You Are Not Going to Believe This Bill – How Could it Even Have Been Proposed?

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Wild Police Chase in Stockton

Wild police pursuit recorded, follow this link.. Then click the play button.

Background 5-10-2010: Stockton police chase felon parolee in his mothers car. Chase also involves CHP and lasts for over 10 minutes. This was at 4 a.m., almost no traffic and it was in the downtown area and residential areas.

The fleeing felon was finally stopped using a spike strip that falttened all 4 tires. He drove about 2 more miles on the flat tires before he gave up.

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Patriot or Good Citizen?


Posted by Tina

“40% Say Being a Good Citizen is Different From Being a Patriot” – Rasmussen Reports

Forty-percent (40%) of voters nationwide say that being a good citizen and being a patriot are the same thing. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that another 40% disagree and 19% are not sure. **


Most Republicans say they’re one and the same. Most Democrats say they’re not, and voters not affiliated with either party are split down the middle. ** Voters over 50 tend to see the terms as having the same meaning, while those under 40 disagree. Forty-somethings are evenly divided. ** Given a choice, 52% say they’d rather be called a good citizen, while 28% prefer being known as a patriot.

Apparently many people under the age of 40 don’t have strong feelings of patriotism. Being a good citizen is important and patriotism pretty much irrelevant. Any thoughts on what that might mean and what it might mean for our country in twenty to thirty years?

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Violent Crime on the Rise…Again

by Jack Lee


(Shown at left is .45 cal shell casing from a homicide at a popular dowtown Stockton park.)

We were hopeful when the statistics showed crime was trending down on a national scale for last 5 years, but more recent stats say, it may not last.

Just down the road in the City of Stockton crime is running wild. They took the lead as the most violent big city in California in 2009. 2010 can’t be much better, in the last 10 days there have been 20 shooting incidents inside their city limits. “This place is like Dodge City” said on veteran officer who declined to be named. He had just finished a felony car stop for another shooting incident in a nearby parking when this interview was taking place.
The nations 10 most dangerous cities, like Stockton, were identified recently by the Department of Justice as major transit points for Mexican drug cartels.

Run by crime lords like Joaquin Guzman Lorea, these gangs–and their violent turf wars–are spreading into the Southwest and beyond to places like Stockton, Calif., which is nearly 500 miles from another drug rat-hole, Tijuana.

Police say Stockton is a major transit point along the I-5 corridor on the way to Seattle and Vancouver, and this makes it geographically desirable to drug dealers. Also Stockton has a major gang problem, mostly from Hispanics which is similar to the kind of gang/crime happening in the Southwest. There is no shortage of gang bangers willing to deal drugs in Stockton. This is just one bad combination that leads to a lot of Arizona style violent crime.

The Stockton police are quick to joke, they never have a dull moment and the crime makes for a lot of job security, but for the average citizen, well, lets just say it’s anything but secure. For the most part, its drug gang on drug gang violence, but racist gang turf wars would probably still exists with or without the drugs.

Even quaint little places like Chico, California are seeing the ripple effects from drug and crime infested cities like Stockton, which by the way is also a sanctuary city.

When the good folks of Chico are having a hard time understanding why thier town has seen so much violence recently, they need only look at some of their neighbors like Stockton, Oakland and Richmond. Then it’s not hard to figure out. It’s all about drugs, gangs and Mexican cartels running their poison to eager Gringos.

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Religious Bigotry Turns Destructive

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Posted by Tina

“War Memeorial Torn down by Vandals” – FOX Nation

PLANO, Texas, May 11, 2010 – The Mojave Desert War Memorial, which was saved temporarily by a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling, was torn down by vandals sometime Sunday night. Liberty Institute, which represents longtime memorial caretakers Henry and Wanda Sandoz, the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States (VFW), The American Legion, Military Order of the Purple Heart, and the American Ex-Prisoners of War, is offering a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the removal of VFW property. ** “This is an outrage, akin to desecrating people’s graves,” said Kelly Shackelford, president/CEO of Liberty Institute. “It’s a disgraceful attack on the selfless sacrifice of our veterans. We will not rest until this memorial is re-installed.” ** The ACLU and its plaintiff originally won a decision to tear down the memorial cross, but that was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court on April 28. The ACLU has stated that, as the case returns to the district court, it still plans to argue for the memorial to be torn down. ** “This was a legal fight that a vandal just made personal to 50 million veterans, military personnel and their families,” said VFW National Commander Thomas J. Tradewell, Sr.

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Loving “The Dole”

Liberal policies encourage people to play the system. The following story illustrates the point:

“Workers Turn Down Job Offers to Collect Unemployment” – FOX Nation

In a state with the nation’s highest jobless rate, landscaping companies are finding some job applicants are rejecting work offers so they can continue collecting unemployment benefits. ** It is unclear whether this trend is affecting other seasonal industries. But the fact that some seasonal landscaping workers choose to stay home and collect a check from the state, rather than work outside for a full week and spend money for gas, taxes and other expenses, raises questions about whether extended unemployment benefits give the jobless an incentive to avoid work. ** Members of the Michigan Nursery and Landscape Association “have told me that they have a lot of people applying but that when they actually talk to them, it turns out that they’re on unemployment and not looking for work,” said Amy Frankmann, the group’s executive director. “It is starting to make things difficult.” ** Chris Pompeo, vice president of operations for Landscape America in Warren, said he has had about a dozen offers declined. One applicant, who had eight weeks to go until his state unemployment benefits ran out, asked for a deferred start date.

