Fire Janet Napolitano!

by Jack Lee

Americans are a forgiving people, almost to a fault. It’s why we give our elected representatives such wide latitude to make blunders. However, there comes a time when incompetence just can’t be ignored. National Security is such a time.


Janet Napolitano (show left) has repeatedly made the most egregious blunders any top official could possibly make and yet she is still in her job. One wonders why?

She has warned that our war veterans ought to be closely monitored because they might be terrorists in waiting. She’s called the Minute Man movement (they observe and report illegal aliens sneaking in along the Mexican border) as vigilantes akin to the KKK.
She has failed establish to establish communication between allied federal agencies investigating terrorism and this was her primary job! It’s been an utter failure!

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Report: Rush Limbaugh Hospitalized in Hawaii

Posted Dec 31st 2009 12:13AM by TMZ Staff

Rumors abound that he has died –

Rush Limbaugh has been hospitalized in Hawaii after suffering chest pains — this according to KITV Hawaii.

According to KITV, paramedics responded to a call at the Kahala Hotel in Honolulu at 2:41 PM and transported Rush to Queens Medical Center.

According to the report, Rush was in “serious condition” when he arrived to the hospital.

Attempts to reach a rep for Limbaugh were unsuccessful.

UPDATE #1: TMZ has confirmed paramedics did respond to the Kahala at 2:41 to attend to someone with “chest discomfort.”

UPDATE: 11:29 PM EST — Sources inside the hotel tell TMZ the hotel took drastic measures to get the mystery patient — reported to be Rush Limbaugh — out of the resort without being seen.

We’re told hotel security shut down a wing of the hotel and the guest elevators — the patient was transported using the employee elevator bank.

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Janet Napolitano Assures Public That Flying is Safe

Posted by Jack Lee

Update: New Jersey Governor says Napolitano is totally unqualified for her position. She has NO law enforcement training or counterterrorism experience. She’s just a political gas bag appointed because of who she knows and little else.

In appearances on Sunday talk shows, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said the traveling public “is very, very safe.”

Speaking about the Northwest bomber, “This was one individual literally of thousands that fly and thousands of flights every year,” Napolitano said. “And he was stopped before any damage could be done. I think the important thing to recognize here is that once this incident occurred, everything happened that should have.” On Sunday,1666-airplane765.jpg” Napolitano said, “The system worked and a tragedy was averted.”

Others in the US government strongly disagree with Napolitano and think she should be fired. New Jersey’s acting governor wrote this letter to Napolitano:

Dear Secretary Napolitano:

I’m writing to you today to express deep concerns with the direction of the nation’s homeland security response, especially in regards to the handling of terrorist Umar
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FAA Failed To Notify Airborne Flight Crews After Bombing Attempt

Washington (CNN) — The federal Transportation Security Administration failed to notify most airborne flight crews of the failed Christmas Day terrorist attack on a U.S.-bound plane, an airline pilots union said Wednesday.

The Allied Pilots Association (APA), which represents more than 11,000 American Airlines pilots, said the TSA sent security notices to U.S.-bound flights from Europe, instructing them to take certain precautions after the botched attempt on a Northwest Airlines flight from Amsterdam, Netherlands, to Detroit, Michigan.

Pilots Union: All in-air flights should have been told about attack

However, no similar notice was sent to domestic flights or other international flights, the pilots group said.

“It was a confirmed attack. Everybody should have been notified,” said Mike Karn, security chairman for the APA. “People were left in the dark.”

On September 11, 2001, passengers of United Airlines Flight 93 thwarted hijackers’ apparent attempt to strike a Washington target when they learned about plane attacks on the World Trade Center in New York. The plane crashed in a Pennsylvania field, killing all aboard.

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Yemen Says al-Qaeda Planning Many Attacks – Seeks Help

Hundreds of al-Qaeda militants are planning terror attacks from Yemen, the country’s Foreign Minister said today.

Abu Bakr al-Qirbi appealed for more help from the international community to help to train and equip counter-terrorist forces.

His plea came after an al-Qaeda group based in Yemen claimed responsibility for the failed Christmas Day airliner bomb plot.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, alleged to be behind the attempt to blow up an American-bound aircraft, spent time in Yemen with al-Qaeda and was in the country only days before the failed attack.

  • Plane bomber ‘carried potent device’
  • Obama: we will scour world for terror cells
  • Yemen seen as new focus for terror recruits

Dr al-Qirbi said: “Of course there are a number of al-Qaeda operatives in Yemen and some of their leaders. We realise this danger.

“They may actually plan attacks like the one we have just had in Detroit. There are maybe hundreds of them — 200, 300.”

Dr al-Qirbi said it was the “responsibility” of countries with strong intelligence capabilities to warn states such as Yemen about the movements of terror suspects.

For more on this story click here.

