American Heritage – Ancient Wisdom


By Jack Lee

The above picture is symbolic of what has helped inspire our founding fathers and the prime author of the Constitution. The hope, faith and moral guidance behind that humble symbol saw us through a great revolution, a blood civil war and two world wars, and it is reflected in our Bill of Rights.

We’re now the greatest, most moral power in the history of the world and everything we hold dear, our principles, idealism and our convictions can be traced back to the foundations found in the Christian religion.

We’re only here because we had a diverse culture that united in common ideals thanks to Christianity. Many generations have been comforted and gained courage in times of great distress from God’s promise of salvation as found in the Holy Bible. And while there is room for many other religions here, none contributed more to guide this nation than Christianity. We owe a great debt and our eternal respect to ancient wisdom from a devine source.


Real Hope Means a Focus on Jobs


By Tina Grazier

The likely Republican Speaker of the House, should Republicans win big in November, is John Boehner and he is making a lot of sense. The end game is putting people back to work while making government smaller and more efficient to rid ourselves of debt and make America strong once again. Whew, that’s a mighty big task. The question will be whether the Republicans can get enough votes once empowered to implement those plans and then persuade the President to sign on the dotted line. As we have seen in the past two years getting something done in Congress is not easy, the founders wanted it that way, so we know going in that the opposition to Republican proposals will be fierce.

Larry Kudlow, reviewing a recent speech delivered by Boehner, quoted John F. Kennedy:

“An economy constrained by high tax rates will never produce enough revenue to balance the budget, just as it will never create enough jobs.”

Democrats don’t believe the words spoken by a man once considered their icon to be the truth. They chose to return to the Keynsian principle of spending to boost economies and now as the economy appears to be tanking again and joblessness remains high they are becoming desperate.

By nthe way, has there been an actual “recovery” or have we just been treated to wordy monotonous explanations followed by insincere media promotions in an attempt to prop up the hope and change we were promised? The average American has not experienced recovery. Instead we have witnessed exactly what was actually promised, government bent on spreading the wealth around and taking advantage of a crisis to pick winners and losers.

Given the likelihood of economic freefall heading into the elections, Democrats will likely propose letting the Bush tax cuts continue for a time. Remember now, these are the same tax cuts for “all Americans” that Democrats have said didn’t exist! Well, no matter, they may still be nutty enough to let tax cuts for “the rich” expire. If they do it will be a gianormous mistake. Money is power and “the rich” hold a lot of wealth building power. Power that when put at risk through investment would spawn new opportunities and jobs for everyone.

The Republican plan to get our economy growing again and put people back to work, as outlined by Boehner in his speech, wiould work because of three underlying ideals:

1. The American people, working, saving and investing, supply the innovation, power and drive that make our economy strong.

2. Government size and spending is out of control and must be significantly checked with government programs transformed and/or eliminated.

3. Our debt must be brought down significantly.

Thanks to the big government ideals that became popular over the last century, and with special thanks given to the “spread the wealth” plan of the Obama administration and his cohorts in the Democrat controlled congress, our already massive debt has exploded. We are currently experiencing an economic trap that will require a herculean effort over many years to escape. But if we can let freedom work, give power back to the people, and if the people are patient and vigilant, we will not only escape that trap but we will live to thrive once again. If Republicans do take power in November and are able to enact pro-citizen, pro-private sector plans we will see how real hope is made manifest. The rich, the middle class and the poor will begin to risk and invest again and that is exactly what is needed for business to flourish. The initial big payoff for the Americans people will be the abundance of jobs that follow.


Republican Corner: Fun at the Butte County Fair!


By Steve Thompson, Chairman of the Butte County Republican Party

Butte County Fair – Fun for the whole herd of elephants!

I spend most weeks on here writing about government waste, government abuse of people who are trying to make a living, and the evil democrats who gave us all this gigantic mess. This week I thought I’d write about something most people enjoy, the county fair.

The Butte County Republican Party has their booth at the Butte County Fair again this year, and tonight was my night to work the closing shift. I relieved Supervisor-elect Larry Wahl and his wife, Mary, and took over for the evening. Right off the bat we had some great visitors like Wally and Pam Herger, Owen Stiles (republican city councilor from Gridley) and my own Angela Thompson, republican councilwoman from Biggs. I was informed that last night we also had a visit from local republican Doug LaMalfa, and we’ve only been open two days now.

While on shift, I had a lot of average, every day people come up and talk to me. This was pretty good considering the fair seemed to be having a slow night. Most of them wanted to talk about the bigger campaigns, like Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina, two very exciting women who are likely to win their races this fall. Whitman is running against the crazy old man without a plan Jerry Brown, and Fiorina is running to take out one of the rudest and most anti-job democrats in the nation, Barbara Boxer. The people asking about these campaigns were excited, they really feel like this is a year of change and that we’re going to see our country turned around in November. At the same time though, they’re leery, and I don’t blame them.

