Our Beautiful Planet Adapts and Adjusts

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Posted by Tina

We have all experienced the awe and majesty of the world we’ve been given to inhabit. Whether sitting by the ocean, enjoying the vista from atop a South Western mesa, hiking in the deep woods, or breathing in the delicate fragrance of a rose in our own gardens we have had moments to appreciate this miracle of abundant, sustaining life. Evidence abounds that our world adapts to changes. Here’s an example:

Forests by the Chesapeake Bay are growing two to four times faster than expected these days, researchers have found – a signal that rising carbon dioxide in our atmosphere might be triggering noticeable changes in ecosystems in the Mid-Atlantic. And though scientists warn it’s no panacea, the accelerated growth in stands of hardwoods monitored for the past 22 years is an indication that forests might dampen or delay the impact of climate change. – Baltimore Sun

There are forces much greater than mans at work in our universe. Alternative energy is a good idea for many reasons, and we should continue to explore every possible avenue that is promising, but pushing green alternatives from a position of panic is folly and has nothing to do with saving the planet. It is a recipe for continued high unemployment and an economic disaster for this and future generations. A leader, head of a corporation, or head of a household must respond to problems with good judgment and a reasonable approach that includes interrelated areas of concern. The approach our current administration is taking toward the questionable theory of global warming shows careless disregard for the overall well being of the nation and her citizens.

As evidence that AGW has been grossly overstated piles up even former big supporters of the GW movement are pausing and stepping back. In a blog post at The American Interest Online, Walter Russell Mead, who sits on the board of the Acra Foundation, an organization that funds eco-groups like the Tides Foundation, the Earth Island Institute and the National Resources Defense Council, had this to say in his post titled, “Global warming is Dead”:

“After years in which global warming activists had lectured everyone about the overwhelming nature of the scientific evidence, it turned out that the most prestigious agencies in the global warming movement were breaking laws, hiding data, and making inflated, bogus claims resting on, in some cases, no scientific basis at all.”

Source of Mead quote: The Death of Global Warming?

We should all step back and indeed demand accurate scientific evidence. Regardless the findings a reasonable approach to alternative energy would also be wise.

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North Butte County Conservative Republican Assembly

Congratulations to the North Butte County CRA members who were just re-elected for the 2010 term. They are:

Chair Pete Webber, V. Chair Russ Jones, Secretary Lee Webber, Treasurer Erny Spears.

If you would like to know more about the local CRA chapter, please visit their website at


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Green Lobby Must Have Offered Big Bucks

Posted by Tine

Two news items today converge in my mind that scream the green lobby has the Presidents ear…BIG TIME!

“Budget plan seeks nearly $50 million boost for offshore wind development,” by Ben Geman – The Hill

The White House fiscal year 2011 budget plan seeks a 53 percent boost in Energy Department wind power R&D to support new efforts to tap massive offshore wind resources. ** The White House is requesting $123 million for DoE’s wind program, a $43 million increase over current spending. The funding includes $49 million for several activities to support coastal wind power, which is in its infancy in the U.S. ** “Investments will address common barriers and risks to offshore projects – financial, regulatory, technical, environmental, and social. Specific activities include: assessment of offshore wind resources and environmental impacts; R&D related to cost-effective offshore foundations, enhanced turbine reliability, domestically manufactured components and specialized installation vessels; and design and planning of electrical cabling and utility interconnection,” DoE’s budget plan states.

“The President’s Tax Hike on Drilling,” by Roy Cordato – corner, National Review

One well-publicized element of President Obama’s proposed budget is the elimination of “subsidies” for fossil fuels. But, in large part, these are not subsidies at all. One proposal relates to the tax treatment of oil-company incomes. According to the New York Times, Obama proposes to eliminate the expensing of what are called intangible drilling costs. These represent about 70 percent of all drilling costs and are made up of labor, supplies, contractors, and fuel. Under current law, oil companies can write off the expenses against other income in the year that those expenses are incurred, rather than depreciating them over time. In reality, to allow expensing of these payments is not a subsidy. It avoids the imposition of a tax penalty on oil drilling and is an example of how all production costs should be treated by the tax code. ** Expensing guarantees that companies can reclaim the full cost of their Investments against taxes and that they are not penalized for investing in what are called “long lived” investments projects. These are investments, like drilling for oil, that will yield income over an extended period of time. Investment costs to a company five, ten, or twenty years into the future are worth less than they are today. If a company is not allowed to write off an investment in the year that it is incurred, it is being denied the right to write off the full cost of that investment.

Government should be neutral regarding business. This is rediculous!

