Just a Few Taxes We Pay

by OneVike

With Obama and his fellow Democrats expanding the size of government at a record pace, it makes one wonder how much more of our hard earned money will be confiscated to pay for the expansion.

Well, I thought that list of many of the taxes we already pay might wake up those who think the government knows how to spend out money better then we do. As you read through this list of 177 taxes remember that this is just a partial list. I am sure that there are those who could think of some I missed and add to the list.

I personally think that Post Script would be doing the public a huge favor if they could keep this list as a side bar for a quick reference and then just add to it as we can think of them. Then when someone claims that the government needs another program, we will have a quick reference as to why we need no more programs, regardless of how good the idea sounds.

Well here is my list in alphabetical order, and please, if you can think of more then by all means let us know.

1. Accounts Receivable Tax
2. Accounting and Tax Preparation fees (cost to taxpayers $300 billion)
3. Accumulated Earnings Tax
4. Accumulation Distribution of Trusts
5. Activity Fee (Dumping Permit Fee)

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Posted by Jack Lee

~Israelis Baffled by News of Defenseless US Soldiers~

Many Israelis want to know: why didn’t the soldiers attacked by a U.S. Army major-turned-terrorist return fire?


“When a Muslim goes off, well, a Muslim in Israel he is typically shot to death by someone–say, a reserve soldier–within seconds of screaming “Allah Akbar.” In contrast with the Israeli experience, it took 10 minutes before a female civilian police officer at Fort Hood was able to shoot and stop Muslim fanatic Nidal Malik Hasan.

How could that happen? How could so many people trained in the strategies and tactics of modern warfare be so defenseless?

The answer–and this may astonish many Americans–is that the victims were unarmed. U.S. Soldiers are not allowed to carry guns for personal protection, even on a 340-acre base quartering more than 50,000 troops. Even sworn police officers operating just outside the gate can’t carry a weapon onto the base. The California National Guard will not allow California Peace Officers to carry a weapon onto any of their facilities and they are a California State Agency! How stupid is that? When will stupid stop? When we quit electing far left democrats who want socialism and hate the military and law enforcement. The fact that we as voters keep repeating our mistakes hoping things will somehow get better is in itself crazy times ten!

So it goes in brain-dead, far left liberal America. We’re now a bunch of sitting ducks; we have got people highly trained to carry weapons and they are defenseless to the rogue lunatic or the planned attack by our nations enemies. Fort Hood is a “gun free” zone, thanks to regulations adopted in one of the very first acts signed into law by anti-gun President Bill Clinton in March, 1993. Why must we continue to let the damage continue? If this is supposed to be an adminstration for change, why not reverse the presidential policy and get back to common sense tactics. Completely disarming our military men and women on active duty inside a military compound…why its almost beyond comprehension. In the old days we at least had armed MP’s and armed soldiers standing guard duty. I think its time to return to those days and say no more to the far left policies that are killing us.

Contrary to President Obama’s crocodile tears, his administration is bent on further disarming the U.S. Military, and all Americans. Obama and his people will not rest until every American is a sitting duck, just like our soldiers on military bases.


PS: Israeli teachers, from kindergarten on up, are also armed; so, a Virginia Tech-type slaughter is highly unlikely at an Israeli university. This is because the government trusts their people, unlike the US government.

Israelis, who have had to combat terrorism all their lives, are not afraid of guns. They are an armed people, ready, willing, and able to defend themselves and their country.

Unlike indoctrinated Americans, paralyzed by fear and political correctness, Israelis understand that people, not guns, kill people. Are you one of the indoctrinated? If you are not, then maybe you should call your local Congressman or Senator and ask why we have such a stupid policy for military bases? Ask what they are doing about changing it? Get some answers, rattle their cages…don’t take no for answer. STAND UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT AND FIGHT BACK AGAINST THE STUPIDITY.

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AIRLINE SECURITY IS ABOUT 50% EFFECTIVE…we can (must) do better.

by Jack Lee


Our current airline security models were based on threats from hijackings back in the 1970’s. Since then hijackings have been replaced with more creative methods of terrorism, but the system has not evolved to meet those new threats.


