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Dem Party…White Men Bolt!


Posted by Tina

“Revenge of the white men,” by David Paul Kuhn – LA Times

Millions of white men who voted for Barack Obama are walking away from the Democratic Party, and it appears increasingly likely that they’ll take the election in November with them. Their departure could well lead to a GOP landslide on a scale not seen since 1994. ** For more than three decades before the 2008 election, no Democratic president had won a majority of the electorate. In part, that was because of low support — never more than 38% — among white male voters. Things changed with Obama, who not only won a majority of all people voting but also pulled in 41% of white male voters. Suddenly, there were millions more white men voting the Democratic ticket. ** Polling suggests that the shift was not because of Obama but rather because of the financial meltdown that preceded the election. It was only after the economic collapse that Obama’s white male support climbed above the 38% ceiling. ** Today, among whites, only 35% of men and 43% of women say they will back Democrats in the fall election. Women’s preferences have remained steady since July 2009. But over that same period, white men’s support for a Democratic Congress has fallen eight points, according to Gallup. ** White men have moved away from Obama as well. The same proportion of white women approve of him — 46%, according to Gallup — as voted for him in 2008. But only 38% of white men approve of the president, which means that millions of white men who voted for Obama have now lost faith in him.

Hello amnesty!!! The Bummer will need new voters! Immigration reform is up next and will be rammed through with the same corrupt congress that has brought us nationalized health care.

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Healthcare Quote from Across the Pond


Posted by Tina

What we have just witnessed is a massive slap in the face for limited government and the principle of individual responsibility. Its net result will be the erosion of freedom in America, and a further undermining of the country’s economic competitiveness. This may be a political victory for the president and his supporters in Congress, but it is in reality a defeat for America as a great power, and another Obama-led step towards US decline. – Nile Gardener – Telegraph (UK)

Liberty in America is as broken as the original Liberty Bell. Liberty, you see, requires constant vigilance. Americans have failed miserably to preserve their freedoms. Now we must fight to regain what’s been lost.

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ACORN Closes Up Shop – Activism Will Continue


Posted by Tina

A few weeks ago I read an article about the ACORN group dissolving and reopening as independent offices in cities across America. Then a couple of days ago I read an article suggesting that government funding of ACORN had been restored. I thought all of this was odd…turns out it is. Word comes in the news today that the community organizing group ACORN has announced it will close its doors and dissolve it’s business. This according to an email from the organization that Politico has published:

“Acorn Folds,” by Ben Smith – Politico

The ACORN Association Board met on Sunday March 21 and approved a set of steps to responsibly manage the process of bringing its operations to a close over the coming months. These include:

* Closing ACORN’s remaining state affiliates and field offices by April 1st; and
* Developing a plan to resolve all outstanding debts, obligations and other issues.

This is largely a formality. It will effectively end the now caustic brand, ACORN, giving the people in power within the organization an opportunity to rename and restructure. Offices with new names will open all over the country and each will have the same goals and intentions of the original national organization. Funding will continue, probably through grants given to a foundation or two, with cash flowing through them to each individual office.

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Incensed by the Census

2027-Census 2010.jpeg

Posted by Tina

Many conservatives are turned off by the divisive nature of the race question on the census and are vowing to check the “other” box and write in “American”. I figured this would cause an uproar of some kind but surprisingly the big uproar, at least for now, is coming from minority groups that have taken offense at some of the choices regarding race, or the lack thereof. As reported by KCRA in Sacramento:

Questions about race on the 2010 U.S. Census form are offending and confusing people in both the Latino and African American communities. ** Some in the African American community are offended by the use of the word negro as a race option. ** Many Latinos are both offended and confused because the form doesn’t include the words Latino, Hispanic or Spanish as a boxed option on the race question.

The choice to make this little protest, to mark “other/American” on the form, will be made from a strong sentiment that we believe in equality and the rights of every human being as laid down by our forefathers. It will be made because of a strong desire to see Americans think of ourselves as a unique group having a singular and profound heritage, whether by birth or adoption. Removing race from the question signals our commitment to that unity and desire to see divisions fall away within our country. We cannot hope to reflect the values of our founding if we continue to think in terms of race and segregation. Our government should operate in terms of our shared national interests, not in terms of racial groups. This small protest could represent a small but important step in seeing our citizens live as proud Americans of every race, color, and creed. If you are incensed by the census consider the other choice…American!

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G.W. and Laura Bush Continue to Address Women’s Issues in Afghanistan


Posted by Tina

President Bush said after 9/11 that the war on terror would be fought in many ways and on many fronts. His strategy included plans that would work in the long term. One of these addressed the plight of women living under oppressive regimes. Of course the work being done in this area was almost completely ignored by the press so few know about the tremendous strides these brave women have made and the big difference their bravery and efforts will have over the course of a few decades. We all know the reasons the press ignored the story when Bush was president. The story does deserve outr continuing interest and support. So here’s an update…the work continues:

At SMU institute, Bushes put attention on Afghan women’s plight,” by Diane Rado – The Dallas Morning News

Former President George W. Bush and former first lady Laura Bush spotlighted the harsh reality as well as the progress and hope for Afghan women and girls in the first public conference Friday of the George W. Bush Institute at Southern Methodist University. ** The conference, held in partnership with the U.S.-Afghan Women’s Council and SMU’s School of Education & Human Development, focused on themes and passions that played out during Bush’s administration. The former first lady took a lead role in pushing for education of Afghan women and girls who were denied basic human rights during the oppressive Taliban regime that governed Afghanistan between 1996 and 2001. ** “The events of Sept. 11 turned a spotlight on the plight of women in Afghanistan and the severe repression which was part of their daily lives,” said Laura Bush. “Afghan women were denied education. And as a teacher and reader myself, I remember my own sadness when I heard that little girls were forbidden from attending school. The stark contrast between their lives and our lives horrified many Americans.”

