Payback? Hypocracy? Oil Money for Democrats?

Posted by Tina


Energy Policy: Our interior secretary plans to reinstate the offshore drilling moratorium struck down by a federal judge. But if deep-water drilling is so unsafe, why are we helping Brazil drill nearly three times as deep? ** Maybe Secretary Ken Salazar can explain why Britain and others can safely drill in the North Sea and no other nation has suspended its offshore drilling. ** Last August, the U.S. Export-Import Bank issued a “preliminary commitment” letter to Brazil’s state-run Petrobras in the amount of $2 billion, with the promise of more to follow. Why are we lending billions to a foreign oil company that made $15 billion last year? ** These taxpayer dollars finance exploration of the huge offshore discovery in Brazil’s Tupi oil field in the Santos Basin near Rio de Janeiro. Apparently there are no pristine beaches full of tourists there. Someday we may be importing that oil we’re helping Brazil get at. ** Has that letter been rescinded as part of the moratorium? Why are Brazil’s offshore fields safe but ours aren’t? ** The irony is that most of the deep-water rigs idled by the moratorium may shortly be snapped up by a Petrobras apparently undeterred by images of tar balls on Rio’s beaches. Petrobras plans to drill to a depth of 14,022 feet, a depth that makes our 500-foot limit laughable. Brazil is going big-game hunting, and we’re stuck in the petting zoo.

Wasn’t it Peggy (?) who reminded us that George Soros is tied to Petrobras. Hmmm…wasn’t there a great big hoopla made over Dick Cheney’s former associations in the oil business?

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More Government Bureaucratic Incompetence and Waste

Posted by Tina

A dollar here, a dollar there, pretty soon we’re talking real money!

New York – More than 1,200 prison inmates, including 241 serving life sentences, defrauded the government of $9.1 million in tax credits reserved for first-time homebuyers, according to a Treasury Department report released Wednesday. Treasury’s inspector general also found that thousands of people filed multiple claims or made claims outside the allotted time period. In all, more than $28 million was improperly doled out. – CNN

If it happens with this program it likely happens in all of them! More often than not these things are never discovered. How sick have you become, Mr. and Mrs. America, at having your hard earned dollars mismanaged, wasted, stolen and thrown down a rabbit hole?

Big government just doesn’t work! Big government Democrat policies are simply wasteful and wrong!

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Obama’s Choice Brings Challenges

Posted by Tina

From the Wall Street Journal:

“President Obama explained his decision to dismiss General Stanley McChrystal yesterday by noting that he had a duty “to ensure that no diversion complicates the vital mission” that American forces are carrying out in Afghanistan. Fair enough. We don’t begrudge the President’s right to make that call, and no one is better qualified than General David Petraeus to replace his former deputy and run a counterinsurgency.
The larger questions now are whether the President can exert as much policy discipline over his civilian subordinates as he has on the military–and whether he’s willing to make a political investment in the war commensurate with the military sacrifice.

Mr. Obama seemed to acknowledge the first point in his remarks yesterday, saying that he had warned his national security team that, when it comes to war strategy, “I won’t tolerate division.” We hope that message got through to Vice President Joe Biden, whose opposition to the strategy has been leaked around the world and back, and who was recently quoted by Newsweek’s Jonathan Alter as saying that “in July 2011, you’re going to see a whole lot of people moving out [of Afghanistan], bet on it.”

Continue reading this story in ““The wall Street Journal”

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Man, It is Really Tough in Gaza

Posted by Tina

Despite the abject poverty we are told cripples Gaza the good citizens do find ways to create activities for the children:

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General Petraeus Chosen


Posted by Tina

General Stanley McCrystal’s official statement following his resignation:

This morning the President accepted my resignation as Commander of U.S. and NATO Coalition Forces in Afghanistan. I strongly support the President’s strategy in Afghanistan and am deeply committed to our coalition forces, our partner nations, and the Afghan people. It was out of respect for this commitment – and a desire to see the mission succeed – that I tendered my resignation. ** It has been my privilege and honor to lead our nation’s finest.