9/11 need not have happened if we had been the least little bit proactive rather than reactive. For example, proactive changes would have mandated that the access door to the cockpit be secured during flight. The flight attendants and airline pilots associations demanded that simple change long before 9/11, but it was deemed an unnecessary expenditure. After 9/11 the wisdom of a secure door became obvious even to the hardended bureaucrats.

Our screening procedures still have not evolved enough to meet the newest threats. We’re still scanning for metallic objects on persons or in the luggage, but the greatest threats since 9/11 has come in the form of non-metallic explosive devices. Not one terrorist threat to US aircraft in the past nine years has involved a metallic object. So obviously we need a method for screening both metallic and non-metallic objects and with technology that will give us a high degree of accurate threat assessment.

We need to use our resources more effectively and efficiently. Humans are ill suited for threat detection, but technology isn’t. Human’s should be used for threat resolution and machines for threat detection. Humans poking through your luggage is pretty much just a waste of time and even a pat search often fails to detect threats, so using humans in this manner is a gross misallocation of resources and it comes with a high degree of failure.

The most sophisticated screening devices must still rely on the human operator and we really need to improve in this area. I think TSA has improved the human element quite a bit, but its still not enough. In many cases the persons operating the detection devices have been criticized for their inattentiveness, lack of motivation, and in a few cases inappropriate employment histories. The later has been improving too and at least we are no longer hiring illegal aliens for airport security. But, I can’t underscore this human problem enough. Until we have the kind of quality people doing the right tasks, and I am talking about intelligent people that can effectively use high tech screening devices, we will always fall far short of our goal.

It is assinine to shut down a whole airport because some idiot passenger went out the wrong exit door. Where’s the judgement? We have to get real and hire people capable of making a sound judgment call on minor risk violations or we will make a mess out of security.

At this time we have about 1.5 million passengers moving through airport terminals every day. This presents a huge logistical problem for security. Most experts have concluded that the time needed to effectively screen each passenger must be under 10 seconds or the system slows down so much we back up air traffic and cause unecessary delays.

Technology exists to move passengers along at the rate of one screening per each 6 seconds interval. Human intervention after a screening should not exceed more than a few minutes before that person gets a go or no go to board. Keep in mind the human intervention is only done when a “possible” threat is detected. It does not take that much time to determine if it was a real threat or not!

We need the following right now:

security teams of selected, cross-trained, motivated personnel performing appropriate tasks, with continuing measurement and feedback of their performance;
an arsenal of technologies and procedures that can be quickly configured and deployed to meet probable threats; and
timely intelligence continuously disseminated to security teams on probable adversaries and threat scenarios.

This is so obvious, so why don’t we have it?

Douglas Harris security expert, wrote, “Threats can also come from the many processes that support an airport and the passengers and aircraft it serves: catering, maintenance,
cleaning, ticketing, baggage handling, air traffic control, retail, food services, parking, car rental and others. For example, members of the cleaning staff stashed guns and
grenades in the plane’s washroom to support the hijacking of TWA Flight 847, which led to 17 days of terror in 1985 (Gladwell, 2001). Thus, even perfect threat detection
applied to passengers and their baggage would not necessarily result in acceptable levels of security.”

So you can see that airport security is very complex and its also a very expensive proposition that is never going to be 100% fool proof. But, right now you and I both know beyond any shadow of a doubt…WE’RE NOT GETTING OUR MONIES WORTH! Homeland is just an expensive joke because Napolitano doesn’t know squat about security.

Homeland security is a multi-billon dollar boondoggle that has failed miserably in each of the three key areas previously noted. After 8 years of trying we still have widespread communication delays of critical information as well as total failures to pass along key information to collaborative information hubs that could leverage the information received.

There are many more things I could think that need fixing, but for obvious reasons I can’t discuss all of them here or the enemy would pick up on our methods and would just do something different. For instance I can’t talk about what precise information is currently used to flag an individual for the no fly list, I can only tell you the system is inadequate. I can’t tell you the typical “tags” used in an intel report for threat assessment or the precise methodology for disseminating and leveraging threat analysis. Nor can I discuss the exact nature of profiling for threat assessments, even though Homeland Security is barring us from profiling. It still is a tool used in other more enlightened countries. The Israeli profiling method in conjunction with technology has been provided a high degree of accuracy on threat assessments that far exceed our own security measures.