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Abdulmutallab The Airplane Bomber – He was ready to kill innocent men, women and children


Here is the most recent photo of the Al Qaeda terrorist Abdul Abdulmutallab.

This sick minded Muslim fanatic was using PETN explosive and a liquid oxidizer to ignite it and if done properly this bomb could have easily brought down the plane killing all 243 passengers and crew. This could have been a disaster and it would have been had the bomb ignited properly.

The boyish looking Abdulmutallab didn’t care who died, not even himself, because he felt he was on a mission for Allah. Well, I’ve got a mission too, and that mission is to see this scum die in custody and the sooner the better. Yeah, I want him dead – is that a bad thing to say? Anybody who plots the mass killing of innocent humans, especially my fellow Americans, has sealed his own fate. It’s now just another case of dead man walking.

I want us as an angry nation to dispatch with extreme prejudice every terrorists we can lay our hands on and I don’t really care how we do it. No more push-over America. No more toothless tiger…we need to get deadly serious and start knocking these guys off before their jihad gains anymore traction.

There should be no question now that Abdulmutallab was working with Al Qaeda, and quite possibly this contact originated with people he met in Yemen. The proof is in the nature of the explosive he was using. PETN is not an easy explosive to obtain and the last time it was used on an aircraft was by Richard Reed the shoe bomber.

Reed was a petty criminal and below average intelligence with almost no assets. Abdulmutallab was from a rich family and was well educated and was referred to as the “Pope” because of his high moral character and his desire to adhere to the strict doctrine found within the Koran. Their faith and the teachings in the Koran was apparently the only thing these two would-be killers had in common before being recruited by Al Qaeda.

From the Sunni side: Hassan, a friend of mine, describes these Muslim terrorists as “fools who do not understand the Koran”. He is a Sunni Muslim and Hassan says the terrorist bombers must be weak-minded individuals who don’t know their Koran. He thinks they were manipulated by devious people with a hidden agenda. “They are liars” and he said this also makes them blasphemers because of how they are abusing the Holy Koran. Hassan shows genuine anger and frustration while he is telling me this. His face is red and his voice is shaking.

Hassan wonders why people higher up in his faith have not come down stronger on these blasphemers and liars? “Clearly they are misusing the Koran for their own twisted political purposes” then he says sternly “I would have no problem killing a Muslim if I thought they were on the wrong side”. He hates terrorists with a passion because he understands only too well how much grief and suspicion they have caused people like him, a Muslim who was born in America to parents who support the United States. Hassan can’t board an airliner without feeling like he being watched. It makes him heartsick.

We both agreed that Abdulmutallab’s life should be fofeited for what he tried to do. To us, it makes no sense to give him life in prison merely because he failed to kill. Afterall, killing was his most sincere premeditated intent and he tried his very best. If he had succeeded hundreds of lives would have been over in a firey explosion in the sky.

Here’s a thought: Why hasn’t the Congress of the United States passed a law demanding a swift, sure death penalty for any acts of terrorism on US soil?

Hey, if it was up to the average America these killers and would-be-killers would be put to death in public hangings or worse. This I have no doubt. So where’s the law on this one, why don’t we have something being proposed by now? We should have had such a law about 1 day after 9/11.

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Looking for Good Place to Live? Here’s Some Helpful World Facts

by Jack Lee


Looking for a better place to live? Here are some surprising winners and losers to help you in your quest:

1. Most likely to be assaulted – #1 is South Africa at 12 assaults per 1000. In second place is Montserrat at 10 assaults per 1000 and then Mauritius. The United States is in 6th place with 7.56 assaults per 1000, followed closely by New Zealand and then England with 7.45 assaults per 1000. Mexico comes in at a distant 20th place with 24 assaults per 1000, which makes me wonder if the reporting system in Mexico isn’t flawed?
2. The country with the most car thefts is the country with the most cars, so if you guessed the United States you would be right. We have 4 times more car thefts per capita than the next runner up which is the UK. The safest place to park your unattended Rolls Royce is Qatar.
3. When it comes to economic freedom Hong Kong beats them all. This is the most liberated business environment in the world, despite being in
Communist China. The USA places a mediocre 6th (we’re not nearly as free as we advertise), Singapore was 2nd followed by Luxembourg.
4. When it comes to individual wealth Luxembourg has the highest per capital income, averaging $37,000 per year. Switzerland and Japan followed closely. The United States was a distant 5th in the world with $33,000 per year average.
5. When it comes to adult literacy, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Canada, Netherlands, Czech Republic and the United Kingdom all beat the United States and in that order.
6. When it comes to health Iceland has the highest incidents of breast cancer, followed by Denmark. The USA was fairly low in 17th place. Nobody spends more on healthcare than the USA, we were #1. Luxembourg, Switzerland and Norway followed. (expenditure per capita)
7. The United States is way out in front when it comes to dying. (There goes our healthcare dollars) When all forms of mortality were combined, that is anything from murder to illness, the USA was almost three times higher per capita than the next runner up. The annual deaths in the USA are about 2,403,350 per year. Although you are three times more likely to be stabbed to death in Brazil than the USA. The USA ranked 3rd in the world for stabbing deaths, right behind Columbia. Curiously Brazil and Columbia are ahead of 3rd place USA when it comes to being assaulted with a blunt object.
8. If you live in the USA you are almost 5 times more likely to die in a car wreck than if you lived in the next worst country for vehicle accidents (Spain). South Africa was the safest place to drive a car.
9. When it comes to terrorist deaths per act, where do you think the worst place in the world is to live? If you answered Iraq. . . you would be wrong. It is by far Barbados. 36 deaths per act. The US was 5.88 deaths per act. Iraq was a mere 2.1 deaths per act. But, if you were thinking the total number of deaths per year, then Iraq wins first place with 11,700. The USA came in 2nd place with 3227. Stats were from 1968 through 2006. India placed 3rd with 1556 deaths due to terrorism. Pakistan was next, followed by Israel. Dozens of countries had zero deaths during this period, such as Iceland, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Luxembourg, Fiji, Finland and Singapore.
10. Russia is in first place when it comes to exporting arms. The US is second; France and the UK are 3rd and 4th. China is in 13th place. New Zealand, Austria, Iran and Venezuela were the lowest in arms export (of nations of their size and above).

