Two Plans for Healthcare

by Jack Lee

About half of America pay little or no income tax and the current polls say about half of America wants socialized medicine. Guess which half of taxpayers they represent? That’s right, those who pay little or nothing. That didn’t really surprise anyone did it? Now hold that thought and here’s my bright idea:

Maybe there should have been two healthcare plans presented for your consideration, and you must sign up for one plan or the other at the time you vote. If you wanted socialized medicine, then you must register for it with your vote and then you pay for it in monthly mandated premiums, medicare taxes and all other related costs and tax changes and you get the government system. If you didn’t want it you vote no and you are exclused from all the costs because you have opted out.

You want it – you pay for it. You don’t want it – you don’t pay for it and you just keep your own insurance.

Since half of America wants it (say the polls), that should be more than enough people to make Obama’s plan work, that is IF it really would work. But, I have a hunch that IF the costs must be born by the half that wanted something for nothing, there’s a pretty good chance they would say no way and that boys and girls would be the end of that.

What do you think? Sounds fair to me.

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America – Born of Self Reliance & Personal Responsibility


Posted by Tina

“Americans don’t want to be governed from the left, the right or the center. They want to govern themselves. The American desire for – and attachment to – self-governance runs deep.” – Scott Rasmussen, “In Search of Self Governance”

Read the excellent article from which I excerpted the above quote, “It’s Tea Partiers and Republicans against the Elitists Democrats,” by Ralph Benco – Washington Examiner to discover how the 40 – 20- 40 rule of our founding continues today. Then determine to join a Tea Party group to press this country toward responsible individual self governance!

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Hearing Today for Ninth Circuit Nominee Goodwin Liu

Posted by Tina

Goodwin Liu, 39, a law professor at the University of California at Berkeley, is up for a spot on the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. The nomination is getting extra attention because conservatives are concerned that he could be on the fast track for the Supreme Court. – Fox News

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Shocking Audio: ‘Control the People’


Shocking Audio: Rep. Dingell Says ObamaCare Will Eventually ‘Control the People’

Click on the picture and it will take you to the news site with the audio.

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Hope you are feeling better soon…

Our friend Libby has been very ill, we wish her a speedy recovery.

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It was the First Day of Basic and . . .

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Controlling the People With Universal Healthcare

Posted by Tina

Regarding Americans allegedly dying because of lack of universal healthcare Representative John Dingell (D) told Paul W. Smith the following last Monday:

“Let me remind you this has been going on for years. We are bringing it to a halt. The harsh fact of the matter is when you’re going to pass legislation that will cover 300 [million] American people in different ways it takes a long time to do the necessary administrative steps that have to be taken to put the legislation together to control the people.”


HT: The American Thinker

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Socialized Medicine 1965

Requested by Elizabeth A Herbst

Now fast forward a few decades….
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Quote of the Week

Blessed are those who can give without remembering and take without forgetting.

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RECESSION 2010 – Living Within Your Means

You want to know the foundation for financial success? Spend less than you earn. Spend more and you’ll mire yourself in debt. Spend exactly what you bring in and you’ll never get ahead.

by Jack Lee

A few days ago National Public Radio featured a few sad stories about individuals from California who were caught up in the recession. What I took away from this story was that a lot of people have been victims of their own excesses, but this was not the NPR message. Theirs was more like, stuff happens and isn’t this sad.


The first case was about a family who lived in one of the most up scale luxury communities in Southern California. The husband, a former real estate broker, was now working selling medical supplies. The wife was home schooling for their 3 kids. This family had gone through their 401k, all their savings and exhausted gifts of money from relatives and they were still behind in their house payment. The mom expected they would soon be evicted. She said she could not believe this was happening to them!

CNN: “California has been especially hard hit during the recession that began in late 2007, and the Labor Department data showed the state’s jobs situation continues to deteriorate, with an overall unemployment rate of 12.5 percent in January. The three areas with the highest jobless rates in the country, all above 20 percent, were all located in California, the most populous U.S. state.”

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