9/11 Thoughts

by Jack Lee

On this day in 2001, 2977 people were murdered as a direct result of brainwashed Islamic terrorists motivated to do evil by hate, fear and Osama bin Laden. This remains an open wound for all of humanity, a reminder that madmen can still


manipulate fanatics to do their bidding. For Americans it’s more personal. We lost friends and family on that day and we were forever changed because of it. Our eyes have been opened and we’re resolved to fight to the death those fanatics who would kill us or kill any innocent people using their perverted interpretations of the Koran to try to
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by Jack Lee

This is from Chico City Councilman Scott Gruendl’s website: “Tuesday, September 7, 2010 – CHICO – Several local members of the tea party, under the leadership of council candidate Bob Kromer and his Treasurer Stephanie Taber crashed a Chico City Council meeting.

Truth: The several local members he refers too were 53 people. They were a mix of concerned citizens and Tea Party people who are also concerned citizens.

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(Special Edition) FEAR Verses FREE SPEECH

(Jack Lee)

SOAPS writes to PS, “The mere threat by a yahoo preacher in Florida to burn a book has struck fear into the hearts of American and world leaders. The response of our brave General Petraeus was most astounding. Imagine General Patton in the middle of World War II warning Americans not to say anything mean about Hitler, for fear of riling him up.

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Want to be a Terrorist? Extraordinary Rendition Awaits

by Jack Lee

You’re a Muslim terrorist walking down the sidewalk in my hometown, on your way to class at the local college. Unknown to you a white Ford panel van slows and stops behind a parked car. You look into western wear shop and think how absurd these
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Republican Corner: Two Wrongs Don’t Make it Right


By Steve Thompson

There’s been plenty of controversy and plenty said about the proposed mosque near the hallowed site of ground zero in New York. Now the pendulum has swung a bit with a Florida pastor who was preparing to burn copies of the Quran. Interestingly, as of this writing, the pastor has backed off on his idea after reaching an agreement with local muslims who will travel to New York and appeal for a change in the site of the proposed mosque. Cooler heads may yet prevail.

Still, the fact remains that both the property owners in New York, and the pastor in Florida, have the constitutional right to go forward with their plans. It’s legal to build on your own property (although getting more and more difficult, just try it in Chico), and it’s also legal to burn a book. Legally there’s no real challenge to either of them.

But sometimes there is something to be said for sensitivity to others. Building a mosque at Ground Zero is insensitive to millions of Americans who consider it sacred ground. Burning the Quran is likewise insensitive to millions of followers of Islam. Neither action would bring enlightenment or peace to our nation. Neither does any good for anyone other than to prove that they have the ability to do something that offends people.

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Whoa Baby! The ACLU Claims “Right to Life”

by Tina Grazier

“The right to life is the most fundamental of all rights” – ACLU lawyer Arthur Spitzer

If you were thinking after reading that quote that the ACLU has suddenly had an epiphany about the right of an unborn child to continue on in his journey through the birth experience and ultimately on to his natural death you’d be wrong. Instead this particular case involves the US kill policy and certain United States citizen terrorists that could become kill targets as a result of their involvement in terror activity.

Does it make sense that in times of war and under certain circumstances a known individual enemy might be targeted for assassination even if he happens to be an American? I can think of a few instances when that might be the only way to save innocent life or the lives of those serving in our military. So yes, it makes sense to have this policy in place in case an occasion arises to follow through on the order. The ACLU has a problem with this policy:

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First Stop the Bleeding

Posted by Tina

America is hurt and bleeding with people out of work, losing equity and savings and seeing little hope for the future. Turning our economy around, paying down our massive debt, and getting Americans working again have now become a monumental task. More
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Sneaky Legislation

NO on Prop 25!!!!! A tempting idea of withholding pay of legislators until they pass a budget with a nasty hook. Why?, because of the hidden agenda buried in PROP 25 called Simple Majority vote and with the simple majority rule replacing the current 2/3rds rule what to stop them from passing a budget on the first draft that is lop sided and paid for with additional property tax money you get to pay!

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2010 The Summer of Recovery

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If George W. Bush had doubled the national debt, which had taken more than two centuries to accumulate, in one year, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had then proposed to double the debt again within 10 years, would you have approved?

If George W. Bush had criticized a state law that he admitted he never even read would you think that he is just an ignorant hot head?

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