BART Shooting – Jury Says Involuntary Manslaughter

Breaking news: LATimes moments ago – The jury found former BART police Officer Johannes Mehserle guilty today of involuntary manslaughter in connection with the New Year’s Day 2009 shooting of an unarmed train rider, finding that he had acted with criminal negligence when he fired a single shot into Oscar Grant’s back at the Fruitvale Station in Oakland.

The Los Angeles jury reached its verdict at 2:10 p.m. today, after 6 1/2 hours of deliberations that began Wednesday morning when an alternate juror was seated to replace a panel member who had gone on vacation.

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Cap and Trade – An Economic Assessment


Posted by Tina

The policies of the current dictatorial regime contain elements that will make ordinary living more burdensome and expensive than ever. Healthcare is already raising both economic and health concerns. The new Cap and Trade is attracting similar criticisms. The bill will severely limit financial options and opportunities for every American. It will cause ever greater hardships for the poor and for those on limited incomes. It will cause unemployment to rise and some businesses to go out of business. It will make a select few very very wealthy and more powerful but it will do little, if anything, to change the C02 levels in the atmosphere. In third world countries this type of power and control in the hands of leaders is called oppression.

The following assessment is not pretty, but we at PS would be foolish not to pass it on. Whether we can do anything to stop this bill or not we should at least be prepared for what will come down the pike in the years following its implementation.

The “American Power Act”, a name chosen for its red, white, and blue appeal, is the new name for cap and trade legislation now under consideration in our Congress.

(Is the new name an attempt to recapture independent tea partiers deemed too ignorant to notice the ruse? If so don’t bother, they aren’t the dolts you take them for).

Read the following excerpt, then follow up with some research of your own, and let the ominous realities of this underhanded cap and trade scheme sink in:

“Cap and Trade is a Nation Killer,” by Alan Caruba – Canada Free Press

The Institute for Energy Research commissioned Chamberlain Economics (see here) to do an economic and distributional analysis. Here are some of their findings:

The American Power Act would reduce U.S. employment by roughly 522,000 jobs by 2015, rising to more than 5.1 million jobs by 2050.
U.S. households would face a gross annual burden of $125.9 billion per year or $1,042 per household. The costs would be disproportionately borne by low-income households and senior citizens

In July 2009, Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Olympia Snow (R-ME) introduced a bill to make the Commodity Futures Trading Commission the sole regulator of the carbon market that Cap-and-Trade creates. It is an independent agency of the federal government. Here are some facts the mainstream media is not reporting:

The chairman of the CFTC is Gary Gensler. Formerly employed by Goldman Sachs, he was nominated by President Obama.
Goldman Sachs is a part owner of the Chicago-based exchange where carbon allowances would be traded.
Goldman Sachs has spent millions of dollars lobbying for Cap-and-Trade legislation in anticipation of making billions at the expense of taxpayers and energy consumers.
Goldman Sachs employees are heavy contributors to the Democrat Party, giving it more than $4.4 million in the 2008 election. Barack Obama’s campaign received more than $997,000.

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The Immigration Debate in Arizona Expands

by Jack Lee


At issue is a State’s right to enforce the law of the land. The federal government claims Arizona’s new immigration law usurps the federal government’s “pre-eminent authority” under the Constitution to regulate immigration.

The Dept. of Justice says the Arizona law will “cause the detention and harassment of authorized visitors, immigrants and citizens who do not have or carry identification documents” while ignoring “humanitarian concerns” and harming diplomatic relations.

The Attorney General, Eric Holder, may have a difficult time proving his case as similar state laws have existed for decades without protest. Despite the many years those laws have been on the books, they never resulted in (1) the unwarranted detention and harassment of authorized visitors, immigrants and citizens who do not have or carry identification documents. (2) There has never been a case of ignoring “humanitarian concerns” and harming diplomatic relations either. This argument appears to be more fiction from creative assumptions than from a factual basis.

So what about usurping federal authority? Let’s examine this key complaint. Is there anything in the AZ law that would prevent or even slightly impede the federal government from enforcing immigration law? Not anything that I could find and California has basically the same law. In fact it looks like it helps gain cooperation with local agencies. Here it is, you judge for yourself, Penal Code 834b reads as follows: 834b. (a) Every law enforcement agency in California shall fully cooperate with the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service regarding any person who is arrested if he or she is suspected of being present in the United States in violation of federal immigration laws.

