Teddy Roosevelt Speaks from the Grave


‘In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin. But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American…There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag… We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language.. And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.’

Theodore Roosevelt 1907

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by Juan Lee

As you may recall Arizona passed a law that allowed the police to ask for immigration or naturalization papers when they have reasonable cause to suspect the person they were questioning was in this country illegally. The law forbid police from stopping anyone based upon racial profiling. In other words, it is the same law as the federal law. And police were also empowered to enforce the federal law, but controversy and confusion arose when some sanctuary cities told them not too enforce the law, thus the state chose to affirm the law. The fed law has been around since the 40’s and the Arizona law mirrors the fed law.


The National Basketball Players Association said in a statement yesterday that the Arizona immigration law is “disappointing and disturbing” and called for its repeal or modification. The players’ union also praised the Suns.

“We applaud the actions of Phoenix Suns players and management and join them in taking a stand against the misguided efforts of Arizona lawmakers,” said the statement by NBPA Executive Director Billy Hunter.

Last week, the Major League Baseball Players Association also criticized the Arizona law and said the union “will consider additional steps necessary to protect the rights and interests of our members.”

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Live Oak Students Sent Home for Wearing Flag

by Juan Lee


Live Oak High in Morgan Hill was celebrating Cinco de Mayo and kids of Mexican ancestry were wearing tee-shirts bearing the Mexican Flag and Mexico’s colors and all was going fine, until five trouble makers showed up wearing the American flag on their tee-shirts claiming they had just as much right to wear these tee shirts as the Hispanic kids with theirs.

The Vice Principal, Miguel Rodriguez, told the boys to turn their tee-shirts inside out so they would not offend the Hispanic students. They declined saying this would be disrespectful to the flag. The principal escorted the five racist students into his office where he showed them his Mexican memorabilia that adorned his walls and carefully tried to explain to these bigots what Cinco de Mayo was all about and how they could be in danger by sparking a fight with the other students, the majority of whom were of Mexican ancestry.

Confirming they were mean spirited bigots, the boys’ shorts and shoes also had American flags on them. When the boys refused to remove this offensive clothing they were sent home. Austin Carvalho, one of the boys, said they were not trying to start trouble. At least two of the boys are part Mexican.

Many members of Live Oak High School’s large Mexican-American student population that felt it was offensive for the students to wear the American flag on a day that’s supposed to celebrate Mexican heritage.

“I think they should apologize cause it is a Mexican heritage day,” Annicia Nunez, a Live Oak High student, told NBC. “We don’t deserve to be get disrespected like that. We wouldn’t do that on Fourth of July.”

The thing we must remember is this state is composed of 37% Hispanic and most are


from Mexico. Cinco de Mayo is very important to them. When they wear the Mexican flag or colors on their clothing they are merely celebrating their heritage and their rightful pride in their home country. The same holds true when they fly the Mexican flag at rallies to protest racism in California, or when they take down the American flag and raise up the Mexican flag as they did last year at the Montebello high school in Southern California. This is about pride and patriotism and when the American flag is shoved in their face by these five racist students it is understandably offensive. I am amazed these offending kids were not beaten up.

Let’s not forget that California was stolen from Mexico by the United States and it rightly belongs to Mexico. We therefore should be extremely sensitive to celebrations like Cinco de Mayo and take down our American flags. Viva La Raza.

For more on the ruthless conquest of Mexican lands please follow this link.

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Mayor Warns – Be Nice or Else

So nice of Michael Bloomberg to concern himself with the rights of Muslim extremists. A day after suggesting it was someone upset with ObamaCare who tried the carbombing of Times Square, the New York Mayor today ominously warned against any backlash against those who want us dead.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg says New York City “will not tolerate any bias” following the arrest of a U.S. citizen from Pakistan in the Times Square car bombing attempt. (Actually the suspect lied to gain citizenship so his citizenship is nullified.)

Bloomberg said Tuesday that also applies to potential backlash against Muslim New Yorkers.

The mayor said there are “a few bad apples” among any groups. He also cited New York’s long history of accepting cultures from the around the world.

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Moral Blindness


Moral blindness in the face of evil is depravity. But in the upside-down moral universe of our world, moral blindness has become a badge of honor. If you refuse to call evil by its name, then you are a moderate. And if you stand up to evil, you are an extremist. – Caroline Glick

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Time’s Square Bomber Update

by Jack Lee

Now it comes out that the single most wanted man in America, Faisal Shahzad, the suspected Islamic radical who planted a car bomb in Times Square had been on the no fly list for 12 hours before he borded a plane bound for Dubai.

The FBI had known his name for over 24 hours and they chose to delay notifying the airlines for another 12 hours. The airlines are only supposed to check the updated no fly list every 24 hours.

The TSA has now implemented a new rule for airlines to check the no fly list every two hours. This still comes down to a human factor and they may or may not be checking that list as required. It was well known that airlines didn’t fully comply with checking the no fly list once every 24 hours and it’s not reasonable to expect they will be checking it now every two hours.

