Internet Tax in the Works?


Posted by Tina

Timothy H. Lee of the Washington Times suggests the O administration may be considering another “power grab” in his article, “Internet taxation is on the way”. This time the FCC will be the source for imposing more taxation…that means fewer bucks in our pockets. Here’s the relevant info:

Take a look at the following introduction of a nationwide tax upon Internet goods and services, inserted within page 58 of the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) National Broadband Plan released this week: Digital Goods and Services Taxation ** RECOMMENDATION 4.20: The federal government should investigate establishing a national framework for digital goods and services taxation. ** The FCC’s National Broadband Plan contains other tax-increase proposals, unfortunately. It states that we “should broaden the universal service contribution base,” which refers to the tax upon telecommunications service providers created by the FCC in 1997.

Is there a nook or cranny this administration will leave alone? Don’t count on it! their motto seems to be, “If it exists…tax it.”

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Guam In Danger Says Congressman

by Jack Lee

We couldn’t run this story when it broke because you would have surely thought it was an April Fools joke. But, it’s not and that’s the scary part. Democrat Congressman Hank Johnson who was in charge of deciding whether or not to allow additional Marines to deploy to Guam was worried that having too much population on one end of the island might cause a disaster, now read what kind.

Examiner – Oh no! Guam may tip over and capsize, according to U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson (D-GA). At a House Armed Services Committee meeting last week, Johnson was questioning Robert Willard, commander of the United States Pacific fleet about what effect the influx of Marines and their families would have on Guam.


U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson (shown on left) said, “My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.”

Robert Willard replied “We don’t anticipate that. The Guam population, I think, currently about 175,000, and again, with 8,000 marines and their families, it’s an addition of about 25,000 more into the population.”

Johnson apparently has had Hep-C for decades and it’s taken its toll on him mentally. And no, I don’t want to discuss how Hep C is transmitted – let’s leave that part alone. What is important to discuss is this man is sitting in Congress making critical judgment calls. When a Congressman thinks an island will tip over because of weight on one end, I feel sorry for his mental problems, but It’s time for the democratic party leadership to gently tap him on the shoulder and tell him his time is up. Thanks for your service, but it’s time to step aside because you are too compromised to be making judgment calls. You must step down or we will take steps to remove you.

If he was a republican you know democrats would be all over him, demanding he resign or be forcibly removed and actually…it would be right of them to do so.

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March 31st was Cesar Chavez Day

by Jack Lee

Yesterday around 2 p.m. I rode my bicycle over to the Butte County library to do some research and it was closed. I forgot this was Cesar Chavez Day. March 31st is a CA holiday and it is billed as celebrating “immigration and activism”.

To celebrate Chavez’ B-Day our CA government closed the doors to all public libraries across this state where kids come to learn…how incredibly “Democrat” of them.

If the truth be known, this is really a day focused on celebrating [illegal] immigration by and for persons of Mexican ancestry. If we really wanted to celebrate “legal” immigration we didn’t have to wait for Cesar Chavez the Union Leader (also of Mexican ancestry) to come along to do it. We have plenty of notables to choose from from all over the world – but, celebrating Chavez’s birthday fits right in to a certain political agenda by liberal activists within our State Capital, who, not coincidentally, also belong to the Hispanic Caucus and embrace the LaRaza doctrine. They are always placing their ethno-centric priorities and interests far ahead of serving the people of this state. When they talk about celebrating activisim this is code for rabid, hateful and often racist leftwing protestors. And that is the blunt and brutally honest truth.

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A Modern Modest Proposal – Funeral Compaction A New Green Industry

by Jack Lee

Let’s face it, funerals are expensive and so is cemetary space, which is not always available. Cremation was thought to address costs and space, but even cremation has it’s down side. Studies have shown cremation releases micro pollutants into the air as well as consuming a lot of BTU’s. Surely there must be another way, a better way, right?

Yes, finally there is another way – cremation is out and compaction is in. That’s right, compaction folks. You wonder why somebody hasn’t thought of this before. It’s enviromentally safe and compaction uses only a fraction of the energy in a typical cremation, plus its far cheaper than the traditional casket burial. But, why bury em when you can keep your loved ones close and even useful. Yes…I said, useful! You must read on:


(A modern CFC-16 certified funeral compactor is shown at left) Here’s how it works and this is according to the latest issue of Science Today magazine: Consider that the average human is made up of about 65% water and under high pressure compaction in conjuntion with a simple dehydration process. What remains is a perfectly dry, odorless square about 12 inches across and it weighs only about 7 pounds give or take, depending on their original size. But, the best is yet to come.

