Category Archives: Uncategorized

Finding My Birthson Part 2 of 5

Riana was born in May, 1982. Her mother and I were already broken up for six months by the time she was born. I had three young children with me half time. I wrote to the California Bureau of Adoptions … Continue reading

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Finding My Birthson Part 1of 5

It was early 1965. I was 17 years old, living in East LA with my parents and my older brother, Richard. My girlfriend, Marissa, was pregnant. She was 16 years old as she looked at me with her lovely dark … Continue reading

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You Call That Embarrassing? Part 3 of 3

“So, then I couldn’t find my clothes. I guess my boyfriend took them with him so there I was feeling like an idiot stark naked.” “Yeah, I guess that does beat my embarrassing story. So what’d you do then?” “Well, … Continue reading

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Killing Our Planet

Killing Our Planet  Home sweet home. Millions of people believe that the next life they live will be better than this life here now. Someone I love and respect very much once said, “You don’t have to worry about what’s … Continue reading

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You Call That Embarrassing? Part 2 of 3

She looked at me, finished her wine and smiled. I could tell she was debating how much she wanted to tell me when she finally said, “I need a little time to think about it.” “Alright. I understand, you’re afraid. … Continue reading

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People who are complaining about the idea of Obamacare should realize that the problem is not President Obama trying to make health care more affordable. The real problem is the high cost of health care, which is kept extremely high … Continue reading

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The Texas Taliban

The Texas Senate passed new abortion restrictions that Gov. Rick Perry has just signed into law. The new law requires doctors to have admitting privileges at nearby hospitals, allow abortions only in surgical centers, limit where and when women may … Continue reading

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You call That Embarrassing? part 1 of 3

“Have you ever been asked to share something that embarrassed you?” I was eating at a Mexican restaurant when I asked something my date didn’t seem too eager to answer. It was our first date and I thought it was … Continue reading

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Losing Your Parents

May 17th 1992, a day that changed my life forever. Twenty-one years ago on May 17th, 1992, my mom passed away. Could 21 years really have already passed without me seeing or talking to or being with my mother? Could … Continue reading

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Oh oh…Am I in Trouble?

I thought I might be in trouble when I turned 18 years old and I had to register for the draft. I got there 5 minutes after the place closed on my birthday and I knocked on the double glass … Continue reading

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