ADA Act Hurts Businesses – Reform Needed Now!

by Jack Lee

The American’s with Disabilities Act of 1990 needs some reform. Too many shyster lawyers are making a pretty good living just driving around towns looking for the slightest violation at business and then they sue. For instance a local grocery store was sued and the lawyer suing made thousands in fine money and fees just because the handicapped railings in the restroom stall was a mere one inch too high, they also had to tear up a sidewalk because it was just 1.5 degrees out of compliance, this was a $50,000 renovation. The shyster who cashed in on the error made off with the fine money and court fees.

Thanks to the ADA we’ve got these scum sucking predator lawyers driving around with a camera and a measuring tape just looking for the slightest infraction. It could be the empty disability parking spaces were too narrow by an inch or two, it’s rediculous what they have come up with and it’s not right. Too many businesses in Chico have been victimized by sleezy lawyers exploiting the ADA rules.

A notorious case in the north state was the Squeeze Inn, a burger joint known for their delicious hamburgers cooked in a tiny restaurant barely big enough for half dozen customers standing. The owner installed a buzzer outside in a patio area for wheel chair customers and they took their order from there, but that wasn’t good enough. After 32 years of business, today is their last day, thanks to the latest ADA lawsuit. They were ordered to make hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of ADA improvements that cost more than their building was worth.

You know what folks, we just can’t cater to everyone with a special need. It just can’t be done without killing ourselves in the process. The last thing California businesses need is a lawyers suing them because their sidewalk is one degree in violation of the ADA Act. This needs to be fixed and I’m kinda surprised that the GOP candidates running for election haven’t jumped all over this one. All we need to do is remove the easy monitary incentives for lawyers and we could bring this under control.

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Tea Party Convention Drawing Huge Numbers

by Jack Lee

Despite the $500 price tag and it being a “for profit” event, it hasn’t hurt the attendance at the first Tea Party Convention. Yes, a lot of members questioned the high cost of entry, saying it was not in keeping with the spirit of the grass roots theme and they were not pleased that Sarah Palin will be paid $100,000 for her speaking fee. However, it is widely rumored that Mrs. Palin will donate that $100k right back to this conservative movement. Sometimes it takes an entrepenuer who started this event to make a few bucks to get it going. And it’s certainly going! Now the full story:

January 28, 2010 – The AP reports that Michele Bachmann has cancelled her appearance at the National Tea Party convention in Nashville. “2 lawmakers drop out of Tea Party Convention.” If you still trust the liberal news media to tell you the truth about Tea Party groups, you’re in the wrong place. The statists are doing their best to stir up trouble. Don’t fall for it.

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More Stimulus Cash Wasted…for “Education”


Posted by Tina

Most stories about how our stimulus money is being “spread around” reveal certain absurdites in terms of wisdom, economic recovery, or job creation but this one offers all three:

“DeKalb Schools Spending $382K On Hollywood Conference,” WSBTV

Channel 2 Action News has learned that nearly 200 DeKalb County school employees will be boarding flights to Los Angeles this week to attend an education conference that will cost taxpayers nearly $400,000. The money isn’t coming from local tax dollars but from federal dollars that came to the county as part of the Obama administration’s 2009 stimulus package. ** Stimulus money from Washington is often discussed in terms of “shovel ready” construction projects that are supposed to create jobs for unemployed Americans. But the DeKalb County School System has decided to use stimulus money to attend a four-day conference sponsored by America’s Choice, which a schools spokesman calls “a great thing.”

Stimulus money spent for this purpose offers nothing in terms of economic recovery or job creation. In fact, even in terms of children getting value from a dollar spent, it is a complete waste during a time of economic shortage. Anyone want to debate the wisdom behind such a choice?

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North Carolina Senator in Deep Trouble

by Roy Exum

R.C. Soles, at age 74, is the longest serving lawmaker in North Carolina, and, perhaps in anticipation of the fact he might soon be indicted, the august state senator announced at the first of this year he would not seek re-election after 42 years in the state legislature. Many wish for his sake it would be that easy.

You see, Soles has been a longtime advocate of gun control, an outspoken critic of a citizen’s right to bear arms. So when he shot an ex-con who was trying to kick down his door at his home in tiny Tabor City on Aug. 23 last year, eyebrows were raised across the state. The fact the staunch Democrat used a firearm himself to protect his property was absolutely delightful to those across the nation who stand on the other side of the firearms issue.

Unfortunately for the senator, after a lifetime of what he thought was best for the citizenry of the southeastern part of the state, his life then started unraveling faster than a quick cat can unroll a ball of yarn. Forget that he was among the most powerful politicians in the Tar Heel State; an investigation of the now-questionable shooting sent the matter to the grand jury and Soles was indicted on a felony charge about three weeks ago.

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Campaign School Open to the Public

Have you ever thought about running for public office? Have you ever wondered what it takes to run? This is a great opportunity for you to educate yourself. The speakers are top rated in their field. I hope some of our readers will take advantage of this class, it’s really good information to know. Jack Lee


Glenn County Republican Assembly

invites you to attend their first ever Candidate School

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Campaign finance filings, Kelly Lawler

Fundraising, Various

Mail Strategies and Technique, Cedar Creek Publishing

Building a Campaign, Cliff Wagner

Cost: $35 per person

Location: Holiday Inn Express
545 North Humboldt, Willows, CA 95988

Registration: 8:00 am
Program: 8:30 am to 12:30 pm
Additionally many of the vendors and presenters will be available from
12:30 to 1:30 for one on one questions you may have
To reserve your spot, mail a check for $35 payable to:

Glenn County Republican Assembly
PO Box 984
Willows, CA 95988

For questions email or call Steve Thompson (530) 4157071

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Protecting America’s Children from Sleaze TV-Time to Press for a Social Conscience


by Tina Grazier

WARNING: This posting contains explicit information about the expansion of sexual content on television.

