Hiccups Save Man’s Life


Christopher Sands tried everything from acupuncture to massage, and even an oxygen chamber to find a cure, but nothing seemed to work. Then his story was featured on Japanese TV. That’s when a doctor watching the program suggested he may have a tumor.

And it turns out that doctor was right. After several tests, an MRI scan showed Sands had a tumor that was pressing on part of his brain stem. Although the tumor was benign, without surgery, doctors believe he could have died within two years.

“I just dropped on to a chair and burst into tears,” he said. “I thought I was going to die.”

Soon after the diagnosis, Sands had surgery to remove the tumor.

“This is the first time in three years that I actually sense I’m getting better,” he said. It’s a nice feeling.”

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Arizona Bad – Sanctuary Cities Good….Mmmmm, I like it!

by Jack Lee


The Dept. of Justice will take strong legal action against Arizona, but they won’t sue sanctuary cities…whaaa?

Attorney General Eric Holder told the Washington Times: “There is a big difference between a state or locality saying they are not going to use their resources to enforce a federal law, as so-called sanctuary cities have done, and a state passing its own immigration policy that actively interferes with federal law.”

Holder is either a fool or an idiot or he thinks we are. His argument is absolutely wrong since federal law requires state and local governments to cooperate with federal authorities. Sanctuary cities don’t just refuse to use their resources, they refuse to cooperate on any level and this is obstructing, delaying and usurping federal authority. This is exactly what Holder charges AZ with doing, but AZ wants to help enforce federal law?

It’s clear that Arizona has been singled out for taking a stand against illegal immigration and sanctuary cities are being given a free pass for embracing illegal immigration. Did you ever think you would see the day such insanity permiates our government? The inmates are truly running the asylum….remember this stuff come November, will ya?

If you would like to support Arizona, please donate to its Defense Fund at KeepAZSafe.com.

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Will Our Rights Be Abridged?

Posted by Tina

The government takeover of healthcare and intrusion into our personal healthcare business is well underway:


New federal regulations issued this week stipulate that the electronic health records–that all Americans are supposed to have by 2014 under the terms of the stimulus law that President Barack Obama signed last year–must record not only the traditional measures of height and weight, but also the Body Mass Index: a measure of obesity. ** The obesity-rating regulation states that every American’s electronic health record must: “Calculate body mass index. Automatically calculate and display body mass index (BMI) based on a patient’s height and weight.” ** The law also requires that these electronic health records be available–with appropriate security measures–on a national exchange. ** The new regulations are one of the first steps towards the government’s goal of universal adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) by 2014, as outlined in the 2009 economic stimulus law. Specifically, the regulations issued on Tuesday by Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Dr. David Blumenthal, the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, define the “meaningful use” of electronic records. Under the stimulus law, health care providers–including doctors and hospitals–must establish “meaningful use” of EHRs by 2014 in order to qualify for federal subsidies. After that, they will be subjected to penalties in the form of diminished Medicare and Medicaid payments for not establishing “meaningful use” of EHRs.

Do we really want the government to decide what our BMI is based on height and weight alone? Some people have heavy bones and muscles and would not be well served by this formula yet the information would become law with respect to treatment. This flawed method of determining BMI could result in denial of care or force certain types of care. Do we want unelected bureaucrats in Washington making decisions for us and our doctors based on an inadequate formula?

The longer I look at the healthcare plans designed by these extrremist progressives the more sinister they appear to be. In fact I find these laws unacceptably intrusive and controlling, abridging our rights (and responsibilities) as free persons, and worthy of reversal.

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But, It’s Okay to Kill a Cop

by Jack Lee

E-R headline story today: Stacy Lynn Taylor, 23, was reportedly driving west on Interstate 80 near Sacramento when she suddenly changed lanes…this put Taylor’s car into the path of a vehicle driven by off-duty deputy Kelly Lynne Allen Lara, 43 who was killed. The Willows resident pleaded no contest Monday to involvement in a traffic accident She was sentenced to 150 hours of community service time. Compare that to the BART officer’s conviction of involuntary manslaughter, do you see any difference?