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Exercise Your Brain Improve Your IQ

Read Post Scripts, its like an online gym for your brain. The more you workout here the better your results will be. Our professional trainers, Jack, Tina and Steve, will guide you all the way on your path to a powerful mind and enlightenment!

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BART Shooting – Jury Still Deliberating

by Jack Lee

As the jury nears a verdict on the BART police shooting, one things become quite clear and it was a point I made during my analysis. That point was, what was the intentions of the officer at the moment of the shot being fired?

Here is a summary of the court testimony, judge for yourself: Defense Attorney Rains reminded jurors that two people, including a friend of Grant’s (victim), testified that they heard the officer say he intended to use the Taser shortly before the shooting. And the lawyer said at least six other officers have made the same mistake of firing a handgun when they intended to use a Taser. He had no reason and no apparent motive to use deadly force and this coupled to his statement that he was about to fire the Taser backs up the theory of an unfortunate accident.

There it is…this is where the whole case rests and how the jury sees it will determines if this was a terrible accident or a criminal act. By all accounts it appears an accident, but with a jury you never know. Ex-officer Mehserle, who is white, fired one round into the back of Grant, who was black and lying face down on the ground. The shooting, which was filmed by several witnesses, provoked protests and violence in Oakland. Officer Mehserle, who had been an officer for less than two years, resigned from the department about a week later.

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Civil Rights Voter Intimidation Hearing


Posted by Tina

Just after the last presidential election PS posted disturbing video showing New Black Panther thugs intimidating both black and white voters as they entered their official voting place. One man who witnessed the intimidation was a lawyer who had been involved defending blacks and the civil rights voter legislation of the sixties; he was appalled. A lawsuit was filed, the defendant’s failed to show up in court, the government won its case but then ordered the case dropped. The DOJ prosecutor in charge of the case resigned in protest shortly thereafter.

The United States Commission on Civil Rights apparently determined the case was worthy of investigation and held a hearing recently during which the prosecutor, J. Christian Adams, had a chance to tell his side of the story:

The Hill

In no uncertain terms, Adams noted that senior officials within the Obama Justice Department had told employees that they were not to bring voting-rights cases where the alleged victim in the case was white.

Fox News reports that Adams said this case was the “easiest I ever had at the Justice Department. It doesn’t get any easier than this. If this doesn’t constitute voter intimidation, nothing will.”

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Death by Stoning and Nukes

by Jack Lee

At first glance you would think these two issues are unrelated (death by stoning and nuclear missiles), but they’re really not. Read on and I will show you how they tie together.

President Obama said he will be pleased to open discussions with Iran in an effort to get them to stop the production of enriched uranium. That’s nice, isn’t it? Especially since President Bush refused to go there. That was bad, huh?

Bush steadfastly refused to meet with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and took a lot of flak for it. Bush called Ahmadinejad antisemitic and a bigot. Well, it is true, Ahmadinejad is a known holocaust denier and he has often vowed to wipe Israel from the face of the earth, but should that stop the negotiations over nuclear warheads, right?

How about the fact that his rhetoric is often matched by other Iranian leaders, and the Iranian regime itself has continued to sponsor anti-Zionism conferences and pseudo-academic lectures and exhibits questioning the fact of the Holocaust? Is that enough to shun them and call for strict sanctions on Iran?

President Obama has chastised Bush for his decision, but, exactly how do you have a meaningful and sincere discussion leading to cooperation with a President and a regime that sponsors international terrorism and preaches hate and bigotry? How do you sit at the negotiating table with vermin that stone women to death for alleged adultery? I couldn’t, and President Bush couldn’t either, but President Obama said he would. Ah, now there is my connection. How can civilized people seek cooperation with barbarians?


Sakineh Mohammadie Ashtiani, age 42, (shown left) is a mother of two, and she could be stoned to death at any moment under the terms of a death sentence handed down by Iranian authorities. This means she is going to be buried up to her waist with her arms tied to her sides. Rocks large enough to inflict serious pain, but not a yield lethal blow (not right off) will be selected and her peers will be encouraged to throw them at her until she is finally dead, but not dead too quickly. A lengthy sadistic torture is part of the punishment.

Iranian officials say this may seem harsh, but it is Sharia law and Allah demands it. They remind us that the woman confessed to adultery, so there is no question about her guilt. Her lawyer and children say she confessed after being struck 99 times with a whip that cut into her bare flesh with every lash. There is no other evidence.

