Would You Join the New PARTY CRASHER Group?


If not you need to know who they are so you can watch out for them, confront them, shame them and “call them out”…and don’t forget to video tape their butts.

Posted by Tina

Through infiltration they hope to undermine Tea Party protesters and they are willing to lie and behave deceitfully in order to accomplish their mission of personal group destruction.

Who are these people? They claim to be open to folk from all parties who are sick and tired of Tea Partiers. Is that realy true or are they just a “loosely affiliated” bunch of dumbasses? I’ll let you decide, but do watch out for these freaks on the news on April 15th.

Crash The Tea Party has a specific purpose:

“WHO WE ARE: A nation of Democrats, Republicans and Independents who are all sick and tired of that loose affiliation of racists, homophobes, and morons; who constitute the fake grass-roots movement which calls itself “The Tea Party”.

These “Party Crashers” will be EASY TO SPOT at the massive Tea Party protest in Washington on tax day, Thursday, April 15th. Just watch for the “morons” yelling RACIST, HOMOPHOBIC, and other MORONIC things designed to give Tea Partiers a big black eye.

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This Week…

by Jack Lee

Well this week ought to be interesting. Two more earthquakes just reported in SoCal, makes me wonder will L.A. soon become the new Atlantis? Hey, why do we call them earthquakes anyway, is there any other kind? Scientists warn the Big One would devastate California’s economy, cause us to go billions in debt and hundreds of thousands would be without jobs…in other words probably things would stay pretty much the same as they are now.

Next up, Pres. Obama is speaking to the UN this week in hopes of tightening up global security on nuclear facilities. We don’t want those Muslim terrorists getting their grubbing little hands on nuke material, and Hillary Clinton warns, they’re trying to do just that! Old news Hil, Jack Bower told us that last season, where’ve you been?

Muslim terrorists are not supposed to be call [Muslim] terrorists hereafter; we’re supposed to just say terrorists, and lets not use the term Muslim extremists, Muslim radicals either, not PC, according to the latest White House directive….again. Obama says, Less talk about “Islamic radicalism” and more about doing business with them instead, er, Muslims, not terrorists.

US and Russia have each agreed to dispose of 34 metric tons of weapons-grade plutonium, taken from their military programmes. This was agreed in 2000 but it has taken ten years for the implementing measures to be worked out. Apparently the guys at the land fill wouldn’t accept delivery.

Also in the news, we’re on the outs with Hamid Karzai, which is odd considering without us Karzai would either be in exile or dead were it not for us.

Among the things Karzai is accusing us (Obama Administration) of doing is trying to poison him, getting ready to bail and meddling in internal affairs. Meddling…us? This guy spends his days flirting with our sworn enemy the Taliban and trying to stop us from using heavy weapons like air strikes to wipe out terrorist enclaves. Not so long ago he was out giving away medals to survivors of a British bombing. And get this, the medals were to commemorate one of the heroes in the first Anglo-Afghan war, where the British were defeated. You have wondered which side Afghanistan’s president is really on.

America has now lost more than 1,000 lives in Afghanistan and is spending $73 billion there this year. After showing footage last week of Karzai lambasting the West, American talk-show host Jon Stewart spluttered in indignation. “I think the words he was looking for [were] thank you,” he said.

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New Technology Poses Threat to Iran

by Jack Lee


(at left a typical bunker busting bomb)

Two major obstacles confront any attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. First these structures are over 100 feet deep and encased with 10 to 15 feet thick reinforced concrete making them extremely blast resistant. The other is their sophisticated air defense system that includes an early warning radar network and surface to air missile sites. Just to reach the sites would be a logistics nightmare for any country, except for the USA. We have ample supply of cruise missiles and bombers that would have no problem attacking and wiping out their defenses.

However, for a small country like Israel, it’s an incredible stretch of their military power. But, for arguments sake, let’s say they found a way to reach their targets in Iran. They still have to take them out. These are hardened targets that would be extremely difficult to knock out with one air attack.

