BBQ Season Will Be Here Soon – HOT DOG!

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Arizona to Pass Strict Immigration Law

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Posted by Tina

Illegal immigration is making headlines again after a rancher in Arizona was murdered on his property a couple of weeks ago. The response from the local people was a mix of sadness and discouragement tainted with strong anger. They are angry that the federal government has failed to adequately address a problem that has plagued America’s Southwestern states for quite some time. Desperate for answers, the state of Arizona is close to passing a very strict enforcement law:

“Arizona passes strict illegal immigration act,” by Nicholas Riccardi – L.A. Times

Arizona lawmakers on Tuesday approved what foes and supporters agree is the toughest measure in the country against illegal immigrants, directing local police to determine whether people are in the country legally. ** The measure, long sought by opponents of illegal immigration, passed 35 to 21 in the state House of Representatives. ** The state Senate passed a similar measure earlier this year, and Republican Gov. Jan Brewer is expected to sign the bill. ** The bill’s author, State Sen. Russell Pearce, said it simply “takes the handcuffs off of law enforcement and lets them do their job.”

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Congressmen – Were They Called the N Word or Not?

by Jack Lee

(Anyone reading this story should feel free to copy and send to their friends)

The headlines read:

  • “Racist Tea Party Protester Spits at Black Congressman Emanuel Cleaver” Jack and Jill Politics
  • “Protester Spits On Congressman Cleaver” – Capitol Police Took Man Into Custody
  • “Racist Tea Party Protester Spits at Black Congressman Emanuel Cleaver” by Jill Tubman
  • “Tea Party Protesters Hurl Spit and the N-Word”
  • “CAIR calls out Tea Party protesters chanting N-word … ” Mediaite

“Tea Partiers screamed the N-word and expletives at black members of Congress” CNN


It was a case of Tea Party people behaving badly and right in front of the media who reported it on the front page in newspapers across America, but was it really true? This is a very important question to ask.

Three Democrat congressmen — all black — say they heard the racial slurs (N word) as they walked through thousands of angry protesters outside the U.S. Capitol. A white lawmaker (democrat) says he heard the epithets too. Rep. Cleaver released a statement confirming the incident, but some now questioned his claims.

Representatives Andr Carson of Indiana, Emanuel Cleaver II of Missouri and John Lewis of Georgia, have made serious and offensive claims against Tea Party members. As one lead story reported, “For many of the members of the CBC, like John Lewis and Emanuel Cleaver who worked in the civil rights movement, and for Mr. Frank who has struggled in the cause of equality, this is not the first time they have been spit on during turbulent times… This is not the first time the congressman has been called the “n” word and certainly not the worst assault he has endured in his years fighting for equal rights for all Americans. That being said, he is disappointed that in the 21st century our national discourse has devolved to the point of name calling and spitting.” Strong words, but if it was not true it is a moral outrage.

The congressman who at first claimed he was spat upon has modified his statement to, “I felt something wet on my face.” A video of an exchange between Cleaver and a protestor shows a man with his hands up to his mouth yelling at Cleaver but not spitting. The video looks like it could have been saliva from the protestor’s mouth as yelled and that could have accidentally reached Cleaver, but that’s it. Fox News personality Sean Hannity asked if there was any evidence proving that it had actually happened, and Tea Party groups offered a cash reward for proof.

The so-called “spitter” was allegedly arrested, but we can find no record of that arrest. As of today there is no video showing spitting or yelling the N word and the cameras and recorders were on the entire march just to catch such an event. The media expected it and they were ready and waiting. So, where’s the proof?

“Listen, I was there,” Carson, D-Ind., said in an interview. “In many regards I think (the challenges are) a veiled attempt to justify actions that are simply unjustifiable. I think we need to move toward a dialogue that explores why this kind of divisive and reprehensible language is still making it into our political debate.”

Since the above statement was made to the media the congressmen who have made the allegations have quit talking about them.

Breitbart is confident he won’t have to pay up. He said, “This is 2010. Even a racist
is media-savvy enough not to yell the N-word.”

Now here’s the so-called spitting incident on video – you be the judge.

Related story: Study: Networks Snub, Malign Tea Party Movement
Wednesday, 14 Apr 2010 08:01 AM – Article By: Joseph Curl

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Results of the Tea Party Meeting for 13 April

by Jack Lee

There was another meeting tonight to hear the candidates for Chico City Council and the Board of Supervisors. It was by far the largest meeting I’ve been too, it seems like this movement is really gaining a lot of new members. This is nothing like the old Perot/United We Stand movement, this is the real deal and I think they are about to change politics in America.

The average person would have been pleased to see the high caliber of people present at this meeting. The candidates all did extremely well.

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Warning: This is a mandatory thinking area! First time users and non-thinkers should use extreme caution. Weak minds should use in moderation. Side effects include, but are not limited to stunned enlightenment, spontaneous epiphanies and shocking clarity. In some cases using PS on a regular basis has resulted in an enlarged IQ. PS has been known to cause fainting and seizure in persons diagnosed with fanaticism.

Using PS as directed is safe and effective in combating chronic political rhetoric, most forms of infectious propaganda and generalized mental malaise.

