Two Choices – What Would You Do?

What would you do?….you make the choice. Don’t look for a punch line, there isn’t one. Read it anyway. My question is: Would you have made the same choice?

At a fundraising dinner for a school that serves children with learning disabilities, the father of one of the students delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by all who attended. After extolling the school and its dedicated staff, he offered a question:

‘When not interfered with by outside influences, everything nature does, is done with perfection.

Yet my son, Shay, cannot learn things as other children do. He cannot understand things as other children do.

Where is the natural order of things in my son?’

The audience was stilled by the query.

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2002 Memo Supports Arizona Immigration Law

Posted by Tina

“Memo from 2002 could complicate challenge of Arizona immigration law,” by Jerry Markon – Washington Post

In the legal battle over Arizona’s new immigration law, an ironic subtext has emerged: whether a Bush-era legal opinion complicates a potential Obama administration lawsuit against Arizona. ** The document, written in 2002 by the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel, concluded that state police officers have “inherent power” to arrest undocumented immigrants for violating federal law. It was issued by Jay S. Bybee, who also helped write controversial memos from the same era that sanctioned harsh interrogation of terrorism suspects. ** The author of the Arizona law — which has drawn strong opposition from top Obama administration officials — has cited the authority granted in the 2002 memo as a basis for the legislation. The Obama administration has not withdrawn the memo, and some backers of the Arizona law said Monday that because it remains in place, a Justice Department lawsuit against Arizona would be awkward at best.

UPDATE on Arizona Los Angeles Feud:

The spat over Arizona’s new immigration expanded Tuesday as a state official dared the city of Los Angeles to follow through on its new boycott by agreeing to give up the 25 percent of electricity that city gets from Arizona sources. In a letter to Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigos, Arizona Corporation Commissioner Gary Pierce said a boycott war is bad for both sides, and said he would “be happy to encourage Arizona utilities to renegotiate your power agreements” to end the electricity flowing to Los Angeles. – Washington Times

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Arizona Affirms – Business Not Required to Provide Interpreters

Posted by Tina

“Arizona passes law banning multilingual requirement for businesses,” by Ethel C. Fenig – American Thinker

Arizona did it again! Fresh from signing a law that reinforces a federal law giving police the right to ask a person stopped by police for an unrelated matter to produce papers proving the right to be legally in the US, followed by a law banning schools from teaching minority/ethnic studies courses advocating separatism, group superiority and subversion of this country, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer (R) signed legislation affirming that nothing in state law requires businesses to provide “trained and competent” interpreters when a customer comes in speaking a language other than English. Assistant Attorney General Michael Walker said that has probably always been the law. ** If it was always the law, why the need for this law? Because of a lawsuit of course. A unilingual Spanish speaking woman in Arizona was treated by a unilingual English speaking optometrist in his Arizona office. The woman’s underage 12 year old daughter offered to be the interpreter; fearing legal, insurance and medical problems if the child misunderstood the optometrist refused, asking the mother and child to return with an English speaker over 18 or alternatively, visit some Spanish speaking optometrists. Instead, the Spanish speaker, whether legally in this country or not, understood enough of this country to file a discrimination suit against the English speaking optometrist. Refusing to settle, the optometrist finally won after the Arizona Attorney General took a year to decide no laws had been broken.

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Mainstream Media Somehow Missed This

by Michelle Malkin

May Day Protests: They came, they saw, they threatened or committed violence in the name of open borders and workers’ rights. But alas, Frank Rich and Paul Krugman’s columns decrying the insane rage and hate of the May Day angry mob got lost in the mail.

In Santa Cruz, they carried torches and vandalized at least 18 businesses:

Downtown business owners spent Sunday repairing shattered windows and doors after a May Day rally Saturday night turned into a riot with approximately 250 people marching along Pacific Avenue, some carrying makeshift torches, throwing large rocks and paint bombs, and spray-painting walls with graffiti.

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Posted by Jack Lee

Augustin Cebada, Brown Berets; “Go back to Boston! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old white people. It is your duty to die . . Through love of having children, we are going to take over.

Richard Alatorre, Los Angeles City Council. “They’re afraid we’re going to take over the governmental institutions and other institutions. They’re right. We will take them over . . . We are here to stay.”

Excelsior, the national newspaper of Mexico, “The American Southwest seems to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico without firing a single shot.”

Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, University of Texas; “We have an aging white America. They are not making babies. They are dying. The explosion is in our population . . . I love it. They are shi- -ing in their pants with fear. I love it.”

Art Torres, former Chairman of the California Democratic Party 1995-2009, “Remember 187–proposition to deny taxpayer funds for services to non-citizens–was the last gasp of white America in California.” We identified him, we told you what he said and where he said it. YET HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE AND ALL OF THE MEDIA IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA KNEW ABOUT THOSE WORDS AND THEY SAID NOTHING?AND THE DEMOCRATS MADE HIM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE CALIFORNIA DEMOCRAT PARTY. DOES THIS TELL YOU ANYTHING about what is going wrong here?

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The Stats are out for April

1. Post Scripts (22,505) (Thank you dear readers!!!! )
2. Chico, Sustainable (12,637)
3. Commission Impossible (9,937)
4. Those Amazing Birds (7,990)
5. Editorial Bored (2,080)

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Lost Generation

Click to be amazed.

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Sexualizing Little Girls in America

by Jack Lee


Maybe you have seen the “Tots with Tiaras” beauty pageant? Its how Jon Benet’ Ramsey started out, heavy makeup on 3 and 4 year olds to make them look like small adults. How about the latest video to hit the net, where 8 year old girls gyrate to a sexually suggestive dance routine?

Decked out in their midriff-baring tops and hot pants, the little girls earned whoops and shouts of praise for their moves by proud parents. But when confronted about the sexual nature of the dancing, the same parents say video was taken out of context and wasn’t intended to go viral, as if that makes it okay.

This exhibition of sexed up little girls has turned into an Internet firestorm — the dancers gyrating on a Los Angeles stage to Beyonce’s “All the Single Ladies” were as young as 8. The girls’ parents defended their daughters’ performance at the World of Dance, billed as the largest U.S. urban dance competition, saying their daughters’ moves and outfits were appropriate for competition. And what competition would that be? The I want my little girl to dress up like a whore and hump on stage competition? If that was it then yes, it was a huge success!

“This is taken completely out of context,” Cory Miller, father of one of the girls, told “Good Morning America” today. “The girls weren’t meant to be viewed by millions of people.” Again, how does this make any difference? These little girls were dress up like hookers and made to do sexually suggestive dancing to the cheers of perves and idiots.

Judge it for yourself folks; I think these competitions are sick. If viewed by our enemies like the Taliban or Al Qeada, it must be confirmation that we really are a decadent society in need of killing. Click this link to watch the video.

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More Fun Facts on California

by Jack Lee

Today Mexico’s claim on California says, they conquered this land, they mapped it, they installed civilization and then it was stolen by force by the United States.

This old claim has found new life thanks to groups like LaRaza and Mecha and their influence on California’s college campuses, in state government and in the Southwestern states.

It’s become a rallying cry for justice and we’re told we need to understand their feelings on this! We are told we should be sympathetic and understanding, afterall we stole their land. And when they engage in protests, waving the Mexican flag and shouting jeers and insults about America, we should be compassionate and not react with anger, because to react unkindly would be a sign of biggotry and total lack of understanding!

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