Do We Need a 28th Amendment to the United States Constitution?

“Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States”.

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12 Signs the Economy is Bad. . .

* You receive a pre-declined credit card in the mail.

* You order a burger at McDonald’s…the kid behind the counter asks, “Can you afford fries with that?”

* CEO’s are playing miniature golf.

* The bank returns your check marked “Insufficient Funds,” …you call them to ask if they mean you or them.

* Hot Wheels and Matchbox stocks are trading higher than GM.

* McDonald’s is selling the 1/4 ouncer.
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Don’t Blame God, Tragedies Happen


The Sunday Message

by OneVike

After the Earthquake that devastated Haiti, Pat Robertson was accused of saying that God was punishing Haiti because of the evil practices of its people. At first I must admit that I cringed and even stated that he was out of line and the statement was ignorant on his part, especially when the Scriptures go directly against such foolish beliefs. Then I looked into what Pat actually said, and found this statement put out by CBN:

Pat Robertson’s comments were based on the widely-discussed 1791 slave rebellion led by Boukman Dutty at Bois Caiman, where the slaves allegedly made a famous pact with the devil in exchange for victory over the French. This history, combined with the horrible state of the country, has led countless scholars and religious figures over the centuries to believe the country is cursed. Dr. Robertson never stated that the earthquake was God’s wrath. If you watch the entire video segment, Dr. Robertson’s compassion for the people of Haiti is clear. CBN

So Pat Robertson did not say what he was accused of saying, yet I still have a problem with the so called scholars whom he quoted and it is their belief that I want to address today. I must question how well learned these scholars are for making such a claim. After all, a simple reading of the encounter that Abraham had when he was visited by three angels on their way to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah should be enough to dispel such nonsense. 16Genesis 18:16:33 God was willing to spare the whole of Sodom and Gomorrah if, as Abraham pleaded, He found 10 righteous individuals. Well, God did not find 10 righteous people and so, destroyed both cities. Regardless of how evil the men of Sodom were, God was willing to spare them. I could probably list many of the evils things that have been going on in Haiti, from their supposed deal with the devil in 1791 all the way up their current practices of Voodoo. However, I could probably find and list the names of Haitians who practice their Christian beliefs as good or even better then many Christians I know in America. That would be hundreds of times the number of people God was looking for to spare Sodom and Gomorrah.
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Congress Spent a Lot of Cash On Copenhagen Party

by Jack Lee

It was the biggest party of the year and if you weren’t there then you must have been one of those miserly old conservatives. But, it wasn’t all fun, they ran out of caviar just after they ran out limousines and this was pretty rough on the jet set. But they made up for it with an excess of champagne and $3500 plus a night luxury suites.

The American’s were a huge presence in Copenhagen; in fact we needed two 737’s and a Gulf Stream Five to get all the Congressmen and their girlfriends over there. One 737 costs about $5700 an hour, do the math. But, that’s not all… the staff that went along, some with their spouses flew commercial. There were over a hundred staffers and they didn’t fly coach, many tickets were over $2000, do more math. The actual numbers will be out soon, but you get the idea now…Copenhagen was an expensive trip!

This was of course an all expenses paid vacation courtesy of you the taxpayers.

And all those attendees who went to the summit rather than hooking up by teleconference…well, they produced enough climate-stunting carbon dioxide to fill 10,000 Olympic swimming pools. (40,500 tonnes/source: UN Framework Convention on Climate Change)

Here’s the kicker: The event accomplished absolutely nothing. Another case of your tax dollars at work, er…play…whatever. And the audacity of these fools to stick it to the taxpayers while we are still suffering from recession and pinching every penny we have left. They just don’t get it – they have never gotten it, they don’t want to get it and that’s why they stick it to us without remorse year after year…and this boys and girls is why you need to systematically clean house about every 4-6 years. JUST VOTE EM ALL OUT! From the lazy do-nothings to the corrupt big spenders…they all need to go.

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Horowitz on Campus, Armed Guards Required

Posted by Tina

Having grown up in the United States of America in the fifties and sixties I have been privileged to enjoy carefree opportunities to live, study, work and play in peace. Because I am an American I’ve been able to lounge on a riverbank, follow my dreams, get my hands dirty in dark rich soil, and sit in the dark of a movie theater, laughing or weeping, as a wonderful story unfolded before my eyes. I’ve been able to discover the joys and frustrations of owning businesses and trying out every new invention from television and transistor radios to laptops and the Blackberry. I’ve attended the church of my choice, purchased homes, spoken my mind in public and voted my conscience.

