Intel Chief, Others NOT Consulted About Christmas Bomber

Posted by Tina

Dennis Blair, the Director of National Intelligence, was not even consulted about whether accused airline bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, should be interrogated. Blair told a Senate Panel that he believed the suspect should have been questioned immediately. But he wasn’t the only one left outside as important security decisions were made:

Under questioning by Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, Blair and Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano said they were not consulted before the decision was made to not use the high-value detainee interrogation group. Also, Michael Leiter, chief of the National Counter Terrorism Center, said he was not consulted.

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Revolting Against the Democrats

by Jack “Diogenese” Lee

Notice: After having second thoughts I pulled this article yesterday as a courtesy to my GOP friends. They deserved a little time to bask in the sunshine of the Scott Brown victory. It was a true victory worth celebrating and I wish Sen. Brown much success. But, now it’s back to reality and that means the GOP has a lot of work ahead of them if they are going to continue winning elections and be better than, “the lesser of two evils.”


We tossed out the Democrats because they were corrupt, did not follow the will of the people and they grew government. (Yeah team!)

Then we tossed out the Republicans because they were corrupt, did not follow the will of the people and they grew government. (Boo!)

Then we tossed out the Democrats because they were corrupt, did not follow the will of the people and they grew government. (Yeah!)

Then we tossed out the Republicans again because they were corrupt, did not follow the will of the people and they grew government. (Boo!)

Now we are tossing out the Democrats again because they are corrupt, did not follow the will of the people and they grew government…forgive me if I don’t cheer anymore, but I’ve been down this path too many times. I’ll start cheering when I see real change, not just change for the sake of change.

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Wall Street Fraud – Feds Find Little Guilt


by Tina Grazier

Last year I posted several stories that targeted government policies regulation of lending institutions and leftist government policy as the big culprits in the economic crash. The Obama administration, Barney Frank, et al, and left media have consistently placed the blame for our financial woes on Wall Street.

Well, well, well! A story in the Washington Times today suggest that I have been accurate about the source of the failure and that the left has been playing politics with the crisis to beat the band, the Republicans and what’s even uglier, the American people. Just how guilty was Wall Street in the financial crisis? Let’s get a report from those who have been investigating for fraud on Wall Street:
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Poll: 7 in 10 Don’t Want Palin to Run

(Jan. 19) — Sarah Palin may be considering a bid for the White House in 2012, but it seems most Americans would rather that she not.

According to a CBS poll, 71 percent of Americans don’t want the former Republican vice presidential nominee to run for president. Despite widespread speculation that Palin could be on the next GOP ticket, 56 percent of Republicans said they don’t want the former Alaskan governor to run. Not surprisingly, Palin fared even worse among other voters: 65 percent of independents and 88 percent of Democrats said they didn’t want to see her run for president.

The CBS poll found that conservatives are the only ideological group that hold a favorable view of Palin, and most of them — 58 percent — say they don’t want her to run for president.

In the blogosphere, some conservatives expressed skepticism about the poll results. Hot Air’s Allahpundit blogger, for example, wasn’t buying it. “Does anyone seriously believe that only 43 percent of Republicans have a favorable view of Sarahcuda?” he asked Monday, citing a 2009 Gallup poll from July that found that 72 percent of Republicans and “Republican-leaning independents” held a favorable view of Palin.

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Prediction: Japan Goes Down First, then Europe and …

by Jack Lee

Major economies are the brink of doom thanks to unsustainable govenment safety nets and unfunded mandates. The most vulnerable is Japan, then the rest shall follow…


Ironically we have a Japanese politician to thank for the United States deficit spending that lifted us out of the great recession. During the depression era the Japanese economy only shrank by 8% between 1929 and 1931. By 1933 Japan was out of the depression, credit one Takahashi Korekiyo, Japan’s Finance Minister who was the first to employ what we now call Keynesian economic policies. The first part of the Keynesian plan is fiscal stimulus involving deficit spending; the second part was devaluing the currency. (Sound familiar?)

