Another Gitmo Grad Returns to Work

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Posted by Tina

More Guantanamo Detainees Are Returning to Terror Upon Release,” by Diane Macedo –

Prior to his release in December, Abdul Hafiz was Prisoner Number 1030 at Guantanamo Bay. Now, less than four months later, he’s back home in Afghanistan and working for the Taliban — just the latest of more than 100 released detainees who have returned to terrorism, according to the Pentagon. ** Hafiz, suspected in the March 2003 kidnapping and murder of an International Red Cross worker, was the “Taliban head of all Madrassas … responsible for recruiting and sending young men to fight for the Taliban,” according to U.S. government memos. He was said to have maintained contacts for Mullah Mohammad Omar, the leader of the Taliban of Afghanistan, and to have admitted to participating in jihad against the Soviets.

Thanks to the weenie position that terrorists have good reason to wage jihad, or are misunderstood and can be rehabed or reasoned with, we will see more of this. And, dear heart, these are not stupid people. They return to the fight, that’s bad enough, but they also are now armed with weapons we have given them. They train their people to spew weenie rhetoric…if captured to claim they were tortured, to demand a lawyer, and to claim they want to be rehabilitated in order to gain release.

Their commitment is deadly…shouldn’t we at least be bold and resolute?

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Apple Logic, a Quote from Star Parker


Posted by Tina

I love the way this woman thinks…

“Let’s do a quick thought experiment. The price of apples keeps going up. The government decides that every American must buy apples. But some can’t afford them. Government starts controlling how much apple farmers are paid, it mandates that every single American buys apples and subsidizes those under a certain income level so they can. Will the price of apples go down, stay the same or go up? ** Democrats have just committed multitrillions of our money, and, as a bonus, sold a big chunk of American freedom down the road, betting that everything a college freshman learns in basic economics is not true. Or, that health care doesn’t follow the rules of economics. Because our new health-care system is pretty much the apple scenario described above.” – “The Government Plantation Forever?” by Star Parker –

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Republican Leader Threatened by Lunatic on Utube

Breaking news – CNN: “Over the weekend, Congressman Cantor was notified by law enforcement that a threat was made against his life. Law enforcement officials informed Congressman Cantor that the threat was determined as credible and they were responding accordingly,” Cantor’s Press Secretary Brad Dayspring said in a statement. “The Congressman was later notified that an arrest was made and a suspect was in custody.”

NOTE: The person in question here is Norman Leboon and I found a number of his videos on There is no doubt in my mind this guy is crazy. He’s a total wacked out religious nutcase. It’s really sad to seem him ramble on. He has a Messiah complex. In one video he calls himself the Madhi. He needs to be committed and put on heavy drugs. Jack Lee

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Christian Terrorist Group Taken Down

by Jack Lee


Breaking news…nine members of a U.S. based, Christian militia, have been arrested for conspiracy to commit murder on police officers. As you read this story please keep in mind this was a small group of rightwing crackpots and it was bound to happen given the times. But, they never actually did anything, they only talked about it and this makes it is no where near to being on par with global Muslim extremism which has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives and billions of dollars in destruction in the just the last few decades. I say this because I anticipated that some on the far left will be near rhapsodic knowing we finally have an example of a Christian terrorist group – therefore proving that Christians are just like Muslims when it comes to extremism and violence.
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Left Talker is the Mad Hater!

Posted by Tina

In all of my many years of listening to right wing talk radio I have NEVER heard anyone, not host nor caller, say anything even remotely close to this left talkers rant. Man, he even looks like a crazed mad hater with that disheveled white hair! But, seriously, he isn’t saying absurd things to illustrate a point. He isn’t repeating what someone else has said to illustrate a point. He isn’t even being descriptive in a creatice way or making an interesting comparison to illustrate a broader idea. In fact, if this is his best shot, this man has nothing of substance to contribute and deserves to go the way of Air America. Give a listen and see what you think:

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Nuclear Arms Reduction Agreement Reaps Big Praise for Obama – Is it Overstated?


Posted by Tina

Obama announced a new agreement with Russia this weekend with the media touting the it as “the most comprehensive…in nearly two decades”. The question is, is it? Washington Post thinks so: “President Obama’s first victory in his ambitious agenda to move toward a nuclear-free world.”

Good grief they do go on about this man! Lets try a smidgeon of background. Long ago, and out on a drug induced plane too far out for the average person to experience, a group of young and not so young left wing crazies went nuts about nukes. They protested and rallied all over the country in VW buses painted with flowers and peace signs as part of the general rebellion against the war and anyone over thirty.


