Senators Challenge EPA Power

Posted by Tina

Three cheers for Senator Murkowski and the Republicans and Democrats who signed on to her challenge of the new powers given to the EPA to regulate carbon dioxide. It’s important to work toward having clean air, clean energy sources and clean production but it’s stupid to give a bureaucracy the power to make these decisions. The EPA has
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“Guns” Save Lives in DC


Posted by Tina

EDITORIAL: Guns decrease murder rates

This has never been the case. Local politicians enthusiastically embraced the 1977 handgun ban predicting it would make Washington a safe place by dramatically reducing murder rates. But they were as wrong three decades ago as they are now.

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UCF Champion Compares Canadian Health Care to That of The Third World


By One Vike

Thinking he might need surgery to fix a bad case of diverticulitis, Brock Lesnar postponed a fight to defend his Ultimate Fighting Championship heavyweight title. If you know who Lesnar is you have one of two opinion of him probably. You either think he is an egotistical maniac, and you wish someone would come along and shut him up, or you thought he was maybe the greatest all around fighter to ever grace the sport of ultimate fighting. Well, Brock was not just unable to train for the defense of his title he was considering the reality that he may have to retire at the young age of 32.

A former champion the WWE, Lesnar used the same tactics he used as a wrestler to help draw fans to the UFC. They say that Lesnar is the best thing that ever happened to the UFC, but after his medical problems, they were worried the 1.6 million pay per views they gained due to his attraction was in jeopardy. Well they can now rest assured that their money maker will return to the ring, because Lesnar has had a miraculous recovery. However, up until just this past Tuesday it was not so. You may be asking yourself, since when has Post Scripts cared about ultimate fighters and their future ability to beat each other up? Well the reason this is news is not because he is a fighter, but because of what happened after he ended up in a Canadian hospital.
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Supremes Knock Down Campaign Law – Dems Frown & Plot


Posted by Tina

The Supreme Court ruling today will have a huge impact on the next election cycle.

“Justices Block Key Part of Campaign Law” – NY Times

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court threw out a 63-year-old law designed to restrain the influence of big business and unions on elections Thursday, ruling that corporations may spend as freely as they like to support or oppose candidates for president and Congress. The decision could drastically alter who gives and gets hundreds of millions of dollars in this year’s crucial midterm elections. ** By a
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Police Foil Terrorist Plot – Soldier Saved from Decapitation

Posted by Jack Lee


Terror plotters: (clockwise from top left) Mohammed Irfan, Hamid Elasmar, Amjad Mahmood, Zahoor Iqbal, Parviz Khan and Basiru Gassama are alleged to be part of a Birmingham-based terrorist cell.

  • ‘Cargo of death: Terrorists earthquake relief shipment that secretly hid tools for execution’
  • ‘We will sort it’: Bugged conversation explains deadly kidnap plot
  • Police found ‘disturbingly violent’ Islamist material in terror raids
  • Parviz Khan: Mastermind behind ‘beheading’ plot sent shipments to terrorists in Afghanistan

Leicester Crown Court was told that the terror cell had sent money and equipment to Pakistan for the use of terrorists trying to kill British soldiers on the Afghan border.
Prosecutor Nigel Rumfitt QC said Khan wanted to get “physically involved” in the bloodshed but was prevented by “his bosses overseas” because his supply operation was so valued.

Instead, the court heard, he hatched the plot to kill a soldier in the UK.
He decided to target a Muslim fighting in the British Army and asked another member of the cell to identify a potential victim.


Mr Rumfitt said: “The prosecution say that Parviz Khan (shown left) is a fanatic. “He is a man who has the most violent and extreme views. Khan was enraged by the idea that there were Muslim soldiers in the British Army, some of them from the Gambia in West Africa.

A British soldier in Iraq (file picture): The four have pleaded guilty to a plot to kidnap and behead a British Muslim soldier. “He decided to kidnap such a soldier with the help of drug dealers in Birmingham. “The soldier would be approached in the Broad Street nightlife area, lured into a car and taken to a lock-up garage and murdered with his head cut off – “like a pig”. “This atrocity would be filmed. They would have the soldier’s military card to prove who he was.” The court heard that the film would be released through Khan’s terrorist network to the Al Jazeera TV station.

He told his henchmen: “Young (Tony) Blair’s going to go crazy.” Gambian national Basiru Gassama was the man given the task of finding a target from his own community.
The court heard that Khan played Gassama footage of numerous beheadings as he explained his plan.

But Khan was “blissfully unaware” that he had come to the attention of the security services, who built a dossier on the suspects, giving them codenames including Motorway Madness and Haunted Room.