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Takahashi used the Bank of Japan to manipulate deficit spending in such a way he could also minimize inflation. The devaluation of Japan’s currency had an immediate effect on their textile exports and this displaced some of their major competitors. Japan was on the road to recovery.

On the other side of the Pacific a democrat controlled Congress and White House rebuffed the Japanese plan and instead embarked on socialist programs like the WPA and Social Security. They also passed “Smoot-Hawley” which added a protective tariff to imports. This heavy tariff exacerbated the depression and added years to time we would finally begin a recovery from the depression.

Fast forward to the Great Recession and Democrats were again in control. They implemented stimulus spending as a response to the economic crisis. It was implemented with less sophistication and rather clumsily compared to that plan that saved Japan, but it worked. Arguably, it could have worked better, but at least the economy is now pointed in the right direction.

The juxtaposition between Japan and America of the depression era and today is quite ironic. The Japanese have been living in recession for over two decades and it is now in serious economic trouble because they failed to pass much needed economic reforms such as limiting their socialism and protectionists policies that are not unlike USA’s Smoot-Hawley act from the 1930’s. But, there is another even great problem looming and this shall surely bring them down into economic collapse. The Japanese have engineered an aging population with no replacement; their quality of life is not sustainable given the Japanese birth rate. Mark Steyn’s book, America Alone, goes to great lengths to explain how low birth rates among developed nations is about to wreak havoc in the next few decades.

Plainly said, Japan and then many other nations are headed for collapse and along with it their entire economy. For Japan the window of opportunity has closed over a decade ago and the only thing that has kept their government from panic is denial.

According to Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, one of the worlds leading economic writers, Japan is quickly turning into the developed world’s sickest economy and “could soon tip into an uncontrolled downward spiral. Japan is reaching the point of no return where it won’t be able to meet its obligations and could enter a debt death spiral with major reforms they have heretofore been unable to accept.”

Evans-Pritchard suggests that too much government spending resulting in too much debt is the root cause of Japan’s problems. He’s right about Japan’s debt habit being unsustainable, but he didn’t take note of its imploding population. Japan is literally a demographic time bomb. For too long the Japanese have discouraged immigration and encouraged low birth rates. For the last 50 years the Japanese have slowly been committing demographic suicide and now the inevitable is taking place, i.e., Japan’s population is crossed the tipping point so that its work force is both relatively old and shrinking and as a nation Japan can’t sustain its standard of living and keep the promises of the many safety nets for retirees.

This time I hope the American government takes note in time, because we are right behind Japan and denial of this fact will only get us a quick ride to the poor house.

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Today Massachusetts, November Congress, & The White House in 2012

1749-Scott Brown.jpeg

by OneVike

It would seem that Scott Brown’s surge in the latest polls have him up over Kennedy’s would be replacement by an insurmountable lead. Even the shenanigans they pulled off in Minnesota will not save the swimmers seat for Obama to take over 1/7th of the American economy, (Health care). What I have for you, are five polls. They show Obama’s best chance of taking over health care, Democrat Martha Coakly, losing in a free fall with the Massachusetts voters.

Check out these poll numbers of Republican Scott Brown and Democrat Martha Coakley, on the eve of the special election to fill the late Ted Kennedy’s seat.

Politico/InAdv: Brown 52, Coakley 43 —– Brown +9

PJM/CrossTarget: Brown 52, Coakley 42 —– Brown+10

PPP: Brown 51, Coakley 46 —– Brown +5

ARG: Brown 52, Coakley 45 —– Brown +7

Daily Kos: Brown 48, Coakley 48 —– Tie

Any of these polls could be off, but taken as a whole it does not look good for Obama. Except for the far leftist site Daily Kos the facts are in, and the facts state that Obama is in huge trouble. Even Jimmy Carter did not lose safe seats like Massachusetts when he was in a tailspin before his historic loss to Reagan. What is real bad is that the Washington Examiner, is now saying that Coakley’s own internal polls has her losing to Brown by five points. Many considered Massachusetts the most liberal of all states and as such has three times the number of registered Democrats vs. Republicans. Consider this, In 1972 Massachusetts was the only state that the leftist Democrat, George McGovern, won in his bid to defeat the hated Richard Nixon.