I have wondered for a long time when the good citizens of America will finally get to the point where they’ve had enough; today that question ratcheted up another notch. Will full frontal male nudity and fornication between assorted combinations of participants on TV be the final straw? I fear not, but I think it’s important to declare war and hopefully bring sufficient peer pressure to bear against the continuing assault on our children and society. Sleaze and porn have been shoved into the main stream for far too long. USA Today brings us the story:

“Sex on TV: It’s increasingly uncut — and unavoidable,” by Gary Strauss – USA Today

Viewers are about to see full-frontal male nudity, heterosexual, homosexual and group sex, and graphic scenes rarely — if ever — seen on mainstream TV. And that’s just on pay-cable Starz’s fornication-heavy, 13-episode Spartacus: Blood and Sand (premieres Friday, 10 ET/PT), a 300-meets-Caligula epic about the Roman Empire’s notorious slave/gladiator. ** MTV plans a June launch of The Hard Times of RJ Berger, a scripted comedy about a nerdy 15-year-old whose cool quotient heats up when his anatomical gift is accidentally exposed. And basic-cable network Spike’s just-launched raunchy college-sports comedy Blue Mountain State (Tuesdays, 10 ET/PT) showed a masturbating school mascot on the Jan. 12 premiere, while last night’s episode featured a scene suggesting oral sex between a coed and jock before the opening credits. ** “You need to get eyeballs. You need to be loud,” says Spike programming chief Kevin Kay, who is pairing Blue Mountain with reruns of HBO’s sex-centric Entourage. “Our viewers are experiencing content on other cable channels or the Web. Movies and video games are going after this audience, too.”

The creators and producers of “smut TV”, as some call it, offer the usual lame retort to objections:

…Fordham University media observer Paul Levinson, say(s) TV merely mirrors life. “It sounds radical, but this is healthy for popular culture,” Levinson says. “Mainstream TV has been frozen in a very puritanical position by Congress, the FCC and the Supreme Court — all who don’t seem to understand the First Amendment. Sex is part of life. If people are offended, there’s a simple remedy: Don’t watch.”

Oh what arrogance and ineptitude. Freedom doesn’t give us license to peddle porn anywhere anytime. You need to be put back in a sleaze cage…time and place matter.

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Keene Campaign Raises Big Money for Senate Race

by Jack Lee

The Keene for Senate campaign disclosed today that when adjusted for debt, Keene reports having right at 1 million dollars cash to spend on the race compared to Doug LaMalfa’s $479,168. My question is, where did the million bucks come from? It sure wasn’t in 10 and 20 dollar donations from the people in his district. So, who is giving him that kind of money and why? (We’ll dislcose at least part of this soon)

“The ability you have to communicate your message to the voters at election time is the only real issue funding demonstrates when it comes to assessing a winning campaign,” said Keene.

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Great Blunders in the News!

by Jack Lee

Janet Napolitano was instructed to report before a Congressional Committee reviewing the attempted airliner bombing on Christmas day. But, her assistant showed up instead. He said the Homeland boss was out of the country. Only problem was she was not out of the country, she was around but ducked out because she did not want to subject herself to the probing questions surrounding her mishandling of the incident where she said, “The system worked.” Napolitano is known for not doing well before people questioning her. Just wait till they get their hands on her now, is she in for it! The women needs to resign, if not, she should be fired.

Next, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs recently said, “Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is going to meet justice and he’ll meet his maker!” and “He’s going to be found guilty and executed.” This prejudicial comment will surely come up during the trial when they move for dismissal. Why would he say that? They’re (B.O. Adminsistration) the ones so concerned about fairness and justice, right? So they closed down Gitmo and forced us to hold expensive civilian trials and now Gibbs is saying the verdict is a forgone conclusion. Wow, during the show trials of the Vietnam war even the commies we’re that obvious. As you might expect, the Arab world has not been please by this proclamation of guilt before trial. Our avowed enemies are sure to make the most of it. (Dumb.)


The President of the United States and his Attorney General, Eric Holder, (shown left) both thought the people of New York would love to have the 9/11 plotters tried in their fair city at a cost of many tens of millions.

They were stunned when they learned that not only did New Yorkers not want the 9/11 trial in their city, they were mad as Hell at them for even suggesting it! The flak over this has been overwhelming and Holder was forced into a change of venue, thus proving once again that this administration is out of touch with the mainstream.

The citizens of NY feared the trial would attract another terrorist event (highly reasonable thinking), but they also didn’t want it because it dredged up painful memories and it was also seen as a big drain on their rescources during very tough economic times.

Holder is now shopping around for another city and is offering cash incentives for the taker. Obama said his critics over holding a civilian trial as opposed to a military tribunal would be singing a different tune once these men were found guilty. (Dumber)

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Free Parking on the Hit List by Greens

by Jack Lee


Trying to do away with free parking in California? Yep, they are at it again. The sponsor of this wacky bill is Sen. Alan Lowenthal-D (shown at left) from the 27th district.

He says he is just trying to give businesses and even government offices more “flexibility” so they don’t have to provide too much free parking as may now be required by local statute. There are monetary incentives if people opt to take up his offer of “flexibility” and this is the extortion twist government so often does to get compliance. They’re either offering you money or threatening to take it away.

In other words, this democrat wants you to take the bus. In his thinking it will reduce green house gases and combat…you guessed it, global warming! We are being hammered relentlessly by law makers trying to force their global warming frenzy on us by any and all means whenever they can…even if it means taking away your parking space at the DMV.

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Picture show from Iwo Jima

WWII photos at Iwo Jima:

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