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“US is Rich” – “They Can Help” – “Should Take Over”

Posted by Tina

“As food distribution improves, Haitians want U.S to ‘take over’,” by Peter Slevin – Washington Post

PORT-AU-PRINCE, HAITI — International relief organizations backed by American soldiers delivered hundreds of tons of rice to homeless residents of the Haitian capital Sunday, laboring to ease a food shortage that has left countless thousands struggling to find enough to eat. ** But even as food-aid workers enjoyed their most successful day since the Jan. 12 earthquake, the increasingly prominent role of U.S. troops and civilians in the capital is creating high expectations that the Obama administration is struggling to contain. ** The needs are extraordinary, and the common refrain is that the Americans will provide. ** “I want the Americans to take over the country. The Haitian government can’t do anything for us,” said Jean-Louis Geffrard, a laborer who lives under a tarp in the crowded square. “When we tell the government we’re hungry, the government says, ‘We’re hungry, too.’ ” ** Added Canga Matthieu, a medical student whose school was destroyed: “The American government should take care of us.” ** “They’re well organized. The United States is the richest country in the world, and they can help.”

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Your Sunday Evening Bear Hug


by One Vike

In this series of photos, you will see a polar bear come upon some sled dogs tethered to a stake. Oh boy…..
Continue reading “Your Sunday Evening Bear Hug” »

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Dats One Big Dog!!!

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Standing at nearly 43 inches tall from paw to shoulder and weighing a staggering 245lbs could this be the world’s new tallest dog?

See the other pics of Giant George.

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Troubles in Green Tech

Posted by Tina

“Minnesota’s No Spin Zone,” by Rosslyn Smith – American Thinker

It seems two favorite green technologies favored by the coastal elites don’t work very well in the harsh conditions in parts of flyover country. First came news that energy saving LED traffic lights can’t be seen after a snowstorm, a condition that caused at least one fatal accident and which has resulted in additional costs to municipalities who have to pay maintenance crews to remove the snow. Now comes news of wind turbines that are going to need to be retro fitted with heaters if they are to keep spinning when the temperatures get really cold.

It might be smart to keep up on news our media is ignoring about the IPCC report. Here’s the latest from the Telegraph UK:

“Amazongate: New evidence of the IPCC’s failures,” by Christopher Booker

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Financial Reform

Posted by Tina

The President is fond of blaming the last administration for our financial problems. Democrats are fond of excoriating Republicans for wanting no regulation and oversight. Is that the truth or just something these political animals say:

“One place to start is serious financial reform. Look, I am not interested in punishing banks, I’m interested in protecting our economy. A strong, healthy financial market makes it possible for businesses to access credit and create new jobs. It channels the savings of families into investments that raise incomes. But that can only happen if we guard against the same recklessness that nearly brought down our entire economy. ** We need to make sure consumers and middle-class families have the information they need to make financial decisions. We can’t allow financial institutions, including those that take your deposits, to take risks that threaten the whole economy.” Barack Obama – State of The Union Address 2010

Lets look to see which party was “reckless” about home mortgage financing over the past two decades and which financial institutions, run by Bill Clinton Democrats were engaging in “risky” business practices? The following video is a little long (7 min) but worth viewing:

The last administration advised:

“And Congress can help even more. Tonight I ask you to pass legislation to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, modernize the Federal Housing Administration, and allow State housing agencies to issue tax-free bonds to help homeowners refinance their mortgages. These are difficult times for many American families, and by taking these steps, we can help more of them keep their homes.” – George W. Bush, 2008 State of The Union Address

One party denies the skunk in the basement, places blame on others, and uses the power of high office to “spread the wealth around”. The other party seeks equitable solutions that can work for all Americans.

All bold emphasis in the quotes above is mine. Hat tip: Neill Arnhart, Canada Free Press

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Am I Lost Because I find it Difficult to Love Them?

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The Sunday Message

By OneVike

I was asked by a reader of my Sunday Messages, “How do I love someone I don’t like, and if I can’t love them does it mean I do not love God?” I decided to tackle this question because there are many Christians who find it difficult, if not down right impossible, to love those they don’t like. We are told by John that, “He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.1John 4:8 John goes on to write that it is impossible to love a God you cannot see, if you do not love your earthly brothers. 1John 4:20 As Christians, we need to understand that if God loved the world and gave His only Son to become a propitiation of our sins, then we should also love one another. John 3:16 & 1John 4:10 So we wonder by reading such passages how we can love the way God loves us. Allow me to first give some background on the apostle known as John.

If we had known John when he was still following Jesus as a young man, we would have been stunned by the transformation of his heart. I refer to the day that Jesus sent messengers ahead to a Samaritan town to prepare a place for them to lodge. They were told by the elders of the town they would not be welcomed and thus Christ and His disciples were turned away. This must not have sat too well with the two brothers James and John, because they asked Jesus for permission to call down Fire from Heaven to consume and destroy the city. Jesus not only denied their request but rebuked them for their evil hearts by pointing out what manner of spirit they were to be. Luke 9:51-57 This little exercise in hatred earned James and John the name Boanerges, which in Greek means, “Sons of Thunder“. However, by the time John was an old man and had written his gospel, epistles and the revelation of Christ, we clearly see the Lord had done some major overhauling in him, because we now know John as the “Apostle of Love“.

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Pelosi – “A ‘Orrible Woman”

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