Fast Facts

Currently California has 700 inmates on death row, but since the death penalty was reinstated in 1977, yet only 13 have actually been put to death. The cost of keeping an inmate on death row is $90,000 per year. The total cost to keep a death row prisoner runs over $140 million.

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Noam Chomsky Calls Right Wing Dangerous?

from Pravda

Recent research from the New York Times / CBS News poll revealed that 18% of Americans identify themselves as supporters of the Tea Party, classify themselves “very conservative” and are very pessimistic about the direction of the country and severely critical of Washington and, of course, Obama. Over 90% of them believe that the country moves to a wrong path and the same percentage disapproves of the president and his administration policy. Already 92% of respondents estimated that Obama leads the country “toward socialism” (an opinion shared by more than half the population in general).

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Put On Your Refrigerator Door as a Reminder!

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SUNDAY SERMON ~ Love and Forgiveness

Composed by a visiting Minister for Post Scripts


Love is blind”, or so they say. And as mere human beings we tend to see that which is superficial and not what is inside. We miss so much by not seeing the depth of one’s character and the beauty within. God’s love sees all and accepts all with deep compassion, understanding and grace and He bestowed that godly love within us – along with our free will.

All our relationships — husbands and wives, children and parents, neighbors and friends, young and old, rich and poor, could reap many blessings if we embraced God’s love and shared that love as He meant us to do.

For too many of us, we go through our lives jaded and victimized by our fears, our biases, our transgressions and those transgressions by others against us. That makes us bitter and distrusting, it is emotionally crippling. It keeps us distant from others and it forces us to play foolish games.

We can present ourselves to the world dressed in fine clothing that covers our scars, but we do not heal, because we do not love and we do not forgive. We may even lie to ourselves about the ugliness, pain and suffering in our hearts because we lack the courage and strength to forgive and to love. We may live out our entire existence convinced that if people saw us as we are, they could never love us, because we fall short of loving them.

This is not the way God intended. The Sanctuary of God is within all of us and it allows us to redeem ourselves through the power of His courage and His strength; you need only ask God to restore that which you have lost. We could not possibly understand how such a transformation is possible, yet it is and we need only ask. “Dear God, forgive me for my transgressions and make me whole that I might love others as you love me. Amen.”

Only through love can one see what needs to be seen and is worthy of being seen.

Love is patient, love is kind.
It does not envy.
Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude;
It is not self-seeking, nor easily angered.
It keeps no record of wrongdoing.
It does not delight in evil,
But rejoices in the truth.
It always protects, trusts, hopes, and preserves.
There is nothing love cannot face;
There is no limit to its faith, hope, and endurance.
In a word, there are three things that last forever:
Faith, hope, and love;
But the greatest of them all is love.
— 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.
— 1 John 3:18

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear …
— 1 John 4:18

Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.
— 1 Peter 4:8-9

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All Good Things Must End


This was taken last year and the above soldiers are just a few of the fine young men and women it has been my sincere privilege to serve with over the past years.

This particular shot was from one of the Army’s National Training Center for reserves (NTC). We were just hanging out, preparing to form up and march to class. We sure did a lot of that during our stay there. Marching, marching, marching. Most of us had not marched together before, but it didn’t take us long to get it together. We looked as good as any regulars coming down the road and singing cadence, I wished I had a video I think you would have been impressed.

In the background you can see the old style barracks and to our left and not visible was the chow hall. The food there was plentiful and excellent. I’m that old guy, the company First Sergeant, and as I recall at that moment I was feeling my age.

The NTC was pretty nice overall and we were well treated. Hot showers, clean barracks and good food, life was good. The hours were a little long. For me and it was 0430 hours till 2130 hours. For the rest it was 0530 till 2130 hours and some nights we went till after 2200 hours.

This photo was in an open air rest area that was just opposite the chow hall. You could take a break, pitch horse shoes or buy a soda, if you had the time. We never did have the time. There were about 90 soldiers at this course, but many more staffing the base and more units were arriving all the time.

My military time is up and I am retiring effective this coming May, and unless we have some kind of national emergency, it’s over May 1st, 2010. It’s been great. I would recommend spending a little time in the service for anyone coming out of high school, makes you appreciate your country and it prepares you for the higher education you will receive when you get out. The pay and benefits these days is great too! If anyone has any thoughts or questions about joining, please feel free to contact me. I can probably answer most of your questions.

And now this, please endulge me as a little going away present to myself and to you:

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Who Said That?

Posted by Tina

Guess who made the following statement…there is a clue if you’re familiar with speech patterns. The answer is under the fold.

“We have to begin to reverse this process. And because Government has been at fault, first you should ask Government to change. So I have asked in Washington that we begin with significant spending cuts below the budget that was adopted last year to reduce the deficit and to free up resources for targeted investment in the future of our economy and of the young people here present in this hall. ** We should look at every program for possible savings, including ones that Democrats have favored for a long time. And there should be no tax increase, not a dollar, without the spending cuts.”

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Arizona Now Has The Toughest Illegal Immigration Law in the USA


CNN – 23 APR 2010, Arizona’s law orders immigrants to carry their alien registration documents at all times and requires police to question people if there’s [reason] to suspect they’re in the United States illegally. (reason means something other than a person’s skin color must have drawn police attention, such as being detained for a crime or a car wreck)

It also targets those who hire illegal immigrant laborers or knowingly transport them.

Are other states considering similar legislation?

