Support our Troops


Posted by Tina

The media isn’t reporting much about our troops and the war in Afghanistan and Iraq these days. For one thing Bush/Cheney aren’t around to bash anymore. There isn’t the need to gain political advantage or to foment the bologna about war for oil. Even the President doesn’t talk about the war or the troops much (does he at all?). But our troops are still in the Middle East and they are still engaged in bravely waging war to defend us against an enemy that’s committed to destruction and murder. The president deserves kudos for continuing to follow many of the policies that President Bush adopted after 9/11. I wish I had the sense that he was as committed as Bush was to winning. It almost seems like he has taken a hands off approach with respect to the war, leaving it to others to oversee and manage. Whether this is true or not it’s still definitely up to us to keep the troops in our hearts and minds daily and to give them whatever love and support we can. This troubling news crossed the wire today:

Kabul – The number of U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan has roughly doubled in the first three months of 2010 compared to the same period last year as Washington has added tens of thousands of additional soldiers to reverse the Taliban’s momentum. Those deaths have been accompanied by a dramatic spike in the number of wounded, with injuries more than tripling in the first two months of the year and trending in the same direction based on the latest available data for March. – AP

Please keep these fine young (and not so young) men and women, our returning and wounded soldiers, and all military families in your thoughts and prayers as you go about your daily lives. And if you’re able during these troubled financial times, consider contributing to one or more of the many support organizations that supply entertainment, comfort goods, phone cards, personal assistance, and medical devices and equipment for the severely wounded, as well as college scholarships and help for the children of the fallen. Here’s an information website (bookmark it!) to get you started.

May God continue to bless these brave men and women and their families.

Image source: “Quick Reaction Force Afghanistan” by Charles Keevert 2005 – Military Spot

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Max Baucus Agrees…Spread that Wealth Around!

Posted by Tina

Obama promised to transform America. Part of that promise was a commitment to “spread the wealth around”. Following the vote to “fix” the health care bill signed by the President, Max Baucus, Democrat Senator (Montana), took to the floor to explain the underlying purpose of passing health care:

“Too often, much of late, the last couple three years, the mal-distribution of income in American is gone up way too much, the wealthy are getting way, way too wealthy and the middle income class is left behind,” he said. “Wages have not kept up with increased income of the highest income in America. This legislation will have the effect of addressing that mal-distribution of income in America.” (emphasis mine)

See it and weep:

Let me remind you that “the rich”, those who work on Wall Street, in show biz and pro sports, in big corporations and banks will always make big money. Big jobs yield big money. The dirty little secret is that the one area of true comparison where incomes have outpaced those in the private sector is government employees. This is where the “maldistribution” has taken place. Government employee wages at the state and federal level have outpaced the wages of those with similar jobs in the private sector by 30-40%. Your tax money is needed to fund those big government salaries and benefits. The other dirty little secret is that BIG government programs that “spread the wealth around” take a lot of money out of the private sector where real jobs for real Americans are actually created. The health care bill has specifically targets the rich… those people with big money to invest for that job private sector job creation. they screw the rich; they screw you and me. Democrat policies will destroy the middle class. They need to go!

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Age Limit for Congress

by Jack Lee


Do you think that Senators and Congressmen should have a mandatory retirement age? 95% of the nation has one and for good reason. It’s all about productivity and competence. Many of our top elected represenatatives are well past what we would consider retirement age. In the Senate 58% are in their 60’s, 28% are into their 70’s, 5% are in their 80’s and one is 92 (Robert Byrd).

For some of them if they weren’t in Congress being ushered around by young staffers they would be in rest homes. Why should taxpayers have to be their babysitters? These octogenarians need another hobby in their old age, one that doesn’t cost us so much and one that isn’t so dangerous to our public good. You wouldn’t want to ride in a bus with a 92 year old driver at wheel, why in the heck would you want him for your Senator? Robert Byrd is driving the bus for hundreds of thousands of his constituents.

Both parties like to keep these long serving people around because they get a lot of value from their name recognition and seniority in committees, i.e., Ted Kennedy, and that means power. But power for the party, not the aged puppet. Because of their advanced age they are subject to easy manipulation; it’s why scammers target the elderly! Do you think there are any scammmers working the halls of Congress? You bet, and that means the guy you elected is not necessarily calling the shots anymore.

Between those elected officials that are busy selling us out for their own personal gain and our walking dead oldsters, it’s a wonder we haven’t imploded. What a mess.