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Quick Quote

“Though our ancestors came to America on slave ships, we blacks are extremely blessed to be born in the greatest nation on the planet. It is time we let go of the past. Yes, I know this will infuriate and shock some of you (race profiteers), but it is true. Black overseers and liberals must stop exploiting America’s past sins and viewing America from a 1950 point of view. For the sake of our children, blacks must see America for what it truly is today: a wonderful country where if the Obama Administration would simply get out of the way, anyone with an idea, a dream, and a willingness to work can succeed. It is time to end “groupthink” and black racism and celebrate individuality and independence.” – Lloyd Marcus, (black) Unhyphenated American, singer/songwriter, entertainer, author, artist, and Tea Party patriot.

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While Some Blame God, Danny Glover Blames Global Warming for Haiti’s Earthquake

by One Vike

Whenever a disaster occurs, there are always people trying to capitalize on it to get rich, famous, or just to attack others for political gain. While Some Blame God, Danny Glover Blames Global Warming for Haiti’s Earthquake

The earthquake in Haiti is a prime example of this. Pat Robertson came out this past week and claimed that the earthquake and many other troubles throughout their history is a result of their making a pact with the devil in exchange for victory over the French. Thus Pat Robertson said that countless scholars and religious figures over the centuries believe the country is cursed and so he says this is why the earthquake happened. Basically God is holding a 200 plus year grudge against them.

Then we have the MSM deciding to use the moment to personally attack Rush Limbaugh for saying he does not think we should give our money to Obama to help the Haitians. While we will inevitably see Obama eventually use this disaster to prop up his god complex by pointing out how much better he is then Bush was at responding to disasters. Eventually his sycophantic followers will point out that we need to continue worshiping and praying in his name for good things to happen. Then we have Danny Glover who would like to claim that the earth is angry because we failed to get a comprehensive global warming treaty signed at Copenhagen.

Take a look at this video of Danny Glover speaking on the phone with Marie St. Cyr of GRITtv about the disaster in Haiti. The way I see it, if I was are going to blame anyone for this disaster, I prefer to think God might be angry before I would think the earth is. Also, if I am going to give my hard earned money away to help the efforts of the Haitian people, I think I would prefer donating to a Christian charity instead of Obama’s administration website. I have already spoken about my opinion of those who would blame the Haitian disaster on God’s getting revenge on a geographical area for sin of men. He will one day return with a sword and separate the wheat from the chaff, but that is in the end when all men will see the wrath of the lamb. However allow me to again state categorically that God does not target geographical areas of the world to punish men for their sins, He will punish the individual. Otherwise I want someone to explain to me why San Fransisco still exists. Well, enjoy this video of Glover being interviewed over the phone and making a complete fool of himself.

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Haiti 140,000 dead, violence and looting begin

by Jack Lee

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Jan 15 (Reuters) – Haitian authorities have buried 40,000 bodies and believe another 100,000 people probably died in this week’s earthquake, a senior official told Reuters on Friday.

Roaming bands of young men were carrying machetes, looting and robbing everywhere you go”, said one aid worker. Others just sat helpless in the streets, sobbing, looking for a handout, anything food, water, just anything. Haitians were angry at the so-called “slow” response for money, food, clothing, shelters and medical aid despite the global outpouring of millions in aid and relief workers right from the onset of the earthquake.

Haitians in the streets cursed America for not doing more! “What’s going on? We can’t even breathe! Who is helping us?” a man cried out today to an ABC News camera crew. Wearing a yellow bandana over his face and surrounded by other young and angry men, he said, “It takes one night to get the U.S. troops here, you know. It takes just a second for the military to get here.” The man did not comment why he was not helping the relief workers search for more victims. In fact none of the able bodied young men could explain why they were not busy helping others in great need.

“We’re waiting, we’re waiting for three or four days. Just cannot do nothing,” another Haitian man said. “The president is staying at the airport while he does nothing for us.”

The roads are being blocked with corpses delaying transportation of aid. One commenter said, “Poverty and lack of education aside, if they’re blocking the roads, how can help get through to everyone in need? Leave it to the greedy few in front… they’re deterring aid to all in need.”

A US news reporter was surrounded by a gang of angry men with machete’s and they made it clear they will not restrain themselves much longer if the US doesn’t do more to help them.

Meanwhile rescue workers from many nations were desperately seeking manpower from outside Haiti to help remove rubble to reach potential trapped victims. The United States government and the Red Cross has deployed several thousand aid workers and military personnel, but there still remains a critical shortage of people willing to help in the rescue effort. Time is running out for those who may be trapped.

The Haiti situation was not unlike the Katrina disaster in New Orleans, where so many victims of a natural disaster sat and waited for somebody to come fix things and provide for them. The parallels in New Orleans and Haiti were remarkable in terms of violence and crime and the paralysis of the local people to do anything to help themselves. Instead, these disasters became an opportunity for “victims” to rob, kill and loot without any fear of police interference. In Haiti there was little to be looted, which only added to the frustrations of the mobs bent on violence.

One military leader suggested actually shooting the looters and any gangs armed with knives, guns and machete’s in order to restore order. This suggestion was categorically rejected as too extreme.