Current technology, actually physics, has limited a bunker busting bomb penetration to a maximum of 4 times the length of the bomb and realistically much less. But, there does exist something else that can go 50% deeper than our very best bunker busters.

This is the ultra secret “Deep Digger” bomb. Believe it or not, this bomb parachutes down and literally starts drilling. The weapon is only limited by how much debris it can get clear from the shaft. The exact depth it can dig is classified, but it’s at least half again better than any kinetic weapon in existence. This has to scare the heck out the Iranian’s inside their nuclear facilities, because they didn’t dig their shelters deep enough. Thats right, even though at the time they were built they were well protected, but that part has suddenly changed. They had no idea anything short of a nuclear bomb would ever be powerful enough to reach these deep bunkers, but they were dead wrong.

In a report by David Hambling he says, “Multiple “Deep Diggers” could be co-ordinated to detonate simultaneously producing a combined shockwave.

Part of the secret is the rock-breaking projectile, developed like the cannon at ARDEC, the US Army’s Armament Research Development and Engineering Center at Picatinny. David Burns, the Program Manager, describes it as being a special .75 calibre round, a monolithic design which is more robust and performs better than earlier projectiles. In place of the blasting gel used earlier it now employs a solid high explosive called PAX-11, one of Picatinny’s own special recipes.

Deep Digger has already moved on from the version described in this presentation. Burns is confident that it’s proven ability to drill consistently through rock will make Deep Digger the leader in its field.

It doesn’t stop with bombs either. There are some other interesting applications for Deep Digger technology too, starting with a breaching cannon that cuts through brick walls like a chainsaw through plywood.”

Guess who else happens to possess such a weapon…. yeah, imagine that.

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Bowe Bergdahl Makes Another Video for Taliban

by Jack Lee


It’s been over 9 months since PFC Bowe Bergdahl (allegedly) deserted from his unit in Afghanistan and wandered into the hands of the Taliban. Bergdahl was shown in a Taliban video shortly after his capture and yesterday he appeared in a second video pleading to be released. This video can be seen in its entirity by clicking this link.

Bergdahl’s value to the enemy is obviously for propaganda, but they are also trying to get some mileage out of his friends and family members, not to mention the anti-war groups. But, it’s not working. American’s are more resolved than ever to see Afghanistan stabilized and self governing.

Those who are calling Bergdahl a hero want the US to do whatever it takes to get him released, but they seem incapable of making any connection between his alleged desertion in a combat zone and his current situation. To date, PFC Bergdahl is the only member of the armed forces to allegedly desert and go over to the enemy. He will likely face criminal charges if and when he is released by the Taliban.

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Republican Corner – Restoring California’s Budget

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By Steve Thompson, Chairman of the Butte County Republican Party

A lot of fuss has been made recently about state funding for education. Students at Chico State and other schools have protested fee increases to cover their tuition. CSUC President Paul Zingg wrote a heartfelt OpEd in the Chico News & Review. Actress Megan Fox has even made a funny commercial about education funding. In each case there are great arguments made as to why the state should fund higher education, but no ideas offered on how to pay for it.

Republicans and Democrats are often viewed as caught between two lines of argument on government spending. The democrats want tax increases to pay for government services, and the republicans want to cut government spending to bring the budget in line. Those dependant on government services of course do not want any cuts, and California taxpayers are literally tapped out and cannot afford a single penny more taken out of their personal budgets. Making it more difficult are the facts that cuts to vital services like police and fire can have drastic consequences, and raising tax rates any further would likely result in less revenue for state government (as seen with last year’s tax increase). What is our state to do?

Fortunately there are other answers. The first is to grow our way out of this hole. By that I mean, we need to revive our state’s economy by bringing back business and industry. Since 2001, California has lost about a million jobs, with half of those losses being manufacturing jobs. Losing manufacturing jobs hurts because they tend to pay more and create actual wealth (they take raw materials and create a sellable product). When workers make more money and have more disposable income, they spend it on goods and services which in turn creates more tax revenues.

A lot of businesses can no longer afford to do business in California. A combination of high taxes, fees, and regulations are driving them away. Even green jobs (solar manufacturing, internet) are moving to other states (and countries) where it’s cheaper to do business . Some of those green jobs leaving California for other states were even funded by stimulus money (our own tax dollars) to do it!