Faisal Shahzad was known as a well-heeled and highly educated young Pakistani from a privileged background. He had just gained an American passport, he was married to an American woman of Pakistani descent and they had two young children.

CNN described this financial advisor turned Islamic jihadist as being unemployed and under a lot of pressure… financially. He said he had fallen on hard times like so many other Americans in this recession and this may have strongly factored in to his ill conceived bombing attempt. They said he was out of work and his house was foreclosed on, painting a sympathetic picture of a very troubled and financially strapped man. Jim Acosta, CNN anchor said, “You can only imagine that brought a lot of pressure and heartache on that family.”

The FBI paints a different picture: Shahzad was a frequent flier to Pakistan and had made 13 trips there in the past 5 years. He often stayed for extended periods, once for over 5 months. The FBI believes this was when he attended a bomb making school in Waziristan, which is a stronghold for Al Qaeda and the Taliban. Shahzad quit his well paying job; he wasn’t a victim of a layoff nor a troubled economy. Shahzad quit making the payments on his house and moved his family to Pakistan – he wasn’t a victim of home foreclosure.

Meanwhile a news anchor over at ABC news said she was so hoping it wasn’t a Muslim behind this bombing. She would have rather it have been a white extremist group and she was incredibly disappointed it turned out to be a Muslim…again. And why would this be more preferable?

The facts of this case, as they have become known in just the last few hours, is troubling, Shahzad was by all accounts embracing the American way and doing very well, but he turned jihadist and it appears this from the influence of the Mosques he attended.

He admitted he set the bomb in Times Square in front of a Toys R Store because he wanted to inflict as much harm on Americans as possible. He was motivated to do this in response to the recent drone attacks that killed two of Al Qaeda’s top leaders in Iraq.

Shahzad has long expressed political hate from Bush, the Iraq war and was sympathetic for the Taliban cause. The Mosque he attended in Pakistan was a conduit for terrorists linked to the Taliban.

For more on this story try this link.

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League of Women Voters and the Flag Salute

by Jack Lee


Last night the League of Women Voters hosted an election debate between the Supervisorial candidates in Butte County. The meeting was proceeding smoothly, except for one thing that seemed to be missing, it was the flag salute.

The two competing candidates for the 3rd District were about to speak in the second hour of the two hour event. Maureen Kirk gave her two minute opening and then it was Erny Spears turn. However, instead of launching into his two minute opener, Erny Spears started saying something about having respect for the flag and this being a patriotic political meeting, he suggested the other conservative candidate, Larry Wahl, lead them in the flag salute. Wahl hesitated for a brief moment as others in the audience groaned loudly in protest.

The forum moderator was obviously taken completely by surprise and was stunned. Then she briefly uttered something to the effect, “You can’t do that!” But, it was too late and at least 60% of the audience was on their feet and Wahl was coming down the isle and ready to lead the Flag Salute.


The Pledge of Allegiance went forward while some of the members of the LWV were still seated, searching each others faces, looking for some guidance and being apparently unsure if this was the right protocol or not. It took some of the more reluctant ladies almost until the end of the pledge to stand up, but as far as I know they all did eventually and then it was over.

The two time keepers seemed so rattled by this unexpected event that I believe Erny Spears was shorted some of his opening time. It sure appeared that way to several of us near the front row.

If people remember absolutely nothing that Spears said this night, they will sure remember that flag salute and the stunned women who were so slow to rise.

What do you think, should the League start their meetings with a flag salute or is this now passe’?

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Please visit the new ChicoER blog, “Gate”


We at Post Scripts are pleased to have helped to launch Chuck Wolk in his new blog on the ER. Yes, it’s our old friend “One Vike” blogging his heart out over at “Gate”, where you will find the same lively conversation and debate his writing inspired here on Post Scripts. We hope you will check it out.

Welcome to the ChicoER blog family, Chuck.

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Posted by Tina

I’ve waited to post anything on the oil spill in the gulf mostly because there hasn’t been much reliable information out there other than the usual fears and concerns that always follow an incident of this magnitude. Today several articles offered bits of information and opinion that might spark some lively conversation…pick your poison Post Scripters:

“Former NOAA oil spill cleanup boss says Obama waited too long in Gulf disaster,” by: Mark Tapscott – Washington Examiner

Why didn’t federal officials implement an oil spill clean up plan they’ve had on the books since 1994 as soon as possible after crude began pumping into the Gulf of Mexico following the explosion and sinking of BP’s Deepwater Horizon drilling platform 53 miles south of Louisiana in the Gulf of Mexico? ** The Mobile Register reports that Ron Gouget, who formerly managed the oil spill cleanup department of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, as well as a similar unit for the state of Louisiana, is criticizing the Obama White House’s failure to act according to existing government plans in the event of a spill in the area now being deluged with thousands of barrels of crude oil every day.

Continue reading “THE SPILL” »

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Interesting Quotation

“The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the presidency. It will be easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to an electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails us. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president.” Anon.

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