Clearly it was a gross mistake resulting in a death, just like the BART cop shooting. But, in this case the public is so compassionate and understanding when it was a cop that was killed by accident by a civilian. Heck, it was just one of those tragic mistakes give her a slap on the wrist. (And thats fine, but, nobody felt that way on the BART officer’s jury did they? No way.)

And the feds are now looking into trying the BART officer again under a federal law!!! Thats double jeopardy. Give me a break…what an outrage.

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NAACP Charges Racism in Tea Parties

Posted by Tina

CNN Politics

Washington (CNN) — The NAACP has passed a resolution that condemns what it feels is rampant racism in the Tea Party movement. Members passed the measure on Tuesday at the organization’s 101st annual convention in Kansas City, Missouri. ** Tea Party activists have swiftly denounced the action as unfounded and unfair. ** “We take no issue with the Tea Party. We believe in freedom of assembly and people raising their voices in a democracy,” Ben Jealous, president and CEO of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, said in a statement. ** “We take issue with the Tea Party’s continued tolerance for bigotry and bigoted statements. The time has come for them to accept the responsibility that comes with influence and make clear there is no space for racism and anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry in their movement,” Jealous said.

The NAACP bases its resolution on false charges that have yet to be proven with eyewitness video or media video as discussed on Sean Hannity’s show:

Rebuttals from Tea Party Supporters (Not Sarah Palin):

“I Condemn the NAACP: It Has Tarnished its Reputation,” by Jerry Brooks – Big Government

I condemn the NAACP. The NAACP was once a noble organization that did some real good with regard to bringing equality for black Americans. But this erroneous, viciously dishonest and seriously misguided resolution has tarnished the reputation of the group. It has also revealed the political ideology that has driven the organization for years. ** The NAACP seems now to be nothing more than another arm of the progressive political machine. This has cost the group its integrity. First, a leader calls a conservative black man who was beaten by union thugs an “Uncle Tom” — now this. Have they shame, honor or decency?

“I Condemn the NAACP: The New Black Panther Party are the Real Racists,” by Deneen Borelli – Big Government

I condemn the NAACP. Instead of criticizing tea parties, the NAACP would be better served denouncing the racist comments made by a member of the New Black Panther Party and its voter intimidation outside a Philadelphia polling place in the last presidential election. As a frequent speaker at tea party rallies around the country, I can assure the NAACP that the tea party movement’s concerns are about President Obama’s policies and not his race. ** I’m deeply concerned that the NAACP is being used as a political tool to do the dirty work of the progressive movement. I urge blacks concerned about the tea parties to read the Contract from America — a list of policy objectives for Congress that was developed by tea party members nationwide. These objectives are clearly about limited government and liberty. In fact, the NAACP should be very concerned Obama’s cap-and-trade energy policy will lead to higher energy prices and higher unemployment – particularly among poor and minority households.

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Jack, YES!!! We Need More Like Chris Christie

Posted by Tina

American Spectator

Chris Christie’s address to the New Jersey legislature giving his plan to balance the budget is one of the most astounding speeches and demonstrations of leadership I have ever seen. He may not blow you away with the Obama-esque perfectly-pressed pant leg that so impressed David Brooks, but he has the kind of leadership ability and determination that we could only pray God will put into the Oval Office.

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The Long, Hard Road Back from the Abyss

by Jack Lee

(Thanks go to my Tea Party friends on the Federal Committee for our conversation last night, you inspired this commentary)


In November Republicans have a good opportunity to recapture some Senate and Congressional seats thanks to unpopular policies like Obama-care, tax-hikes, wealth redistribution and failed immigration policies. And here’s the irony, chances are when the public gets fed up with the Republican failed polices, then they’ll get booted right back out too. The see-saw of power continues.

What is less likely to see-saw are the seats held by real conservatives like Ron and Rand Paul and it would behoove Republican politicians everywhere to learn why. For starters, they embrace simple Libertarian principles and they really mean it. There’s no going along to get along, there’s no selling out to special interests to raise millions for their campaigns, they don’t believe in pork barrel spending, kick backs, quid-pro-quo deals and a half dozen other things that moderate RINO’s assume is just part of the job.

