Amazing Facts

I just wanted to acknowledge something that came across my desk today. It’s about a small group of people on this earth that seemed to have achieved quite a bit. This is especially noteworthy given their obvious challenges in recent history:

The Global Jewish population is approximately 14,000,000; only FOURTEEN MILLION or about 0.02% of the world’s population. Yet, they have received the following Nobel Prizes:

1910 – Paul Heyse
1927 – Henri Bergson
1958 – Boris Pasternak
1966 – Shmuel Yosef Agnon
1966 – Nelly Sachs
1976 – Saul Bellow
1978 – Isaac Bashevis Singer
1981 – Elias Canetti
1987 – Joseph Brodsky
1991 – Nadine Gordimer World

1911 – Alfred Fried
1911 – Tobias Michael Carel Asser
1968 – Rene Cassin
1973 – Henry Kissinger
1978 – Menachem Begin
1986 – Elie Wiesel
1994 – Shimon Peres
1994 – Yitzhak Rabin

1905 – Adolph Von Baeyer
1906 – Henri Moissan
1907 – Albert Abraham Michelson
1908 – Gabriel Lippmann
1910 – Otto Wallach
1915 – Richard Willstaetter
1918 – Fritz Haber
1921 – Albert Einstein
1922 – Niels Bohr
1925 – James Franck
1925 – Gustav Hertz
1943 – Gustav Stern
1943 – George Charles de Hevesy
1944 – Isido r Issac Rabi
1952 – Felix Bloch
1954 – Max Born
1958 – Igor Tamm
1959 – Emilio Segre
1960 – Donald A. Glaser
1961 – Robert Hofstadter
1961 – Melvin Calvin
1962 – Lev Davidovich Landau
1962 – Max Ferdinand Perutz
1965 – Richard Phillips Feynman
1965 – Julian Schwinger
1969 – Murray Gell-Mann
1971 – Dennis Gabor
1972 – William Howard Stein
1973 – Brian David Josephson
1975 – Ben jamin Mottleson
1976 – Burton Richter
1977 – Ilya Prigogine
1978 – Arno Allan Penzias
1978 – Peter L Kapitza
1979 – Stephen Weinberg
1979 – Sheldon Glashow
1979 – Herbert Charles Brown
1980 – Paul Berg
1980 – Walter Gilbert
1981 – Roald Hoffmann
1982 – Aaron Klug
1985 – Albert A. Hauptman
1985 – Jerome Karle
1986 – Dudley R. Herschbach
1988 – Robert Huber
1988 – Leon Lederman
1988 – Melvin Schwartz
1988 – Jack Steinberger
1989 – Sidney Altman
1990 – Jerome Friedman
1992 – Rudolph Marcus
199 5 – Martin Perl
2000 – Alan J. Heeger

1970 – Paul Anthony Samuelson
1971 – Simon Kuznets
1972 – Kenneth Joseph Arrow
1975 – Leonid Kantorovich
1976 – Milton Friedman
1978 – Herbert A. Simon
1980 – Lawrence Robert Klein
1985 – Franco Modigliani
1987 – Robert M. Solow
1990 – Harry Mark owitz
1990 – Merton Miller
1992 – Gary Becker
1993 – Robert Fogel

1908 – Elie Metchnikoff
1908 – Paul Erlich
1914 – Robert Barany
1922 – Otto Meyerhof
1930 – Karl Landsteiner
1931 – Otto Warburg
1936 – Otto Loewi
1944 – Joseph Erlanger
1944 – Herbert Spencer Gasser
1945 – Ernst Boris Chain
1946 – Hermann Joseph Muller
1950 – Tadeus Reichstein
1952 – Selman Abraham Waksman
1953 – Hans Krebs
1953 – Fritz Albert Lipmann
1958 – Joshua Lederberg
1959 – Arthur Kornberg
1964 – Konrad Bloch
1965 – Francois Jacob
1965 – Andre Lwoff
1967 – George Wald
1968 – Marsha ll W. Nirenberg
1969 – Salvador Luria
1970 – Julius Axelrod
1970 – Sir Bernard Katz
1972 – Gerald Maurice Edelman
1975 – Howard Martin Temin
1976 – Baruch S. Blumberg
1977 – Roselyn Sussman Yalow
1978 – Daniel Nathans
1980 – Baruj Benacerraf
1984 – Cesar Milstein
1985 – Michael Stuart Brown
1985 – Joseph L. Goldstein
1986 – Stanley Cohen [& Rita Levi-Montalcini]
1988 – Gertrude Elion
1989 – Harold Varmus
1991 – Erwin Neher
1991 – Bert Sakmann
1993 – Richard J. Roberts
1993 – Phillip Sharp
1994 – Alfred Gilman
1995 – Edward B. Lewis
1996 – Lu Rose Iacovino
TOTAL: 129!