Until Homeland starts doing what their mission statement called for and we begin actively profiling based on established, proven models, we will continue to have unacceptable levels of security breaches.

At this time I would rate our security at a dismal 50% to 65% at best effectiveness, but with a little tweaking here and there, we could improve tremendously. And then we would be in the range of acceptable performance weighed against “cost verses risk”, that is something around 80-85% effective. A 100% effective system will never be achieved and if we did, it would be crippling to the airline industry and in doing so it would be achieving the primary goal of terrorism.

Look, I bet you could do a far better job than Janet Napolitano and so could 10,000 other people that work in mid-level and up security jobs…but, that’s not who the President asked, is it? No, he selected Napolitano because she is a liberal democrat in good party standing with the party. But, when the truth comes out as to what this dipstick knows about national security….she flunks, she’s as clueless as our amature Pres. They’re both just political hacks making it up as they go and hoping nobody notices.

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Weasely IRS to Regulate Tax Preparers


With designs to fill out your return for you!

Posted by Tina

As if tax preparers weren’t hassled enough fighting their way through the often unorganized, incomplete records of their clients at tax time now the IRS has decided that tax preparers must be trained and retrained, tested, watched, controlled, and managed. There will be forms to fill out, fees to pay and even more extensive records to be kept; a bucket load of busywork that will do nothing to help 99.9% of tax payers and will likely cost everyone more money and create fewer tax preparing alternatives.

“H&R Blockheads – The IRS wants to save you from your rogue tax accountant.” – Wall Street Journal

We’re guessing that when Americans think of outlaw industries, tax preparers aren’t the first rogues that come to mind. But lo, the nation’s green eyeshades are now destined to come under the regulatory rule of the Internal Revenue Service as part of the Obama Administration’s latest revenue grab. ** Under the plan, which would begin with the 2011 tax season, anyone who takes money to help people with their taxes will have to register with the IRS, and eventually pass competency tests and sign up for continuing education. So having made tax filing so complicated that most Americans need help with their forms, Washington now wants to raise the price of such counsel by regulating advisers in a way that may reduce their supply.

But that is only a first step in the BIG GOVERNMENT plan. The next step would eliminate tax preparers (job killers) and place the taxpayer in legal hell! The WSJ editorial continues:

The new IRS blueprint is already in play in California, whose rules for regulating tax preparers seem to have inspired Commissioner Shulman, including his new education and registration requirements. To get taxpayers away from preparers and off-the-shelf software, the state is pushing programs like CalFile, which allows voters to file returns through a state run electronic program. Under the ReadyReturn program, the state will even scour your W-2 for the year and send you a return for your signature already filled out. The eventual goal seems to be to have the government do everybody’s state tax return, like the French do. ** The feds are now getting in on this act, with Montana Democrat Max Baucus and Iowa Republican Chuck Grassley supporting a free e-file portal at the IRS Web site that would compete directly with private tax preparation software. In March, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner told a Ways and Means Committee hearing that he’d also like the IRS to begin sending taxpayers pre-completed returns. ** We can certainly understand why Mr. Geithner wants government to do his returns, but please spare the rest of us. By insourcing tax preparation to the government, the IRS would shift the burden of objecting to any error onto the taxpayer instead of the IRS. That would change the dynamics of U.S. tax compliance, trending away from a voluntary system in which taxpayers are expected to be honest about declaring income and deductions–subject to audit. Instead, the feds would apply their standards, and a taxpayer would have to appeal for an exception to the same efficient folks at the IRS you can’t get on the phone at tax time.(emphasis mine)

“Free and easy” is how they will sell it…taxpayer hell comes later. Progressive weasels!

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Doug LaMalfa on the Issues

by Doug LaMalfa

(Doug is a local farmer and he is running for the state senate. The following are Doug’s comments on a few important issues noted in his campaign. He is running in the primary against lawyer Rick Keene, also a local. Both men are conservatives and have a good track record as assemblymen. We hope to bring further information on all the candidates as we get it.)


