Indiana-Made Humvee Could Soon Be an Army Relic


Friday, 12 Feb 2010

Army Staff Sgt. Tom Davis never saw the bomb that destroyed his Humvee as he rounded a corner in Ramadi just a week into his second tour in Iraq in 2006. Davis lost a leg and broke his back and both arms and can no longer walk or work. He’ll never know whether he would have been less severely injured if he’d been in a different vehicle.

But his experience, and those of thousands of other Americans wounded in bomb-shredded Humvees in Iraq and Afghanistan in recent years, foretold what now appears to be the official demise of the hulking all-terrain vehicles that came to symbolize the military as much as the rugged Jeeps they replaced.

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Sarah Palin for President in 2012?


from OneVike, one of America’s leading online news services, is conducting an urgent national online poll about Sarah Palin’s role in the GOP and her political future. Newsmax will provide the results of this poll to major media outlets. Additionally, Newsmax’s results will be shared with popular radio talk-show hosts across America.

Newsmax reports have been cited by major media outlets, including CNN, ABC News, Fox News, CBS, MSNBC and other major networks. Don’t miss this opportunity to let your voice be heard! Many media outlets and national leaders are interested in your opinion. Hundreds of media outlets have reported on Newsmax’s online polls.

Vote today!

1.) What is your opinion of Sarah Palin?
Favorable (vote)
Unfavorable (vote)

2.) Do you believe Sarah Palin was right in resigning as Alaska’s governor?
Right (vote)
Wrong decision (vote)

3.) Would you support Sarah Palin as the Republican nominee for president in 2012?
Yes (vote)
No (vote)

4.) In the election between McCain – Palin and Obama – Biden, who did you vote for?
Yes (vote)

No (vote)
Other (vote)

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Obama – a Glimpse Into His College Years


Posted by Tina

The video that follows features a Q & A with John C. Drew, a man who attended college with Barack Obama, or “Barry” as he then liked to be called when they both attended Oxicdental College. Drew offers a first person account of his conversations and impressions of Barack Obama and the community of friends they had. They were serious Marxists with revolution very much on their minds. When considering Obama’s many associations through the years Dr.Drew (pictured below right) reveals insight from a position of strength since he was at the time a true believer himself. But…you decide. The video is fairly long, more appropriate as audio, but worth the thirty minutes or so it takes to run through it.

Source: Bungalow Bills Conservative Wisdom

1862-John C Drew.jpg

Drew describes himself as a serious Marxist, including being an enemy of the US government, while he was in college. When they met, Drew describes Obama’s views were parallel with Drew’s views. He was one of the brotherhood, ready for revolution. Obama wasn’t just an explorer of intellectual Marxism. He embraced Marxist Leninism. ** Drew says Obama was in 100% agreement with his Marxist professors in college. He looked forward to a revolution in this country to overturn the power structure. This is a fascinating interview, because we may be seeing those revolutionary efforts engaged in front of us as Obama’s policies appear to be dooming the country more than helping.

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A Silent Sub Runs Rings Around the US Navy

This link is to a video about a submarine that has the US Navy worried. It’s a new type of silent submarine and it is able to elude our most sophisticated detection devices. It has penetrated our best defenses repeated and in theory it has sunk our finest nuclear hunter- killer subs and even our largest aircraft carrier. It’s literally run rings our ships in war games. Now watch this amazing video:

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Stock Market Action – Friday 12 February 2010

by Jack Lee


The sudden waterfall drop in the DOW has slowed to a downward stair stepping. This continued sell off since late January still appears to be based on a mix of opinions about future growth and trepidation over further real estate declines. A faltering consumer confidence is underscoring the losses and adding to the chaos.

The market action today has been firmly in the red all morning and the DOW is currently off about 100 points on a mix of news that was mostly good, but negative sentiment still seems to be in control. Business inventories declined 0.2% in December, exactly opposite of the consensus estimate of a 0.2% increase. Retail sales rose .05% for January and that beat estimates that called for .03%.

On the downside Ingersoll Rand reported earnings today and they missed the consensus estimate. They are saying they are seeing some improvement in 2010, but its still mixed picture of activity across its end markets.

On a brighter note Agilent Technologies beat estimates today by 5%. Agilent reported fiscal first quarter earnings of $0.38 per share, $0.06 better than the First Call consensus of $0.32. Revenues rose 9.4% year-over-year to $1.22 billion; the consensus called for $1.18 billion. CEO Bill Sullivan said, “. . our orders suggest that the momentum will continue at a moderate pace, with broadening of the recovery across most markets..”

It would appear the free fall in the DOW is probably over and we can see the stair step effect taking shape as the market firms up and a bottom is beginning to form. However, investors should still be exercising extreme caution. The bottom that we see forming is very fragile and it won’t bear the weight of much bad news.

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Posted by Jack Lee

Subject: Ft. Hood

This is a e-letter passed on to me. . .

As best as I could determine this story is true. I checked on snopes.