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Republican Corner: County Chairman’s Election Report

By Steve Thompson, Chairman of the Butte County Republican Party

It’s customary for county chairmen to give their report after elections and their plans of things to come. Usually I would deliver this report in person to the local Republican organizations, but it doesn’t hurt to share it here with Post Scripts readers. In fact you can tell your friends you read it here first!

The first obvious congratulations goes to Larry Wahl for his victory over Jane Dolan. Of all the local races we’ve had in a long time, this was one of the most clearly defined battles between a conservative and a liberal, and local voters went with the conservative choice. Being a June election, Dolan didn’t have the heavy liberal student votes in town to skew the results (which is a good argument for having Chico City Council elections in June). The Butte Republican Party is especially proud to have played a role in Larry’s candidacy. We may not have carried him over the finish line but we helped produce a real ground game.


We were sorry to see Erny Spears not make it. Elections against incumbents never favor a first timer, but maybe Erny will come back in a future election.

Congratulations to Doug LaMalfa. He and Rick Keene ran tough campaigns and Doug won fair and square. The Butte Republican Party will give Doug our full support in the general election and we look forward to working with him as our new State Senator.
I’m excited about Carly Fiorina’s chances at taking out Barbara Boxer this year. Although Chuck Devore clearly had the proven conservative voting record (and was a fellow army reservist), Carly did really well with the Sarah Palin endorsement, and made it absolutely clear that she is a pro-life, pro-gun conservative who deserves our support.

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More on the Border Shooting

By Jack Lee

Update on the border shooting –

CNN -“Shortly after the boy was shot, Mexican security forces arrived at the scene and pointed their guns at the Border Patrol agents across the riverbank while bystanders screamed insults and hurled rocks and firecrackers, FBI spokeswoman Andrea Simmons said. She said the agents were forced to withdraw. Our agents on our soil were forced to retreat for their safety? Hmmm.

“It pretty quickly got very intense over on the Mexican side,” she said, adding that FBI agents showed up later and resumed the investigation, even as Mexican authorities pointed guns at them from across the river.’ No protests or condemnation was heard coming from anyone near the White House. Hmmmm.


(scene of shooting on left) T.J. Bonner, president of the National Border Patrol Council, the union representing about 17,000 agents and support staffers, said frequent rock attacks have the “capacity to inflict serious damage, if not death.” He said the agent in question is a seven-year veteran, Bonner said he appears to have acted properly. Bonner said U.S. records show the Mexican boy had been arrested six times on charges related to human smuggling or illegal entry.

The area in which the shooting took place is supposed to be a secure area. There is an 8 foot chain link fence on both sides and no one should be in that area except for police, so whats this teen doing there with those illegals who were trying to sneak across?

Of lesser interest to both Mexican and American news media was a shoot-out between rival drug cartels in the north-western state of Sinaloa that left nine dead, including six peasant farmers caught in the crossfire. That was on Saturday and I bet you never heard about it, huh? Then on Sunday: gunmen burst into a wedding in a small rural town in the southern state of Guerrero, killing five. Also no big, never even made the border papers. Monday: Hitmen targeted two people driving in Ciudad Jurez. The scene recalls the murder of three people linked to the US consulate 10 days earlier. And just yesterday, Mexican authorities say dozens of bodies have been recovered from an abandoned mine that became a dumping ground for apparent victims of Mexico’s drug violence. Six more bodies were found in another Cancun cave. They were all stabbed in the heart. And when an America couple was murdered in cold blood in Jurez 3 months ago, no comment of condolences came from Mexico’s president, there was no outrage and the media hardly made mention of it.