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Good For What Ails Ya – One Cure Fits All

by Jack Lee


Got a back ache, get a pot prescription. Got a chronic upset stomach, get a pot prescription. Got a headache, get a pot prescription. Got some mysterious anxiety, get a pot prescription. The wonderous testimonials of a miracle cure by pot users are endless and so are those waiting to start their highly profitable pot dispensary in your local town.

But, before we get into the dispensary issue, check out how easy it is to be prescibed marijuana. This is taken from an internet ad suggests that some of the people holding a marijuana prescription may actually not be sick…NO? ( I am so shocked)

Here’s how you can get fixed up:

“Open the newspaper and look through the classified ads to find a physician who writes medical marijuana prescriptions.

Step 2 Make an appointment with a physician.

Step 3 Describe your symptoms/illness. Conditions which, by law, can be treated with medical marijuana include AIDS, cancer, chronic pain, anorexia, glaucoma, and arthritis. If you don’t suffer from any of these conditions, tell your physician that you sometimes get painful migraines and the only thing that works to alleviate your pain is marijuana.

Step 4 If your physician doesn’t write you a prescription, repeat the process with a different doctor.”

WSJ – “What was supposed to be a comprehensive resolution to Los Angeles’s long-running pot controversy is shaping up instead to be a long, strange trip.

“The city is going to be bogged down by years of litigation,” said Dan Halbert, president of Safe Access, a coalition of 130 dispensaries in Los Angeles that the city recently ordered closed. “Nobody wants that.” Mr. Halbert, who operates a dispensary, is a plaintiff in a lawsuit that a group of dispensaries filed against the city last month.
A 1996 California law allows people who are sick or in pain to use marijuana, which they can obtain through legal dispensaries.

San Francisco and other cities passed laws capping the number of dispensaries within their borders. But Los Angeles never did, and the shops mushroomed. The city finally issued a moratorium on new outlets in 2007, but failed to enforce it.

Residents in some parts of the city complained that the medical marijuana shops were creating a public nuisance, and attracting pot smokers who weren’t really sick.

Meanwhile, dispensaries opened and closed so quickly that city officials struggled to get an accurate count. At first, they said there were more than 1,000; that number later was scaled back to about 600.

Now, armed with a new ordinance that restricts the number of dispensaries to 186 in this city of 4 million people, the city is launching a new offensive. Last week, the city attorney sent letters ordering 439 dispensaries to shut down by June 7, when the ordinance takes effect.”

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Racial Profiling?

Posted by Tina

The following story caught my eye because of our recent debates about the new Arizona immigration law:

“Safety infraction leads to arrest for riding a stolen vehicle,” by Bill Lindelof – Sacramento Bee

Two Sacramento men first stopped for not wearing helmets were arrested in Yolo County on suspicion of receiving stolen property. ** Yolo County Sheriff’s deputies in a special off-road vehicle enforcement team booked Raphael Regaldo-Mendoza, 24, and Rigoberto Perez-Chavez, 28, into the Monroe Detention Facility. ** Deputies said the men were riding an all-terrain vehicle on County Road 40, west of Highway 16, on Friday when they were stopped for not wearing the right headgear. ** A check of the ATV’s vehicle identification number revealed that the off-road vehicle was reported stolen to the Sacramento Police Department in 2007.

These men were stopped because they were not wearing helmets but were arrested because they were suspected of receiving stolen property after some investigation by the officers. The men have Spanish names. Were they profiled?

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La Raza – The “Northern Front Inside the Belly of the Beast”

Posted by Tina

“We are the culture of revolutionary spirit” yells a man believed to be Ron Gochez, a Los Angeles high school social studies teacher. He is speaking at a rally on the UCLA campus. Aligning himself with the Marxists leaders Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Che Guevera and others he claims the enemy is capitalism & Imperialism and says they are responsible for death and depravity in Africa and in nations south of our borders. He calls for revolution in the United States. Does he seem serious to you?

This man’s job is made possible by the capitalist system he willingly lives under. This man’s livelihood depends on that capitalist system. The many companies and businesses that make up our capitalist system create wealth, opportunity, innovation, jobs, and the large tax base that he depends on to put food on his table and a roof over his head. Without capitalism he would not be getting the pay he gets as a teacher. This man also fails to compare the conditions now present in Hugo Chavez ‘s Venezuela with the conditions that exist and have existed in America for generations. He is not oppressed! The people he talks about who are have suffered and continue to suffer under the Marxist governments of harsh dictators. This is what this man wants for America but I ask you, when (if) this revolution succeeds and America is gone who will stand up for the oppressed around the world then? Who will stand for freedom? Do Americans have the smarts and the strength to push back this revolutionary movement? Will we as a nation stand up for freedom…will you?

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Indians On Immigration Control

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