In my first term, we helped lead the fight to cut the Gray Davis’ car tax, saving California’s working families almost $4 billion. Now it is critical to fight back repeated efforts to raise the car tax and now our state’s sales tax to fill the voids creating by passing unrealistic budgets year after year. In 2008, I stood to again oppose the State Budget that experts rightfully predicted was relying upon unrealistic revenue assumptions and would not make it through the year.

I oppose the unrestrained growth of government on the backs of the homeowner and taxpayer. It is essential that we defend the Proposition 13 and I will continue to do so. I’m proud to have earned consistent A+ ratings from the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers’ Association during my six years in the legislature.

We still need a conservative spending cap, keeping government off your back and out of your wallet, but it cannot come at the expense of raising taxes in the interim!

Ask another taxfighter who knows me well:
” Doug LaMalfa is a pro-taxpayer conservative who has a proven record of opposing tax increases and for fighting the liberal big spenders in Sacramento.”
– Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association

Creating a Business Friendly California

Our region’s number one obstacle to economic development is the fact we’re still in California!

Talking with business owners from Placer County to the Oregon border, they all have similar complaints about dealing with the State of California. We must address this anti-business climate if we expect our economy to rebound.

Excessive regulation, an overreaching bureaucracy and unrealistic policies based upon unsound science are all thwarting the businessperson trying to better their community and provide for their family. When the only expanding business sectors are moving companies and trial attorneys, its clear our state’s dysfunctional policies need to change.

Reform must be systematic. Legislators should be spending more time on agency oversight rather than imposing more restrictions on our economy. Job-killers such as AB 32 give carte blanche to government bureaucrats and special interest attorneys who seek to stop progress and extort prosperity in the name of environmental concern. Policies to improve air and water quality must recognize technological limits and the economic costs of each benefit sought.

Natural Resources & Agriculture

Our natural resources are valuable assets and they must be used wisely. As a fourth generation farmer, I recognize the value of good stewardship of our resources and the bountiful harvest that nature provides again and again. From my position as Vice Chairman of the Committee on Natural Resources and the Committee on Agriculture, I fought to protect the vital uses of our natural resources from those who would deny human beings the benefit of this blessed land in which we live.

Increasing California’s Water Supply = Preparing for Our Future – California’s future prosperity is clearly linked to a safe and abundant supply of water to meet the demands of agriculture, industry, environmental, health and safety and residential concerns. Throughout our history, California has struggled to achieve a balance among the competing interests staking their claims on a static water supply. Protecting our water rights and increasing California’s water storage are essential to our future.

We must strongly oppose environmental extremism that thwarts the development of water storage projects to meet our growing human needs. We must also proactively support those alternatives that would allow California’s coastal communities to utilize new technologies to develop their own water supply from the ocean.

Fire Protection through Healthy Forest Management – In 2004, I authored the Forest Fire Protection Act, AB 2420 to make it easier and less costly for owners of forest land to thin trees without filing a burdensome Timber Harvest Plan (THP). The recent, devastating forest fires in each of our northern counties were a grim reminder of the catastrophe that awaits if we don’t begin a serious effort to thin trees and remove fuels from our forest lands. The benefits of adopting this economically balanced approach are many. Promoting policies that will make our rural communities safer, preserve our wilderness areas, save wildlife habitat and create jobs will continue to be a priority for me as your representative.

Promoting Agriculture and Our Farm Economy – Agriculture is the backbone of our northern California economy and I will continue to provide a strong voice for our vital farming industries. We must work tirelessly to protect our rural way of life, so that future generations of Californians can benefit from the security of a dependable, sustainable and safe food supply. California helps to feed the world, and we must continue the fight for fair trade throughout the world so that our products – the best quality in the world – will be available to every person who wants them.

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Is Your State a Driver’s Heaven or Hell?

by Jack Lee

Do you ever get the feeling that your state must have it in for drivers? Tolls, taxes, fines, late penalties, suspensions and revocations, lousy roads, traffic congestion, cops hiding behind billboards, radar traps, absurd rules and a heavy bureaucracy? Does it seem like you are being punished just for owning a vehicle and you are constantly being shafted by the DMV?