By lowering tax rates and easing off on strict regulations, we can encourage a friendlier business atmosphere and turn this negative trend around. That’s not rocket science, it’s just common sense. We’re not talking about letting people dump toxic sludge into our drinking water. We’re talking about letting private companies operate at a simple profit so they can pay their bills and their employees. There is a difference.

Second, we need to take action that would raise short term cash quickly for our state budget. This can be done by selling some of our state’s ample resources. Yes, this is the “drill baby drill” approach, and it works. Even President Obama, in a momentary show of common sense, has admitted that more domestic oil drilling would help our economy. The Chico News & Review (not known for their conservative views) agreed with the President on this! California has a multitude of resources such as offshore oil, minerals, and timber. We could jumpstart our economy and put thousands of people back to work by declaring a state emergency, cutting the bureaucratic red tape, and selling some of these resources to private industry.

I realize this solution scares some of the environmental community, but this is 2010 not 1910. We now have some of the cleanest technology for resource extraction in the world. If we’re not doing it here, it will be done somewhere else in the world with no guarantees of the environmental protections that we provide. We have oil, minerals, and lumber that could be sold right now to help pay for education in our state. Just one oil operation off the coast of Santa Barbara (proposed last year and shot down by legislative democrats) would have brought in over $1.4 billion to the state. How many college tuitions could have been paid for with that money? How many teachers layoffs could be prevented? I don’t see Sierra Club members offering to pay to keep our schools open, so why should we let them dictate our state’s economic future?

Taking action to grow our economy, and create more state revenue, is not a partisan idea. It is a bipartisan solution that should be pushed by anyone who wants our state to prosper, whether republican or democrat. The truth is that California has no choice and cannot put off real budget solutions any longer. They cannot raise taxes and they have run out of money to borrow. It is time to either sell our assets and put people back to work, or make drastic cuts to the state budget and say goodbye to a whole lot of entitlement spending. The good news is that California can recover, if Californians are willing to make it happen.

I want to thank you all for reading my first submission to Post Scripts and I welcome any comments or debate. This will be the first in a series of weekly Republican updates that I will be submitting, for which I want to again thank Jack and Tina for this opportunity.

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by Jack Lee


It’s not much of a secret that Israel will do a pre-emptive strike on Iranian nuclear facilities before they can produce their first nuclear bomb. The whole world believes this and more importantly, so does Iran. Actually the Iranians expect either the U.S. acting under UN sanctions or Israel to bomb their hardened nuclear production bunkers which is exactly why they built them so deep and so well protected. Something that is extremely expensive and unecessary if you were building just nuclear power. Do you believe that’s all they are doing? I sure don’t.

Interesting links.. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601207&sid=aGMckBoKKvoo

Continue reading “ATTACK ON IRAN MAY BE NEAR” »

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Economic Wisdom Then and Now


Posted by Tina

In terms of economic policy, from our founding to the current administrastion the song remains the same:

“I, however, place economy among the first and most important republican virtues, and public debt as the greatest of the dangers to be feared.” – Thomas Jefferson

“The tax on capital gains directly affects investment decisions, the mobility and flow of risk capital… the ease or difficulty experienced by new ventures in obtaining capital, and thereby the strength and potential for growth in the economy. – John F. Kennedy

“An economy hampered by restrictive tax rates will never produce enough revenue to balance our budget, just as it will never produce enough jobs or enough profits” – John Fitzgerald Kennedy

“Government is the people’s business and every man, woman and child becomes a shareholder with the first penny of tax paid. * Public servants say, always with the best of intentions, ‘What greater service we could render if only we had a little more money and a little more power.’ But the truth is that outside of its legitimate function, government does nothing as well or as economically as the private sector. * Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them. * Governments don’t reduce deficits by raising taxes on the people; governments reduce deficits by controlling spending and stimulating new wealth.” – Ronald Reagan

“Unless we as a nation demonstrate a strong commitment to fiscal responsibility, in the longer run we will have neither financial stability nor healthy economic growth.” – Ben Bernanke, Federal Reserve Chairman

“U.S. fiscal policy is unsustainable, and unsustainable to an extent that it can’t be solved through minor changes.” – Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Director Douglas Elmendorf

“A bad situation could become dramatically worse” – Barack Obama

Right on Mr. President! Clearly, given your own assessment, we need a dramatic change and we need it NOW! What kind? A return to that fiscal song that remains the same!

