GZ Mosque – What Arabs Think

Posted by Tina

The Arabic online news service Elaph recently did a survey about the mosque at ground zero. The results:

58% of Arabs living abroad think the mosque should be moved elsewhere and when asked if Americans are bigoted or tolerant, 63% replied that Americans are tolerant.

(Link is in Arabic: Elaph)

The American media, of course, disagrees, believing that 70% of Americans that object to the choice of site are Islamophobic.

HT: NewsBusters

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Movie Review – Machete Rated R for racist

by Jack Lee

Warning: This is an ultra action movie. It’s long on gratuitous violence and short on plot and good acting. And that’s okay if that’s your thing. But, once again Hollywood has to weave in a political message that is bigger than the main character called Machete. The audience is hit over the head with the same old message until I’m wincing in my seat. Enough already…I get it, America is basically made up of just two camps, and they both oppress the poor Hispanics: Camp #1 is the filthy rich white bigots who run the drug trade on the border and exploit innocent hard working Mexicans on both sides and #2 is the insanely bigoted and stupid redneck types who are used by #1 to keep the hate alive and also help control the border inadvertantly for drug traffickers. These mean bigots shoot helpless Mexicans migrants just for coming across the border – and they do it for sport. (I think these shooters were supposed to be Minutemen, it kinda looked that way.) The shooters are always grinning and laughing as they gun down undocumented workers….which, as anyone in East LA will tell you, is really, really true too!

After only 20 minutes of this pro-open border propaganda flick it was enough to make the average person of Hispanic ancestry fantasize about shooting white people. No kidding, this movie validated all their fears, exploited them and their loathing about whites taking advantage of them. I can’t imagine what they (producers) could have done to make whitely look any more evil, unless they were shooting pregnant women…oops, no that was in there too…the shot a pregnant woman and some kid. But, don’t care about the message and you just want to see a lot of heads being lopped off, people being stabbed, watch a few nude scenes while you’re treated to seeing courageous, sympathetic Hispanic characters fighting for their honor and the right to survive against all sorts of filthy and evil rich white oppressors…. then this is your kind of movie! There are a lot of corny lines like, “The border crossed me, I didn’t cross the border.” It got so corny at times we felt like this movie was dark comedy. As they would say in the barrios It’s a weener essa’! Actually I thought it really was a weener, but not in a nice way.

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Mock the Tea Party at Your Own Peril

by Larry Kudlow

(Provided by Peggy with our thanks) This past week I gave a speech to a group of investors. The organizer of the event e-mailed me the night before, asking that I please try to be optimistic. Well, that’s my usual habitat. But optimism has been hard for me this year. Our muddle-through economy and lackluster stock market, challenged by so many taxing, spending, and regulating problems coming out of Washington, are the reasons why. In fact, until recently, I’ve been advising people to take profits in the stock market, rather than buy-and-hold. You should keep your money before the Obama IRS takes it from you. But following the tea-
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Lesson for a Sunday Mornin’


Smitty was a hard-headed farmer. When a flood hit the area, he climbed onto the roof of his house. A rescue boat came along but Smitty told them, “No, thanks. I have faith in the Lord. He will save me.

The waves got even higher and Smitty had to go to the very top of the roof. Another boat came by to save him, but he still insisted that the Lord would save him.

Then the water began to get his feet wet and a helicopter swooped down to take him away. But Smitty still depended on the Lord to save him.

Well, you can easily imagine what happened. Yes. Smitty was drowned.

When he stood before the Lord in the next world, he complained, “Lord, I had such faith in you. Why didn’t you save me?” To which the Lord replied, “What more did you want me to do? I sent you two boats and a helicopter.”

“It is by his actions that a man is put right with God, and not by his faith alone” (James 2: 24)


Can You Spot What’s Missing?


Posted by Tina

The following is a quote from a talk President Obama gave at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute on Friday. I’m sure you will recognize it as from the United States Declaration of Independence…but can you spot what is missing? It is an important group of words and hard to miss…probably something even a fifth grader would know. Are you smarter than a fifth grader?

“We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal….. endowed with certain unalienable rights, life and liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”

See…I know…what’s up with that?!!!

To be fair, he did end his speech with “God Bless America”. I just thought I’d take a shot as a little tribute to Dan Quail and GWB.


Medal of Honor Recipient Tells His Story

by Jack Lee

Note: The medal of honor has not been awarded to a living recipient in over 50 years.


In 2007 the US Army established it’s most distant outpost in the Korengal Valley of eastern Afghanistan. This is an area the army has since pulled out from because this is an area of relatively low population except for the Taliban and they were constantly exposed to enemy fire. There was no tactical or useful purpose to be in that desolate regioin other than to draw fire.

As part of the routine, platoons would patrol their perimeter looking for an elusive enemy. Staff Sgt. Salvatore Giunta (Jinta) was leading one of these multi-day patrols, serving as cover for a second platoon. The second platoon had descended into a small village to let the people know they were there for them, looking for Taliban. Giunta’s platoon left for a ridge line at day break. As the first platoon was moving up the hill side to get high ground they were picking up enemy chatter on the radio, known as ICOM, for intelligence communication.

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