The Bushes will obviously continue to participate in and support this important work. More information can be found at the sites below:

U.S.-Afghan Women’s Council

George W. Bush Institute

Highlights from the conference includes video of the various speakers.

Image acknowledgement- Ginna Flemming

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Death of a Republic

by Jack Lee


Social security was a watershed moment in our history and we’ve been gravitating towards socialism ever since. It could be argued that socialism began here in 1917 when events in Russia began to influence events in America. But, what can’t be argued is that each new social program we’ve invented since then has created more dependency on big government. It’s also placed a growing burden on the most wealthy and most productive people in our society and these impositions have now filtered down to the middle class so everyone that pays taxes, now pay a little more.

In blunt terms, the Democratic Party has exploited the division between the rich and the poor in order to garner votes and advance their left leaning agendas and the results have been both crippling and controlling. They’ve also exploited racial divisions too, but let’s stay on the economic war for now, because that one has been waged so effectively. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not letting the GOP off the hook. They have plenty of blame to shoulder, but for now I need to stay focused on the key players for socialism.

By the late 1960’s Democrats had figured out the absolute best way to win elections and gain power on many levels of American society was through a populist appeal (subtle social programs coupled to more wealth shifting via taxation). By the 1980’s their agenda had become outright vote buying and there was now a constant rising tide of socialist programs we call safety nets. To resist this movement, the Republicans could only appeal to a citizens common sense and a plea to stay the course and keep the principles that founded this nation. Of course growing government slightly slower than the democrats was not what the people were looking for either. And as history has shown us, when the republican party failed to deliver on their promises to reform, all that was left was the other side offering to do things for citizens by way of bribing them with their own tax money and they did deliver on this.

“The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.” – Alexis de Tocqueville

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Border Fence is a Flop

by Jack Lee

Have you been following the progress of the “Virtual Fence” on the US border? It seems we’ve spent a gazillion dollars on this high tech project and now it will never be finished.

It’s been problem after problem, the engineers would solve one problem and two more would pop up and so it went, some 2800 major design flaws and problems that were completely unexpected. Homeland’s Janet Napolitano said, “The system of sensors and cameras along the Southwest border . . . has been plagued with cost overruns and missed deadlines.” Talk about an understatement! This high-tech system is years behind schedule and was far more expensive than predicted and it’s been notoriously unreliable.

Of course there seems nobody to blame for wasting the taxpayers money again. In these kind of massive boondoggles nobody ever gets fired or held accountable, have you ever noticed that? Why, why is that, I really want to know? How could so much money be wasted before we finally called a halt to it and now there is nobody to blame?

The remaining $50 mil set aside for more fence building is going to be used in other ways for border security. But, what assurances do we have that won’t be wasted too? We don’t and it probably will.

What gets me is how could we have spent all those millions for a security fence only to find out at this late date… that it won’t work? Wasn’t there anyone who did their homework, some sort of feasibility studies, before we started throwing money at this massive project? This is just mind-blowing stupid and it started during the Bush administration in response to a flood of illegal immigrants and drug smugglers coming across the Rio Grande and other entry points.

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American Terrorist in Court Today


PHILADELPHIA — A Pennsylvania woman accused of trolling the Internet as “Jihad Jane” while she cared for her boyfriend’s father denied in court Thursday that she sought to kill a Swedish artist targeted by radical Muslims or agreed to marry a terrorism suspect to help him get travel documents.

Colleen LaRose, 46, of Pennsburg, appeared in federal court wearing a green jumpsuit and corn rows in her blond hair, smiling warmly at her public defenders when she entered the courtroom for her arraignment. The judge set a May 3 trial date on charges in the four-count indictment, unsealed last week.

LaRose was accused of conspiring with fighters overseas and pledging to commit murder in the name of a Muslim holy war, or jihad. She was arrested Oct. 15 returning to Philadelphia from Europe and remained in federal custody while authorities pursued the investigation.

For more on this story click here.

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Would You Hire a Hooker?


If prostitution was legal, would you use it? Australia is in almost all respect’s a pretty decent country and they have legalized prositution. According to Discovery Channel program Taboo, the Aussie girls make about $180,000 a year and thats more than the Prime Minister. However, the women in this trade are still reluctant to admit in public what they do and so they choose to lead a double life.

In Bangladesh, where the average wage is about $1 a day, girls as young as 13 make between $2 and $4 per sex transaction. 18 is the legal age for being a prostitute, but nobody seems to be checking. Most of the younger prostitutes are sold to Madams who then takes her cut until their purchase price is paid back plus interest. When they finally earn their freedom they are so stigmatized in this Hindu society they generally continue to work in the trade because they really don’t know any other life and have no education.

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