Explaining A Big Ripoff On Foreclosed Houses

Ever wonder why its so hard for homeowners to get some mortgage help from their bank?

I can’t guarantee the calculations are correct, for that I leave it up to you. But, if this is anywhere near accurate, its really going to get your blood boiling!


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Stock Market Looking Bad. . .again!

by Jack Lee


The stock market had a nice climb on all the stimulus money fueling a false economy, but that money is spent. It’s effect is looking dangerously temporary. Now all the reports of unwise stimulus spending, mispending, waste and fraud is starting to sink in. Thats weighing on Wall Street. Also, the market doesn’t like these high unemployment numbers and our massive deficit. This is causing the sell off.

There is no Plan B if this bailout stuff doesn’t take hold. We’re really out of bailout money and interest rates are at record low, so there’s no place to run. If we don’t pull out soon the current rate of spending is more than enough to drag the market down even further.

The red flag has been raised weeks ago when this sell off began and this has now turned into a very sharp sell off and such things are of concern to money managers. So, if those guys are starting to worry, you better pay close attention to your portfolio! Be ready to cash in if we don’t see the sell off slow soon and level out.

Remember, it’s only been a year since we were starring total economic collapse in the face. We’re far from seeing a full-on recovery and many analysts are predicting big up and down swings in 2010. Fasten seat belts, it’s going to be a rough ride!

One bright spot is the overall growth of GDP which should be between 4.5 and 6% by years end. The DOW closed Monday at 9808 and thats a big drop in a short time from 10700!

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If You Could Be . . .

by Jack Lee


Suppose you could pick a time from today back to the begining of human history, in what period would you choose to live and who would you be and what would you be doing?

Would you be Napoleon escaping from the Island of Elba? How about being a Roman Senator or a highly advanced Minoan living in a utopian society on what is known as modern day Crete? Perhaps you would like to be a character from the Bible?

Anything, anyone, anytime… explain please! Results will be collected and posted here in a few days. Try to keep it brief, under 100 words.

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A Hint of Corruption?


Click on the picture and watch this story. It’s all about taking care of your friends. Story by John Stossel.

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New Credit Card Law – You Need to Know This!

by Jack Lee


The Credit Card Act will take effect in about two weeks. The new rules will make it a lot tougher to surprise you with rate hikes and hidden fees. For instance the card issuer can’t up the interest rate in the first 12 months after you sign up.

If they do change the rate then that new rate only applies to the amount you charge [ after ] the new rate is in effect, it does not apply to your old balance! I’ve always had a problem with card companies doing this because otherwise its like changing the terms of the loan midstream. Well, at least now you will know the rate you’re paying before you charge.

They’ve also made it more difficult to market cards to teens and young adults with little or no credit experience.

Credit card bills must now include how long it will take to pay off your loan with a minimum payment.

Thse changes are the most significant change to credit cards since there has been credit cards, but there is not reason to celebrate. As fast as the reforms to former abuses go into place new ones pop up. The new rules will not change the rules for business and corporate cards.

Even with these changes the best idea is simply don’t use a credit card, use your versatele card, you’ll be a lot better off.

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Wanna See Something Really Neat?


These are all models, hard to believe, but true!

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The Sports God vs Jehovah – Who Do You Worship?


The Sunday Message

by OneVike

Millions of Americans are getting ready to watch the Super Bowl today and like others, I’ll will be watching it with my family. It does make me wonder, though, about what we are teaching our children.

Throughout history men have worshiped many false gods, and today is no different. Probably the most popular false god of modern times would be the “sports god”. Think about the way we raise our children to worship this false god. We will spend more time and effort to get them involved and interested in sports then we do in teaching them the Word of God. In essence we are telling them, “this is what is really important.” We will rush around with more excitement and punctuality to get them to participate in practice and the game than we ever would to get them to church, not to mention the fact that Americans are rarely so strict about our children devoting a moment of the day to devotional reading of the Bible. Fact is, most families in the US have lives that revolve around their childrens’ sports programs more than their spiritual life.

Americans are spending billions on sports. Many cities have vast sport stadiums that have become the equivalent of modern cathedrals. While these edifices are large and grossly expensive, chances are most cities involved are even planning even bigger and more expensive stadiums to worship their “sports god”. If aliens came from another planet to visit us they would no doubt conclude that these vast sports complexes are the
primary places of worship for our metropolitan areas.

Now don’t get me wrong, God does not frown upon sports. It’s my belief that He invented sports as a diversion for us to pass time, get exercise, and learn to work together. However He does not want humans to replace worship for Him with worship for sports, and sports heroes.

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Proposed US History Curriculum in North Carolina Leaves Out First 100 Years

“It Will Be as if the American Founding Never Happened” – Heritage Foundation

Forget George Washington, James Madison, Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln–nothing meaningful happened in America before 1877. ** That’s the lesson North Carolina public high schools may start teaching. Under proposed changes in their high school history curriculum, the U.S. History course (which seniors take) will cover events from 1877 forward only. ** It will be as if the American Founding never happened. ** According to Rebecca Garland, the chief academic officer for North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, the goal of this change is to teach what students will feel connected to, “where they see the big idea, where they are able to make connections and draw relationships between parts of our history and the present day.” ** By implication, nothing before 1877 has any meaning to students: the Declaration of Independence that proclaims the self evident truths of equality, natural rights, and consent of the governed; the Constitution that establishes the rule of law and the framework in which we exercise our liberty; the Civil War in which Abraham Lincoln defended the principles of the American Founding and ended the institution of slavery. These events are irrelevant for today’s students.

Now what left-wing, revisionist, anti-American, living Constitution progressive came up with this idea?

If anyone is interested in the difference between the left and right sides of the aisle READ THIS ARTICLE and then follow the links within it to read all about the progressive movement in America, it’s goals and ambitions. Here’s a couple of excerpts from one of them:

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Senior U.S. Leaders: Expect Terrorist Attack within 6 Months

In this story:

  • Terrorist attack expected within 6 months.
  • High level permission needed to kill American citizens in Al Qaeda
  • Imam caught smuggling razor blades into jail

Intelligernce Update: Terrorist attack is expected within 6 months. Five senior leaders of the U.S. intelligence community told a Senate panel Tuesday they are “certain” that terrorists will attempt another attack on the United States in the next three to six months.

The warning came during the annual threat briefing to Congress in response to questions from Sen. Dianne Feinstein, California Democrat and the chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, who asked, “What is the likelihood of another terrorist-attempted attack on the U.S homeland in the next three to six months? High or low?”

“An attempted attack, the priority is certain, I would say,” said Director of National Intelligence Dennis C. Blair, a retired admiral.

Four other intelligence agency leaders who appeared at the hearing with Adm. Blair said they agreed with the assessment.

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A Ticket Costs What?


For the $2600 for two of us to take a commuter hop to Sacramento and back, wow, I think I’ll drive my car! Oh, and look how long it takes to get there and back! Sure is great to have a communter service here in Chico isn’t it? I take a chartered jet for this price!

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