Smart Letter to the ER

posted by Jack Lee

I could not believe my eyes when I read the salary packet for the new county chief administrative officer — $24,000 per month!

I still cannot get my head around that. What does a person do with that kind of money when they receive a check for $24,000 each and every month. I am in complete disbelief, I am disgusted and I am angry to say the very least. Here we have the county pleading poverty the whole year, laying off firefighters, closing fire stations on brownout days, reducing hours and days of our libraries, raising building permits to astronomical highs — and the Board of Supervisors tries to justify this by saying it’s fair market value.

This is an injustice and an insult to every taxpaying citizen in the county. This is not San Francisco or Los Angles or Riverside County. This is little old Butte County. Staff’s salary should be in accordance with revenue, common sense and common decency. All year the board has been asking for our understanding while cutting every service you can think of. And then they come up with this — $20,000 plus $4,000 for housing and travel per month, every month. Oh sorry, did I already say that? It just hasn’t sunk in yet.

I was told this is only temporary (six months). We shall see.

And by the way have you heard the board is thinking of creating a parcel tax? Isn’t that double dipping? What do we pay property taxes for?

— Bonnie Masarik, Yankee Hill

Bonnie thank you for your comments, I completely agree with you. I think the county residents should refrain from paying their property taxes until they drop this salary to something reasonable and in keeping with the wages of Butte County. What this man makes is completely out of line.

I’m pretty sure we could find some very capable people for under $120,000 a year.

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The Game Has Changed for Airport Security

by Jack Lee

According to a number of world news agencies including CNN and the London Telegraph, the game has radically changed with the introduction of new kind of profile for airline terrorism.

How Al Qeada fooled our most brilliant minds in security:
This time the terrorist was a male. He was 23 years old, and he was a devout Muslim. (This could be almost anybody – no red flags here) He was known to be affiliating with Al Qaeda members and in his younger years he had been a very vocal defender of Al Qaeda’s terror tactics. (We don’t recognize guilt by association or the silly harmless rantings of youth) A year before the attack he declared to his friends he was moving to Yemen to study Arabic, Yemen is a hotbed of terrorist activities and where the USS Cole was bombed. (Big deal, he wanted to study Arabic and to converse with new found friends, nothing wrong there.) So far he looks completely average young man, right? Yes, a typical citizen, absolutely no clues as to his future diabolical intentions. But, here’s where it really caught security cold: This (alleged) terrorist was from Nigeria and he was black. Black?! Hey, that’s never happened before – we had no contingency plan in place! This being “black” thing is completely new and it threw off all our security experts. It has left officials around the world stunned and befuddled, they never considered a terrorist could be black. Now you can see why CNN says the game has changed!

Who could have possibly conceived a 23 year old extremely devout muslim, associating with terrorists, defending terror attacks and living in Yemen who is “black” would smuggled a bomb onto an aircraft to kill hundreds of innocents? And nobody did!

This “racial” component has definately changed the game and put security into a whole new dimension never conceived of previously. Teams of experts are expected to be meeting and evaluating how to combat this completely new and completely unexpected terrorist threat. According to Janet Napolitano, Homeland Chief, “We just can’t go around stopping every black person from boarding an aircraft, now can we?” Napolitano does however continue to advocate we look closely at our returning veterans as possible terrorist suspects. “They’re trained in military ways and don’t seem to like the current government very much.” she warned.

Local officials have suggested adding additional security lights to the Gridley Fair grounds. “This is what we did right after 9/11 and it worked, no terror attacks for a long time. But those lights are now in need of updating. Technology has changed!” said a County Fair-anti-terrorist spokesman.

Since 2002 Homeland Security has spent about 128 million dollars on security light improvements at county fairs across the USA. A large portion of this money went to North Dakota which has remained relatively terrorist free.

On behalf of a grateful citizen, thank you Homeland!

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Trouble in California

Posted by Tina

IBD posted an excellent article yesterday about the financial state of our beautiful state of California. Yep…we’ve come a long way from those California Dreamin days in the Golden State:

A Milken Institute study recently estimated that, from 2003 to 2007, California lost 79,000 manufacturing jobs due to regulations and high taxes. If manufacturing’s share of the work force stayed where it was in 2000, the state would today have 1.6 million more jobs, $101 billion more output and $5 billion more in tax revenues.

Instead we taxed, regulated and spent our way into oblivion. Now we’re just…

“California Begging” – Investors Business Daily

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Why Terrorist Profiling Won’t Work


This picture contains the photos of actual terrorists except for one. Can you spot the one picture that doesn’t fit, the one person here who is NOT a terrorist? No, I didn’t think so! But don’t feel bad, who could? It’s too confusing without more clues, isn’t it? Even the experts at Homeland agree there is no one profile that security personnel could easily and reliably use to help place extra security where it’s needed most. Ah, if only there were, we could really check out those who are far more likely to be terrorists. But, a picture is worth a thousand words and as you can plainly see there just is no possible way to tell a terrorist from the average American Mom just by profiling. Yep thats right that lady in the middle is not the terrorist…GOTCHA! Well, there it is my friends, this is why we must continue those completely random security checks at the airports. Until we have some way to accurately profile the bad guys to make us more efficient and effective this is just the way is has to be!

