Toronto Riot Caused by “Vandals”

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Posted by Tina

Leave it to the AP, the source for much of the news on radio and TV, to come up with this headline:

Vandals mar summit protests in Toronto – AP

OH! GIVE ME A LARGE BREAK!!! That has to be the protest coverage headline of the decade. Tea Partiers would never be given this kind of soft glove, sweetness and light treatment even for something as innocent as a hiccup lacking an, “Excuse me!”…much less for setting cars on fire! Here’s a portion of the story…

TORONTO – Black-clad demonstrators broke off from a peaceful protest and torched a police cruiser in the financial district and smashed windows in a shopping district after veering off from the planned protest route. ** A group, dressed all in black, smashed the windows of a bank, a coffee shop and some stores before heading to an area where Canada’s largest banks are headquarted, smashing restaurant windows there. ** Police with shields and clubs earlier pushed back a small group of protesters who tried to head south toward the security fence around the site of the G-20 summit. Some demonstrators hurled bottles at police.

Gag me with a bulldozer! The rest of the article went on to extol the virtuously peaceful protest march held by all of the non-“vandals”.

Here’s another account of the day’s festivities:

G8 riots erupt in downtown Toronto,” by Etan Vlessing – The Hollywood Reporter

TORONTO — It wasn’t the G20 Summit pictures world leaders wanted as they gathered Saturday in Toronto for a meeting of major industrialized and developing nations. ** Canadian news networks offered non-stop breaking news coverage of black-clad demonstrators fighting pitch battles with tactical riot police in the city’s downtown core. ** As Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper wrapped the G8 Summit in Huntsville, Ontario, TV news crews followed masked figures in Canada’s largest city as they attempted to break through police lines and a security fence meant to shield world leaders assembling for the larger G20 Summit. ** As bricks and rocks flew, bank and shop windows were smashed and riot police donned gas masks and formed blockades. ** Projectiles were also hurled at production vans belonging to the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. and CTV, two TV networks with production headquarters within a stone’s throw of the security zone. ** There were also reports of news photographers being attacked, and their equipment damaged, as they attempted to take photos of the violent confrontation.

please note that many of the people protesting did conduct themselves with dignity

The lack of general coverage, at least in newsprint thus far, is unusual for these events…recalling the riot of newspaper reporting and 24/7 TV coverage on the G8 when Bush was president.

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Sunday Message


You are leaving port under sealed orders and in a troubled period. You cannot know whither you are going or what you are to do. But why not take the Pilot on board who knows the nature of your sealed orders from the outset, and who will shape your entire voyage accordingly? He knows the shoals and the sandbanks, the rocks and the reefs, He will steer you safely into that celestial harbor where your anchor will be cast for eternity. Let His almighty nail-pierced hands hold the wheel, and you will be safe. – Peter Marshall – Spiritual Portrait

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Saturday’s Tidbits and News

by Jack Lee

The Community Church on East Avenue. and Ceres, held their 8th annual Veteran’s Honor breakfast. It was nicely attended. Vets didn’t pay, but all others paid $4 and it was a good deal. Coffee, orange juice, sausage and pancakes…it was all good and a great event all around. I met Supervisor Kirk there and congratulated her on her victory.

Next up was car how over at Pederson’s Motorsports. A big crowd came to see the cars and raise funds for a Cancer victim. This time $2 bought you a burger or dog, chips and a soda…plus looking at all the nice cars. So nows its breakfast lunch plus live entertainment and all for $6. (Chico’s a cool place even when its a 100 out!)

In Saturdays paper there was somewhat shocking story about Butte Community Bank. Seems they are significantly under funded and the FDIC is ready to take action if needed. Their moto is Here Today – Here Tomorrow. We’ll see.

Well, that’s about it in Chico, so have a nice weekend everyone. I’m headed up to the lake so I won’t be back till Monday. Stay safe.

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Running in Tar


by Tina Grazier

Mark asked this morning what President Obama could do about the hole BP put in the ocean. I thought his question deserved an proper answer.

The hole itself can only be closed by BP and others with the expertise to get it closed. The damages must also be paid by BP and whoever else might be found to be responsible. Obama couldn’t prevent the explosion any more than GWB could have prevented the Hurricane Katrina. But the closing the hole is just one of two big issues that required a response following the disastrous BP/Federal oversight failure.

There is little that Obama can do about BP, although he and his cohorts in Congress have done a fair job at playing the big bad wolf, scolding BP, twisting CEO arms, and vowing to hold them financially accountable. Since BP has already said they would assume responsibility one can only imagine this action on the part of the President and Congress was more political theater than substantive, thoughtful effort. The President has the power to issue orders to fix failures in federal oversight but we all know that will only result in a lot of newly written plans, notebooks neatly written and typed with revised guidelines that will sit and gather dust on the shelf. A temporary state of alertness will fall on the employees charged with regualting safety standards but eventually, as it always does, the bureaucracy will quietly go back to sleep. In short, nothing of consequence will or can be be done at the federal level to “close the hole” or even to prevent future events.

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Conservatives Rising

Posted by Tina

The number of Americans identifying themselves as conservative or very conservative stands at 42 percent according to new Gallup numbers.That’s compared to 35 percent who describes themselves as moderate and 20 percent who describe themselves as liberal. The results are based on eight Gallup surveys conducted over the past six months. According to Gallup’s Lydia Saad: “The 42% identifying as conservative represents a continuation of the slight but statistically significant edge conservatives achieved over moderates in 2009. Should that figure hold for all of 2010, it would represent the highest annual percentage identifying as conservative in Gallup’s history. – Human Events

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Oscar the Bionic Cat

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Read the amazing story from the Mail Online (UK) here.

