Cal Senate Race Campbell V. Boxer

by Jack Lee

The Republican Senate candidate has drawn major criticism for his support of a radical Muslim professor. The Prof. Sami Al-Arian, contributed to Campbell’s unsuccessful campaign in 2000 for the U.S. Senate. On Sept. 26, 2001, when he was teaching at the University of South Florida, Al-Arian gave an interview to Fox TV host Bill O’Reilly in which he conceded that he had said, “Jihad is our path. Victory to Islam. Death to Israel. Revolution. Revolution until victory. Rolling to Jerusalem.”

Campbell issued a series of excuses for supporting Al-Arian and this has caused some concern among the Jewish voters, who say he’s not sufficiently supportive of the Jewish state and that he’s soft on terrorism.

According to an L.A.Times article, “Tom Campbell, the moderate California Republican who hopes to challenge Sen. Barbara Boxer in November, might make a good U.S. senator, or he might not. We don’t know yet because the campaign is just getting underway, and subjects from healthcare to taxes to immigration to foreign policy will all be part of the debate.

But at the moment, the participants are stuck on one subject: Israel. Bloggers on the American Spectator and Commentary websites have attacked Campbell, saying his record as a congressman in the 1990s suggests he is insufficiently committed to the Jewish state — and soft on terrorism. On Thursday, predictably, his GOP rivals weighed in. Carly Fiorina said she was “deeply troubled” by what she’d learned, and Chuck DeVore’s campaign called Campbell “a friend to our foes.”

Dr. Sami Amin Al-Arian was a resident of Temple Terrace, Florida, is a Muslim activist, and former University of South Florida professor of computer engineering, who pled guilty to multiple counts of aiding Islamic terrorists. He has since been charged with additional counts and is free on bond. He is subject to deportation once his sentence has been served.

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They Know

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Political Jibe ( Humor )

I voted Democrat, because I believe oil companies’ profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are
obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn’t.

I voted Democrat, because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.

I voted Democrat, because Freedom of speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it.

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Defense of California Businesses

by Jack Lee

State Senator Tom Harmon, 35th District, has introduced a bill called the Defense of Jobs Act which would cause all new bills to be run through an economic review committee that will determine its impact on business, much like we review building projects for an enviromental review. Harmon’s bill would automatically place a bill on hold if it’s impact on a business exceeds $5000. For details read SBx8-60.

In 2007 California was losing 10% more jobs than were being created – by 2008 that had changed to a 40% loss. California democrats have created so many costly rules and regulations that California is known as one of the most business unfriendly states in the union. This is not just my opinion, it is supported by polling.

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Comments Rather Racist? Good Question!

Posted by Tina

Dan Rather pulled a politically incorrect two-fer (to put it kindly) on the Chris Matthews show this past weekend, saying that despite being “articulate” President Obama, “couldn’t sell watermelons if you gave him the state troopers to flag down the traffic.” Watch the exchange here. Lord knows if any Republican had uttered the same phrase they’d be excoriated for being a racist. Shouldn’t Rather be held to the same standard? – Real Clear Politics

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TNR Cat Program Should be Used on Other Preditors

Two letters in the E-R today were about the Chico Cat Coalition for proposing a trap, neuter and release (TNR) program for feral cats in Bidwell Park. This is a great idea, why don’t we use it on sex offenders too?

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Day of Action – Student Protest Higher Fees

by Jack Lee


Chico, Ca – Day of Action brings 150 arrests. The 880 freeway near Oakland was briefly closed by protestors laying across the roadway. Elsewhere on campuses around the state there were protests marches and sit-ins over the latest round of budget cuts and hikes in student fees.

Not all were protesting because they were students faced with higher educational costs. Also present with their banners and sponsoring some of the days events was the, Freedom Socialist Party, All Nations Alliance, Freedom Road Socialists, International Workers and Students for Justice, Socialist Anarchists, Workers World Party, United Council of Workers, Socialists Now, Socialist Alternative, Socialist Organization, Destroy Industry, La Mecha and others. All communists groups or groups of confused people who couldn’t decide if they were communists or anarchists or didn’t know the difference.

As one student said in a protest email, “Why not talk about important issues like serve food at 3 a.m. when I hungry.” Well said college man and future leader of America! Why not talk about the important issues. . . like why you idiot students vote a straight democrat ticket every time and yet these are the very people who have misspent your education funds in favor of unions?

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Massa Claims He’s Being Railroaded

Posted by Tina

Democrat Eric Massa, who is being investigated by the House ethics committee for comments he made to a male staffer, announced his intention to resign last Friday. Now he’s come out swinging with charges of bribery and intimidation over the health care bill.

“Eric Massa: Democrats ousted me over health care” – Politico

I was unable to listen to the audio recording from WHAM-TV because it’s on over load but I did hear excerpts on Rush this morning. Later today it might be available…the man is fired up and hitting back hard.

If what he is saying is true I have to hand it to this guy for refusing to be intimidated and for standing up for higher standards of performance in government! Surpirse Quentin, this is one Democrat that I could support, if he’s innocent of the charges being leveled at him. If sincere, he is the type of Democrat that this nation needs in that party’s leadership. Would I vote for him? It would depend on who’s running against him, of course, but I won’t say that I wouldn’t!

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Overtime Bonanza in California

Posted by Tina

The good news is that the 3 days a month furlough that Governor Schwartzenegger established should save California taxpayers $1.2 billion this year. The bad news for State workers is that the three days off each month means they’re losing pay…or does it? Turns out some are doing quite nicely, thank you. They simply take advantage of overtime and actually add significantly to their earnings. Read all about it in the L.A. Times:

Overtime pay may be putting a dent in state’s furlough savings,” by Patrick McGreevy

Records show that the top 50 recipients of overtime last year each received more than $100,000 in extra compensation. Most were from the departments of corrections and mental health, which account for more than half of the overtime doled out by state agencies; 35 of the top 50 were registered nurses.

Wow…an extra $100 to $200 thousand a month…nice work if you can get it…but it doesn’t do much to help our budget woes.

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Super Thief Swipes Wheels

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