Anatomy of a Failing Presidency

An article from American Thinker by Geoffrey P. Hunt

Barack Obama is on track to have the most spectacularly failed presidency since Woodrow Wilson. In the modern era, we’ve seen several failed presidencies–led by Jimmy Carter and LBJ. Failed presidents have one strong common trait– they are repudiated, in the vernacular, spat out. Of course, LBJ wisely took the exit ramp early, avoiding a shove into oncoming traffic by his own party. Richard Nixon indeed resigned in disgrace, yet his reputation as a statesman has been partially restored by his triumphant overture to China.

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Secret Ops Leak?


Posted by Tina

“US approves wider use of secret military operations on foreign soil,” by Rupert Cornwell – Belfast Telegraph

The US has authorised a sweeping expansion of covert military operations in the Middle East and Africa, aimed at destroying terrorist networks in the region, and preparing the ground ahead of any Presidential decision to attack Iran. ** According to the The New York Times, a directive called the Joint Unconventional Warfare Task Force Execute Order was signed on September 30 by General David Petraeus, head of Central Command and in charge of US military operations in the Middle East, Afghanistan and the Horn of Africa. ** Under its provisions units of the Navy Seals, the
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Changing the Landscape Obama Style

by Jack Lee

President Obama has an agenda, to forever alter the political landscape in this country, and one sure way to do that is through illegal immigration. He needs those new voters because Obama is a big government kind of guy and to make my point, nothing’s bigger than socialized medicine. And a further way to promote big government, and the control that comes with it, is to find people who are desperately looking to government for help. This would be the poor among us and nobody is more needy than an illegal immigrant.

Ruling over people seeking your help on bended knee is a lot more fun than ruling over people seeking accountability for everything you do.

But, President Obama might be a radical leftist, but he is no dummy. He knows he can only go so far before he begins losing votes from the great middle. Arizona’s stand on illegal immigration has caused the many in the nation to draw up battle lines and this is not good for big government, so illegal immigration has to be slowed, but not stopped and only until the heat is off. This also requires that wealth shifting be done incrementally by a slow ratcheting of the tax code. So for now things won’t be changing too much, but the long range plans are something else

By the way, the city of Sacramento is considering a boycott against AZ and the law hasn’t even gone into effect. On the plus side, Ohio, Georgia, Colorado, Maryland, Utah, Texas, Rhode Island and North Carolina are trying to pass their own version of AZ law, which is a copy of the federal law. The most recent polling shows that Americans by a 2 to 1 margin support AZ.

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Did you know….

…that the words “race car” spelled backward still spells “race car”?

…that “eat” is the only word that, if you take the 1st letter and move it to the last, it spells its past tense, “ate”?

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Republic vs Democracy

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A War That Won’t End

by Jack Lee

Have you been listening to all the posturing over the sinking of South Korea’s warship by North Korea? President Obama is telling South Korea, we’ve got your back and has authorized military manuevers near North Korea. But, what is he really saying? He’s really saying, if this leads to an all out war, then we’re in it too. White House spokesman Gibbs said, “U.S. support for South Korea’s defense is unequivocal, and the president has directed his military commanders to coordinate closely with their Republic of Korea counterparts to ensure readiness and to deter future aggression,”

I’m hoping the liberals among us are paying close attention now because this is such unfamiliar territory. This is your guy saying, if its war they want then it’s a war they’ll get. How’s that shoe fitting on the other foot, a little tight perhaps?

“WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama has directed the U.S. military to coordinate with South Korea to “ensure readiness” and deter future aggression from North Korea, the White House said on Monday.

The United States gave strong backing to plans by South Korean President Lee Myung-bak to punish North Korea for sinking one of its naval ships, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said in a statement. “We endorse President Lee’s demand that North Korea immediately apologize and punish those responsible for the attack, and, most importantly, stop its belligerent and threatening behavior”


(North Korea’s President Kim Jong-il’s billboard shown left) We’ve been warning you about a higher-than-normal potential for war between North and South Korea to resume and the tension has never been worse.

The situation can be summed up like this: It’s a clear cut case between a poverty ridden, jealous and isolated dictatorship, bent on revenge verses a prosperous democratic nation doing very well at capturing its share of a global market economy and trying to avoid war at all costs.

Whether it will truly come to an all out war is anyone’s guess, but time is not on the side of North Korea. They’ve invested heavily in a massive offensive military force, often at the cost of not feeding their peasant population. Since the hot war ended in 1953 North Korea has seen its old allies (arms suppliers) like the USSR collapse and even their partner-in-war, China has distanced themselves from the increasing hard line policies and provactions by North Korea’s long time ruler Kim Il-sung, He died from a heart attack in 1994.

Since his death leadership was transferred to his son, Kim Jong-il, who by all accounts, seems to vasilate between being [somewhat] lucid and rational to a meglomaniac that is completely off his nut, a real Jekyle and Hyde character.

Kim Jong-il has vigorously pursued nuclear weapons and has claimed to have actually developed nuclear weaponry and tested it on 9 October 2006. The West was fairly sure the test was successful, If it came to a hot war this could be North Korea’s hole card. There’s little doubt they would use a nuke and worse yet, possibly try for a first strike on South Korea’s capitol of Seoul. A nuclear strike on Seoul would be devastating almost beyond imagination.