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World Turns Upside Down at G8 Summit

Posted by Tina

Who would ever have guessed 10 years ago that we would find ourselves here:

The G8 summit of the world’s biggest economies has opened in the Canadian capital as German Chancellor Angela Merkel prepared to defend European austerity measures in the face of growing criticism from Washington. ** German Chancellor Angela Merkel insisted that G8 members should start to cut their deficit immediately, despite fears that this could kill the global recovery. “It is time to reduce the deficits. Europe has experienced what it means to have too big deficits,” she told journalists on arrival at the summit. Merkel, as head of Europe’s largest economy, has led moves to slash spending… – Deutsche Welle

Imagine Europe moving toward the reagan conservative model while America plunges into the tax, spend and manipulate policies of the Carter era. Yet in all of the upside down madness there remains one unwavering constant:

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<blockquote<In a moment of startling candour yesterday, organizers of this week's G8 and G20 protests refused to condemn the use of violence during demonstrations, saying participants will "resist in ways that make sense for them." ** Syed Hussan, a spokesman for the Toronto Community Mobilization Network, told reporters gathered at the group's Queen Street West headquarters that summit security personnel can expect "different people taking different actions in the ways that they see fit." ** When asked if the group, a collection of grassroots organizations and activists, condemns violent protest at the two summits, Mr. Hussan replied: "No." – National Post (Canada)

And they, American leftists and protesting lefty thugs, would have us believe that they are the peaceful, sane, nonviolent people!

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Beck Introduces American Black History Rooted in Fact

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Posted by Tina

We’ve had a few debates over the last couple of years about textbooks and how they are written. Today I found myself at home in the afternoon and I happened to tune-in to Glenn Beck’s “Founders Friday”. The show featured David Barton, a Texas author and evangelist who’s book, “American History in Black and White”, suggested the topic of the show. Barton brought documents, newspaper articles, and photos revealing history about black leaders that has never been represented in our school books or even in many (most..all) black studies courses. During the course of his research he found many of the documents and pictures under a stairwell, tucked away and out of sight…for posterity, no doubt.

You can find out about these early black Texas/American patriots and the contributions they made at the Texas State Library & Archives Commission:

The right to participate in politics was hard won for African-American Texans. After emancipation, African-Americans were still denied the right to vote or to hold political office. It was not until Reconstruction of the former Confederate states began that African-Americans were able to register to vote and participate in political life.
During this era, three African-Americans won election to the Texas Senate (with thirty-two others serving in the Texas House of Representatives).

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Republican Corner: Know Them By Their Deeds….


By Steve Thompson, Chairman of the Butte County Republican Party

I have often wondered, and maybe you have too, at the intentions of those of the American Political Left (liberals, leftists, progressives, socialists, mostly residing in the Democrat party). On any given specific issue they’re often given the benefit of the doubt as to their intentions. It is believed that liberals have good intentions, even when the outcome of their efforts are disastrous. Contrast this to popular opinion about conservatives as having bad (or at least outdated) intentions even when the outcome produces positive results.

Time and again, liberal philosophies don’t pan out. Raising taxes stifles economic growth and leaves families with less money to survive on. Extreme environmental policies kill jobs and encourage illegal activity to go around the expensive laws, causing more damage to the environment in the long run. Public employee unions, once championed by leftists like former California Governor Jerry Brown, now run rampant and are bankrupting the state. Welfare encourages dependency on government and further seeds the entitlement mentality, creating generations of poverty.

In each of these areas it could be said that liberals had the best of intentions but couldn’t see where the path was taking them. They’re like early doctors who used bloodletting to cure fevers, often killing their patients. It seems like insanity. Why would they knowingly kill the economic engine that pays for their entitlement programs? Every business lost to our state means less tax revenue, which in turn means more teacher layoffs and less money to help those in need.

But what if this is too generous, and too simplistic, of an explanation? What if liberal ideologues really don’t have good intentions and actually seek the downfall of our country?

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House Passes Unconstitutional Campaign Finance Bill

Posted by Tina

Democrats are up to their usual tricks again, making backroom deals to pass legislation that would, by granting special advantages to some groups, give them an election advantage.

Before you leftists have a cow you should know NRA members on the right are pi**ed about the NRA’s participation in this monstrously unconstitutional piece of legislation!!! Politico has the scoop…(emphasis mine):


Overcoming opposition from within their own ranks, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) and Democratic leaders pushed through a controversial campaign finance reform bill on Thursday on a 219 to 206 vote. ** The DISCLOSE Act – Democracy is Strengthened by Casting Light on Spending in Election – will require corporations, labor unions, trade associations and advocacy groups to publicly declare their role in TV ads or mass mailings during the closing months of a political campaign, including where the money is coming from to pay for such activities. Foreign-controlled corporations and big government contractors would also be barred from paying for such political activities.
But the bill exempts the National Rifle Association, unions and other special interests from all or part of the legislation, which Republicans charged was the product of “backroom deals” and Democrats said was necessary to get the bill passed. Floor debate over the bill was heated, with both sides accusing the other of acting in bad faith and using the fight to advance their own partisan agendas.

According to Hugh Hewitt, who teaches constitutional law, the government cannot make laws that “pick winners and losers”…he goes on to remind us of the Supremes recent ruling regarding the first ammendment…”Congress shall make no law abridging…free speech”.

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