Michael Hethmon, general counsel for the Immigration Reform Law Institute, helped draft the language of the Arizona bill. Hethmon said lawmakers from four other states have approached him asking for advice on how they can do the same thing where they live. He declined to identify which states, citing attorney-client privilege.

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Pledge of Nonviolence – MLK

Posted by Jack Lee

April 23, 2010 – 5:16 ET


Below is the Pledge of Nonviolence that Martin Luther King, Jr. asked those who believed in his message to abide by as well as his core principles of nonviolence.

I am going to ask you to make the same commitment to nonviolence and give you the opportunity to make that pledge public by having you ‘sign’ these documents below.

-glenn beck

Pledge of Nonviolence

1. As you prepare to march meditate on the life and teachings of Jesus

2. Remember the nonviolent movement seeks justice and reconciliation – not victory.

3. Walk and talk in the manner of love; for God is love.

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Republican Corner


(Larry Wahl -candidate for supervisor)

About our new writer for Post Scripts, Steve Thompson: Who am I? A married father of three, Army vet, college grad, and general pain-in-the-rear to anyone politically left of center. So Republican they made me a county chairman, so conservative they’re not sure if they want to keep me. Join me every Friday on Post Scripts for Republican Corner, and thank you for your stopping by.


The Case for Larry Wahl
By Steve Thompson, Chairman of the Butte County Republican Party

If you’re a local in the Chico area, you know who Larry Wahl is. He’s been a stalwart conservative, lately by himself, on the Chico City Council. Year after year the liberal majority puts on their progressive magic show while trying to stop any real economic progress. One member of the council has always called them on it. When the city’s budget went into the red, Larry made sure everyone knew. When they killed the Wal-Mart expansion (along with several hundred new jobs) Larry stood up to them. Whenever and wherever they pull their usual hair-brained schemes, Larry has been there to point it out to the public and the press.

Now Larry Wahl has decided to fry a bigger fish, and a bigger liberal than even the city council. Larry has thrown his hat in the ring to run for Butte County Supervisor against incumbent Jane Dolan (aka No Jobs Jane).

No Jobs Jane has held this seat for over thirty years now. It’s a nice, cushy government spot to collect a paycheck and several perks. She even voted a few years ago to give herself a pretty hefty pay raise (doubling her own pay). Not bad.

The problem is that a county supervisor is supposed to represent the interests of their constituents, not just themselves. I’m sure if you polled the people of the 2nd district, one of the top priorities they would have for their county supervisor would be job creation. They might be interested to know that Larry Wahl is a businessman who has actually signed the front of the check and not just the back. He knows the importance of bringing vital businesses to our county so that people can get jobs and earn a living, not just government subsistence. Larry knows that bringing in new business helps to not only create jobs, but to expand our tax base as well, which means less burden on the individual taxpayers. No Jobs Jane doesn’t seem to have much of a track record for creating jobs, and is no real friend of taxpayers, although she does have a lot of friends in the public employee unions.

Coming out of a cold winter, residents of the 2nd district might be interested to know that No Jobs Jane voted to ban woodstoves in the Chico area. For many it’s cheaper to heat your home with wood than electricity, but it’s not known if she wanted those who do so to bare the higher costs or, like Jimmy Carter once said, “just wear a sweater.”

Larry Wahl supports peoples’ right to heat their homes however they darn well please, and believes government has already intruded too much into our personal lives.

Voters might also like the fact that Larry Wahl is a service veteran. Larry was a US Navy pilot who did two tours of duty in Viet Nam and flew over 178 missions. When it comes to serving our country, Larry’s definitely paid his dues. That probably won’t stop Jane’s husband, Bob Mulholland, from running a nasty political smear campaign against Larry. Watch for really questionable accusations and mudslinging showing up in your mailbox against Larry, you’ll know it’s from Bob.


The Butte County Republican Party is hosting a precinct walk for Larry, and Erny Spears (another businessman/candidate for 3rd District Supervisor) this Saturday, 9:00 am, at the Oak Way Park on the corner of 8th Avenue and Hwy32/Nord. If you want to help elect conservatives to local office, come out and lend us a hand. Just bring your walking shoes.

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No Tea Party Involved: No Headlines – No Predetermined Guilt – No Ugly Slurs

by Tina Grazier

Dissent and anger is considered acceptable, even admirable, when expressed from the left. Name calling and anger is deemed “political speech” even when hatefully spewed. Violence is reported but largely dismissed politically when perpetrated by those groups with sympathies toward democrats. Tea Party folk, talk show hosts, commentators and others who speak from a right-wing perspective are treated quite differently.

When Tea Partiers or various conservative commentators are involved in political activism or free speech a point is made to label them negatively and discredit them however possible. Tea Partiers and commentators on the right have been called a lot of ugly names among them the ugliest of all…racist. They have been accused of inciting others to violence against racial groups, individuals and the government. Joe Klein referred to Rush Limbaugh (and others) as “seditious” (scroll down) on the Chris Mathews Show last Sunday. Actor Lance Baxter, the guy that is the voice for Geico Insurance suggested in a message to “FreedomWorks” that it’s staff might be “mentally retarded” and asked what the group would do when a tea partier “killed someone”. Bill Clinton even got into the act insinuating that Tea Party protesters expressing anger were similar to the voices he claims were the inspiration for Oklahoma City bomber, Timothy McVeigh. (Timothy McVeigh cited Bill Clinton and Janet Reno’s private war on WACO as his ultimate inspiration, but no matter.)

Well….two weeks have gone by and very little has been investigated and reported about an incident that occurred after Republican Bobby Jindal’s fundraiser in Louisiana:

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