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A Short Spelling Lesson (lil humor)

The last four letters in American………I Can

The last four letters in Republican…….I Can

The last four letters in Democrats…….Rats (five letters – c rats)

End of Lesson!

No need to thank me, I’m just helping you expand your education!

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Terroristic Threats – When are they and when aren’t they?

by Jack Lee


Is it free speech or dangerous threats? When does one cross the line with a threat and the police begin to investigate? Given the adversarial climate we live in its probably good to know the answer.

Starting at the top, the Secret Service is obliged to investigate all threats, including veiled threats, to the President, the Vice President or to whomever the president shall deem is in need of their protective service. If you were to yell at the President, “Some day I’m going to kill you you rotten SOB!” This is a direct threat and subject to investigation. If you yell, “Some day I’m going to load my pistol and when I do I’ll be thinkin of you!” This is an indirect or veiled threat, but both are subject to investigation. Number one will get you busted. Number two could get you busted if there are extenuating circumstances, i.e., you’re a member of an organization known for violence and/or you have made similar statements before.
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Proof of Global Warming

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That’s a BIG F*#k%#* Number!

Posted by Tina

I borrowed the potty mouth from VP Joe Biden for my title to add a sense of urgency to this post because it’s obvious that more Americans need to get the message about BIG government spending:

“EDITORIAL: $12,670,895,780,689.20 – Runaway public spending endangers America’s future” – Washington Times

The headline above provides the exact amount of outstanding public debt as of Tuesday, according to the latest available figures from the U.S. Treasury. By the time you read this, that figure will have increased by $17,338,324,977. ** Massive, abstract numbers such as these defy comprehension. It’s far easier to grasp their personal impact: The share of the enormous total debt figure for each American household is $120,125. That’s up $164 from Tuesday. It’s up $15,445 from last year. It will keep going up until something is done to stop the runaway spending by Congress and the Obama administration. ** Most observers would look at this evidence and agree that we have run out of money, but a handful stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the obvious. The latter insist that, somehow, spending more of the public’s money will solve the economic woes brought about in large measure from out-of-control personal and public spending. Such are the people who hold the levers of power in Washington.

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Obama Lied – Higher Taxes on the Way for Every American

119-Barack Obamaimage4122972g.jpg

Posted by Tina.

The President promised during the campaign that he would not raise taxes on people making less that $200,000.00. The newly passed health care bill makes him a liar. It includes taxes and fees that will hit all Americans…some of them the most vulnerable. The following is a list of a few:

1. Individual mandate to buy insurance or pay a fee (tax of 2.5% of income or $659.00)

2. Tanning bed tax of 10%

3. Limits and penalties on Health Savings accounts

4. Annual Tax on health care providers (will result in higher prices – hidden tax)

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Anger, Violence & Hate – Who Dunnit!


Posted by Tina

I hold anyone who resorts to violence or as a means of protest in contempt. I also prefer civil speech and find class and racial epithets distasteful. I wish our friends on the left held the same view. They are, in fact, hypocritical on this issue and have even been known to make accusations of racism where none exists. This is a despicable political tactic that is playing out in the news today. I wish I had time to write in depth about this, I don’t, but I do think the subject deserves some discussion. So I will start the conversation with this from the corner blog, National Review:

“More Bottled Piety,” by Victor Davis Hansen

This week’s talking point is the sudden danger of new right-wing violence, and the inflammatory push-back against health care. I’m sorry, but all this concern is a day late and a dollar short. The subtext is really one of class — right-wing radio talk-show hosts, Glenn Beck idiots, and crass tea-party yokels are foaming at the mouth and dangerous to progressives. In contrast, write a book in which you muse about killing George Bush, and its Knopf imprint proves it is merely sophisticated literary speculation; do a docudrama about killing George Bush, and it will win a Toronto film prize for its artistic value rather than shock from the liberal community about over-the-top discourse.

A quick search resulted in over 38 million links for “Bush, hate, kill”
So let the comparative examples of hate and violence begin! How ’bout we start with a You Tube video…that nobody condemned as hate speech:

Republicans and Republican headquarters and offices have been targeted with threats and acts of violence. Did elected officials run to the microphones to call for civility or a smack down of left wing activists groups? NO! Not even when they were racialy charged accusations and images of Condi Rice. How many times were left wing jornalists, talking heads, or celebrities called out for such speech and behaviors directed at conservative/Republicans? Never.

Who dunnit? Democrats dunnit, a lot more often than anyone else in American politics!

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Recession is Over!

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