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by Jack Lee


In a recession the private sector makes across the board cuts in order to stay afloat, but in government it works a little different. They have boxed themselves in with mandated spending programs, so when their revenues begin to dry up their first reaction is to find more creative ways to replace the lost revenue and the easiest way to do that is by taxing. Sometimes these new taxes are called fees or revenue, but don’t be fooled, anything that comes from your pocket and goes into the govenment’s is a tax.

Enter new taxes: In Washington state a six pack of beer is now taxed at 3 times the previous tax rate. Arizona towns are raising their hotel tax to as high as 14.07%, that ought to help slow tourism. Not to be outdone, Connecticut, who also suffers from too much tourism, wants to raise their hotel tax to 15%.

New Jersey is about to impose the largest property tax increase in their state’s history. New Jersey had been raiding county funds and last year they skipped a $3 billion pension payment to meet budget shortfalls. New Jersey has lost over 17% of tax revenue in the past two years, the largest drop in 40 years and their situation is not uncommon among the other states.

A new fed tax on tanning beds will jump your tanning costs by 10%. In California the Canabis Tax Act looks like it could be a winner with 56% polled in favor. California is also considering a tax on soda pop that says for every spoonfull of sugar the soda will be taxed 1 cent. This would raise 1.5 billion dollars, so they say. In Washington D.C. they are taxing plastic bag like you use in the grocery store. In Maine they are taxing blueberries. In West Virginia they are taxing anything that makes noise like party noise makers or firecrackers, etc. Some states are even imposing a new tax on internet dating sites. And you know these taxes won’t go away even when the revenue stream increases, that’s never how it works…once in taxes are forever.

The federal capitol gain tax rate will go from its current 15% to 20%. The maximum rate on ordinary income will increase from 35% to 39.6%. This will include dividend income for which the tax rate will increase dramatically from 15% today to 39.6%. The estate tax will estate and gift tax rate will rise to 55% for anything over the one mil exemption. Annuity Trusts are going to be taxed 3.9% more. Social Security tax is expected to increase 3.9%, however for workers hired in 2010 there is 6.02% tax break for the first two months of new employment. The Federal Communications Commission proposes creating a national tax on all digital goods and services and imposing a fee to establish and maintain a national public safety wireless broadband network (this the internet tax and we warned you.)

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A Sobering Look at Iran

by Jack Lee

Since the war in Iraq is winding down to nothing but annoying car bombs, Iran’s Mullah’s have turned their gaze upon Afghanistan in renewed hope that there may yet be a triumph of radical Islamic forces! Iraq was their Vietnam, and it’s estimated and quite accurately I might add, that about 39,000 hardcore fanatics have been laid to rest in Iraq and Afghanistan.

However, Iran is determine to see that number climb and they’ve re-established the rat line into Afghanistan for shipping massive amounts of explosives for IED’s (roadside bombs) and weapons ranging from AK-47’s (automatic rifles) to RPGs (rockets).

At the same time Iran is bent on enriching uranium to build their first nuclear weapon and they have continued unabated despite UN pleas and sanctions to gain their cooperation.


(President Ahmadinejad shown left) Iran has two political forces and neither seem to be accountable to the other and as a result they occasionally have differing foreign policies. There is the theocracy side led by the Ayatollah and Supreme Leader Ali Hoseyni Khamene’i and his boys, the Mullahs in the so-called Guardian Council with their private army and then there is the elected government with the traditional military forces which are far more visible and they are controlled by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who is as crazy as a loon. Both sides reflect an overconfidence that is typically Iranian.

Continue reading “A Sobering Look at Iran” »

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