Continue reading “Republican Corner: Fun at the Butte County Fair!” »


Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes Sweeps Nation Amid “Mosque” Controversy

by Chris

The heated debate over Cordoba House, the Islamic community center planned to be constructed two blocks away from Ground Zero, has now turned violent.

While many have voiced concerns that the project’s leaders may have ties to terrorism, and that the mosque may be used in order to further a violent, oppressive agenda of Islamist domination, the recent crime wave has in actuality been directed from those opposed to the community center toward Muslims themselves.

This week, vandals have committed a string of hate crimes against a mosque in Madera, just about an hour away from my hometown. A brick was thrown at a window, and menacing signs were left that said “No temple for the god of terrorism” and “Wake up America, the enemy is here.”

Fresno Bee

While the people behind these attacks (“The American Nationalist Brotherhood”) are undeniably extremists, whom most of the anti-Cordoba crowd would condemn, this is not the only recent incident of anti-Muslim violence, nor is it the scariest.

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by Jack Lee

Predictably… and something believed by almost everyone except Barrack Obama, just as soon as our combat forces began their withdrawl from Iraq the subversive elements have been flexing their muscles.

This week has been the bloodiest for Iraqi defense forces in two years. Subversives seem to be attacking at will. 12 locations were hit in one day as a demonstration of their power. Iraqi checkpoints around Baghdad were widely reported as being lax. Iraq soldiers waved cars through without spot checking anybody. They were observed to be standing away from thier weapons left at rest and they generally seemed to oblivious to any danger.

My guess is the current government won’t last 10 minutes when the last of our troops are pulled out and everything we’ve done at the cost of thousands of American lives won’t amount to zip. Lets hope I’m wrong, but I doubt I am.

On another front President Obama’s announcement of a US withdrawl date has been a huge moral boost for the Taliban, says the Commandant of Marine Corps yesterday. Wait a sec, did you hear that? The Commandant of the United States Marine Corps just said Obama has lifted the spirits of the Taliban enemy by setting a withdrawl date. Good thing he’s retiring or he would be another great military leader critical of Obama’s screwups getting fired.

Taliban attacks have been on the increase for the last 6 months….it started with Obama’s demand for “courageous restraint” where he authorized a medal for not returning fire when being fired upon, then there was the halt on air strikes and now this? Yeah, the Taliban have reasons to be real happy. But, I’m not.


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Obama’s Jobs Problem


Posted by Tina

This is what businessmen do when they are free to conduct business. For example, in the two decades of the 1980s and 1990s, the United States created 73 million new private sector jobs–while simultaneously losing some 44 million jobs in the process of adjusting its economy to international competition. That was a net gain of some 29 million jobs. A stunning 55 percent of the total workforce at the end of these two decades was in a new job, some two-thirds of them in industries that paid more than the average wage. By contrast, continental Europe, with a larger economy and workforce, created an estimated 4 million jobs in the same period, most of which were in the public sector (and the cost of which they are beginning to regret).” – Mortimer B. Zuckerman

Obama likes the European model…we need to stop this trainwreck!

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Republicans Propose Alternative to “No Budget at All”

3048-budget early-look-at-fy-2008-budget.jpg

Posted by Tina

The “party of no” just keeps on giving sound sensible ideas for economic recovery and increased opportunity for all Americans. This time they are serving up a budget proposal that would balance the budget by 2019. The Wall Street Journal has the scoop:

In one of the most fiscally inept stunts in many years on Capitol Hill, Congressional Democrats have taken a pass on enacting a budget this year. Legislators will just wing it and let the $3.6 trillion fall where it may and hope the public doesn’t notice a $1.5 trillion dollar deficit. But the minority Republicans have just presented their own budget plan and it’s a remarkably bold and honest document that involves big cuts in government spending over the next decade and a balanced budget by 2019. The GOP budget would be a Tea Partier’s dream come true if it ever were enacted. ** The plan, fashioned by Tom Price of Georgia, head of the conservative Republican Study Committee, reduces federal borrowing from the Obama baseline by a gargantuan $6.4 trillion over the next decade. Not bad considering that it also lowers taxes by $1.7 trillion more than the Obama budget by making the Bush tax cuts permanent. Spending reductions start with what Mr. Price calls a “reset” on spending for discretionary programs back to 2008 levels. That insures that “temporary” stimulus funding doesn’t get continued year after year. The plan also instructs the President and Congress to dedicate every penny of bailout money repaid to the federal government by the banks to debt retirement. – Stephen Moore

Find the GOP budget here which includes as part of its introduction quotes from Jefferson and the following statement by Representative Salazar (D-CO):

We believe it is time that we finally get our fiscal house in order. Today, we will restore the pay-asyou-go rules that were instrumental to the budget surpluses we experienced in the early 1990s. Pay-asyou-go budgeting with no new deficit spending is a key first step. This will reverse the budget deficits that are currently passing billions of dollars in debt to our children and our grandchildren.