There’s absolutely no reason to elect RINO’s, they are only diluting the conservative cause.

For others like the Ron Paul’s of this country, there’s no dilution, because winning isn’t everything. They would rather die than to surrender their principles. Voters can respect that, even if they don’t always agree with them. Voters also value their radical honesty and integrity because it is so rare amid the hypocrisy that is endemic in Washington. The voters know where these representatives are coming from before every vote in Congress and they can take heart in the trust and confidence that consistency engenders.

The message Republican’s must learn is, being the lesser of two evils is not good enough!

Republicans frequently proclaim the high moral ground of less government and then they regulate, tax and grow government. And to add insult, they hold press conferences and send out constituent newsletters claiming credit for “doing something” to fix a problem, even if the solution exacerbates the problem or is diametrically opposed to their stated philosophy. This does not foster trust and it won’t win future elections.

It’s not enough to rely on the misdeeds of the opposition to carrying Republicans into power; they must stand for something and follow through on their promises. That means they must embrace fiscal responsibility and stick with it. They must secure our borders – forget amnesty – enforce the damned law and drop kick those illegal sanctuary cities into the sunset! They must halt these wasteful, bureaucratic, socialist programs and unfunded mandates that have all but ruined European economies. And they better abide by the Constitution in all that they do or this go nowhere political see-saw will resume.

The bottom line: Republican’s must stand up for their principles to regain their credibility and their integrity – that’s not too much to ask in exchange for our vote, is it?

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Toyota Vindicated?


Posted by Tina

NEW YORK – The Department of Transportation has analyzed dozens of black boxes in Toyota vehicles involved in accidents blamed on unintended acceleration, finding the throttles were open and the brakes were not engaged, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday. ** That suggests that drivers of the speeding cars were stepping on the accelerator rather than hitting the brakes. The vehicles investigated came from a sample in which the drivers said they were braking but failed to stop the car before crashing, the newspaper said, citing unnamed sources familiar with the findings. ** Transportation Department officials declined to confirm the report and did not comment. Toyota spokesman Mike Michels said the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has not shared its findings with the Japanese automaker but said their own findings from investigations of unintended acceleration are consistent with the report.

We must wait for the official report to come out, of course, but if the WSJ is correct then Toyota was compelled by our government (and media hype) to recall 8.5 million cars because of driver error.

According to Toyota’s lawyer this ordeal has cost the company over $2 Billion including a record $16.4 Million fine to the federal government. A number of small businesses and dealerships were also effected greatly by this rabid political witch hunt for political show.

In future a bit of calm and adequate investigation would be wise before holding humiliating congressional show trials. The propensity on the left to target, demonize and punish without adequate information or proof is tiring and costly…yet another reason to toss the bums out. If these findings are accurate our esteemed Congress owes the president and owner of Toyota, it’s dealerships and employees, and all of the associated small parts companies more than a great big apology for their troubles, losses, and expenses.

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Billionaire George Soros’ Evil Global Plan


Posted by Tina
If they keep repeating that the Tea Party movement is a racist right wing kook fringe group loud enough and long enough maybe you won’t notice this:

“George Soros’ New Plan for Globalism and Crony Capitalism,” – National Legal and Policy CenterPosted by Tina

When George Soros invests $50 million to revolutionize the way Americans think about a certain issue, it would normally be deemed newsworthy. Not so with the formation of the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET). Three months after a summit in New York state last July, Soros pledged $50 million to INET, which promises “to promote changes in economic theory and practice” by “providing the proper guidance” to “the next generation.”

Despite its name, its philosophy is nearly a century old. The group blames the economic crisis on free market capitalism and promotes a return to the theories of John Maynard Keynes. INET hosted its inaugural conference April 8-10 at King’s College, Keynes’ school, and called on economists to “apply the same Keynesian courage and innovation” to ending the worldwide recession.

Continue reading “Billionaire George Soros’ Evil Global Plan” »

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How To Beat Your Wife the Right Way

As part of our multicultural efforts, we at PS are please to bring you this educational video on wife beating. Enjoy.

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