Aloha Kawiki Crowley!

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Supremes Uphold Aid & Abet Laws

Posted by Tina

Those in support of the thugs that crashed the Gaza humanitarian flotilla beware! The Supreme Court just upheld our laws against giving aid and comfort to our enemies:

The U.S. Supreme Court did the world a great big favor yesterday in ruling that “no” means absolutely not in any way shape or form when it comes to providing supposedly high-minded assistance to designated terrorist organizations. You mean there’s such a thing as an altruistic means of supporting mass murderers? A group of self-styled human rights activists managed to breathe enough life into that amoral belief to force the high court’s consideration after 12 years of legal battling. ** A six-member majority of the court correctly recognized that Congress had solid grounds for prohibiting Americans from supporting what appear to be the lawful activities of a designated terrorist group because of the very real risk of abetting the organization’s nefarious aims. ** The law “criminalizes not terrorist attacks themselves, but aid that makes the attacks more likely to occur,” the court wisely found, adding: “The government, when seeking to prevent imminent harms in the context of international affairs and national security, is not required to conclusively link all the pieces of the puzzle before we grant weight to its empirical conclusions.” – New York Daily News

Read more here: “Roberts Rules – The Supreme Court upholds an important terrorism law,” By Andrew McCarthy – NRO

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General Stanley McChrystal Recalled to White House

by Jack Lee


President Obama is looking for a face to face meet with our top general in Afghanistan after the general allegedly said a couple of critical things about him a couple of members of his national security team. The comments were featured in Rolling Stone magazine.

In the article, McChrystal sheds light on many of his contentious relationships within the Obama administration. He makes disparaging remarks about President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan Karl Eikenberry, and National Security Adviser Jim Jones. McChrystal recalls how Mr. Obama looked “uncomfortable and intimidated” when meeting with our military leaders.

Mr. Obama went from zero military experience and education to commander-in-chief and that has resulted in war fighting problems. Since President Obama imposed the restrictions on returning fire when civilian casualties might be incurred our casualties immediately increased by 33% and predictably the Taliban began using civilians as shields. Gen. McChrystal also requested more troops than the President thought necessary. Mr. Obama delayed sending the additonal troops for almost 6 months, which has also resulted in more US casualties and stronger positioning by the Taliban.

Reports indicate Gen. McChrystal was often frustrated and angry with the White House when the Rolling Stone reporter was present gathering his story.

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Plan A Safe Vacation – Be Careful Where You Go

by Jack Lee

Many of us are planning family vacations this summer and we’ll be traveling to some of the most exotic and interesting places in the world. However, Homeland Security has a word of caution for you. Homeland says, please be careful where you go. Some popular tourist areas are not safe anymore. You or a family member could be killed or kidnapped, if you venture into the wrong place.


I’m not talking about overseas travel that is old news; we all know what big targets Americans are in some countries. I’m talking about National Parks…right here, right in America! That’s right, our own beloved National Parks, home of scenic treasures and natural wonders. In particular you better watch out in Arizona. There’s that word again, AZ, its becoming a front line in a shooting war.

The US Park Service has ceded control of thousands of acres to drug cartels, illegal immigrants and smugglers and narco-terrorists. Our Park Rangers are well trained at giving pleasant campfire talks, shoot-outs with drug cartels using machineguns, eh, not so good. They are out gunned literally and some park lands are overrun by bad guys and as a result are now off limits to you.

The federal government closed a portion of a US park in Arizona four years ago due to violence along the Mexican border. In October of 2006, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service closed a 3,500 acre portion of the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge. More recently we have surrendered another 80 miles of territory to the drug cartels that use this area for smuggling. So things aren’t going to well for us, no let me rephrase that in a more accurate vernacular, we’re getting our butts kicked by gangsters.

Mexican drug cartels are operating in large areas of southern Arizona, and in many areas out-right control the area. But, wait a sec, were we not just told that Arizona has no illegal immigrant problem and the federal government is enough to handle things?
And were we not told the only problem in Arizona is the cops who might profile a citizen and force them to produce some ID? And this is why the feds have announced they will challenge AZ law to protect you! Well, don’t believe it and be careful where you go, especially in AZ. Stay our of those national parks near the border and don’t hang out in Phoenix too long, because your odds of being kidnapped are the worst outside of Mexico City.

On the birght side, if you’re tired of driving around in your old family car, you can simply park it on the street in almost any border town in AZ and in about 10 minutes it will miraculously disappear…forever. However, if you park your family in some National Parks in AZ … you all might disappear…forever.

Via con Dios Americano tourista.

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Latest on U.S. Military Helmet

by Jack Lee


The US armed forces uses a PASGT type helmet made of layers of bullet resistant kevlar, similar in some respects to fiberglass. PASGT stands for personal armor system for ground troops .

The helmet is generally thought to be good protection against small arms fire, but in actual tests it barely resists low powered pistol ammo. We found that in at least one test, a .357 bullet passed right through both sides.

An upgraded version is available on the private market and it is advertised to withstand threat level IIIa, which only covers up to a .44 cal pistol round. Not many of those being used in Iraq or Afghanistan.


The helmet is not going to be effective against an AK47 round which is the most popular small arms we face. If the bullet approaches on an angle it is possible it could be deflected, but head on, its going right through.