A comprehensive study was recently completed by Vincentric Corp. and they looked at the five year cost of ownership, this would include sales tax and annual registration fees, gas taxes, prices of gasoline, license fees for both cars and drivers and the percentage of roads and bridges that have tolls. But, they didn’t stop there. They also looked at speed limits, the point system to track driving offenses, the number of red light cameras, speed cameras, and radar enforcement. The third area of inspection was road conditions and traffic congestion, emission standards, safety checks and front license plate requirement.

Guess who finished in first place for driver heaven? Would you believe Wyoming, followed by Montana, North Dakota, Utah, Mississippi, South Dakota, Kentucky and Alaska in that order. And where did the rich golden state of California place? Dead last…this place is driver’s hell. New York ranked 44th! Did you ever think you would see the day that New York would beat out California in tolls, fees, and road conditions?

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Dems Dropping Out


Posted by Tina

The big news in the political arena today is the Democrats who announced they will not seek reelection. Chris Dodd is the most noteworthy:

“Connecticut Sen. Christopher Dodd won’t seek reelection, will retire at end of term,” by Chris Cillizza – Washington Post

Embattled Sen. Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.) has scheduled a news conference for Wednesday at which he is expected to announce he will not seek reelection, sources familiar with his plans said Tuesday night. ** Word of Dodd’s
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From the Red Placer County Blog…

By Ken Campbell – Red Placer Blog

The race to replace Senator Sam Aanestad (SD4) is certainly going to be interesting. As I have bloged here before, both Assemblyman LaMalfa and Assemblyman Keene have similar voting records (see link here), with LaMalfa being sightly more conservative (California Republican Assembly lifetime voting record for LaMalfa, 97%, vs. Keene, 88%). Keene did vote for the bloated and irresponsible 2007 State budget which was just another step toward our current state debt and future(?) insolvency. At this point I need to say I personally know and think highly of both these men.

Probably what distinguishes these two candidates is that while Keene is content to sit at the Capitol and vote, LaMalfa uses his office as a platform to push the conservative agenda. For example, LaMalfa gives his name, money and time to Capitol Resource Institute (CRI). When CRI was trying to repeal SB 777, LaMalfa was at the CRI press conferences, answering questions, working in the trenches. LaMalfa is there working with Gun Owners of California trying to defend and protect our Second Amendment
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Thirteen States in Revolt

Posted by Tina

“States Warn Congress of Possible Lawsuit Over Nebraska’s ‘Cornhusker Kickback’,” by Fred Lucas, Staff Writer – CNS News

Thirteen state attorneys general have sent a letter to Congress threatening legal action against health care reform unless a provision in the Senate bill given to Nebraska is removed. ** The provision is known as the “Cornhusker Kickback,” because it gives Nebraska a permanent exemption from paying for Medicaid expenses that would be required of all the other states. This means that taxpayers in other states would be paying for an increase in Nebraska’s Medicaid population. Medicaid is a federal-state health care program for the poor.

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Brand New Year, Same Old Dirty Tricks

Posted by Tina

UPDATE: “Reid’s office welcomes but won’t back C-SPAN request,” by Michael O’Brien – The Hill

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-Nev.) office said he welcomed C-SPAN’s calls for televised healthcare negotiations, but wouldn’t assent to the network’s request. A spokesman for Reid seemed to reject calls from the nonpartisan network that closed-door negotiations to hammer out health reform legislation should be televised, a call first made by President Barack Obama on the campaign trail, and echoed in a letter to House and Senate leaders from C-SPAN on Tuesday.

WASHINGTON TIMES EDITORIAL: “Hiding health bills behind closed doors”

It may be a new year, but congressional Democrats are planning the same old sorts of sleazy tactics in their bid to take over America’s health care system. Congressional Republicans, especially in the Senate, should not let them get away with it. Transparency and ethics should be Republican rallying cries, and obstruction on those grounds should be a point of pride. *** By now it’s almost trite to complain that President Obama repeatedly has broken his campaign pledge to “broadcast [health care] negotiations on C-SPAN so that the American people can see what the choices are.” That doesn’t make the complaint invalid. For legislation that could so profoundly and personally affect the daily lives of every American, Congress and the White House should be more transparent and more accessible than ever before. Instead, the process has been secretive and sordid throughout.

Just heard on the radio that C-SPAN has suggested the same. Dare I say, “DITTO”?

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