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The Game Change – Halperin and Heilemann

by Jack Lee

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Yours truly has recently come under fire for reporting excerpts from the book “Game Change”. This covers the presidential candidates in 2008 and more. Wikipedia (not always the best source) summarized it and in this case they did a pretty good job:

Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime is a book by political journalists John Heilemann and Mark Halperin about the 2008 United States presidential election.

The book is based on interviews with more than 300 people involved in the campaign. It discusses factors including Democratic Party presidential candidate John Edwards’s extramarital affair, the relationship between Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama and his vice presidential running mate Joe Biden, failure of Republican Party candidate Rudy Giuliani’s presidential campaign and Sarah Palin’s vice presidential candidacy.

Game Change included several new assertions. . . Among them were the fact that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senator Chuck Schumer privately had urged Barack Obama to run for president in the fall of 2006, in hopes that it would energize the Democratic base and improve the party’s chances of winning the presidency. The book also detailed an hour-long meeting between Hillary Rodham Clinton and pollster Mark Penn, during which Clinton accused Obama of “playing the race card” and importing people into Iowa to improve his chances at the caucus. The book also alleges that Hillary Clinton wanted to make a bigger issue out of Obama’s drug use. . .”

Game Change also included reports about presidential candidate John Edwards’s handling of his affair with filmmaker Rielle Hunter before it was made public. According to the book, Edwards angrily rejected requests by his advisers to distance himself from Hunter.

The book also described in some depth, Sarah Palin’s role in John McCain’s campaign. In response to concerns that Palin was depressed and unresponsive to debate training, McCain reportedly suggested debate sessions for Palin be moved from Philadelphia to Sedona, Arizona, so Palin could be closer to her family. McCain aides reportedly were also concerned about Palin’s failure to understand basic facts prior to her ABC News interviews with Charles Gibson, including why North Korea and South Korea are separate countries. She also allegedly believed Saddam Hussein was behind the September 11 attacks.”

1718-howard-dean1.jpgIn a recent interview the authors defend their work which has come under criticism from Howard Dean (shown right) and Harry Reid. The authors responded, “We used an incredibly high standard” and “Many things were left out because we could not get enough verification” and “Everything in the book is the truth.”

“I didn’t like it, it was gossipy!”Howard Dean

If this was a “hit piece” designed to destroy Sarah Palin’s credibility, then there are simply too many other people held accountable besides Palin, she was just a small part of it. But, more importantly is the people who were critical of me for using this book as source material were not at all critical when we reported the negative parts about Harry Reid and his racial comments. I have to ask, if the book was credible when reporting on Harry, how is suddenly not credible when reporting on Sarah?

What is clear is the bias of Palin supporters and that is understandable. They have many good reasons to be supportive, but please don’t shoot the messenger. Yes there were some negative things said about her, but don’t just assume they were not true. There’s more reason to believe they were true than not. I would ask you folks to keep an open mind.

Let me make my position on Palin very clear. I don’t “hate” her as it’s been alleged. However, I do know what’s been reported about her, and I’ve watch her on TV, and listened to people that know her. From this info I have concluded Palin is an eloquent spokesperson, she supports all the issues near and dear to my heart, but she does not meet my standards for a President, ( nor does Barack Obama. ) That’s a far cry from saying I hate her.

The Palin supporters who have targeted me are trying to link the mainstream media’s bias to the authors noted and that’s not very fair without evidence. Then, when it suits them they turn around 180 degrees and use the authors book material on Reid and others.

I’ll try to restrain myself and be generous now…because normally these critics and I are on the same side of the fence. But, in my opinion this is. . . disingenuous. They have not introduced one single shred of credible evidence that Halperin and Heilemann have lied in their book about Palin. The evidence so far seems to say that it’s fair and balanced. Look at the writers backgrounds….these are not new authors looking for a cheap one time shot at stardom. Their reputations on the line every time they say anything political and they have been around for decades, why would they risk being untruthful when they have so much good (true) information?

