“Cue The Sun”


“Good morning, and in case I don’t see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!”

Posted by Tina

“We see it as an entrepreneurial bill, a bill that says to someone, if you want to be creative and be a musician or whatever, you can leave your work, focus on your talent, your skill, your passion, your aspirations because you will have health care.” – Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives

Geez….am I a dodo or what? I’ve been buying healthcare coverage for myself and my employees for twenty some years….and like fools, we just kept right on working…who knew? I sure wish Madam Speaker had mentioned this a few years back. When I think of the lost passion…the squandered talent…the unrealized aspirations…the missed vacations!

Is anyone else shocked or surprised by this magical revelation or am I, in fact, the real life character of “The Truman Show”?

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Friendly & Desperate…What is INAFJ.org?

“Group Tells President “I Need A Freakin’ Job” – FOX News Web Reporter

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“Heroic Restraint” Medal?

Posted by Tina

Editorial: “The Smiley Face Medal” – Washington Times

U.S. troops who overcome their natural urge to slaughter civilians will get awards for showing heroic restraint – at least that’s the message being sent by a proposed new service medal. ** The proposal circulating around the headquarters of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan would establish a decoration to be awarded in those situations in which troops refrain from using lethal force, even at risk to themselves, so as not to endanger civilian lives. An ISAF spokesman said that, “in some situations our forces face in Afghanistan, that restraint is an act of discipline and courage not much different than those seen in combat actions.”

I will leave it to those now serving our country, or our esteemed veterans, to tell us what they think of this development. The Washington Times editors had this to say:

The current rules of engagement in Afghanistan, adopted in July, were meant to decrease civilian casualties and help win hearts and minds. But an ABC News poll taken in Afghanistan last December showed 43 percent of Afghans saying ISAF’s record of avoiding civilian casualties has gotten worse, against 24 percent saying it has improved. Afghan Interior Ministry data from March 21 to April 21 show almost six civilians a day being killed in Afghanistan, a 33 percent increase over the same period in 2009. Meanwhile, U.S. troop fatalities in Afghanistan for the first three months of 2010 were double the number over the same period in 2009. Since April, they have been triple. All of those statistics are moving in the wrong direction, and a smiley face medal is not the solution.

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An Immigrant Speaks on Immigration

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Governor Christie Actually Intends to Govern!

Posted by Tina

Chris Christie of New Jersey responds to liberal columnist Tom Moran when asked about what Moran termed a “confrontational tone”. This is indeed “refreshing”…enjoy fellow patriots!

Gov Christie calls S-L columnist thin-skinned for inquiring about his ‘confrontational tone’
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The Early Years Under Mexico and Beyond

Posted by Jack, story by Hugh Glass, historian


This following is a brief story about the early days of California and it will give you some very helpful insight into the current demand for the reconquest of California by Mexico. It will answer these questions:

  • How did Mexico respond to US citizens entering their territory?
  • What kind of control did Mexico have over California?
  • When Mexico was founded it had more people, more land and more resources, why did they fail to progress like their cousins to the North?

When Mexico attained its Independence from Spain in 1822 all Americans were excited. It was nearly the Fiftieth Anniversity of American Independence and now Independence was raging through Latin America like a prairie fire. Americans rightly looked at this as following its example. And Americans expected great things of these newly Independent countries. It would be a new New World.

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Arizona Under Seige – The Fight Expands

by Jack Lee

Los Angeles is the largest U.S. city to join the boycott against Arizona, refusing to do business with any Arizona based business. It’s estimated that the boycotting could cost the state around $53 million this year alone.


L.A. Councilman Ed Reyes (see left), explained his reasons for voting for a boycott, “I cannot go to Arizona today without a passport. If I come across an officer who’s having a bad day and feels that the picture on my ID is not me, I can be … deported, no questions asked. That is not American.” There’s something not American here alright and it’s Ed Reyes. He just deceived the America public, he told an outright lie. His statement is 100% false! Anyone can read this law, it’s the same as the federal law. It’s been around for over 60 years and has stood the test of time and Constitutionality. Reyes is pandering to special interests.

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Los Angeles high school teacher calls for Mexican revolution in United States

By Jack

Update On Ron Gochez, racist, Anti-Semitic History Teacher at Santee High School Los Angeles Calls For Mexican Revolt In The United States (see video a couple of stories down on this page for his outrageous call for revolution. )

Gochez is cited at the Workers World Party website, “ONE MILLION ON MAY DAY DEMAND: Stop Arizona Apartheid Law”:

The Southern California Immigration Coalition contingent, wearing red shirts and carrying red, Mexican and Honduran flags and flags from other Latin American countries, represented one of the largest groups in the united protest. SCIC includes over 40 organizations; some of the major ones are Union del Barrio, BAYAN-USA, Service Employees Local 721 Latino Caucus, Latino Congresso and the International Action Center/Bail Out the People Movement.

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It’s just a work in progress, don’t get so excited. . .

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