The Folly of Liberalism


Posted by Tina

The complete folly of modern liberal thinking is made clear in this one simple example…a school lunch program:

The french fries offered separately from the main meal for $1.50 went quickly during a recent lunch period at Wakefield High School’s cafeteria. Many students were not enthusiastic about the $2 meal designed to meet certain nutrition standards – a choice of a slice of pizza, a beef and cheese slider or a spicy chicken sandwich with servings of green beans, salad or fruit. ** Oyinkan Olusesi, a sophomore at the Raleigh school, didn’t eat that day. She said $2 is too much to pay for a school cafeteria meal when more appealing food can be had elsewhere at competitive prices. “A lot of people are going to McDonald’s because of their dollar menu,” she said. ** What Olusesi may not know is that her school cafeteria is losing money on every $2 meal it can entice students to buy. The Wake school board recently raised the price to $2.25, but that still won’t cover the food program’s cost. –

1. You can lead a kid to healthy food but you can’t force him to buy it at school…yet.

2. Raising the price of the meal (think tax rates) will not result in more revenue to cover costs…why would students jump at the chance to pay more for something they have already rejected as too expensive?

3. There is nothing wrong with a hamburger and chips or fries…or pizza! These are foods that kids will eat and the small portions offered in a school lunch will not make them fat…here’s the big bonus…they might actually eat it!

4. Complete nutrition is a parents responsibility. If the school can’t at least break even (without waisting tons of food) it should drop the school lunch program.

5. Weeping and gnashing of teeth won’t change these basic truths.

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Sunday Message

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What is “The Office of Financial Research”?

Posted by Tina

The financial reform bill making its way through Congress contains a lot of regulation and the usual red tape. It will cost taxpayers more of their hard earned dollars both in terms of the expense of bigger government and in compliance costs passed along to consumers. It will add even more layers of busywork and contribute nothing to the already inept oversight bureaucracy. But more than anything else that’s offensive, this bill ensures ever greater power over personal information and our lives will be granted to government. If you thought government tapping phones, even if it was to defend the country, was a breach of civil liberties you’re really going to love having your banking and financial transactions monitored and recorded.

“Big Brother loves ‘financial reform’ – Intrusive Office of Financial Research threatens civil liberties” – Washington Times Editorial

The next time you make a withdrawal from an automated teller machine, Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner might be watching over your shoulder. Boosted by the sweeping, 1,400-page financial regulatory proposal currently making its way through the Senate, Mr. Geithner would have unprecedented, real-time access to a wealth of personal and corporate financial data – all in the name of protecting the public. ** The legislation, sponsored by Senate banking committee Chairman Christopher J. Dodd, would create the innocuously named Office of Financial Research as a central repository for transaction-related records held by financial companies. According to proponents, “decision-makers” like Mr. Geithner need up-to-the-minute information to act in order to prevent what they refer to as another Wall Street meltdown. The proposed agency would also provide statistical analysis and research, purportedly to monitor systemic risk to the financial system.

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Not to Be Outdone…Democrats Compose “Blueprint” for Tough New Immigration Law

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Posted by Tina

Just in time for the May Day Celebrations a leaked “blueprint” emerges!

Democrats were projected to be in trouble in the coming elections even before they started slamming supporters of Arizona’s immigration law as racists and Nazis! Now the bad news from Rasmussen suggests that 60% of Americans favor letting local police stop and verify immigration status. In Arizona 70% of citizens support the new law. In fact, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer’s approval rating in the state is up 16 points. That adds up to a lot of approval and support for border security and strict enforcement of our laws.