You folks (my critics) have gone way out on a very skinny limb to make unfounded assertions against my position on Palin and at the same time, you’re trying to make a case that the people in the McCain camp ,for unknown reasons, hated Palin and made stuff up and the authors of this book also just made stuff up to discredit her. And the reason they would all do this? Because Palin is a pro-life Christian!? Hmmm…sorry, but that’s pretty weak. Let’s recap here, Harry Reid and Howard Dean don’t like the book – Sean Hannity said it was good. I’m on the Hannity side and Harry and Howard support your positions! lol Good luck with that!

Good book! Sean Hannity

From Fox News: Sean Hannity hosted Halperin and Heilemann and noted the book has become the talk of the country. Hannity had a cordial interview and concluded with thanking the authors and called their work, “A good book!” For details on this please use the following link . ., .,2933,582849,00.html

Halperin was previously noted for the story “Things McCain Can Do to Try to Beat Obama That Clinton Cannot” featured in Time magazine.

1. Play the national security card without hesitation.
2. Talk about the Iraq War without apologies or perceived contradiction.
3. Go at Obama unambiguously from the right.

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Sarah Palin takes Fox News commentator job!

Posted by Jack Lee


Mon Jan 11, 11:05AM PT – Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice-presidential candidate, will return to her broadcast roots and take her conservative message to Fox News as a regular commentator.

She said she was happy to be working at a place that provides fair and balanced news.

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Suicide Bomber’s Wife Proud!

In an interview with Turkish television, the widow of Humam al-Balawi, who killed seven CIA operatives in a Dec. 30 suicide bombing in Afghanistan, said she was “proud of her husband.”


Balawi’s Wife (shown left) Says “I Am Proud of My Husband.” Balawi’s widow Defne Bayrak told Turkey’s Kanal 6 TV that she hoped that God would accept her husband as a martyr, and that “he conducted a very big operation in a kind of war.” She said that she learned of her husband’s death when a man called her from Pakistan at 7 a.m. the morning after the attack on her husband’s cell phone. She also discussed rumors that her husband’s parents had been told 10 days in advance what Balawi would do.

A portion of the interview follows:

Did you expect that your husband would conduct a kind of attack?
I am a person who knows her husband’s point of view. But honestly, I didn’t know that he would conduct an attack. When I learned the news, I was really surprised. Because he was always saying that he would come back. But he did this because he was a person who believed this. I don’t know how he decided this.

As far as I know you have two children, right? And how old are they?
They are 5 and 7 years old.

They don’t know that he conducted an attack, right?
They don’t know.

When are you planning to tell them?
Right now I am not planning to tell them. I will wait for them to grow up. If they don’t learn this from anywhere, like the media, I would like to wait for them to grow up a bit.

Don’t they feel that their father is absent? Did they already see him rarely?
No, my husband left in March. Before that, we were living together. We were staying in the same house. He was not always leaving us here. They definitely feel his absence.

Are they asking you where their father is?
Sure, they are asking.

Did you face any kind of pressure on yourself?
No, I didn’t.

It is said that CIA agents are here in Istanbul.
Yes, I have heard that, but they haven’t reached me in anyway.

Have they come to your home?

( What was not asked was, do you care about the people that died or how their families must feel right now? Guess that would be too much compassion for Turkish journalists to show. )


ABC News has obtained an exclusive photo of suicide bomber Humam Muhammed al-Balawi, the Jordanian double agent who killed seven CIA operatives and his Jordanian handler in Afghanistan on December 30.

An exclusive photo obtained by ABC News shows Humam Khalil Muhammed al Balawi, identified as suicide bomber who killed seven C.I.A. agents and his handler at Forward Operating Base Chapman near Khost city, Afghanistan, on Dec. 30, 2009.(ABC News)
Al-Balawi, a 32-year-old Jordanian doctor, had convinced the Americans that his jihadist postings on the web were only part of his cover identity. He lured 13 CIA operatives and his handler to a meeting at Camp Chapman, an American forward operating base in Afghanistan, by saying he had just met with al Qaeda number two Ayman al-Zawahiri and had information to share.

The photo comes from a Jordanian identification card, seen below. Al Balawi was born in Kuwait in 1977, raised in Jordan and attended medical school in Turkey. He had been arrested by Jordan’s intelligence agency, the General Intelligence Directorate, more than a year ago. Believing they had flipped al Balawi and made him a double agent, the Jordanians released him from prison and sent him to Afghanistan to penetrate al Qaeda by pretending to be an aspiring foreign jihadi.