In a political sense, loosing Ted Kennedy’s seat to a Republican would be like Pee-Wee Herman knocking Mike Tyson out in the first round if a heavy weight boxing match. The left will attempt to make all kinds of excuses, and we are now even hearing some. However, it is a loss that will be heard around the political world for many years to come. Mark my words, this loss will reverberate into the off year elections and I would not be surprised if the Republicans not only regain both houses of Congress, but gain a super majority in the process. Just think what that really means if the safest Democrat seat in the Senate goes to a Republican? There will be no safe seat in 2010 for the Democrats, and that my friends is why so many Democrats are now stating that they are retiring.

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Drive-by Attack on Dog, By a Cat

by One Vike

Ever notice how cats just have this greater then thou attitude towards dogs? Kind of reminds me of the way many liberals in the MSM, academia, Hollywood, and most politicians (on both sides of the isle, I might add) have anointed themselves as superior to us common folk in the hinter lands. They are always looking down upon us with their collective noses in the air.

Well take a look at the way this cat that is riding a Roomba vacuum and taking pot shots at the boxer in this video. Doesn’t it remind you of the way the MSM will drive by and take pot shots at conservatives. It kind of gives a whole new meaning to drive by hit pieces. Whether you are a cat person or a dog lover, this video is bound to make you laugh your butt off. While watching the video you will most likely ask yourself, “ There is only so much that dog will put up with before he nails the cat.” Which is what 2010 is going to be like for the left, we have had enough of their drive by smarmy greater than though attitudes and we are ready to know them off their tax sucking pedestal.

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NAACP to Boycott Annual MLK Freedom Train

by Jack Lee

For years, the MLK Association of Santa Clara has marked Martin Luther King Junior Day with a Freedom Train ride through Silicon Valley. This year will be no different, except that the NAACP won’t be aboard. They announced that they will be boycotting the event because this year the San Jose Police Officer’s Association is being listed as a chief sponsor.

The NAACP has long claimed that the SJPD regularly violates the rights of minorities in San Jose. “You cannot buy civil rights. You have to work at it,” said Chapter President Jethro Moore II, referring to the POA’s donation of $5,000 to the event. This has not deterred POA President George Beattie, who insists that the group will continue to sponsor local events, regardless of the controversy that ensures.

Police have repeatedly been taken to court over police brutality charges, but the charges have seldom held up. More often it was the plaintiffs who were found guilty of brutality. . . against the police. In the typical case police charged the plaintiff/s with resisting arrest and/or interfering with an officer in the performance of his duty. The only defense to this charge is accuse the cops of some misdeed.

The refusal of citizens to back off or obey lawful orders for officer safety usually results in officers attempting to physically restrain them and when this happens, a hand touches a shoulder or there is a push on the chest, there is at least 50-50 chance of an all out battle to follow, ask any cop if this is not true. When a fight starts it inevitably ends quickly with the police breaking out the taser or their baton. The angry citizens have now been knocked around by police and charged with a crime. They do not want to go to jail and they want revenge on the cops. If they are a minority its way too easy to play the race card and sue police for police brutality!

Nuisance suits involving brutality often get the guilty party a few thousand dollars to go away. Anybody with any street smarts knows this is an easy way to make a few bucks if you can get an attorney to do it for free.

The ACLU and NAACP are pre-conditioned to assume the complete innocence of those who were arrested and the absolute guilt of police. Time after time this is big news and cops are convicted in the press, but when their cases get to court and all the facts come out, the ACLU and NAACP lose, but the damage has been done to the police. This makes a wonderful setup for the next police brutality suit. Eventually people think where there is so much smoke, there must be a fire somewhere. That’s when another O.J. jury steps in and convicts the cops without any reasonable evidence and at the same time they let the guilty go free. It’s just a matter of odds this should happen too. Sooner or later the police pay…guilt has nothing to do with it.