Deficits have not reversed under Democrat control. In fact they have unnecessarily exploded! The ugly picture following more than three years as articulated in the proposal is as follows:

The National Debt: has increased from $8.67 trillion to $12.6 trillion–an increase of $3.93 trillion or 45.3%.

The Debt Limit: has increased six times. Since the Democrats took over Congress, the debt limit has increased from $8.965 trillion to $14.29 trillion–an increase of $5.33 trillion or 59.4%.

The Deficit: has increased from $161 billion in the last budget before Democrats took control of the Congress (FY 2007) to $1.42 trillion in the most recent fiscal year (FY 2009)–an increase of $1.26 trillion or 776%. The FY 2010 deficit is projected to come in at another $1.5 trillion.

$10.5 Trillion Deterioration to Nation’s Budget Outlook: The same month Democrats took control of Congress (January 2007), CBO, under then CBO Director Peter Orszag, projected an $800 billion surplus over the ten-year period FY 2008-2017. Today, covering the same period–including the actual deficits from FY 2008 and FY 2009–as well as what the President proposes in his budget for fiscal years 2011 through 2017, that $800 billion surplus turns into a $9.7 trillion deficit. This is a $10.5 trillion worsening of the budget outlook in three years of Democrat control of the Congress.

Whoa…did you get that? Democrats have been saying Bush left Obama with a big deficit but what they don’t tell you is that the policies that were in place when Democrats took the house, projected out to 2017, would result in an $800 Billion surplus!!!! (Republicans were not being as irresponsible as they were of being portrayed to be by both Democrats and the media). Democrats then follow that lie with another when they promise to “reverse budget deficits” and then proceed to add huge government programs and bureaucracies, spend wildly, and print money increasing the deficit amount by 776% !!!

Democrats have no intention of balancing our budgets! They have no intention of giving tax relief to American citizens and businesses (the backroom deals made with select BIG Wall Street firms and Unions is the only deviation). They have no intention of creating an atmosphere for growth that will put Americans back to work. The only intention they have is to spread the wealth around by gaining greater and greater control and power over both individuals and businesses so they can direct and manage the course of America unimpeded by the voices of her citizens. As much as many members of our society wish to tell us that all politicians are alike and both parties are exactly the same clearly they are not. There is not a single Republican on the planet that would govern with such underhanded and manipulative tactics as the current administration and Congress has. Heck, in years gone by there hasn’t been a member of either party that would govern so completely against the Constitution and the will of the people as this regime has.

Republicans do have sound ideas and policies to set America on a road not only to “recovery” but toward excellence and competitive growth. Republicans know that greatness, innovation, wealth anjd success derive from the energy and vision of individual Americans working in freedom. They know governments job is to support and empower the people to the benefit of all.

We can begin with a sound budget like the one proposed by Republicans or we can continue as we have been until America is brought to destruction and left in the hands of a few power elite…it’s up to us to decide.

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Wheeled Migration

by Jack Lee


Looking for a fun group that likes to get around and explore the country? Like to tour on a bicycle? This may be your kind of folk, check out Wheeled Migration. They are currently wrapping up a 4 day camp and ride to Grass Valley where the World Music Festival is ongoing. But, at various times throughout the year, they can be found cruising the back roads of Butte County near Chico and especially out by Seven Mile Lane. This is a popular biking road because it is flat, lightly travelled area, with lots of scenic beauty and there’s a great wildlife observation post sponsored by the State of California, part of the LLano Secco preserve.


From their site…”The Wanderlust Bicycle Tour! July 12-15, 2010, Three 30 mile days of cycling. Four nights of camping and local organic feasts! Three private site tours with tastings! Outstanding musical acts! Roadside performances! Lunch stops! Fully supported with mechanics & luggage van! Return shuttle service! One all inclusive experience en route to California Worldfest in Grass Valley! Not sure? Need more? This tour is still growing! Keep an eye here & our blog for more and more and more.”

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Republican Corner: It’s Time to Change How We Pay for Public Schools


By Steve Thompson, Chairman of the Butte County Republican Party

If anything has become clear for more and more voters, it’s that our current system of government has some serious flaws. I’m not talking about democracy, which despite its flaws still beats every other kind of government. I’m talking about the way we fund and participate in our government.
How many reading this actually know what our state budget is and where the money is spent? How many reading this could answer (without checking) the question of how much taxes you pay in a year? I’m betting many of you could remember how much of a rebate you got back, but not how much you paid. Is it any wonder so many people don’t care to vote, when they don’t really feel like they have a financial stake in the process, or skin in the game?
This week I’m taking a look at school funding in California. Before 1972 schools were funded by local property taxes. As you can guess, some schools were better funded than others. Being California, someone from a poor district didn’t like this and not only sued the state, but won. This state supreme court decision was known as Serrano vs. Priest, and it flipped school funding on its head.
The new law demanded equity and adequacy for all public schools. So the state legislature (you know how well those guys always do, right?) came up with a new system in which property taxes were sent to the state and redistributed, supposedly evenly, amongst all the schools in the state.

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