Author Archives: Heather Hacking

Sow There!: Leaving a road behind you, July 20, 2018

By HEATHER HACKING | Columnist July 19, 2018 at 10:27 pm Just a few weeks ago I was driving north to yet another chat with strangers for a possible job as a teacher. This interview was no different than the others. We … Continue reading

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Sow There!: Summer plants get by with a little help from friends, July 12, 2018

By HEATHER HACKING | Columnist July 12, 2018 at 10:36 pm My seemingly short and well-deserved vacations this summer caused me to cash in on friendship equity. My dad’s side of the family organized a cruise to Catalina and beyond, as well … Continue reading

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Sow There!: Harlequin bugs are unwelcome house sitters, June 28, 2018

  By HEATHER HACKING | Columnist PUBLISHED: June 28, 2018 at 10:40 pmWhen I returned from a quick vacation I found uninvited kale sitters in my garden. A hundred harlequin bugs would not be an exaggeration for the number of critters that were … Continue reading

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Sow There!: A view of the garden in slow motion, 6-7-18

The fun is over when the kale hits the bucket. (Photo by Heather Hacking) By HEATHER HACKING | Columnist PUBLISHED: June 7, 2018 at 6:58 pm I’m convinced that if we could view the world in slow motion, what we could learn would … Continue reading

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Sow There!: Delayed garden plans and mysterious squash, May 31, 2018

Photo by Heather Hacking Something mysterious is tucked into the corner of the yard, where seeds have sprouted in the compost pile. By HEATHER HACKING | Columnist PUBLISHED: May 31, 2018 at 4:45 pm | UPDATED: June 18, 2018 at 11:35 am My modest vegetable … Continue reading

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Sow There!: Saying goodbye to Kindergarteners, 5-17-18

By HEATHER HACKING | Columnist PUBLISHED: May 17, 2018 Tuesday was the day I have known would arrive and I said goodbye to the 28 bright lights in classroom 6. My final day as a student-teacher was similar to the days that came … Continue reading

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Sow There!: Garden habits: Did the drought change your life? 5-10-18

By HEATHER HACKING | Columnist PUBLISHED: May 10, 2018 I’m curious if anyone else is sticking with those water-saving lifestyle changes we made during the most recent long, miserable drought. I know my friend Jim had his lawn hauled away in a dump … Continue reading

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Sow there! Three cheers for an empty space, privet be gone, 5-3-18

A stump remains where a privet used to stand, spreading its evil seeds. – Photo by Heather Hacking By HEATHER HACKING | Columnist PUBLISHED: May 3, 2018Privet. Just the sound of the word has a certain sting. It’s a sharp two syllables. If … Continue reading

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Sow There!: Losing the bug battle and bagging the greens, 4-26-18

By HEATHER HACKING | Columnist PUBLISHED: April 26, 2018 at 7:22 pm The battle with the bugs of the leafy greens has begun. I see my defeat on the horizon. I am outnumbered. Even if I continue to kill the critters each time … Continue reading

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Sow There! Watching gory tomato hornworm videos from afar, 4-19-18

By HEATHER HACKING | Columnist PUBLISHED: April 19, 2018 My tomato plants remain hidden in plain view on my front porch. When it hailed Monday afternoon, I was glad I had forgotten to transplant them from their four-inch pots to the raised bed. … Continue reading

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