Another $75 Billion Fiasco

Posted by Tina

“IG Report: Obama Homeowner Bailout Program a Bust,” by Connie Hair – Human Events

A new report released yesterday (.pdf) by Neil Barofsky, special inspector general for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) warns that Obama administration efforts to bailout homeowners through the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) are ineffective and will not stem the sweeping tide of foreclosures. ** The $75 billion HAMP program was created with a promise to bailout 3 to 4 million homeowners in foreclosure, paying lenders to modify troubled mortgages. Foreclosures reached 2.8 million in 2009 and are on track to exceed that total with over 932,000 foreclosures filed in the first three months of 2010, the report found. ** The inspector general found the program “has made very little progress in stemming this onslaught” in a year with only 230,000 loans permanently modified.

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Are You Smart Enough to be a U.S. Citizen?

The following questions are part of the INS test asked of immigrants applying for citizenship, can you pass this short sampling? The answers are on the second page, just click the link at the bottom. In order to pass you must score at least 70%. So get a blank paper and be sure you write the number of the question down next to your answer. Okay, go you have 15 seconds, go …just kidding, take your time (but don’t cheat!):

4. What do the stars on the flag mean?

5. How many stripes are there in the flag?

16. Who elects the President of the United States?

19. What is the Constitution?

21. What do we call a change to the Constitution?

22. How many changes or amendments are there to the Constitution?

24. What are the three branches of our government?

28. What are the duties of Congress?

30. How many senators are there in Congress?

32. For how long do we elect each senator?

33. How many representatives are there in Congress?

34. For how long do we elect the representatives?

39. What is the Bill of Rights?

43. Who is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court?

44. Can you name thirteen original states?

45. Who said, “Give me liberty or give me death.”?

46. Which countries were our enemies during World War II?

47. What are the 49th and 50th states of the Union?

48. How many terms can the President serve?

54. How many Supreme Court justice are there?

61. What is the basic belief of the Declaration of Independence?

63. Who wrote the Star-Spangled Banner?

64. Where does freedom of speech come from?

70. What special group advises the President?

74. What is the name of the ship that brought the Pilgrims to America?

75. What are the 13 original states of the U.S. called?

76. Name 5 rights of freedom guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.

77. Who has the power to declare the war?

78. What kind of government does the United States have?

80. In what year was the Constitution written?

85. What is the introduction to the Constitution called?

87. What is the most important right granted to U.S. citizens?

93. Who is the Commander in Chief of the U.S. military?

96. In what month is the new President inaugurated?

97. How many times may a U.S. Senator be re-elected?

100. What do the three colors of the flag represent?

Go to page two and see how you did.

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Wanna See Somethin Real Scary?

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Destroy the Tea Party!

In New Hampshire, former Democratic State Party Chairman Kathy Sullivan has taken to emailing cohorts, urging them to infiltrate tea party events in the Granite State with “birther” signs to try and make it seem as if tea party attendees question Obama’s place of birth.

Former Democratic State Party Chairman Kathy Sullivan is heading up the search, the source said. Sullivan has been calling and e-mailing liberal activists trying to get them to attend tea parties in different parts of the state and hold signs denying the authenticity of President Barack Obama’s birth certificate and make racially disparaging comments to reporters.

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Dental Tourism An Idea That’s Catching On


If you need major dental care you might consider dentistry in a country with modern and well trained dentists, that charge considerably less than their US counterparts.

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Heritage Foundation Produces Movie – 33 Minutes


You should take a look at this video, because as we speak, the Obama Administration is scaling back our nuclear missiles while basically allowing the Russians to maintain there’s at current levels. He’s also halting developement of new missile technology to update our aging nukes. Our potential enemies have no such restriction on their missile programs.

33 Minutes: Protecting America in the New Missile Age is a one-hour documentary produced by The Heritage Foundation that tells the story of the very real threat foreign enemies pose to every one of us. The truth is brutal – no matter where on Earth a missile is launched from it would take 33 Minutes or less to hit the U.S. target it was programmed to destroy.

Nuclear proliferation around the world, and the threat of a ballistic missile attack of some kind is mounting as more and more countries obtain nuclear technology. The ongoing threat toward America is also accelerating due to the fact that there are many rogue nations and terrorist organizations who either have or are seeking ballistic missiles and nuclear technology.

The challenges of protecting America and its citizens for President Obama’s administration are great. Featuring rare footage and in-depth interviews with leading experts in the field, 33 Minutes is the definitive documentary exposing the untold vulnerability we all face and the action plan necessary to revive a strategic missile defense system that America uniquely can develop, maintain, and employ for its own defense and the peace-loving world’s security

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Arizona Conservatives Flex Their Muscle

(Posted by Jack)

By Staff

The Arizona House of Representatives has advanced legislation that would require future presidential candidates to produce a birth certificate before their names can appear on a statewide ballot.