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Terrorist Attack – Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab – NorthWest Airlines

by Jack Lee, Post Scripts (International News)


  • We were warned well in advance
  • The Islamic extremist was in our data base
  • Visa contained clues of impending attack
  • Yemen connection and known terrorist associations
  • High explosive made it through best security screening
  • Terrorist fit the perfect “profile” but profiling is not allowed
  • Suspect granted permission to enter USA
  • Billion dollar security failed us. . . again!
1657-NW airplane.jpg

On or about Oct 8th 2009, Dr. Umaru Abdul Mutallab, a wealthy banker and the father of airplane bomber Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab, contacted US Counter-terrorism officials and said he was extremely concerned about his son’s welfare, due to his involvement into Islamic fanaticism. He said his son had extremist views and feared he could get involved with Islamic terrorism. He said he and his son had not spoken directly for almost a year, but he had received reliable reports from friends and relatives who were in contact with him and they believed his 23 year old son was headed for serious trouble.

(Dr. Umaru Abdul Mutallab shown below and right)



According to the information given by his father, Abdulmutallab had studied mechanical engineering at the University College of London. He had enrolled in 2005 and was last known to be a student in late 2008. Since he had dropped out of college his whereabouts was uncertain.

Abdulmutallab was granted a visa to travel to the United States. It was issued June 16, 2008 and was good until June 12, 2010.

Abdulmutallab was last known to be living in a 4 million dollar flat in Central London in an upscale West Side neighborhood near the former President of Pakistan flat.

On or about Oct 15th, 2009 a link analysis showed Abdulmutallab had serious connections to known Al Qeada operatives and/or associates. An intelligence analyst entered Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab data with all his known associations into a national data base where it stayed without further follow up.

Note: Dr. Muttalab was born in 1939 in Katsina township, the home state of Nigeria’s sickly leader Umaru Musa Yar’adua. He is a former minister and the current chairman of First Bank in Nigeria.

On Nov. 20th 2009 Homeland Security issue heightened security alert for air travel during the holidays. Despite the data indicating a possible terrorist threat, Intelligence supervisors at Homeland, FBI, and CIA had failed to enter Abdulmutallab’s name on the no-fly list and had taken no further action since the original report was filed in October of 2009.

Dec. 25th, 2009, Abdulmutallab boarded a Flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit after being screened for explosives and weapons by one of the world best security check

1654-DELTA-NORTHWEST-AIRLINES-large.jpg Flight 253 was an Airbus A330 wide-body jet carrying 278 passengers. The Airbus A330 is a twin-engine, wide-body, long range airliner capable of carrying between 240 and 350 passengers over a range of 10,400 kilometers (5,600 nautical miles).
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“Adored by Social Outcasts”


A Christmas Message

By OneVike

One late evening, a little over 2015 years ago, a man named Joseph and his young wife named Mary arrived in Bethlehem only to discover that there were no rooms at the local inn. Imagine the frightening situation they faced since Mary, who was expecting a child, probably had been experiencing birth pains for the last 10 miles of their 80 mile journey. Now that they had finally reached their destination they were told that the only place the inn keeper had to offer for their comfort was an animal shelter. This was not exactly the place Joseph expected he and his wife to be spending the night when they reached their destination. Imagine the stench from the animals and the flies that buzzed around them. Even considering the archaic way children entered the world back then, this was not the way Mary and Joseph had envisioned their first child being born. It would not be long after Joseph made Mary comfortable that the time for the child to be born had arrived. Soon Mary’s screams from the pain of childbirth would break the silence of the night as their first Son entered the world. With only the animals to greet the newborn, it would not be long before some very unsavory individuals would stop to greet the new parents and their child. They were shepherds who had been tending their flocks when an Angel visited and told them that a child had been,

….For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.” Luke 2:12-13

I say unsavory, because times had changed since the days when King David was a young shepherd boy and God has chosen him to lead Israel. By the time Jesus was born, shepherds were among the lowest and most despised social groups in Judea. The very nature of a shepherd’s job would keep them from entering into the mainstream of Israel’s society. After all, many of these men were usually transients who would take any job they could find just to work. Some would have been former landowners who lost their land for one reason or another and thus many Jews considered them to be of questionable character because God surely punished them for some untold sin they had committed.

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UPDATE Wikipedias acceptance in Schools and Colleges

By One Vike

I will dispense with a long introduction and come right out an apologize for an error in my article, “Losing the Climate Debate, That’s Ok, Just Change History” . In the article I made this statement;

Just so you know, Wikipedia is the online source, that 90% of all schools and colleges around the world prefer that their students use when looking for facts about any subject the instructor is teaching. So we are talking about information that is used to indoctrinate the children of the world, or better yet, the future leaders of the world.