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Illegal Haitains Welcome to Stay in USA

WASHINGTON (AP) – The Obama administration says it will allow Haitians already in the U.S. illegally to remain because of this week’s catastrophic earthquake. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano granted the temporary protected status on Friday.

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Muslims Protest Funeral Procession For Dead Soldiers

By Luke MacGregor/Reuters

LONDON — A radical Islamic group planning a protest march through the streets of a town that has achieved iconic status in Britain for honoring the passing hearses of British soldiers killed in Afghanistan ran into a stiff rebuff from the British government on Monday.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown issued a statement saying he was “personally appalled” by the group’s plan to march through the streets of Wootton Bassett


, 70 miles west of London, where townspeople have lined the sidewalks since April 2007 to mourn the passing cortges of British military casualties flown home to the nearby military airbase at Lyneham.

“Wootton Bassett has a special significance for us all at this time, as it has been the scene of the repatriation of many members of our armed forces who have tragically fallen,” Mr. Brown said. “Any attempt to use this location to cause further distress and suffering to those who have lost loved ones would be abhorrent and offensive.”


Home Secretary Alan Johnson, who is responsible for the police, said in a separate statement that he would support any request from the police or local government officials to ban the march. “I find it particularly offensive that the town, which has acted in such a moving and dignified way in paying tribute to our troops who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country should be targeted in this manner,” he said.

Plans for staging the march were laid out in an open letter to the families of the 246 British soldiers killed in Afghanistan since the toppling of the Taliban in 2001 that was posted by Anjem Choudary, leader of a group called Islam4UK, on the group’s Web site. The organization describes itself as a “platform” for promoting the views of an extremist Islamic group, Al Muhajiroun, which praised the perpetrators of the Sept. 11 attacks in the United States as heroes, but disbanded in 2005 in response to a British government order banning it.

A statement on the organization’s Web site said the march would be held “not in memory of the occupying and merciless British military, but rather the real war dead who have been shunned by the Western media and general public as they were and continue to be horrifically murdered in the name of democracy and freedom, the innocent Muslim men, women and children.”

Mr. Choudary, a 42-year-old lawyer and the British-born son of a Pakistani immigrant, did not say when the march would take place, but in his letter to the families of the dead soldiers, he spelled out his reasons for proposing it.

“It is worth reminding those who are still not blinded by the media propaganda that Afghanistan is not a British town near Wootton Bassett but rather Muslim land which no one has the right to occupy, with a Muslim population who do not deserve their innocent men, women and children to be killed for political mileage and for the greedy interests of the oppressive U.S. and U.K. regimes,” he said.

The townspeople’s practice of honoring the hearses on their journey to a mortuary in the nearby city of Oxford began spontaneously, with two British veterans stood in silent vigil at the roadside as a cortge carrying dead soldiers passed. But it developed rapidly into a local, and quickly a national, institution. Week after week, television newscasts have broadcast images of hundreds of townspeople, and mourners from across the country, lining the main street, now renamed the Highway for Heroes, honoring every dead soldier, or group of soldiers, passing through the town.

The images have galvanized support across the country — crowds standing with their heads bowed, some throwing flowers atop the hearses, family members of the fallen weeping as the hearses pass. With a majority of people in Britain saying in opinion polls that they would favor an early military withdrawal from Afghanistan, the ritualized mourning has provided an occasion on which opponents and supporters of the war can find a fitful reconciliation.

In Wootton Bassett, reaction to the proposed march was vehement.

“We don’t do what we do at Wootton Bassett for any political reason at all,” said Chris Wannell, a former mayor of the town. “We are a Christian country and traditional English market town who honor very much our queen and country. We obey the law and pay respects to our servicemen who protect our freedom. If this man has any decency about him he will not hold a march through Wootton Bassett.”

Three Facebook groups opposing the march have drawn more than half a million supporters. One anonymous contributor made his point bluntly. “I want my England back,” he said.

Susan commented, “Someone ought to ask those who believe that this march ought to be protected by some basic right to free speech just where they draw the line. Is it OK to shout “Fire” in a crowded theater? Is it OK to utter speeches urging others to violence? Is it OK to rally to protest free speech?

This rally is all about decrying the exercise of free speech by the citizens of this little town. If this group of British Muslims were all about calling attention to dead Muslims in Afghanistan they could find some other place to do this. The whole point of this exercise is to shut down the exercise of free speech. This is one more example of the Muslim community failing to control the radicals in its midst. Where are the denunciations about this planned event from CAIR and other organized Islamic groups?”

Dan wrote, “If after 9-11 the US had given Al-Qaida $10 Billon to use in building schools, medical clinics and senior citizens’ housing, does any one of you believe they would have given up jihad and begun the process of rebuilding Afghanistan? Do you believe that they would have elevated the status of women and stopped encouraging honor killings? No?”

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