Information leaked yesterday about a Democrat proposal for national immigration reform suggests that the Nazi/racist rhetoric following passage of this bill has grown toxic for Democrats in Congress. You see, it’s an election year and they now know they must run, run, run, run, run to the right for any hope at all of retaining power in Congress. They can’t count on a lot of help from the President who prefers the noncimmital position so other tactics come into play…like a leaked immigration proposal. From the New York Times (who else?):

…enforcement would be more far-reaching than anything in place now — or anything proposed by the administration of President George W. Bush. ** It begins with “zero tolerance” for immigrants trying to enter the country illegally, by tightening border enforcement and by barring them from taking jobs in the United States. ** The blueprint, written primarily by Mr. Schumer, includes a proposal for a Social Security card containing a biometric chip that all workers, including American citizens, would have to present to an employer when being hired. ** The proposal was presented by Mr. Schumer, Mr. Reid, Senator Robert Menendez of New Jersey, Dianne Feinstein of California and Richard J. Durbin of Illinois. Employers would be responsible for monitoring the immigration status of potential hires much more closely than they do now. Every employer would be required to use a new verification system, including a scanner at every business to confirm the validity of the Social Security cards of job applicants.

Ugh….It’s always, “far more reaching” when the left media speaks about Democrat proposals; they are always better, faster, more! Like most election year proposals this is just so much blah, blah, blah. I don’t expect anything to come of it; they just desperately need that voting center back!!!

So how does a Democrat suggest “zero tolerance” and still avoid being called racist? He makes EVERYONE “show papers”! (ta da)

Hey…if this idea ever does become law will we all have to worry about taking the kids out for ice cream?

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Let’s Take a Break for a Smile

There were 3 good arguments that Jesus was Black:
1. He called everyone brother
2. He liked Gospel
3. He didn’t get a fair trial

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Jewish:
1. He went into His Father’s business
2. He lived at home until he was 33
3. He was sure his Mother was a virgin and his Mother was sure He was God

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Italian:
1. He talked with His hands
2. He had wine with His meals
3. He used olive oil

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was a Californian:
1. He never cut His hair
2. He walked around barefoot all the time
3. He started a new religion

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was an American Indian:
1. He was at peace with nature
2. He ate a lot of fish
3. He talked about the Great Spirit

But then there were 3 equally good arguments that Jesus was Irish:
1. He never got married..
2. He was always telling stories.
3. He loved green pastures.

But the most compelling evidence of all – 3 proofs that Jesus was a woman:
1. He fed a crowd at a moment’s notice when there was virtually no food
2. He kept trying to get a message across to a bunch of men who just didn’t get it
3. And even when He was dead, He had to get up because there was still work to do

Can I get an AMEN!!

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Why Such Lack of Regard for Our Allies?

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Posted by Tina

What is President Obama thinking? What vision does he embrace that would cause him to treat our friends and allies around the world with such obvious disregard? He has been dismissive, ungracious, and at times downright rude. The following article counts the ways:

“Pivotal Allies Adrift” – IBD

For friends such as Israel’s Bibi Netanyahu, it meant an inhospitable visit to the White House. For revered religious leaders, like the Dalai Lama, it meant a demeaning escort out the White House back door, through garbage. A wartime partner, like Afghanistan’s Hamid Karzai, found himself loudly held up to public scorn. ** These aren’t just gaffes. They’re messages. And they’re having an effect. Some of the U.S.’ most potentially useful new allies, such as Ukraine, Colombia and India, democracies with high hopes for close American ties, are now defensively moving away. ** They’re not becoming enemies. But they’re getting distant — electing leaders less eager to be friends and seeking alliances with other big powers. One that stands out is Russia, the chess player of nations, which grasps strategy (and empire) well.

When we add President Obama’s tendency to bow, both literally and rhetorically, to those countries that are our enemies or at least less friendly it becomes troubling. Obamas behavior sends a clear and terrible message to our friends. It sends me a message that this president doesn’t have America’s best interests, or the interests of democracy and freedom, in mind.

I’m compelled to ask, “‘Hope and change’ for whom, Mr. President? Why such disregard for America’s allies and friends? And why the big hugs for enemies sworn to do America great harm?”

Why indeed! I think Americans deserve a clear precise answer to these questions.

AFP/Getty Image

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A Minor Exploiting of the Poor

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s home district includes San Francisco. StarKist Tuna’s headquarters are in San Francisco , Pelosi’s home district. StarKist is owned by Del Monte Foods. StarKist is the major employer in American Samoa employing 75% of the Samoan work force.