Why not write a letter to President Obama and let him know how you feel about this?

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Police Pursuit Audio Released

Here the actual police pursuit noted in the story below about Stockton, Hard Crime and Dangerous Police Work.

Click here to go to the site called Scan Stockton. Listen to the audio by pressing play button at the bottom of the story. CLICK HERE.

This began with one police unit doing a traffic stop. The subjects were armed and it was an incredibly dangerous situation. At one point the suspects tossed out a hand gun and drug paraphenalia. The high speed pursuit lasted 20 minutes.

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by Jack Lee


(A cell-phone video of the fatal shooting by a Border Patrol agent was aired Wednesday evening on news programs on the Spanish-language Univision television network. Courtesy Univision)

It is the second death in less than two weeks of a Mexican national at the hands of U.S. authorities. The ever violent and bigoted US border police have killed an innocent, unarmed Mexican national, but this time the American thugs crossed into Mexico and they did it for no reason at all! (or so the story goes.)

This is the story coming from Mexico and Mexico’s president Calderon is outraged and says they will take whatever action is necessary to protect their citizens. I wonder if this will include keeping their citizens on their side of the border? Mexican authorities say they have strong evidence that the US border patrol entered their territory. The evidence is a .40 cal. shell casing of the same type that US border patrol uses found near the victims body. But, video evidence indicates this was planted.

Mexican officials blame the shooting on blatant racism generated over Arizona’s new immigration law.

Shortly after the shooting Mexico’s federal police and soldiers responded to the scene and shouted insults at the US police. When FBI agents investigating the scene and attempted to search for evidence in the mud at the river’s edge, Mexican authorities pointed their weapons at the agents and forced them to retreat. A bystander told reporters the Mexican police said they would kill the agents if they attempted to cross the shallow Rio Grande River that divides the two countries.

Video evidence has since surfaced that shows the US police did not enter into Mexico. However, the video taken from the US side shows Mexican police crossing into the United States and recovered something on the ground and returned quickly to the Mexico side.

Very little on this story has been mentioned in US news up till this time, however now video’s have surfaced on the internet showing the incident from both sides of the border, the story has spread. The videos show three US border patrol agents on bicycles attempting to apprehend a larger number of Mexican nationals crossing into the US. One of the border agents is separated from his partners while pursuing the Nationals. He is shown holding down one National and attempting to control the other. His weapon is drawn and he is being pelted by rocks thrown from about 60 feet away across the river in Mexico. The agent fires several shots at the rock throwers. US law allows law enforcement to use deadly force whenever they or citizens are in an immediate threat of great bodily harm or death.


In today’s news: “Jurez Mayor Jos Reyes Ferriz demanded justice for a teenage boy shot to death by a Border Patrol agent in an incident that occurred Monday evening. A boy identified as Sergio Adrin Hernndez Guereca, 15, was shot by a Border Patrol agent in El Paso near the Paso del Norte international bridge. The victim was throwing rocks at Border Patrol agents, according to the FBI.

“It is crucial to clear up this incident and enforce the law, in order to prevent further incidents like this,” Reyes Ferriz said in a statement. Reyes Ferriz urged the U.S. government to hold accountable the agent or agents who shot the teenager.

“We cannot tolerate these kind of incidents, where people fight with rocks against firearms, mainly when there are National spotlight on border shooting well-trained agents involved in these cases, like Border Patrol agents,” Reyes Ferriz said. Reyes Ferriz said that the Jurez police are reviewing the videos about the incident, which occurred below the area known as Puente Negro, a favorite spot for smugglers.

“Watching those videos, we will be able to establish if Border Patrol agents are the culprit,” Reyes Ferriz said.

Mexican President Felipe Caldern strongly condemns the death of the teenager, the Mexican government said in a statement.

“Also, we express our deepest condolence and sympathy to the victim’s relatives,” Mexican officials said.

