Author Archives: Heather Hacking

Sow There!: Magpies, a bird no feline can love June 30, 2017

The Feline Unit is no match for magpies. Photo by Heather Hacking POSTED: 06/29/17 Several little gray birds arrived in my yard this week. They were the size of finches and immediately started pecking at the scraggly lawn. I watched from the … Continue reading

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Sow There!: Summer zucchini and how to help green food survive the heat June 23, 2017

Only two zucchinis have grown to full size, and this heat wave might mean that’s all for the season.Photo by Heather Hacking POSTED: 06/22/17 The past several years zucchini season has been something to celebrate. If we’re going to have blistering … Continue reading

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Sow There! Renewed love affair with the calla lily June 16, 2017

Callas may be my new favorite bulb for pots. Photo by Heather Hacking By Heather Hacking, Chico Enterprise-Record POSTED: 06/15/17 Colorful callas are the dwarf type compared to the white ones and require slightly different care.Photo by Heather Hacking Just when I thought … Continue reading

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Sow There! Hot weather means paint-eating goo and bug guts June 9, 2017

Berry splats on car paint, not a good combo. Heather Hacking POSTED: 06/08/17 No, it’s not pretty and its a pretty darn tough job to remove all this tree gunk from the exterior of a car. When you buy a new car … Continue reading

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Sow There! Changes: unexpected, planned and seasonal June 2, 2017

Photo by Jack Hacking, Heather’s Dad By Heather Hacking POSTED: 06/01/17 Heather Hacking — Enterprise-Record Last Thanksgiving, my friend Kara and I drove north from my aunt’s house in the Bay Area. The drive was at night, about three weeks after my … Continue reading

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Sow There! Living things that wither in the heat and a long walk for life May 26, 2017

Kale florets. Heather Hacking By Heather Hacking POSTED: 05/25/17 Humans are not the only form of life that withered during that first taste of 100-degree weather. The Feline Unit slept in front of the fan on the hardwood floor, her arms and legs … Continue reading

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Sow There! Get your garden groove on before the weather stays warm May 4, 2017

Steve, the super-stud and his 6-hp lawn mower. Heather Hacking — Enterprise-Record By Heather Hacking, Chico Enterprise-Record POSTED: 05/04/17 I can be incredibly ungrateful. Sunday was my birthday and frankly I wasn’t feeling it. My Dad had decided I should … Continue reading

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Sow there! Water and weltschmerz, 4-14-2017

In late March, and again last week, the gravel bar along the Sacramento River at Big Chico Creek was closed to travelers. Bill Husa — Enterprise-Record By Heather Hacking, Chico Enterprise-Record POSTED: 04/13/17 I’m feeling more cautious about weather these … Continue reading

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Sow There! Squash and how to be an expert pollen spreader May 19, 2017

“Zucchini flowers. Heather Hacking-Enterprise-Record By Heather Hacking POSTED: 05/18/17, My bets are placed on crook-neck squash as my new garden darling. Last week I talked about pollinating the flowers by hand. As it turns out, I was only partially correct, and overly optimistic. … Continue reading

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Sow There! Squash and how to be an expert pollen spreader, May 18, 2017

Zucchini flowers. Heather Hacking-Enterprise-Record By Heather Hacking, Chico Enterprise-Record POSTED: 05/18/17 My bets are placed on crook-neck squash as my new garden darling. Last week I talked about pollinating the flowers by hand. As it turns out, I was only … Continue reading

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