Request for help: Green tomato recipes

green tomatoes.jpg

About a month and a half ago I was lamenting that my tomatoes weren’t setting fruit. I had many blooms, but they would all just die off. So I contacted Cass Mutters at the Cooperative Extension office and he said to tickle the tomatoes to help pollinate them.

I taught Tommy as well and we’ve been tickling fools.

Alas, the weather is changing and now I have all these green tomatoes, which surely will not survive a couple of cold nights and/or some rainstorms.

Do any readers have recipes or ideas for green tomatoes. I know they have the movie “Fried Green Tomatoes,” and I know you can make jam out of them and whatnot, but I’d love to have some fun, new ideas to share with readers in the newspaper.

Lemme know.


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