Our thanks to for supplying the above facts.

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The Digital Age Has Produced the Dumbest Generation

by Jack

The technological age has made Gen Y stupid! Or at least one could make a pretty good case for it, just look at how much time they invest in homework verses video games. The average student today spends about 1.5 hours per week doing homework and 20 hours playing on the X-Box and this has them dumbed down and lazy.


Today’s Gen Y’s are likely the biggest dopes our society has ever seen. They’re lacking in almost everything that makes one an adult and a valuable member of society. They frequently do incredibly stupid things attesting to their arrested development, low intelligence and low morals. (You read the headlines, I don’t really need to itemize their stupidity here)

By Twittering their life away or text messaging 200 plus cyber friends they have walled themselves off from any hope of having a real relationship and at the same time they have abandoned their most valuable asset, their family!


. You see them everywhere, especially in wi-fi coffee shops in downtown Chico, texting away on their iPods or from lap tops. Sometimes I wonder if they are texting someone in the same coffee shop or even at the same table?

The digital age is upon us and for our Gen Y’s it’s been a drag: The Gen Y’s are taking adolescent behaviors well into their 20’s. They have little to no ability to think beyond whatever their age was when they dropped out to live in cyber-space. Now they have trouble effectively self-directing (and not just in work, but in a variety of situations). They are politically inept if not docile, linguistically lacking, historically starved, and as one writer recently said, “they’re about as selfish as can be, existing in an small bubble with very thick walls.”

Well, at least they have mastered the X-BOX, woop-dee-doo. Unfortunately that’s not enough to be called intelligent or an effective contribution to society.

Their Gen is useless, cultureless, grey, shallow and completely directionless. Despite trying, I can’t even get myself to have a conversation with most of them. They take the levels of stupidity to new lows. I feel embarrassed for them and even more so for their parents. They are not Generation Y, they are Generation Stupid. Thank God I’m old enough to remember how to do math in my head and not on an iPhone.

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Avoiding Internet Auction Frauds

Tips for buyers – Avoiding Internet Auction Frauds
Listed below are tips to protect yourself and your family from various forms of Internet fraud:

  • Determine what method of payment the seller is asking from the buyer and where he/she is asking to send payment.
  • When purchasing products over the Internet, it’s best to use your credit card rather than PayPal or your debit card. That way, if you have any problems, you have recourse to dispute the charges through your credit-card company before the payment is actually made.
  • Examine the feedback on the seller.
  • Learn as much as possible about the seller, especially if the only information you have is an e-mail address. If it is a business, check the Better Business Bureau where the seller/business is located.
  • Understand as much as possible about how the auction works, what your obligations are as a buyer, and what the seller’s obligations are before you bid.
  • Find out what actions the web site/company takes if a problem occurs and consider insuring the transaction and shipment.
  • If a problem occurs with the auction transaction, it could be much more difficult if the seller is located outside the US because of the difference in laws.
  • Ask the seller about when delivery can be expected and if there is a problem with the merchandise is it covered by a warranty or can you exchange it.
  • Find out if shipping and delivery are included in the auction price or are additional costs so there are no unexpected costs.
  • There should be no reason to ever give out your social security number or drivers license number to the seller.
  • If you believe you may have fallen victim to this type of scam and wish to report it, please file a complaint with the U.S. government Internet Fraud Complaints Center. And tell us about it, so we can warn others!


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