Today in the Juarez Times the story painted a slightly different picture of the dead 15 year old. “The uproar over the death of Sergio Adrin Hernndez Gereca, 15, intensified Wednesday with protests, vigils and an eyewitness video showing the deadly confrontation on the Rio Grande. U.S. federal law enforcement officials say Hernndez was among youthful guides who help “coyotes,” or smugglers, sneak undocumented immigrants across the border.”

This begs the question: Is Mexico the new Gaza and the US the new Israel?

News sources:

WSJ: FBI Probes Fatal Shooting at Mexican Border
NPR: Border Agent Shoots, Kills Mexican Boy At Bridge
CNN: Mexico asks for probe into teen’s shooting death by U.S. border agent
Bloomberg Businessweek: Mexico Demands U.S. Investigate Killing of Citizen
AFP: Mexican teen dies after bridge shooting by US Border Patrol

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Ambush at Sea – Israeli Response to Critics

Ron Yishai recounts bloody clash aboard Gaza-bound vessel: The lacking crowd-dispersal means, the brutal violence of ‘peace activists,’ and the attempt to bring down an IDF helicopter

by Ron Yishai


(IDF soldier shown being beaten bloody by so-called peaceful passengers)

Our Navy commandoes fell right into the hands of the Gaza mission members. A few minutes before the takeover attempt aboard the Marmara got underway, the operation commander was told that 20 people were waiting on the deck where a helicopter was to deploy the first team of the elite Flotilla 13 unit. The original plan was to disembark on the top deck, and from there rush to the vessel’s bridge and order the Marmara’s captain to stop.

Israeli Explanation . . .

Defense minister, IDF chief of staff and Navy commander explain, ‘We regret the casualties, but soldiers were in danger’

Officials estimated that passengers will show slight resistance, and possibly minor violence; for that reason, the operation’s commander decided to bring the helicopter directly above the top deck. The first rope that soldiers used in order to descend down to the ship was wrested away by activists, most of them Turks, and tied to an antenna with the hopes of bringing the chopper down. However, Flotilla 13 fighters decided to carry on.

Navy commandoes slid down to the vessel one by one, yet then the unexpected occurred: The passengers that awaited them on the deck pulled out bats, clubs, and slingshots with glass marbles, assaulting each soldier as he disembarked. The fighters were nabbed one by one and were beaten up badly, yet they attempted to fight back.

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“Classic” Docs Disclaimed


A small publishing company is under fire after putting warning labels on copies of the U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence and other historical documents. Wilder Publications warns readers of its reprints of the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, Common Sense, the Articles of Confederation, and the Federalist Papers, among others, that “This book is a product of its time and does not reflect the same values as it would if it were written today.” ** The disclaimer goes on to tell parents that they “might wish to discuss with their children how views on race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, and interpersonal relations have changed since this book was written before allowing them to read this classic work.” – FOX News

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More on the “Peace Flotilla”

‘Shut up. Go back to Auschwitz.” That was the response from the “peace flotilla” when Israel broadcast a radio message warning the Turkish flotilla that it was about to enter an area under naval blockade.

Sheikh Hussein bin Mahmud, a popular radio personalty for the Gaza area said: “Gaza does not want ‘freedom ships’ bearing blonde women with Muslim, Christian, Jewish and atheist men; it wants a naval fleet and a land army bearing black Islamic banners… Gaza will not agree to a cease-fire with the Jews. On the contrary, it is thirsty to drink the blood of the sons of apes and pigs, and it is hungry and longs to devour the body parts of these cowards.” Western critics of Israel often say that they are not anti-Semitic, merely anti-Zionist. No such distinction occurs to commentators such as Sheikh Hussein – Jews, Israelis, they are all “the sons of apes and pigs.” Read more on comments like this in the article titled, Latest on Flotilla Incident (see below)

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Stockton, Hard Crime and Dangerous Police Work

by Jack Lee

UPDATED 6/10/2010 (hear the police chase on video, go to end of story)

Today begins another wild time for the crime plagued City of Stockton. In the early morning hours 4 Hispanics in a mid-sized car fled from a traffic stop and took cops on a 10 mile long pursuit through a residential area and on to the I-5 freeway before heading into the rural county back roads. Police said during the begining of the pursuit objects continually flew out of the vehicle that


they suspected was possibly incriminating evidence.