The remaining solid material and this would be the “useful” part, could be taken “as is” or for a small additional charge it can be shaped into a number of tasteful artistic designs or even made into helpful household items. Don’t put Uncle Fred into an urn, make him into the urn! Did I mention that the remains can be painted in any color or plated in either gold, silver or chrome? For those who still want a coffin you can still do it and for pennies on the dollar thanks to compaction. You can purchase a scaled down coffin (suitable for burial) for the recently compacted. Small coffins can be offered for as low as $29.95! I know what you are thinking, this is too good to be true!


Mortuary Services across the nation will soon be offering compaction right along with standard services, but for about one third the cost of a traditional funeral or even less.

According to Science Today magazine the practical uses for compacted remains are only limited by your imagination. And with a special mixture of resins and hardeners the remains will last darn near forever. One lady from Detroit said she made her husband a bowling ball, rather make that, made “him” into a bowling ball. Why not? He always loved bowling and now he’ll be knocking down the 10 pins years after his passing. Just think of it, your compacted loved ones are 100% guaranteed against chipping or peeling.

What could be better? It’s safe, inexpensive and guaranteed for a lifetime.

Now what would you like to be after your gone – perhaps a custom made planter box or what about being a stepping stone in the back yard? Whatever your wish you’ll know that your friends and family will enjoy you long after you are technically gone.

For more details on funeral compaction please contact CSNA the Compaction Society of North America at 1-800-aprilfools.

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Butte Republicans Introduce Damon Dunn

2090-Damon Dunn.jpg

Posted by Tina

A reception is being held by the Butte Republicans to introduce Damon Dun, an ex NFL player and businessman who is running for Secretary of State:

Date: Thursday, April 1st

Place: Hotel Diamond (Chico) – Go to the wine cellar under Johnnies Restaurant.

Time: 6:00 PM

Dunn is someone you might want to seriously consider for Secretary of State in November. He’s living proof that anyone can succeed in America. With a strong background of personal achievement and community service behind him he expresses a sincere desire to see the State of California turned around and thriving once again so that the opportunities he hadd will be available for others. The webpage “Hip Hop Republican” offers an amazing profile of a man who worked hard to overcome extreme poverty to become a tremendous success, first in school and college, and later in professional sports, in business and in public service. The following vision for California is excerpted from the “Hip Hop Republican” site:

Damon believes the answer to California’s problems is not to increase the burden on the diminishing number of entities who have made the state successful, but to create an environment where ALL Californians can reach their potential. This means: The creation of a business environment that encourages job creation, innovation and growth. ** The creation of an education system that places the student, not the education bureaucracy, at its center. ** Returning power to local government and away from the bloated, ineffective and bankrupt state bureaucracy. ** A system that encourages the payment of good wages for good work, not a government pension system that pays healthy, working age people up to $400,000 not to work. ** Damon is fully cognizant of the magnitude of the problem. However, Damon believes that great things not only are possible, they are achievable.

Steve Thompson of the Butte Republicans invites you to attend what should be an interesting and informative evening.

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Obama, Lots of ‘Change’ no improvement

Thanks go to Harold Ey for finding this great article…

The government’s Web site for handling student loans was broken most of Tuesday — the very day President Obama signed a law putting the government in charge of all subsidized student lending.

Visitors to the site early Tuesday afternoon saw an error message, while users Monday saw either an error message or, in the evening, were simply unable to connect to the site at all.

The site was working again by late Tuesday, but critics said the technical problems underscore their concerns about turning such a major program over to the federal government.

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An Email from Iraq

Posted by Jack

This email shown below is a bit old, but it finally made its way to me and its worth the read. It was sent from an NCO friend of mine at CAARNG Headquarters in Sacramento. Now you get to read it just like it was sent, no editing.

Warning this contains strong language.

