In Praise of the Cowboy Way


by Tina Grazier

You remember the old media paradigm; the one foisted on the American public once the Bush doctrine was born. That cowboy in the White House, with his arrogant swagger and his big stick diplomacy, was just going to make those terrorists mad. He wasn’t making things better, he was making things worse! What an incompetent, unsophisticated boob! Yah dah, yah dah, yah dah.

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Preventing Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders

Posted by Jack (from Netscape editors)

If you want to keep your wits about you when you’re in your 70s, you had better keep your cholesterol level and blood pressure down when you’re in your 40s. It turns out that the same things that are bad for your heart in mid-life are bad for your brain in your later
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Filthy Rags


The Sunday Message

By OneVike

But we are all like an unclean thing, and all of our righteousnesses are like filthy rags.” Isaiah 64:6

The Prophet Isaiah summed up the reprobate state into which God’s chosen people had sunk. Though they had the blessing of the Law given to them by Moses, when he conversed with God on Mount Sinai, they had turned from their Lawgiver and become more wretched than the people who did not have the Law. God’s chosen people were worshiping false gods. Isaiah 42:17 They were reveling in idolatry so much so that the prophet called Jerusalem a harlot that was as evil as the Sodomites. Isaiah 1:213:9.

Yet, the people had an illusion of righteousness. Many, especially the religious leaders who helped lead them into sin, professed to be “holier than thou,” all the while burning incense on strange altars. Isaiah 65:3-2 However, God did not look upon their self righteousness as anything but pollution. He even told them He hated the Sabbaths and feasts that He had Himself ordained. Isaiah 1:13-14 The house of Jacob had rendered even its best acts of religious activity to nothing but apostasy in God’s eyes. They were all unclean and dead like the leaves of fall, and their iniquities were like the wind that would cause them to be carried away. Isaiah 64:6.

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A Brief Look at History

by Jack Lee

One of the top 3 greatest moments in world history has to be the conclusion of World War One. As a departure from our politics as usual I wanted to discuss what happened back then because it might explain why we are so intent on nation building now in Iraq and Afghanistan.

It’s hard to describe the raw emotions and the powerful personalities that resolved the end this war and then re-wrote the boundary lines for so many former colonies that became new nations, like Iraq and Kuwait. You may have heard of statesmen like David Lloyd George, Ferdinand Foch and Georges Benjamin Clemenceau to name but a few, all representing the allies. They were led by America’s Woodrow Wilson and were pitted against the Kaiser, Wilhelm II represented by Erich Ludendorff, Paul von Hindenburg and other legendary Generals of the German Army.

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Posted by Jack

Lose weight. I need to lose about 30 pounds and then I would like to get promoted to Master Sergeant. JL

Increase my savings account by $7000 this year. Holly

I want to do something exciting, maybe I’ll try parachuting out of a plane. Miles

Learn to play a musical instrument. Aaron

I just want to make more time for myself at home, rest more and eat less sugar and fat. Shari

Win the Miss Chico Contest. Cassandra

My resolution for the New Year, is to make no promises to others that would interfere with my wife’s plans. (It is now January 3rd, and I have already broken my resolution) Next year I think I will make a resolution to make no resolutions anymore. O.V.

My resolution is to retire this year in August, if not sooner! I also will try not to get sent TDY anywhere until then so I can have more time at home until I retire.

(Send us yours in comments and we’ll add it to the list)

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New Year, Last of the Decade


We are looking forward to many days of good conversation and lively debate with our Post Script regulars in the new year but we also hope that many of you will do something different for a change and leave a comment. Make it a new years resolution that you keep…the more the merrier!

Wishing all of you the very best in 2010…Jack, Bruce, OneVike and Tina

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Arizona Mayo Clinic – Government “Pays Too Little”

Posted by Tina

“Mayo Clinic in Arizona to Stop Treating Some Medicare Patients,” by David Olmos – Bloomberg

The Mayo Clinic, praised by President Barack Obama as a national model for efficient health care, will stop accepting Medicare patients as of tomorrow at one of its primary-care clinics in Arizona, saying the U.S. government pays too little.
More than 3,000 patients eligible for Medicare, the government’s largest health-insurance program, will be forced to pay cash if they want to continue seeing their doctors at a Mayo family clinic in Glendale, northwest of Phoenix, said Michael Yardley, a Mayo spokesman. The decision, which Yardley called a two-year pilot project, won’t affect other Mayo facilities in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota.

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Blackwater Guards Case Dismissed

Posted by Tina

“Judge tosses Blackwater case in Baghdad shooting,” by Matt Apuzzo – AP

(WASHINGTON (AP) – A federal judge dismissed all charges Thursday against five Blackwater Worldwide security guards accused of killing unarmed Iraqi civilians in a
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Executive Order Amends EO 12425 Gives Interpol a Free Hand in America

Posted by Tina

Last week the President quietly signed an executive order that should be of interest to all Americans and raises questions about the intent of our President in doing so:
“Executive Order Amended to Immunize INTERPOL In America – Is The ICC Next?” by Steve Schippert, Clyde Middleton – ThreatsWatch.Org

Last Thursday, December 17, 2009, The White House released an Executive Order “Amending Executive Order 12425.” It grants INTERPOL (International Criminal Police Organization) a new level of full diplomatic immunity afforded to foreign embassies and select other “International Organizations” as set forth in the United States International Organizations Immunities Act of 1945. ** By removing language from President Reagan’s 1983 Executive Order 12425, this international law enforcement body now operates – now operates – on American soil beyond the reach of our own top law enforcement arm, the FBI, and is immune from Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests.

I hope you will read the full report from ThreatsWatch. More information and opinion can be found, here, here, and here.

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Most Relevant “Security Failure” is Lack of Leadership

by Tina Grazier

RELATED Rasmussan Reports: “Fifty-eight percent (58%) of U.S. voters say waterboarding and other aggressive interrogation techniques should be used to gain information from the terrorist who attempted to bomb an airliner on Christmas Day. ** Seventy-one percent (71%) of all voters think the attempt by the Nigerian Muslim to blow up the airliner as it landed in Detroit should be investigated by military authorities as a terrorist act. Only 22% say it should be handled by civilian authorities as a criminal act, as is currently the case.”

Soon after taking office President Obama set the tone in his administration regarding terrorists when he made clear these important things:

1. Terror attacks would henceforth be called “man caused disasters”.
2. War efforts would be referred to as “overseas contingency operations”.
3. Waterboarding was declared “torture” and would no longer be used as an interrogation technique.
4. Terror suspects would be given the same rights that American citizens enjoy and would be tried in American courts.

The President’s signal was clear. The last administration was wrong about terrorists. America is dealing with a criminal element and a certain number of “isolated incidents” should be expected. We will bring these criminals to justice but they will be afforded Constitutional rights. Americans can now relax.

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