Protests continued through the nineteen eighties when the hated Ronald Reagan was in the White House. His landmark agreement with the Russians to begin to eliminate nuclear weapons went uncelebrated. You’d think those protesting peaceniks would have at least used this happy news as an excuse to party hearty but noooooo, hating Reagan was much too important even when he accomplished what protesters (and media) had been screaming about for over a decade. Instead protest madness continued. Events in front of the gates of the Livermore Lab were frequent with a few celebrities joining in to give the act some sparkle. During George Bush’s presidency they were still active in Livermore managing quite number of arrests, 64 in 2007 and 80 in 2008. The following is from a call to hit the Livermore streets for peace:

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Post Scripts – A Conservative Blog

Yes, we’re a conservative blog and we make no pretense to be anything else, however we embrace free speech and respect differing opinions. We’ll reserve the right to engage those with a different opinion, but that’s the kind of debate that leads to full disclosure and opens minds. We like that. Hope you will too!

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March 30th – Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day

Here is a comment that deserves front page attention. It was received in our article “honoring Veterans” by Tina. I hope you like it as much as I did, it is certainly right on the mark. Here we go:

From Mijo. . .

Tuesday March 30th is CA Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans Day. Cynically, I wonder if it is out of sincere regret for the way those vet were treated when they came home or if finally the despicable way those vets were treated has become politically unpalatable for the people that did so and still hold or aspire to offices? Locally the Butte County Board of Supervisors is giving a proclamation to local vets. Will it be Vietnam Vet Board Chair Bill Connelly that presents the proclamation? Or anti-war protester Jane Dolan known for some infamous acts of protest in Chico during that war? Dolan first won her seat in 1978 with the help and direct involvement of Tom Haydon and Jane Fonda, including local appearances in support of her campaign. Dolan was a member of Haydon’s “campaign for economic democracy” had CED staffer Bob Mulholland running her campaign. She may be the last of the CED to still be holding office, certainly she is the last of the Butte County CED.

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Tea Party Report – Reid Country Nevada


Posted by Tina

The Las Vegas Review-Journal had a great story on the Tea Party event held in Harry Reid’s hometown of Searchlight, Nevada on Saturday featuring the lovely and gracious Sarah Palin. Law enforcement estimated a crowd of at least 8000 that included people from all over Nevada as well as California, Arizona, Utah and Montana. One woman, age 68, traveled from San Diego by bus to attend. Her sign read, “”I’m here because I’m a worried grandparent, not a troublemaker.” My guess is she’s tired of being labeled as an angry kook or a racist nut case. There was one incident by a genuine troublemaker who thought it a good idea to toss eggs at the Tea Party Express bus as it traveled through town but no other trouble was reported. Harry Reid was in town and graciously said he was glad the tea partiers were there. The local Democrats expected some two hundred supporters from around Nevada would drop by to see REid at a coffee and donut hole event held in his honor to celebrate the Medicare fix in the health care bill.

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An American Tragedy

by Harold Ey


We all were part of an American tragedy last Thursday, as we witnessed the unbridled use of Congressional power, or should I say “Misuse there of’. By now we should recognize the arrogance of Pelosi and Reid who were instrumental in writing this Piece of Political law, but it was motivated by Obama’s beliefs that are castrating Constitutional freedoms with his ambition of a socialist America. This Bill is clearly an example of free will removed to simply eliminate the self-reliance of people, create more dependence on government and further the way for Obama’s strategy toward socialism.

We the American people are now pawns he manipulated with words with no substance, and now we must exist with the results. Can we work harder to resolve this disaster, YES! It is possible that once they (incumbents) are removed from office and replaced with stewards that listen to the ‘Will of the American people’ we could rework this cobbled version of a Bill and give us relief from another Government run program that will fail, mainly due to cost and dishonest accounting.

We are weaker today through the political abuse of Congress, but optimistically stronger in understanding our resolve. Clearly we must recognize a need to improve how we vote for elected officials and distribute that knowledge too other voters if we are to remove those who govern us by treating the Constitution as a floor mat.

This November will be our first chance to set some things right , One thing that will help is to STOP voting based on campaign promises alone and research the actual history of someone. If need be consider voting against party ideology. We really need to elect people capable of doing the Peoples business effectively and meaningfully. If necessary, replace incumbents of both parties, Congress is elected to serve us, not to enhance their political bases. If this past year has taught us anything it should be that we have been lacking in voting in an honest government, illuminated by the recent simple abuse of power by a current lopsided majority in both the House and Senate.

We will send a clear message when we elect people that do not assault our individual rights by requiring them to keep in mind both parties have good ideas, and Bi-partisan cooperation benefits America, but it is up to us to make sure the people we elect are working in that direction and use the Constitution as it was intended, ‘a guideline to preserve our freedom’..

“Respect for religion must be reestablished. Public debt should be reduced. The arrogance of public officials must be curtailed. Assistance to foreign lands must be stopped or we shall bankrupt ourselves. The people should be forced to work and not depend on government for subsistence.”
– Cicero, 60 B.C.

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