Finally, after patrol units from the Stockton Police Dept., the Sheriff’s Dept and CHP cornered the occupants the driver called it quits and surrendered. Two of the occupants were arrested for burglary and outstanding felony warrants and the other three were released pending possible charges for possession of stolen property. The investigation remains ongoing.

Among the items police found along the pursuit trail was a digital scale commonly used for weighing narcotics and an expensive older 9mm semi-automatic pistol, possibly a war sourvenier. The serial number did not produce any hits .

Stockton police say their city is in a crime-wave and this comes when budget cuts are calling for 53 police officers to be laid off. Bad timing for the citizens, great timing for the criminals.
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Butte County Election Results

by Jack Lee


This years state wide elections was underscored by bored billionaires looking to buy elections. The Governor’s race was won by wealthy moderate Meg Whitman-R verses the solidly left of center old time political hack, Jerry Brown-D.

Lt. Governor – Democrat Gavin Newsom (SF fame) and Republican Abel Maldonado will face off this November in the lieutenant governor’s race. While Newsom led among local and state Democratic voters. Sam Aanestad won big in his senate district counties where people knew him, but he lacked the money to mount a credible state-wide campaign. So once again it was money, not talent that won the day. Aanestad is likely washed up in politics after he finishes his term as senator. He will be termed out of holding a seat in the senate or assembly. It’s too bad, because on the whole Aanestad had done a pretty good job.

Carly Fiorina-R, former Hewlett-Packard CEO also won in the race for a U.S. Senate seat and will have to face Sen. Barbara Boxer-D. Expect an very expensive race, Fiorina, like Meg Whitman, is loaded with cash.

Wally Herger-R won over challenger Pete Stiglich. There was a rumor that Wally was angry when Keene endorsed Stiglich and that is why he broke his tradition of not endorsing in a primary and backed LaMalfa. However, we have since had information come in that proves this was just what it was…a rumor. See comments from Pete Stiglich, he confirmed that Keene did not endorse him.

The big surprise was the defeat of Rick Keene by Doug LaMalfa for the Senate. Voters rewarded the man who said “He’s one of us” over the lawyerly skills of Keene. Is this the end for Mr. Keene? We doubt it, this is the first time he’s lost an election and I’m sure that smarts, but chances are his team is reforming and looking for Plan B.

Dan Logue-R will face re-election against democrat challenger Mickey Harrington. This is a republican district and short of a scandal Logue is going to be the sure winner.

In the 2nd Supervisorial race Larry Wahl trounced 8 term incumbent Jane Dolan. This has to be one of the biggest upsets in Butte County history. Dolan had been thought to be untouchable, but it looks like voters had enough of people who stay too long in politics. The 3rd District race was won by incumbent Maureen Kirk-D against first time candidate Erny Spears-R. Erny garnered 36% which was very credible considering his low budget campaign and this being his first election bid ever. I hope Erny will be back, he has a lot of potential.

Yes 13 Property Taxes and Seismic Retrofit of Buildings 3,200,194 84.5% 588,582 15.5%
Yes 14 Primary Election Participation 2,077,100 54.2% 1,761,410 45.8%
No 15 California Fair Elections Act 1,593,698 42.5% 2,147,745 57.5%
No 16 Local Electricity Providers 1,830,278 47.5% 2,015,297 52.5%
No 17 Auto Insurance Pricing 1,848,768 47.9% 2,004,410 52.1%

Other than the marijuana legalization vote that comes up in Nov, Prop 14 is the other big vote this year. Prop 14 changes the political landscape and not for the better.. It threatens to destroy the 3rd parties in CA. For years Californians have tried to do something to reform corrupt practices here and every proposition that passed was met with lawsuits that eventually reversed the vote of the people. I think Prop 14 was an act of desperation in a state willing to try anything, but this won’t help. You can’t kick out all the little guys (3rd parties) and think you’ve done something good for democracy.

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