The so-called “birther bill” is a reaction to unproven accusations that President Obama is not a U.S. citizen, and is the latest display of conservative power in Arizona following the departure of former governor Janet Napolitano, a Democrat who is now the U.S.


secretary of homeland security.

The Arizona Republic reports that the bill still needs to clear a final vote in the House — as well as the Senate — before it reaches the desk of Governor Jan Brewer, a Republican who replaced Napolitano when she joined the Obama administration. Similar laws have been proposed in Florida, Missouri and Oklahoma, but none has passed. Democrats in Arizona have called the measure “frivolous legislation,” according to the Republic.

While the bill’s fate is unclear, the legislation is another example of conservative muscle-flexing in Arizona now that Republicans control both chambers in the statehouse as well as the governor’s office.


(Earlier this week, the legislature sent Brewer a bill that would become the toughest anti-illegal immigration law in the nation. If signed, the bill would make it a state crime to be in the country illegally and require local police to enforce federal immigration laws. The bill has drawn national attention and protests from immigrant advocacy groups. Brewer hasn’t decided yet whether she will sign it.

Last week, Brewer signed a measure that allows U.S. citizens 21 or older to carry a concealed firearm without a permit. Alaska and Vermont are the only other states that have similar laws, the Republic reported.

Meanwhile, Arizona is expected to join other states challenging the federal health care law after Brewer overrode her own attorney general, Democrat Terry Goddard, and called a special session of the legislature to win authority to challenge the law on her own.


About 14% of the total population of Arizona are there illegally, however when it comes to crimes like kidnapping, carjacking, homicide, home invasions…they are in first place and the locals are fed up.

They want to take their state back from the brink of being a defacto Mexican territory complete with all the crime of Tijuana. The latest polling shows 70% of AZ citizens support the immigration bill. And so do the police unions! Up till now, the police feel like their hands have been tied by these sanctuary city rules within their respective departments. They want the ability to ask a person who speaks no English, who has no drivers license to prove he is legal to be here or they can roll him up as is right to do. The new law promises to be the toughest illegal alien law in the entire nation, if the governor signs off on it. However, as tough as it is, it still provides safeguards so that race may not be the only reason for police to ask them to prove citizenship.

It’s almost a guarantee that the ACLU will step in and sue on behalf of illegal aliens if this legislation becomes law.

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Re: Jane Dolan – Supervison Candidate

Those “Good Job Jane” signs that sprouted up overnight are illegally posted. The Cogs sign company is one in our area that has a Candidates’ Outdoor Graphic Service. They sell the candidate these signs installed and then allegedly place them in the middle of the night without permission from property owners or allegedly illegally in the public right of way.

If you pull one down Cogs usually have their name on them in small print. The candidate (in my opinion) arrogantly and knowingly hires this company to put up signs counting on them not being caught in the act and prosecuted, and that it will take awhile for property owners, the City and Caltrans to send out workers to take them down. County public works will leave them up until they rot. In the meantime Jane Dolan gets the benefit of all those signs being up and the general public not knowing the story of how the signs got there. The voters think the property owners support her. Most people outside of the political campaign circles have no idea that this company exists. It is expensive to hire them. It is also lazy and abusive behavior for a member of the Board of Supervisors to engage in (in my opinion).

Bottom line: She is responsible for her campaign signs and where they are placed. She should be out picking them up and apologizing for violated both the property owners’ and the public’s property rights. This is not the first time Dolan has done this. Last time, [1998 0r 2002] the signs said “Thanks’ Jane”.

John Gillander

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House Oversight Committee Demands SEC Docs on Goldman Sachs

Posted by Tina

“GOP seeks SEC records on Goldman,” by Mike Allen – Politico

Rep. Darrell Issa, the top Republican on the House Oversight committee, is demanding a slew of documents from the Securities and Exchange Commission, asserting that the timing of civil charges against Goldman Sachs raises “serious questions about the commission’s independence and impartiality.” ** Issa’s letter, addressed to SEC Chairwoman Mary Schapiro and signed by eight other House Republicans, asks whether the commission had any contact about the case, prior to its public release, with White House aides, Democratic Party committee officials, or members of Congress or their staff.

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Cheney, Bush accused of holding innocent prisoners in Guantanamo

by Chris S (Note: Post Scripts occassionally allows readers to post their own articles. We may or may not agree or support the content)


The abuses of power and violations of law at Guantanamo have long been justified and excused as necessary in the fight against terror. Critics have been accused of “sympathizing with the terrorists” for being against the notion of imprisoning people without trial or any kind of due process. Rarely does a defender of this barbaric practice ever stop to think about the possibility that a prisoner there might not actually BE a>


terrorist, and that’s why it’s important that they be given the right to make their case in court instead of being held indefinitely. Fortunately for freedom and truth, that possibility may now be made much harder to ignore. From Times Online: “George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld covered up that hundreds of innocent men were sent to the Guantnamo Bay prison camp because they feared that releasing them would harm the push for war in Iraq and the broader War on Terror, according to a new document obtained by The Times. The
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