Newsbusters has a video interview with Michael Hastings of Rolling Stone talking about the McCrystal article on Al Jazeera – English:

Michael Hastings, author of the now-famous Rolling Stone magazine article “Runaway General” that captured several gotcha moments resulting in Obama relieving General Stanley McChrystal of his command, appeared on Al Jazeera English on June 23. He offered some startling insight into Obama’s failure to grasp what he was actually getting into with this Afghanistan strategy known as the counterinsurgency strategy. ** Hastings was asked if McChrystal had perhaps gotten the whole strategy wrong, but Hastings explained it was the President that didn’t know what he was really getting into. ** “I think that ship had sailed last year,” Hastings said. “I think once the decision was made to do a counterinsurgency strategy, they had a pretty clear idea in mind what they wanted to do and I think this is quite interesting. I think this is one of the issues Obama didn’t really understand what counter-insurgency meant and when the military said they wanted to do a counterinsurgency strategy that that actually meant 150,000 troops. Obama thought he could get away with just sending 21,000 over and getting a new general.” ** Later in the interview, Hastings accused Obama of not dedicating a lot of his time into putting the counterinsurgency strategy (or COIN) in place. Instead the Rolling Stone reporter said Obama was looking for a quick way to fill a campaign promise with roughly a seventh of the troops needed to successfully implement the strategy.

Interesting. Now Obama has chosen General David Petraeus, a man he grilled when Bush was president as he took the opportunity to blame Bush for what he considered a wrong mission. Funny, it’s the same kind of mission he’s now adopted (and apparently refused to adequately support with boots and cash) for Afghanistan.

The alphabet media deemed Obama’s choice of Petraeus as brilliant…no surprise there. The Genral is a fine choice.

I hope this event penetrates the Presidents ego a bit and he can learn something from the experience. The job he has taken on requires more of him than he has been willing to give thus far. What will he do when General Petraeus gives him his assessment of what it will take to win? Will the President continue with his nonchalant uninvolved stance or will he be bold and give our troops the support from the top that they both need and deserve?

The President has done what he had to do for now. The most we can say is it’s a start.

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Medical Miracle Brings Hope to Damaged Eyes


Posted by Tina


Los Angeles – Dozens of people who were blinded or otherwise suffered severe eye damage when they were splashed with caustic chemicals had their sight restored with transplants of their own stem cells–a stunning success for the burgeoning cell-therapy field, Italian researchers reported Wednesday. ** The treatment worked completely in 82 of 107 eyes and partially in 14 others, with benefits lasting up to a decade so far. One man whose eyes were severely damaged more than 60 years ago now has near-normal vision. ** “This is a roaring success,” said ophthalmologist Dr. Ivan Schwab of the University of California, Davis, who had no role in the study–the longest and largest of its kind. ** In the study, published online by the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers took a small number of stem cells from a patient’s healthy eye, multiplied them in the lab and placed them into the burned eye, where they were able to grow new corneal tissue to replace what had been damaged. Since the stem cells are from their own bodies, the patients do not need to take anti-rejection drugs.

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Gay Marriage Cost

by Jack Lee

Both sides of this issue have spent about 83 million dollars opposing or supporting gay marriage last year. However, polling shows that their lobbying has not changed any opinions. Wished we had spent that money more wisely, like cancer research or something more tangible and beneficial.

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Deepwater Horizon – Freak Accident or Harbinger of Mega-Disasters?

Submitted by Mark

People keep acting like the collapse of the Deepwater Horizon was a freak accident that would never happen again. Michael Klare wrote an article, BP-Style Extreme Energy Nightmares to Come: Four Scenarios for the Next Energy Mega-Disaster

He writes, “On June 15th, in their testimony before the House Energy and Commerce Committee, the chief executives of America’s leading oil companies argued that BP’s Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico was an aberration — something that would not have occurred with proper corporate oversight and will not happen again once proper safeguards are put in place. This is fallacious, if not an outright lie. The Deep Horizon explosion was the inevitable result of a relentless effort to extract oil from ever deeper and more hazardous locations. In fact, as long as the industry continues its relentless, reckless pursuit of “extreme energy” — oil, natural gas, coal, and uranium obtained from geologically, environmentally, and politically unsafe areas — more such calamities are destined to occur.”

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FREE MOVIE – Truth About Global Warming

The Great Global Warming Swindle – watch the movie and then decide.

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Women Love Joran Van der Sloot

by Jack Lee

Joran van der Sloot, the 22-year-old Dutchman allegedly involved in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway in Aruba in 2005, as well as the confessed murderer of Stephany Flores in Peru, is boasting to a Dutch newspaper reporter that women ‘want’ him in spite of the fact that he sits in a jail cell for murder.

It was confirmed that Van der Sloot gets a lot of love letters from women all over the world, some make marriage proposals and even express a desire to have a baby with him. As far as we know, none have indicated a strong desire to have their neck snapped and left dead in hotel room.

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