Only an international campaign designed to pressure the regime in Tehran can save her life, according to Mina Ahadi, head of the International Committee Against Stoning and the Death Penalty.

Now lets revisit my original question – how do you negotiate with such people? Better yet, why would President Obama even consider having dealings with people like that? They are religious fanatics, backward, sadistic and medieval. This “moral” culture condones sodomizing little boys…and we should respect that???!!

They are ruthless bast$#@s, A-H’s every one – In a just world they ought to be subjected to the same sort of torture and misery they gleefully inflict on others. I DO NOT WANT MY PRESIDENT NEGOTIATING ANYTHING WITH AHMADINEJAD OR HIS REGIME, DO YOU?

Where are our professional protesters when we need them? Where are our feminists, our women’s rights activists, where? This poor women is about to be stoned to death in public! It’s time to march on the Iranian embassy, make some noise, do your thing like you always do, or are you afraid of offending Muslims?

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Should NASA Now Become a Diplomatic Arm?


Posted by Tina

“NASA’s new mission: Building ties to Muslim world,” by Byron York,Chief Political Correspondent – Washington Examiner

You’d be hard-pressed to find an American who doesn’t know that the “S” in NASA stands for “Space.” Since the race to the moon in the 1960s, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has been one of the most storied agencies in the U.S. government. Now, under President Obama, its mission is changing — and space isn’t part of the story. ** “When I became the NASA administrator, [Obama] charged me with three things,” NASA head Charles Bolden said in a recent interview with the Middle Eastern news network al-Jazeera. “One, he wanted me to help re-inspire children to want to get into science and math; he wanted me to expand our international relationships; and third, and perhaps foremost, he wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science, math, and engineering.” (emphasis mine)

Michael Giffin, former NASA Chief, had this to say:

“I have championed the use of NASA as a powerful diplomatic and inspirational tool for U.S. policy writ large,” Griffin says. “But the way NASA achieves those goals is by doing great things. NASA does those things that make people all over the world say, ‘Wow.’ If NASA is making people say, ‘Wow,’ then they want to be part of what we do. That’s NASA’s role — it’s to do those things that make other people want to join us.” ** “When I see reports in the media excoriating Charlie for this position, that blame is misplaced. It belongs with the administration. That is where policy for NASA is set. The NASA administrator does not set policy for NASA, the administrator carries it out. ** “This is not about personalities, it is about the intellectual content of the policy, which I find to be bankrupt.”

So the main focus for the head of NASA should be kids and diplomacy? What do you think? We’ve been using the space program to inspire kids to become involved in science from the beginning but should NASA Chief Charles Bolden be doing Hillary Clinton’s job? Is this shift toward diplomatic outreach a good use of our tax dollars for scientific advancement and space exploration? Or do you think NASA should continue according to its original scientific and inspirational mission, focusing on things like this:

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And Now A Message From Your Government:

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The Broke States of America

by Jack Lee

Will Rogers once quipped, “The public feels the same about Congress as when a baby gets hold of a hammer.” There has never been a time in our nation’s history when that quote seems more poignant. Social Security is broke; the FDIC is broke, same for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The heavily regulated Amtrak has never even reached break even, and Medicare and Medicaid are unfunded mandates that can’t even meet the demands of baby boomers. Now we’re going to add Obama-care into that pile of unfunded mandates? This is insanity.


We are broke! Our public debt is piling up at an astonishing and unrelenting pace. Middle-class wages have sagged. Unemployment is remaining high and by all accounts it will take many years to fully recover from the recession.

The Fiscal Survey of States,” released by the National Governors Association and National Association of State Budget Officers, estimates general fund spending will be approximately $45 billion less in FY2010 than in the year prior. The feds cut 11% just the year before for programs they have imposed and the states can’t pick up the slack. Since the beginning of 2010, 36 of our states have experienced major funding gaps – the red ink keeps flowing.

What happens when states go broke? Well, for one it exposes all the slick accounting tricks they used for years to create the illusion of a balanced budget. New York has been hiding their growing annual deficits by selling hundreds of millions of dollars worth in bonds and auctioning off key assets just to make ends meet. But, that plan always has a day of reckoning. Now New York is flat broke, nobody wants their bonds and there’s almost no more assets left to sell. They are desperate and looking to the feds for a bailout. The feds answer, print more money and raise taxes!

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