New Bumpers Stickers – Didn’t Take Long

Would you dare to put one of these bumper stickers on your car? Inquiring minds want to know.

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A Showdown Is Approaching – Will Arizona Prevail?

by Jack Lee


It’s the hot button topic of our decade: Arizona has asserted their state’s right and passed their own form of immigration reform. President Obama immediately called it a mistake and unwise. Other interests, including Attorney General Eric Holder, have indicated they will file suit challenging the new immigration law as unconstitutional. Lindsey Graham, a Republican lawmaker was also quick to call Arizona’s law unconstitutional. Cardinal Mahoney representing the Catholic Church in the US went even farther than the above critics and called the new law Nazi-like!

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You Can’t Believe the MSM – AZ Law Same As Federal Law

Arizona just passed a new immigration law that’s getting the attention of national policymakers.

Critics of the bill say it may be unconstitutional and that it will prompt racial profiling.

But conservative columnist George Will said on ABC’s This Week that the new law only reiterates federal crimes.

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“Useful Idiots… Time Bomb Ticking”

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Posted by Tina

The video of an interview (see link below) with Yuri Bezmenov, ex KGB, from 1985 is a must see. It provides further evidence that McCarthy knew what he was talking about! Listen to this interview…all of it…and you will eventually come to something called the “second level” of “crisis”…chills to the bone! (George Soros, for one, comes to mind. Also Rahm, “never let a crisis go to waste,” Emanuel for another).

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Angry Backlash Against the Citizens of Arizona Grows

by Jack Lee


(Protestors block the streets to prevent illegals from deportation at a federal detention center in Broadview, Ill.,)

Last Friday Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer signed a bill into law that is almost word for word what the federal law says and yet many in the federal government are calling it racist. (Its a good thing that hypocarcy can’t kill or else we would easily lose over 99% of the bureaucrats in Washinton.)

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Mexico Issues Travel Warnings for Arizona


Mexico issues travel warning over Arizona immigration law – One day after Mexican President Felipe Caldern condemned the new Arizona immigration law, Mexico issued a travel warning that ‘all Mexican citizens could be bothered or questioned without motive at any moment.’ (Not true, but never let that get in the way of a good lie)

April 27 (Bloomberg) — Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told U.S. lawmakers her agency has “deep concerns,” about a new immigration law in Arizona and said the U.S. should pursue a comprehensive overhaul of its immigration policies.

New Jersey News: Lillian Rodriguez of the Hispanic Federation and the Reverend Al Sharpton will take to the streets as they challenge Arizona’s new immigration bill, even if it means the two activists committing an act of civil disobedience.


The bill has ignited a contentious debate and has Hispanics across Arizona fearing an increase in racial and ethnic profiling. Twitter users haven’t been shy about voicing their dislike of the new bill, which many believe has set race relations back in a major way.

New York Times: Responding to Arizona’s new immigration law, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors will vote on Tuesday on a resolution that would end contracts between the city and Arizona-based businesses. Supervisor David Campos, who will introduce the legislation, said at a rally on the steps of City Hall on Monday morning: “We want to send a message. There are consequences when you target a whole people.” Dennis Herrera, the city attorney, also called for a boycott and pledged to have lawyers in his office work with the city to figure out how to break contracts with Arizona.

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They’re Attacking Arizona!

by Jack Lee


As predicted, the LW media and far left wacko’s are on the attack against Arizona’s new immigration law. Let me be clear, I’m not talking about people who question the law and want to clarify what it is and how it will work. That’s only fair and we should do that. We should closely examine all laws before and after they are passed to make sure they are exactly as advertised. I’m talking about the radicals that have this knee jerk reaction to anything that impedes open borders and the nutty officials that pander to them.

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Which Side Do You Sit On?

If a conservative doesn’t like guns, he doesn`t buy one.
If a liberal doesn’t like guns, he wants guns outlawed.
If a conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn’t eat meat.
If a liberal is a vegetarian, he wants meat products banned.
If a conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life.
If a liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect.
If a conservative is down-and-out, he tries to better his situation.
A liberal wants to know who is going to fix it for him.
If a conservative doesn’t like a talk show host, he switches channels.
Liberals want those they don’t like to be silenced.
If a conservative is a non-believer, he doesn’t go to church.
If a liberal is a non-believer he wants any mention of religion silenced.
If a conservative needs health care he shops for it, or looks for a job that will provide it.
A liberal demands that the rest of us provide for it.
A conservative will read this and will forward it, so his friends can have a good laugh.
A liberal will read this and delete it, because he’s offended.

Now which side do you sit on?

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Two Navy Seals Exonerated – Third Should Go Free

Posted by Tina

“Prosecution of Navy SEALs Unraveling,” by Rowan Scarborough – Human Events

With two courtroom exonerations, the military’s prosecution of three Navy SEALs is unraveling because one of the two star witnesses is a suspected al Qaeda terrorist, and the second one has told inconsistent stories, persons involved in the case tell HUMAN EVENTS. ** Neal Puckett, the attorney for Petty Officer Matthew McCabe, said the two not guilty verdicts last week should prompt Maj. Gen. Charles Cleveland, who brought the charges, to dismiss the case against his client. ** “It would be a waste of money to put McCabe on trial when they can’t prove the underlining event happened,” he said of the scheduled May 3 trial in Norfolk. “All three cases have the identical witnesses and evidence. It’s the same case.” ** Now that the military’s evidence against the three SEALs has become public in court, it is questionable why Gen. Cleveland, who oversees the special ops segment of Central Command, ever filed charges.

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The real reason that we can’t have the Ten Commandments posted in a courthouse or Congress is this — you cannot post ‘Thou Shalt Not Steal’ ‘Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery’ and ‘Thou Shall Not Lie’ in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians …. it creates a hostile work environment.

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