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Will Roxxxy Make Women Irrelevant?


by Tina Grazier

Feminism and science have worked together to make men irrelevant in some women’s minds. Women can have their own careers and give birth to children in our brave new world. Easy divorce has made men not much more than a gold mine for the digger types. At least in the old days these women would have to provide real evidence of infidelity or abuse to take his hard earned money and possessions from him…and him…and him! But no more! Today’s women have a lot of “advantages” and perks that their grandmothers never had including the option to do without men completely. Could this have been part of what motivated the innovation lovingly named Roxxxy? I’ll let you decide; here’s the scoop:

“World’s first life-size robotic girlfriend, by Glenn Chapman – AFP

In what is billed as a world first, a life-size robotic girlfriend complete with artificial intelligence and flesh-like synthetic skin was introduced to adoring fans at the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas. ** “She can’t vacuum, she can’t cook but she can do almost anything else if you know what I mean,” TrueCompanion’s Douglas Hines said. ** “She’s a companion. She has a personality. She hears you. She listens to you. She speaks. She feels your touch. She goes to sleep. We are trying to replicate a personality of a person.” ** Roxxxy stands 170cm (five feet, seven inches) tall, weighs 54.43kg (120lbs), “has a full C cup and is ready for action,” according to Mr Hines, who was an artificial intelligence engineer at Bell Labs before starting TrueCompanion.

Will the new anatomically correct robot, Roxxxy, become the most delicious form of revenge that spurned and abused males have ever had? The price is much better than the cost of the average divorce but only time will tell.

Personally I long for the old days when men were men and women were women and they actually preferred it that way.

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Sarah Palin Remains Hot Despite Critics

by Jack Lee


On 60 minutes last night one of the book authors of Game Change said the McCain people said Sarah Palin was virtually clueless about American history. They had to train her up on almost everything and it was too much for her to assimilate in such a period of short time. And this left many in the McCain campaign worried she would make a major blunder speaking on the stump trail.

The gossipy new campaign book that has the political world buzzing portrays Sarah Palin not just as an ignoramus who believed Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11 but also as possibly mentally unstable.

It’s interesting how Palin became McCain’s VP choice and what little effort went into the decision. Until just a few days before crunch time McCain believed his VP nominee would be Joe Lieberman. According to the authors, they met a lot of resistance when they floated the trial balloon, in fact republicans went apoplectic and they had to pick else and fast. McCain barely knew Palin and most people in the lower 48 had never heard of her. However, there was such a rush to find a replacement to Lieberman the McCain camp only had one lawyer vet her, nobody actually went to Alaska to do a background, in fact nobody did any in-depth research on her because they just didn’t have time. So, they just gambled that she could pull it off and they were right! In the end they felt they lost by a smaller margin with her than without her.

(A smokin hot Palin is characterized on left – It’s one of those internet creations, not real.) Despite Palin’s “alleged”


lack of knowledge about history, including WW1, WWII, the Korean War and the real reasons for the current war in Iraq and Afghanistan, that stuff never came up and later on many people say she actually won the debate with Biden. She came off looking far more interesting than three of the four people in the race.

Despite Obama’s victory, the left continues to assail Palin as an idiot who is not presidential material because unlike McCain, Palin still has some political mileage left. Since her run for VP she’s become an extremely popular speaker and has made a ton of money from her own tell-all book, Going Rogue. Harper Collins has increased printing to 2.5 million, which dwarfs Bill Clinton’s book sales.

Whatever you feel about Palin, she is undeniably very good at delivering a stump speech and handling herself in a debate. She’s confident, poised and says exactly what most conservatives want to hear. She may not have a clue about World War I, but she has become a popular and influential political figure.

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Reid: “Light Skinned, Negro Dialect” – Clinton: “…Getting Us Coffee”


Posted by Tina

So what do you all think about what Harry Reid said during the 2008 election? And what about Clinton’s horrible offhand sneer? The private remarks have been revealed in a new tell all book, “Game Change,” by journalists Mark Halperin and John Heilemann?