“I sent my cousin in Fayetteville, N.C. (retired from Special Forces) that picture of Geo. W. visiting the wounded at Ft. Hood .. I got this reply:

What is even better is the fact George W. Bush heard about Fort Hood, got in his car without any escort, apparently they did not have time to react, and drove to Fort Hood. He was stopped at the gate and the guard could not believe who he had just stopped. Bush only ask for directions to the hospital then drove on. The gate guard called that “The president Is on Fort Hood and driving to the hospital.” The base went bananas looking for Obama. When they found it was Bush they immediately offered escort and Bush simply told them to let him visit the wounded and the dependents of the dead. He stayed at Fort Hood for over six hours and was finally asked to leave by a message from the White House. Obama flew in days later. All this I picked up from two soldiers here who happened to be at Fort Hood when it happened.”

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Jobs…Black Unemployment at 16.5%


Posted by Tina

In an effort to address the staggering unemployment that blacks face the President met yesterday with several prominent black leaders to discuss what might be done to improve economic conditions in the black community:

“Black leaders meet with Obama on economy” AP, MSNBC

On a day of treacherous weather in Washington, Obama kept his scheduled meeting with Benjamin Jealous, president of the NAACP; Marc Morial, president and CEO of the National Urban League; and the Rev. Al Sharpton, president of the National Action Network. Dorothy Height, chairwoman of the National Council of Negro Women, could not make it to the White House because of the pounding snow and winds that kept most of the nation’s capital shut down. ** The meeting did not yield immediate announcements or initiatives.

Hmmm…snow can be a big problem…but, how ’bout we stay focused on economics and jobs, MSNBC!

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Jobs? President Loves Hoops – Congress, Bets on the Game


Posted by Tina

President Obama and a few allies in Congress are setting up a jobs bill. Unfortunately for small business the jobs portion is just an invitation to play a game of hoops as the liberal Congress, thinking itself sly, bets that special baggage won’t be noticed. The tax incentives offered are manipulative…if you do this we will give you points; do that and we’ll cry foul. Racking up points would be tough for some businesses since the court they’re on may be better suited to tennis or dodge ball. Figuring out the rules of the game will probably require a lot of tedious running back and forth to the tax expert who may or may not be able to tell you if you qualify for the playoffs or will be disqualified from the game. And just to make it more interesting, the distasteful “card check” legislation is being considered as an add-on in a deal that would only rough up and blacken the eyes of business players.

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Extreme Terrorist Group, “Sea Shepherd” Takes Financial Hit with the Sinking of their Batmobile Boat


by OneVike

There is a war going on in the Antarctic, a war over the whales. This fish war has become increasingly dangerous for those involved, as more then just nasty words during a protest are being exchanged lately. This war has tempers flaring, nations accusing each other of malfeasance, and boats crashing into each other like what happened when the Yushin Maru 3 crashed into the more aggressive Bob Barker this past Sunday on February 7th. This on the heels of the activist group’s pride speed boat the Ady Gil being sunk just last month on its maiden voyage. In that mishap the angry meddlesome activists found out what it’s like to swim in the frigid waters of the Antarctica. The Activist group’s spokesperson admits in a phone interview:

“It handicaps us, it’s a two million dollar hit on our organization, plus it takes away our fast interceptor vessel but this is a war, and we have many wealthy benefactors who will gladly pony up more money to support our war effort against these murderers.”

Yes it is a war, one that features the controversial, and violent environmental and animal rights activist group called “The Sea Shepherd Conservation Group” as the aggressor. This is an organization, by the way, that many have rightfully classified as a terrorist organization. After all it is the navy arm of the extremist group, “Earth First“, a claim that was made by Sea Shepherd’s founder, director, and still current member of Earth First, Paul Watson himself.

On the other side of this war we have the age old traditional Japanese whaling industry that just wants to do what it is legally doing. However, the violent Sea Shepherds are vowing to do all they can to stop the Japanese whaling fleet from fishing for whales. In their arsenal are such tools as the multimillion dollar ship named after its benefactor, Bob Barker, and up until last month the 1.5 million dollar, bullet proof, Batmobile speed boat, named Ady Gil, after the Hollywood activist who donated a large portion of the funds for it’s purchase and retrofitting.

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Health Care – Go or No?

Posted by Tina

Fred Thompson weighed in on whether it would be wise for Republicans to trust the motivations of the President to bring health care back for “bipartisan” consideration:

“The President is reaching out to Republicans; he says he wants to hear their best ideas on health care, and he wants them to help him get his health care agenda back on track. But boy, the American people sure aren’t clamoring for that. I’ve got a message for them. Mr. President, the latest poll numbers show that 47 percent of the people say start over on health care. Another 23 percent say do nothing. In other words, a full 70 percent of Americans say do nothing or start over. So with that in mind, “do nothing or start over” is the beginning of your negotiating situation, not your position. Mr. President, it’s over. And the Republicans better realize that, too. If they go into a high profile, televised meeting in one of the President’s houses, Blair House, in this case, to talk about how they are going to work to achieve the details of his agenda, they are crazy.” – Fred Thompson – American Spectator

What do you think? Should Republicans go….or say no?

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