About 4 years ago a rubber insert system (see black pads inside helmet on right) was developed to help absorb some of the shock from explosives and bullet strikes. This system has helped reduce serious concusions and deaths. The PASGT helmet weighs 3.6 pounds and costs about $320 with the padded inserts. It has been shown to be about 95% effective against small bomb fragments travelling under 2000 feet per second.

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Joke of the Week (PG)

Yesterday my wife asked why I didn’t do something useful with my time.

She suggested I go down to the senior center and hang out with the guys.

I did this and when I got home last night I told her that I had joined a parachute club.

She said “Are you nuts? You’re 65 years old and you’re going to start jumping out of airplanes?”

I proudly showed her that I even got a membership card.

Continue reading “Joke of the Week (PG)” »

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Mosque to be Built Near Ground Zero

by Jack Lee

Just two blocks from ground zero, where the once mighty Trade Towers stood, where over 3000 people died on 9/11 another new Islamic Center (Mosque) is being built. Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, who leads the effort, contends that the center with facilities open to all will help promote understanding.

C. Lee Hanson, 77, whose son Peter was killed in the attacks, said he opposed the center not because he was intolerant, but because he believed that building a tribute to Islam so close to the World Trade Center would be insensitive.

“The pain never goes away,” Mr. Hanson said. “When I look over there and I see a mosque, it’s going to hurt. Build it someplace else.”

Some New Yorkers have expressed concern about what they are calling the “Islamification of America” and that the Center is, “a shrine to the ideology that inspired 9/11.” They contend building a Mosque this close to ground zero is callous and ludicrous.

Imam Rauf thinks its time for the victims to move on and having a Mosque just two blocks from the Trade Tower’s site will actually help them.

This Mosque is sure to attract a certain kind of attention. And you know what I mean. I can envision the faithful coming from all over world just to see a Mosque located so close to where the Trade Towers stood and then smirking at the Trade Towers site.

If those who are behind this project think this location was good, then they would probably be beside themselves if it were being built on ground zero. Sure, why not, hey that property has been vacant for almost 10 years and I bet they could get a real good price for the land. A win-win. Maybe they could build two Mosques side by side? We might even invite Osama Bin Laden to attend the ribbon cutting! Hey 9/11, that was no big, what’s a few thousand muderers anyway? Let bye gones be bye gones.

For more on this story, click here.

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Two fun and free events….


06/26/2010 – 08:00 AM

Join us for a area-wide celebration to honor our local veterans who have served to protect our country. A day for everyone-enjoy it with your family. cost: Veteran – FREE; Non-veterans – $4.00. All military displays – free to all.

Program includes: Master of Ceremonies – Bruce Sessions, Introduction – Coucilman Larry Wahl, Special Veteran of the Day Presentation, Color Guard Presentation, Vintage Military Vehicle Displays, Veteran Displays (courtesy of local Veteran organizations). Breakfast served by Butte County Sheriff’s Pancake Wagon

Address: 1095 EAST AVE CHICO, 95926 (near the 7-11 on Ceres)
Phone: 345 – 4300


Petersens Motorsports 2961 Hwy 32 #25. Chico, CA (530) 343-5007

Bar-b-que and car show. Saturday, June 26th. starts at noon. Car show is FREE!

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A Tribute to Fatherhood


The task is a mighty one, perhaps the most important job a man will ever do.

It requires heroic effort and a strong constitution but fatherhood done well leaves a fine and generous mark not only a man’s immediate family but on the greater family and on many generations to follow. It is this heroic aspect of man that entices a son to venture forth and live:

“Henry James once defined life as that predicament which precedes death, and certainly nobody owes you a debt of honor or gratitude for getting him into that predicament. But a child does owe his father a debt, if dad, having gotten him into this peck of trouble, takes off his coat and buckles down to the job of showing his son how best to crash through it.”Clarence Budington Kelland

Isn’t that the quintessential picture of a father! A father is a man who buckles down, who knows what he must do and does the best job he can, moving mountains if he must. A good father is sturdy and true. He protects and provides. He defines the floor and the walls as he guides and directs but he also lets his children open new doors bravely trying new things under his watchful eye. A father’s love is a love to be counted on for discipline, safety, security, instruction, tenderness, excitement…and fun. Fathers have the ability to rise above the greivances and hardships of the day to offer hope and assurance for the future.


The measure of a father’s love is often mirrored in a mother’s face:

“The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.”Rev. Theodore Hesburgh

This, of course is where the romantic qualities in every man shine forth; the place where the tough, capable exterior quiets for a time to create intimacy. Children notice, appreciate and benefit from this facet of male strength. In this place is found great poetry and music, literature and art. In this place lies the passion behind a man’s love for his family but also for his work, his service and his favorite hobbies and sports.

In this place too is found the special love a man feels for his daughter:

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“There’s something like a line of gold thread running through a man’s words when he talks to his daughter, and gradually over the years it gets to be long enough for you to pick up in your hands and weave into a cloth that feels like love itself.”John Gregory Brown

No man can achieve perfection, but for all the dads out there who get up every day and give it their best shot we at Post Scripts thank you.

Happy Father’s Day Men!

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