Hump Day Funny

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Anyone Paying Attention to Putin?


Posted by Tina

Jane Jamison of American Thinker has a very good question for the Obama administration:

“Russia Moving Fast Before ‘Arms Control’ with U.S.,” by Jane Jamison – American Thinker

The New York Times says that President Obama’s nuclear arms reduction agreement, to be signed within a few days, will significantly alter U.S. defense policy to “substantially narrow the conditions under which nuclear weapons could be used, even in self-defense.” ** Is anyone in the Obama administration paying any attention to Vladimir Putin? ** The Russian prime minister has just returned from his first-ever trip to Venezuela, with bear hugs for dictator-“presidente” Hugo Chvez. ** Russia and Venezuela signed no fewer than 31 agreements in twelve hours. Russia has already sold Chvez $4 billion in military armaments, and now he has signed on for at least $5 billion more.

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An Easter Story

Posted by Jack

This is coming a bit late, but we had so many articles to post I couldn’t get to this Easter story until now, enjoy:

Three blonde friends died together in a car wreck. They find themselves standing in front of the pearly gates with St. Peter. He told them that before they could enter heaven, they had to tell him what Easter was about.

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Huge Quake Hit’s Indonesia

Northern Sumatra, Indonesia (Hollywood Backstage) – On Tuesday, April 6, 2010 22:15:02 UTC a huge 7.7 magnitude earthquake hit Northern Sumatra, Indonesia. The epicenter is located eight miles north of Pulau Udjung Batu Island. The earthquake was 31 km (19.3 miles) deep.

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State of California needs $36,000.00 (each household) for Underfunded Pension Plans


Posted by Tina

Well so much for that nest egg you might have been counting on for your kids college or to pay for your old age care:

Gov. Schwarzenegger commissioned a Stanford university study to examine the costs of the California’s public sector pension plans. The results are not pretty: [California Foundation for Fiscal Responsibility President Marcia] Fritz said the $535 billion shortfall estimated by the Stanford report means every household in the state is on the hook for about $36,000. ”That’s how much they owe to government workers for their retirement benefits,” Fritz said. – Washington Examiner

How much more will be asked of the taxpayer? What kind of future will our young people have? Why do our representatives think there is a bottomless pit of money, theirs for the taking? When will they get how irresponsibly they have managed our hard earned money and STOP?

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“Where do I Sign Up for Free Health Care?”

Posted by Tina

WASHINGTON — Two weeks after President Barack Obama signed the big health care overhaul into law, Americans are struggling to understand how — and when — the sweeping measure will affect them. Questions reflecting confusion have flooded insurance companies, doctors’ offices, human resources departments and business groups. “They’re saying, ‘Where do we get the free Obama care, and how do I sign up for that?’ ” said Carrie McLean, a licensed agent for – McClatchy Newspapers

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Why Is Christian Bale Bailing on the U.K.?

Posted by Tina

Great Britain just announced it will raise the tax rates on it’s high earning citizens to 50%”. Wow! How do you suppose it would feel to work half of the year just to pay your yearly taxes? I don’t care whether high earners “can afford it” or not, that’s just highway robbery! It is unjust! And it’s coming to America soon if we don’t reverse the current big spending trend.

2126-Christian Bale - Batman.jpg

The incredibly sick thing is that people don’t seem to understand that the tax money collected will fall into an open-ended spending hole. The ability to create wealth will be stifled and tax revenues will flatten out or, more likely, decrease. the private sector stgnate further. A tipping point will be reached and the middle class will be asked to pay more and more also. How far do progressive governments have to go before people begin to feel enslaved or at least merely “kept” like working dogs?

It may be that Christian Bale has seen the writing on the wall in his homeland. He has apparently just announced his intention to become a U.S. citizen. Good luck with that Batman…sadly, we seem to be headed in the same direction as the U.K. Will Bale play Batman in the US and help us rid ourselves of our own progressive government? Look for a sign in the night sky.

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Another Earthquake Hits SoCal

by Jack Lee


6 April 2010 – Following in the wake of a mega 7.2 quake in Baja, Ca. last Sunday was a 4.6 shaker in the L.A. area this morning.

The 7.2 earthquake on 4/4/10 struck cities in northern Mexico and southern California, tearing up roads, making buildings sway from Los Angeles to Tijuana, and leaving at least two people dead in Mexico. Mexican officials said at least one person died in a collapsed house and about 100 more were injured in the quake, one of the strongest in the area for decades.

Around 3:00 AM PST today, the 4.6 aftershock was centered just outside of Seeley, California.

Reader’s question: Do you think a large quake will hit California soon? If so, where?

UPDATE: Another significant earthquake just came in at 5:11 am PST and was detected at a depth of 3.1 miles, about 2 miles SE of Imperial, Ca. The quake was estimated at 4.8.

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Cal pension funds a half-trillion dollars short!

Cal pension funds a half-trillion dollars short, study says. . .

A team of graduate students at Stanford University, overseen by former Assemblyman Joe Nation, has calculated that California’s three major public pension funds are collectively more than a half-trillion-dollars underfunded if their underlying assumptions are adjusted downward to a “risk-free rate.”

The report, conducted under the aegis of Stanford’s Institute for Economic Policy Research, bolsters the case by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and other pension reformers for an overhaul of the state’s pension systems.

Read more:

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Sen. Wiggins is Wigged Out – Needs to Retire

Sen. Pat Wiggins-D, Santa Rose,


shocked onlookers in a packed committee hearing in Sacramento this week when she screamed repeatedly about a water canister that had gone unfilled and she appeared to advance threateningly toward another senator.

Only after security staff moved in and an aide for Wiggins intervened did the 69-year-old Santa Rosa Democrat end the tirade that lasted several minutes.

“It looked like she was going after another senator and totally disrupting the committee,” said a Senate staffer who witnessed the incident. “They tried to proceed as best as they could given the situation. It was pretty shocking.”

The episode, which occurred Wednesday during a meeting of the Joint Legislative Audit Committee, represented the latest disturbing outburst for Wiggins, whose odd behavior over the past two years has led to concern she is seriously ill.

The most recent incident of Wiggin’s strange behavior occurred at a meeting where the Wiggins wasn’t happy with the taxpayer provided water station.

Wiggins got up to refill her water glass but after finding the container empty began screaming, “When are you going to get that stupid stuff?” — apparently directing her ire at committee staff, according to the Senate staffer who witnessed the incident.

Wiggins also walked toward Sen. Lois Wolk, D-Davis, in what some observers interpreted as a threatening gesture. A member of the Capitol security team moved behind Wolk, the Senate staffer said.

Senator Wiggins is, according to her staff, “suffering from a health problem,” although nobody in the Wiggins camp has so much as hinted what the health problem might be.

David Miller, the senator’s press aide, declined comment Thursday, but told the Sacramento Bee that it’s not “a secret that she (Wiggins) has a medical condition for which she’s being treated.”

Wiggins votes the party line so they want to keep her around and roll her out when they need her, crazy or not.

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