Combat Firearms “Report Card” from Iraq

This email from Jordan, a Marine who’s in Iraq. No politics here; just a Marine with a bird’s eye view opinion:

US Weapons:

1) The M-16 rifle:

Thumbs down. Chronic jamming problems with the talcum powder like sand over there. The sand is everywhere. Jordan says you feel filthy 2 minutes after coming out of the shower. The M-4 carbine version is more popular because it’s lighter and shorter, but it has jamming problems also. They lack the ability to mount the various optical gunsights and weapons lights on the picatinny rails, but the weapon itself is not great in a desert environment. They all hate the 5.56mm (.223) round. Poor penetration on the cinderblock structure common over there and even torso hits can’t be reliably counted on to put the enemy down.

Fun fact: Random autopsies on dead insurgents show a high level of opiate use.

2) The M243 SAW (squad assault weapon):

.223 cal. Drum fed light machine gun. Big thumbs down. Universally considered a piece of shit. Chronic jamming problems, most of which require partial disassembly (that’s fun in the middle of a firefight).

3) The M9 Beretta 9mm:

Mixed bag. Good gun, performs well in desert environment; but they all hate the 9mm cartridge. The use of handguns for self-defense is actually fairly common. Same old story on the 9mm: Bad guys hit multiple times and still in the fight.

4) Mossberg 12ga. Military shotgun:

Works well, used frequently for clearing houses to good effect.

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$1946 Spent at Lesbian Strip Bar by GOP Members

Post by Jack

WASHINGTON – The Republican National Committee spent $1,946 last month at a sex-themed Hollywood club that features topless dancers and bondage outfits. Now the GOP wants its money back. (Not exactly true according to what I heard. I heard they were billed for it and the person/s who were responsible are going to pay for it – the actual GOP didn’t have anything to do with it.)

Listed in a monthly financial report, the amount is itemized as expenses for meals at Voyeur West Hollywood.

RNC spokesman Doug Heye said Monday the committee doesn’t know the details of how the money was spent, all who may have attended or the nature of the outing, except to say it was an unauthorized event and that the expenditure was inappropriate. (Gee, ya think? Spending almost 2k at the Lesbo bar, on what level would this ever be okay? )
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False Accusations are Nothing New

by Steve Thompson, Chair BCRP

I remember years ago there was a woman who came to speak at Chico State about racism in our country. While she was there her car “happened” to be vandalized with racial slurs and other nasty phrases. She of course reported this to police and drew in a lot of media attention over the matter, bringing more awareness to her cause. Problem is, the police concluded she had done this to her own car.

The whole thing was yet another liberal PR scam.

There’s a lot of democrats now crying fowl about all the mean-spiritedness of conservatives, but not a whole lot of evidence of anything actually happening. Instead of being hated for eroding American liberties, they get to play the victims now. I think Mr. Marcus may be absolutely right here, and these democrats aren’t being honest with us.

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Tea Party “N-Word” Report


Posted by Tina

The following is an excerpt from an article in the American Thinker by Lloyd Marcus, one of the celebrities traveling with the Tea Party Express tour. Lloyd is a black conservative who has traveled all over America and spoken and performed at a lot of tea party rallies:

As a black patriot, I have never felt a racist atmosphere nor a hint of violence. Yes, attendees are angry. It is the patriotic duty of all who love America to be angry. Today, several tea party attendees hugged me with tears streaming down their cheeks as they thanked me for standing up for our country. Several were also extremely moved by my signature proclamation that I am not a hyphenated American. They called me brother. ** The media is littered with articles and news stories about the alleged “n” word incident in Washington DC. Black democrats claim they were called the “n” word fifteen times by a bunch of angry white tea party activists. I believe the accusation is a lie. ** First of all, in our high tech everyone has a cell phone video camera age, video of the incident would be posted everywhere if the incident really happened. Also, as I said, I have attended over 100 tea parties. I know my fellow patriots. If a knucklehead yelled the “n” word, the crowd would have immediately verbally attacked the idiot. This accusation is another sleazy divisive attempt by an arrogant bunch of characterless democrat race exploiters and their homeys in the liberal mainstream media to dis’ millions of patriots who refused to sheepishly surrender our freedom, liberty and culture to their beloved messiah, Obama. ** And another thing, after passing ObamaCare against our will via corrupt backdoor deals, why on earth should we believe anything the Democrats say regarding racist comments and threats made against them? They lie! They are characterless. They are undeserving of our respect and any benefit of the doubt. – Lloyd Marcus, reporting from the Tea Party Express bus tour.

The man has no reason to lie and he has a lot of reasons to remove himself from the movement if he experienced racism…I find his testimony credible.

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