Well, I have been inundated with emails and comments as to my miss-characterization of the respect college professors and k-12 teachers have for Wikipedia. I was going off information given to me by a well respected source and that source is even one of the email responses I received about my article. It would seem I was in error by not properly stating what my source offered me as to the respectability and acceptance of information gleened from Wikipedia. This is what I should have written in my article;

Just so you know, Wikipedia is the online source, and while 90% of schools and colleges would prefer that their students not use it as a reference for their work, instructors do realize that a majority of their students do use Wikipedia as a source to get started in their search for information. Usually the information the student get from Wikipedia will lead them down a path that can often times take them to other questionable sources that the instructors cannot verify to for qualifying nor disqualify as acceptable sources for the students work. So what we have is a vast amount if information that is used to indoctrinate the children of the world, or better yet, the future leaders of the world.

However, even with this correction, I still stand behind my assertion that the supporters of the theory that man is responsible for the radical changes in earths climate, are attempting to rewrite history to fit their cooked scientific data. A mere look at what Google or Yahoo brings up when you type in the phrase “Medieval Warming Period” in their search engines will show you that the push is on to change the historical facts. You will see that a vast amount of sites are now jumping aboard the propaganda that the Medieval Warming and the Mini Ice ages were localized phenomenas in Europe and not climate changes that effected the whole earth.

In today’s digital world of on-line information, a lie can travel half way around the world before truth has a chance to put its shoes on, and it is incumbent upon those of us who write and offer our opinions to be sure that our facts are correct before we offer our articles for publishing. In the future I promise to be more careful in my writing, and in how I explain the information I am given by sources who trust me.

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Blue Dog to Choose a Bright Red Collar

1643-parker griffith_ap_218.jpeg

Posted by Tina

The party that cares more for ideology than they do for the people or even the survival of their own party has just lost one representative in the House. Let’s hope he has been so roundly disgusted by progressive Democrat thug tactics he will never look back:

Exclusive: Rep. Parker Griffith switches to GOP,” by Josh Kraushaar – Politico

POLITICO has learned that Rep. Parker Griffith, a freshman Democrat from Alabama, will announce today that he’s switching parties to become a Republican. ** According to two senior GOP aides familiar with the decision, the announcement will take place this afternoon in Griffith’s district in northern Alabama. ** Griffith’s party switch comes on the eve of a pivotal congressional health care vote and will send a jolt through a Democratic House Caucus that has already been unnerved by the recent retirements of a handful of members who, like Griffith, hail from districts that offer prime pickup opportunities for the GOP in 2010.

Here puppy, puppy…smart dog.

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Losing the Debate? That’s OK, Just Change History


by OneVike

During the 70 years that the communists controlled the Soviet Union, they had a peculiar way of teaching history to the people. They would teach things as historical fact that never happened. If you were one of those who took umbrage with their revisionist history lessons, you would soon find yourself living in a tiny apartment in a part of the country where they laugh at anyone who claims the world is getting warmer. In a communist country this is the only way to convince the masses that they are actually better off than anyone in the history of the world has ever been. We now joke about the way the Soviet Union and China used to dissimulate information in order to control their people, but look around and you will notice that there are people in America that are attempting the very same thing here. That’s right, there are many Americans today who would like nothing better than to convince the rest of us that their false beliefs are true. Take the global warming debate as an example. There are many global warming alarmists who would like us to believe that historical records back up their cooked scientific data claiming that man can, and has, affected the climate of the world in a negative way.

Oh, now I have done it! I have accused the global warming crowd of using bad science and twisting history to help make the masses believe them. Well, allow me to introduce you to a Mr. William Connolley. Mr. Connolley is a United Kingdom scientist and a Green Party activist who, until this past September, just happens to also be the editor of most everything pertaining to the world’s climate at the most read encyclopedia the world has ever known, Wikipedia. Just so you know, Wikipedia is the online source, that 90% of all schools and colleges around the world prefer that their students use when looking for facts about any subject the instructor is teaching. So we are talking about information that is used to indoctrinate the children of the world, or better yet, the future leaders of the world. When I learned what Mr. Connelley was doing at Wikipedia I had to write about it.

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The Biggest Spenders in DC

Posted by Tina

So…if you’re one of those who automatically accept the notion that corporate America runs Washington through huge political contributions and lobbying you might want to rethink the idea. According to the Education Intelligence Agency, “America’s two teachers unions outspent AT & T, Goldman Sachs, Wal-Mart, Microsoft, General Electric, Chevron, Pfizer, Morgan Stanley, Lockheed Martin, FedEx, Boeing, Merrill Lynch, Exxon Mobil, Lehman Brothers and the Walt Disney Corporation combined.”

HT: Kyle Olson Big Government.

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