And here is the controversy. For example in the allegation of police brutality against Hispanics in a recent op-ed piece in the Merc, outgoing POA head Roberto Lopez argues that most arrests of Latinos result from alcohol abuse: “Cultural factors, not police practices, are the major driver for Latino arrests for public intoxication,” he writes, defending himself against accusations of racism and stating that he is Latino, so how could he be racist against Latino’s? “In particular,” he goes on to write, “Mexican-American men are more vulnerable to binge drinking and other forms of alcohol abuse than males of other ethnic backgrounds–even other Latino groups like Cubans and Central Americans. Officers everywhere would agree with him too, I sure would!

When one of these minority groups charges the police with brutality or racism they do their best to whip up public to extort government into some sort of concessions or they try to get money out of them. But, when they fail and their clients are found to have started it and got exactly what they had coming, they fall silent and just wait for the next incident to start stirring it up again. The cops can’t win this war…so it just keeps going and keeps racial tension high for a secret agenda few would ever really understand.

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Coakley – UGLY AG Rape Decision

Posted by Tina

This woman is incompetent and not suited for positions of power…it’s no wonder her bid for Seantor is not doing well in Massachusetts
“Democrat Martha Coakley Recommended Convicted Child Rapist Be Released with No Cash Bail,” by Marc Shenker – Associated Content

MA Democrat Attorney General Martha Coakley, her party’s supposedly “best” nominee for the Senate, recommended that a convicted child rapist be released with no cash bail despite the plethora of evidence that he raped a 23-month-old girl with a hot, curling iron. This…ahem…misjudgment by the then-DA occurred in 2006, but stemmed from an October 2005 case in which a policeman whose union-representative father steered lots of endorsements and donations to the Coakley for AG campaign raped a 23-month-old toddler, also his own niece! This story ought to be front-and-center in the mainstream, liberal media, but it isn’t because it would be too damning for Coakley. MA voters ought to ask themselves, Do we want a woman whose office recommended releasing a convicted child rapist as our senator??

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Glacier Meltdown – Still More Bogus “Warming Science” Revealed


Posted by Tina

As you read the article featured below, please keep in mind that many of the world’s political leaders and warming hot shots have been attempting to take big chunks of your money to stop something that is likely a natural phenomenon. Keep in mind that the burden will fall on the very poor, the poor, the middle classes, and the rich and very rich alike because higher tax burdens force higher prices for all goods and services. Remember too that the “big global plan” also includes banning certain products, altering the way you live your life, limiting the choices you have, forcing change in the way our homes, businesses, products and communities are designed and built, shutting down inexpensive energy sources, and placing undo financial and regulatory burdens on business. Taken all together this represents the most horrific sham, abuse of power, and failure of science and media ever witnessed. Here’s the latest evidence:

“World misled over Himalayan glacier meltdown,” by Jonathan Leake and Chris Hastings – TimesOnline (UK)

A WARNING that climate change will melt most of the Himalayan glaciers by 2035 is likely to be retracted after a series of scientific blunders by the United Nations body that issued it. ** Two years ago the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) issued a benchmark report that was claimed to incorporate the latest and most detailed research into the impact of global warming. A central claim was the world’s glaciers were melting so fast that those in the Himalayas could vanish by 2035. ** In the past few days the scientists behind the warning have admitted that it was based on a news story in the New Scientist, a popular science journal, published eight years before the IPCC’s 2007 report. ** It has also emerged that the New Scientist report was itself based on a short telephone interview with Syed Hasnain, a little-known Indian scientist then based at Jawaharlal Nehru University in Delhi. ** Hasnain has since admitted that the claim was “speculation” and was not supported by any formal research. If confirmed it would be one of the most serious failures yet seen in climate research. The IPCC was set up precisely to ensure that world leaders had the best possible scientific advice on climate change.

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