Reid said Barack Obama could win the election because he was “light-skinned” and had “no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.”

A few Dems think the revelation will provide the final shove to push Reid over the cliff in this year’s election. Most have circled the wagons in an attempt to minimize the damage.

Clinton’s remarks came a day after Obama won the Iowa caucus. He had called Senator Ted Kennedy to try to get an endorsement for Hillary but his remarks about Obama offended Kennedy and the bid was rejected resoundingly. Clinton’s fatal remark:

” A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”

Mmmm, Mmmmm, Mmmmm….

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US Navy “Pirate Catcher”

1687-Pirate Catcher USS Independence.jpeg

Posted by Tina

Ya gotta read about the Navy’s newest vessel, the USS Independence. The photo’s are awesome!

The Radio Patriot has the scoop and lots of amazing pics.

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Spinning Job Stats – Economic Twirling


By Tina Grazier

Only in an era of Democrat dominance would a headline read, “Job Market shows Signs of Healing” after a month showing 85,000 jobs lost and following a year in which 3.5 million Americans found themselves out on the streets and filing for unemployment.

Progressive ideas have been at the core of the Democrat party as well as the media for decades. It is perhaps foolish, although I do it anyway, to continue to point out media bias but it is not so foolish to point out the marked differences in approach to economic recovery and job growth that the two major parties prefer. It’s certainly not foolish to look at history for evidence of policies that worked to bring about economic recovery and job growth, and those that only exacerbated the problems associated with economic stagnation and decline.

A report out of Reuters clearly shows that most Democrats are hard core and stubborn when it comes to their favored approach. More “targeted” spending will be the Obama administration’s next move:

Obama on Friday announced details of a government funding program for clean technology jobs previously announced in the $787 billion emergency spending package that he signed in February.

As most of you know much of the stimulus money has been held back to be spent in 2010, an election year…that’s called buying the vote…and these “targeted” expenditures clearly reveal just who or what is being targeted for cash infusions and who or what is not. Believe me, it isn’t the overall economy, nor is it the average out of work man or woman on the street.

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Judging Others


The Sunday Message

by OneVike

I am always amazed how those, when told by a Christian that they are sinners, accuse the Christian of being judgmental. They claim that the Bible, a text that Christians claim is the inspired word of God, says we are not to judge others because of what Jesus said in Matthew:

“Judge not, that you be not judged”.Matthew 7:1

First off, it would be wise to know that originally there were no such things as chapters and verses in the Greek and Aramaic texts. They were added later to facilitate ease of use. It was not until Cardinal Hugo de Sancto Caro began to create a concordance of the Latin Vulgate, that he found the need to use chapters and verses. These made it easier for others to cross reference verses and look up the information that he was listing in his concordance around 1244 to 1248 A.D. The original manuscripts that made up the Bible were fragments of letters written by the authors. Many of which were but copies of the original letters passed along from church to church for the education and edification of the many followers of Christ. Others give credit to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Stephen Langton, who started his listing and categorizing 1227 A.D. When Wycliff translated his English version of the Scriptures he used Langton’s verses and chapters as a guide in 1382.

So now we get back to the present day when we see those who wish to live immoral lives, attack Christians for judging their immoral behavior by citing Matthew 7:1. Is it any wonder you never hear them add the rest of the thought process of Jesus into their accusation? That is correct, I said the rest of the thought process of Jesus, because the verse separation divides a statement by Jesus into two versus. In reality, if they had known in 1200 that men would attempt to use the Bible to justify their immoral behavior, then maybe they would have ended Matthew verse one after the statement by Jesus in verse two. If they had, Matthew 7:1 would say;

“Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.

The key to accurately interpreting this passage would be to first recognize that the phrase “Judge not” is a part of a larger context which includes, “When you judge….”. Further more, the very structure of the language which was originally in Greek reveals that the intended meaning of this whole statement by Christ was to prohibit the constant use of judgment as a way of life. It was not meant to stop judgment of evil, or wrong doing, but rather to warn against a judgmental attitude towards every little thing in life, especially when you are guilty of the same things you judge others of as the Pharisees were.

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