In January, 2007 when the minimum wage was increased from $5.15 to $7.25, Pelosi had American Samoa exempted from the increase so Del Monte would not have to pay the higher wage. She said this was done at the behest of the local democrat representative, who not surprisingly has been heavily funded by Starkist. Rumor has it that Pelosi and husband hold a large amount of Starkist stock, but this is difficult to prove and records of it have not yet been found.

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Colombian Pop Star Lectures Us on Human Rights – Goes to Arizona to Protest Immigration Law

Colombian pop star Shakira said Thursday that a controversial new law introduced in the U.S. state of Arizona that requires immigrants to carry documents verifying their status “attacks the human and civil rights of Latinos.” Colombia is well known for their long history of human rights as well as counting on the USA to buy their cocaine.

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Republican Corner

About the author: I’m a married father of three, Army vet, college grad, and general pain-in-the-rear to anyone politically left of center. So Republican they made me a county chairman, so conservative they’re not sure if they want to keep me. Join me every Friday on Post Scripts for Republican Corner, and thank you for your stopping by.

The Growing Crisis of Illegal Immigration

By Steve Thompson, Chairman of the Butte County Republican Party

In most of life’s situations, when you have a problem, it’s almost always best to deal with it early before it gets worse. Whether it’s a health affliction, financial trouble, addiction, a problem between you and your spouse, or even one of a societal nature, it seems you’re always better off if you deal with the problem while it’s small and manageable.


In a democracy, one of government’s intended functions is to take care of the problems that ail the people before they get too angry about it. Otherwise those residing in government may find themselves thrown out of office and replaced with someone who will fix the problem. However when government finds itself over-encumbered with bureaucracy, it moves slowly and lets problems fester.

I have a theory about public policy and the anger of the people. When the people are in the early stages of identifying a problem that vexes them, they are open to reasonable solutions that make sense for everyone. But when government drags its feet, either out of defiance or incompetence, the people get angry. Angry people lose sight of what is reasonable, and they demand the most potent of solutions. When we are talking about situations that affect their personal lives, their incomes, and the social order, an angry populace will demand drastic measures for matters that could have been solved much easier. Illegal immigration is just such a problem.

I speak only of illegal immigration because, frankly, our nation doesn’t have an immigration problem. We accept legal immigrants from all over the world. They are able to come here, learn our history and our rules, and integrate into our society. America is the land of opportunity for them, and a place where they can begin anew. Everybody has a chance to make it here, as their prosperity only adds to ours. We only ask that they accept our rules and common beliefs, and that they respect our laws and social order.

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Arizona Bill To Ban Ethnic Studies

Posted by Tina

Arizona leads the way…no more classes that teach anti-American, anti-white idealology (sedition)!

“Arizona Legislature Passes Bill to Curb ‘Chauvanism’ in Ethnic Studies Programs,” _ FOX News

After making national headlines for a new law on illegal immigrants, the Arizona Legislature sent Gov. Jan Brewer a bill Thursday that would ban ethnic studies programs in the state that critics say currently advocate separatism and racial preferences. ** The bill, which passed 32-26 in the state House, had been approved by the Senate a day earlier. It now goes to Gov. Jan Brewer for her signature. ** The new bill would make it illegal for a school district to teach any courses that promote the overthrow of the U.S. government, promote resentment of a particular race or class of people, are designed primarily for students of a particular ethnic group or “advocate ethnic solidarity instead of the treatment of pupils as individuals.” ** The bill stipulates that courses can continue to be taught for Native American pupils in compliance with federal law and does not prohibit English as a second language classes. It also does not prohibit the teaching of the Holocaust or other cases of genocide. ** Schools that fail to abide by the law would have state funds withheld. ** State Superintendent for Public Instruction Tom Horne called passage in the state House a victory for the principle that education should unite, not divide students of differing backgrounds.

Amen to that!

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