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DC Students’ Magnum Demands


Posted by Tina

Most school districts in today’s economy are experiencing major cutbacks and finding new ways to economize. In Washington DC it’s…different:

Teens in DC were bummed that they had to ask the school nurse for their FREE condoms. It was embarrassing…like asking your mom or your grandma! The other complaint was that the FREE Durex condoms weren’t good enough…or BIG enough! (They demanded Trojan Magnums)

Naturally school administrators got right on it, snapped to, and have now made special accommodations for these very active kids. According to health officials and consumer advocates the less expensive Durex condoms work just as well as the Trojan Magnum but DC officials seem more than happy to give the little darlings exactly what they want. Who cares if it costs a few thousand dollars more every year…after all, it’s only money!

Any chance we can get these students to study as strenuously as they petition for condoms? I suppose we do have to make allowances for the fact that they live in Washington DC…the lobbying capitol of the world!

Reportedly, 3% of the residents in this district have HIV. That’s reason enough to encourage teenagers to use condoms. But with these rates of HIV, and the probable high prevalence of other STD’s, it’s pretty clear that DC folk are not using protection. I don’t expect the expensive brand will change that unhappy outcome much for these teens.

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History Repeats

Posted by Tina

We’ve heard it all of our lives and if we’re old enough we’ve seen that it’s true, history repeats itself. We study history in a vain attempt to notice patterns and avoid pitfalls that lead to disaster. We’ve been here before; teetering on the brink of financial disaster. What will we do? What can, or will, you do to help avoid another long depression?

Forewarned is forearmed so we can begin by being cognizant of the world around us and we can then compare the events of the day to historically similar times. Alan Snyder at Big Government sketches out a warning by dredging up the past. From the article, “Wittaker Chambers: The New Deal as Revolution” quoting Wittaker Chambers:

It was not a revolution by violence. It was a revolution by bookkeeping and lawmaking. In so far as it was successful, the power of politics had replaced the power of business. This is the basic power shift of all the revolutions of our time. This shift was the revolution.

Before the election of 2008 President Obama signaled his intention for the nation when he said he was going to “…stand up in this election to bring about the change that won’t just win an election, but will transform America.”

After two years I’m seeing a destinct pattern. Transformation by “bookkeeping and lawmaking” anyone?

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Mexico’s President Squirms Over Questions on Immigration

God bless the people of Arizona. Nailed to the cross by leftist activists and the U.S. and Mexican governments, Arizona continues to endure treachery and scourge from those with a self-serving agenda. Without a shred of empathy, attackers have wantonly launched yet another salvo from the flanks of Arizona.

This past week, President Obama, Mexico’s Calderon and the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency (ICE) hurled more spears into the chest of Arizona. These incredible acts formalize “The Great Immigration Conspiracy” of the century.

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The Pursuit of Abundance & Plenty


by Tina Grazier

Abundance and plenty are not all that is needed to sustain a healthy, productive and happy life. Money and things will not bring contentment; in fact they can make us pretty miserable without a strong moral fiber to keep perspective and grounding. The pursuit of abundance and plenty is necessary, however, if we hope to live in a society free of abject poverty, misery and despair. Wealth, and the opulence and extravagance of privilege, is the exclusive fortune of royalty, elites, dictators and tyrants in many countries around the world. In America, when freedom and property rights are assured, wealth can be acquired by anyone with the gumption and dedication to make it happen. Others with less ambition achieve prosperity and the life they desire depending on personal effort and wise management of resources and earnings.The beauty of the American system is that the pursuit of abundance and plenty creates greater prosperity for all.

In our parents and grandparents America the blessing of freedom, coupled with the ideals they held dear, served to open the door of opportunity and plenty following an unnecessary depression and an unavoidable war. As the nation prospered abundance, if not wealth, was soon readily available to nearly everyone. The price paid for this good fortune was a level of dedication, discipline and moral fiber that few in our own time ever experience. It required a hearty spirit and a strong desire to participate and contribute.

Freedom, as we are currently discovering, demands constant vigilance. Morals and values must be maintained and passed on to be kept alive and working in society. The rewards of such vigilance offer a return on the investment of a healthy and vibrant society. In the past half century we have managed to trash the ideals our parents lived by and squander the blessings of abundance that flowed from their dedication leaving us in a horrific financial and social mess. Can we learn from our mistakes? Will we relearn and teach the ideals that are vital to our survival, health, and happiness or will we slide into third world misery?

Some Americans believe that our troubles can be laid at the feet of a corrupt corporate world. They speak of the “haves” and “have-nots” with the haves taking more and more without sufficiently sharing or giving back. Higher taxes and more government control, oversight, and distribution are the solutions they say will reverse this unfair dynamic and cure our financial woes. “Take from the rich” and “spread the wealth around” have become the rallying cries to stir the masses in support of these notions and fixes. But corporate owners and investors are not the takers of society; they are the producers. They are the risk takers that create opportunity for others. They spread not only wealth through our society but the opportunity to work and experience the dignity of providing for one’s own needs and wants. If managed properly and carefully, this opportunity can make it possible for anyone to grow rich beyond their own expectations.

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