I think, therefore I am. . . a Post Scripts fan.

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It’s the [Stupid]. . . Stupid

by Jack Lee

The other day I was having coffee with a friend at the Uppercrust. He said something really profound and I want to pass it along. He said, and I am paraphrasing, “It’s not socialism or communism or any other “ism’s” that we should be concerned over, it’s stupidity. Stupidity is the real problem!”

If you really think about what’s at the heart of all of our trouble, it’s stupidity. It’s not that competing political philosophy that we have to fear, it’s the absence of intelligence within our current philosophy. Ah, if only we could outlaw stupidity!

Stupidity sits atop many things bad, . . .greed, corruption, sloth, bigotry, racism, and more. It’s just stupid (illogical) to embrace these things and yet we do. We ought to make stupidity the target of our anger, not democrats, republicans, conservatives or liberals….we should be condemning stupidity and demanding more in the way of common sense, intelligence, logic and reason.

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Big Government Spenders Offer Short Change & Very Little Hope

Posted by Tina

When Barack Obama was a senator competing to win the presidency hope and change was all the rage and folk were swooning. One of the things that needed changing, said the hope and change man, was the Bush economy. In fact, candidate Obama took great pleasure in throwing big darts at the Bush economy:

“American families, since George Bush has been in office, have seen average family incomes go down $2,000.” – Barack Obama,, September 2008- Green Bay, Wis.

But according to a Washington Times article (from whence the above quote came) his own economy isn’t doing any better, in fact it’s much, much worse:

“Income falls 3.2% during Obama’s term,” By Joseph Curl – Washington Times

Real personal income for Americans – excluding government payouts such as Social Security – has fallen by 3.2 percent since President Obama took office in January 2009, according to the Commerce Department’s Bureau of Economic Analysis. ** For comparison, real personal income during the first 15 months in office for President George W. Bush, who inherited a milder recession from his predecessor, dropped 0.4 percent. Income excluding government payouts increased 12.7 percent during Mr. Bush’s eight years in office. ** Two of the most populous states in the country reported dramatic declines: Per capita income in California dropped 3.5 percent to $42,325; in New York, the drop was 3.8 percent to $46,957. ** Other numbers show dramatic differences between the state of the economy in the opening months of Mr. Bush’s first term versus that of Mr. Obama. While disposal income during Mr. Obama’s term has risen $2.5 billion, extra cash for Americans rose $113 billion over Mr. Bush’s first 15 months in office.

I don’t recall the president backing up any of that dart throwing with actual figures…now we know why.

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Police Dog Joke – PG

A man had just settled into his seat next to the window on the plane when another man sat down in the aisle seat and put his black Labrador Retriever in the middle seat next to the man. The first man looked very quizzically at the dog and asked why the dog was allowed on the plane.

The second man explained that he was from the Drug Enforcement Agency and that the dog was a ‘sniffing dog’. ‘His name is Sniffer and he’s the best there is. I’ll show you once we get airborne, when I put him to work.’

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California Student / Teacher Fast Facts

by Jack Lee

In California the overall average wage paid to all teachers exceeds all states except for New York. In average per pupil spending, California comes in low, we are out-spent by all states except two in the South. Note; Teacher salaries are averaged in with administration salaries in higher education and that skews the average. For a better idea of 8-12 only wages look at the next paragraph.

In secondary schools California is in 3rd place for wages with $58,240 average and is only bested by New Jersey at $59,110 and Illinois $59,250. Alaska which is known for high wages average is $54,040. Hawaii, also known for high cost of living comes in at $51,390. Source: click here.

California teachers ranked 49th out of 50 states with the highest teacher per pupil ratio.

California students tend to lag behind almost most other states in the nation. However, 70% of white and Asian students exceeded the medium national proficiency, but only 40% of black and Hispanic students reached the same 50th percentile mark.

Today’s kids look different (from 1980 to 2005)

Latinos are up 187% to 3,004,000
African Americans are up 24% to 495,000
Asian Americans are up 133% to 517,000
White students are down 17% to 1,195,000
DATA: California Department of Education

California ranks 50th of 50 states in staff-to-student ratios

68 staff for every 1,000 California students
90 staff for every 1,000 students is the national average
DATA: National Center for Education Statistics, 2004-05

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Tea Party Protest Day – April 15th 2010 – Chico

Date: Thursday, April 15, 2010

Time: 10 AM – 3PM

Chico California
Chico Downtown Plaza


Chico Tea Party Patriots is a grass roots organization comprised of non-partisan individuals who believe in: Limited Government, Fiscal Responsibility, and Free Markets. The goals of Chico Tea Party Patriots are: 1) to make our voices heard through rallies, contact with elected officials, and media; 2) to educate the public on the important issues of the day, focusing on solutions based on our core values; 3) to act as a watchdog, to ensure that our elected officials are held accountable for their votes; and 4) to effect change through the legislative process by identifying and supporting candidates and legislation that are consistent with our core values. If you believe in these core values and goals, then you may be a Tea Party Patriot! It is time to drop the attachment to political parties and to embrace the principles that made America great! For more information about our group you can contact Cindy Selby at

Group Website

William Cross

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