The device recorded a series of incriminating conversations, including one in which Khan told how firelighters used to start camping stoves made ideal explosives. In July 2006 Gassama visited Khan’s terrace home in Alum Rock, Birmingham. Khan persuaded to him help identify the soldier victim.

Gassama, 30, of Hodge Hill, Birmingham, pleaded guilty to failing to inform the authorities of the plan to kill at an earlier court hearing and will be sentenced at the end of the trial, alongside Khan and two other members of the cell.

Mohammed Irfan, 31, and Hamid Elasmar, 44, both also from Birmingham, have admitted offences relating to the cell’s activities.

Details of the four men’s part in the plot emerged as two more men, Amjad Mahmood and Zahoor Iqbal, went on trial after denying terrorist offences.

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Very Bad Bill DEAD – Pelosi


Posted by Tina

Pelosi: House lacks votes to pass Senate healthcare reform bill,” by Jordan Fabian and Michael O’Brien – Blog Briefing Room, The Hill

House Democrats lack enough votes to pass the Senate’s healthcare bill, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Thursday. ** Pelosi threw cold water on the idea that the House could muster enough support to pass the Senate’s bill, which includes a number of provisions liberals in the House find distasteful. ** “I don’t see the votes for it at this time,” Pelosi told reporters during her weekly press conference. “The members have been very clear.”

Brown is being asked by media about “working with Democrats”. Democrats had better start working with Republicans if they expect to redeem themselves at all. John Kerry, who made a negative ad against Brown prior to the election, met with him this morning before medai cameras to grovel. He tried to maintain the illusion of control but his discomfort was apparent. His take was surely there were a few things in the health care bill tfor which Republicans and Democrats could agree. YES! They were submitted for consideration by Republicans and you rejected them!!!

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Two Ways of Looking at Things – Which Do You Like?

“Let’s save our country from the radical left and then work to clean up our own house. Steve Thompson, Chairman Butte County Republican Party” Steve Thompson

“We can’t even save ourselves until we clean up our act! When we have demonstrated we mean what we say winning back the trust of the voters will be a lot easier. Then comes winning elections.” Jack Lee-R

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Yellow Lab Senses Earthquake, & Runs For Safety before It Hits


By One Vike

Reminder:The people of Haiti experience a big aftershock (6.1) this morning. Please consider a donation to the Red Cross or other relief effort if you have not and remember to keep the Haitians and those who are there helping in your prayers.

As early as 373 B.C. when historians recorded that residents saw various animals from rats, snakes and weasels, deserting the Greek city of Helice in droves just days before a quake devastated the place. Accounts of similar animal anticipation of earthquakes have surfaced across the centuries since. Catfish moving violently, chickens that stop laying eggs and bees leaving their hive in a panic have been reported. Countless pet owners claimed to have witnessed their cats and dogs acting strangely before the ground shook–barking or whining for no apparent reason, or showing signs of nervousness and restlessness. All these and many more instances give rise to the question of whether or not animals have a special sense given to them by God to get out of dangers way.

In December 2004 when an earthquake occurred under the Indian Ocean a tsunami devastated many areas around India and Indonesia. While thousands of people were killed and injured from the ensuing tsunami, wildlife officials at Sri Lanka’s Yala National Park have reported no mass animal deaths. It would seem that that hundreds of wild animals including elephants, leopards, and monkeys were able to sense the danger long before humans. The theory is that the animals took precautions upon themselves that kept them from harms way at the wildlife reserve.

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With Dems It Is All About Control

Posted by Tina

I know you get tired of hearing me say that Democrats in power don’t care about people, that what they want is absolute control, but dang! It’s true! The evidence is everywhere! Here’s another example:

“Obama to Nationalize Student Lending with Pending Budget Bill,” by Matt Cover, Staff Writer – CNS News

A bill currently before the Senate would empower the Obama administration to nationalize the student lending industry, eliminating the federally subsidized private loans millions of university students rely on to finance their educations. ** The Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act – currently being considered by the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee – would eliminate the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) program. FFEL loans are federally subsidized and make up approximately 80 percent of the student lending industry. ** According to the Department of Education, 14.3 million of the 17.5 million student loans were federally subsidized for the 2009-2010 fiscal year. Under Obama’s plan, the government would consume the entirety of this industry – a total of $103 billion in 2009-2010.

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President Signs Memorandaum

Posted by Tina

President Obama today signed a presidential memorandum to stop these companies (contractors) from collecting government contracts while they are “gaming the system.” (not paying taxes) “In a time of great need, when our families and our nation are finding it necessary to tighten our belts, and be more responsible with how we spend our money, we can’t afford to waste taxpayer dollars,” Obama said. – ABC News (emphasis mine)

Wish he’d get the message!

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