Sow There! You’re doing a great job if you plant bulbs before Christmas, Nov. 17, 2016

There are bulbs in there ... probably.
There are bulbs in there … probably. Heather Hacking — Enterprise-Record

This has been the first year in many that I finished planting all of my bulbs before Christmas. The fact that I did not buy as many bulbs as in previous years and gave some bulbs to others should not detract from my overall sense of bulb accomplishment.

I’ve planted bulbs as late as mid January, and honestly I do not remember if those blooms were less vigorous because of the delay. The point is to get them in the ground, rather than allow them to get lost in plain view just inside the door of the shed.

A good goal is to plant bulbs before Thanksgiving (which means this weekend). After the big food holiday, we switch into holiday mode — gift buying, tree decorating, party hopping, parking place hunting … If you haven’t planted your bulbs by Dec. 22, you might consider sticking a bow on the bag and making them another gardener’s problem.


Theoretically I have a lot of bulbs already in the ground, primarily daffodils. By this time of year I would expect to see the very earliest of green stems pushing up from the soil.

Not yet.

The drought hasn’t been kind to a great many growing things, and I won’t be surprised if some of those daffodil bulbs became emergency squirrel food. Squirrels tend to dig up daffodil bulbs, wiggle their noses in disdain, then return to their search for tulip bulbs.

At this point I have more bulbs in pots than in the ground. After the potted bulbs bloom, I lug them to the back of the house, out of sight.

One day in late summer I was feeling brave, and perhaps bored. I dumped the soil into a wheelbarrow and sorted through the bulbs. Perhaps an eighth of the stash was rotten, but most seemed ready to grow again, especially the hyacinth. Sorting through all of those pots was a big job, and by the time the day warmed, I was hot and cranky.

Yet, the advantage of bulbs in pots is you can give the blooms as a gift, take them to work or move them to the kitchen table.

Another step forward

Of course, chit-chat about bulbs is not what is primary in my mind right now.

Perhaps if I started right now I would have enough time to write all the thank-you notes that are merited. So many people have provided small and large kindnesses after the death of my Handsome Woodsman Nov. 1.

I’m trying my best to take people’s suggestions. I had a counseling session, went to a grief meeting, indulged in a massage, soaked in a friend’s hot tub and took several day off from work. I must admit, I did some of those things in case people started telling me what they thought I should do. This way I can say I’m taking good care of myself.

The reality is simply that things will be tough for a while.

Luckily, my job does not include operating heavy equipment nor being in charge of the lives of small children.

One day one of my sweet coworkers saw me crying at my desk and stopped to offer comfort.

“Is there anything I can do?” she asked so sincerely.

“No, there’s not.”

However, it is helpful to know that so many of you are willing to do anything I needed, if I knew what I needed …

The Handsome Woodsman’s adult son is staying with me right now, which has been important. We’re both muddling through, aching in nearly the same way and missing the same, very tall man.


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Sow There! One more song for the Handsome Woodsman, 11-10-2016

Dave Kahl
Dave Kahl in Fort BraggDave  in Fort Bragg Photo by Heather Hacking

The Handsome Woodsman died Nov. 1 in that terrible head-on collision on Highway 99. His job was to “sell the sun” and he had been driving back to Chico after an appointment. Another driver veered into his lane and both drivers died.

There’s absolutely nothing good about this, but I’m so grateful that it had been a good day.

Hours before the accident, we had a tender moment in the driveway. I had arrived home after lunch with a friend. Dave was ready to leave, but had lingered to grab a quick kiss.

I noticed for the first time that he was growing a beard for winter, and petted his face.

Later in the day he sent a sweet text, but my phone battery was dead, and I didn’t get the message until after the accident.

That afternoon he talked to his son, Ben, who lives on the East Coast. It’s likely that the last words Dave heard were “I love you Dad.”

I am also so glad I was not at work that day. We listen to the police scanner in the newsroom and I think it would have been terrible to hear those early accident reports, to watch my coworkers dash out to cover the news story, then to find out it was my guy.

I know this grief thing will take a while.

A lot has happened in a week and a few days. Its tragic, yet beautiful, how people have reached out, most of them awkwardly and not knowing what to say. I feel loved. I know Dave was loved. I hope people will turn to the left and the right and love on each other.


Dave was a singer/songwriter and I’ve had his songs in my head almost constantly this past week.

The thing about living with a musician is you rarely hear the song in its entirety. You hear the guitar riff, perhaps 10-12 times in a row. Then there’s a chorus. The lyrics might even change each time you hear them. I would laugh sometimes at a gig, because the songs sounded so different when I could hear them from start to finish.

Now I’m listening to the songs in my head more closely, and wishing Dave had written down his lyrics. There are several songs “about a blonde” that will be lost except for in my memory.

Thursday morning a song popped into my head that was not part of Dave’s repertoire, “Let it Rain,” by Eric Clapton. Somehow, the last four lines of that song said everything that remained to be said.


Dave loved mushroom hunting, the rugged California coast, creating his own parking places, petting our cat and afternoon naps. He was a strong believer in God, and almost always apologized for his part in an argument. He had recently grown to tolerate my rubber chicken and couldn’t help making puns.

When we first started dating about five years ago, I was impressed he could rattle off most of the names of plants in his neighborhood, or maybe he had studied just to win my heart.

He also loved gardening, but his approach was much more functional. His job was to grow the vegetables. I took care of the flowers.

Much fun has been had ridiculing his eggplant and the black, plastic truck-bed liner used as a raised bed.

These days I visit his part of the garden more often, talking to him and imagining him sitting in the faded, green resin lawn chair, smoking a cigar.


A few weeks ago the Handsome Woodsman texted me a photograph.

“Why did you send me a picture of dirt,” I asked.

“Look closer,” he wrote. “We are going to be proud parents of lettuce.”

I did look closer and saw the tiniest of green sprouts emerging from the big brown blotch in the digital pic.

His timing had been perfect. Seeds in the ground, then came the rains, then warm weather. Now his winter garden is my gift.

He also removed the rest of the summer plants, leaving just one eggplant with several purple fruit hanging like early Christmas ornaments.


I know some of you who know me through the column will want to reach out. A few people have sent me flowers, and I love them, but my house is small.

I would encourage you to buy a gardenia plant, or some other fragrant favorite, and give it as a gift to someone you love. Please send me a photograph of your plant, in honor of Dave.

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Sow there! – Gypsum and leaf mold in the garden, Oct. 28, 2016

October 28, 2016

About this time of year the battle with the fall leaves begins. The muted colors are beautiful while dangling in the branches of trees. Next, leaves become a sticky, slippery nuisance on the sidewalks, hood of our cars and on top of our favorite plants.

Chico residents can rake the leaves into neat piles near the street and eventually they will be picked up.

However, a portion of that tree litter can be used in your yard. Last year we swept a big pile to the edge of the cyclone fence.

The fact that the pile sat there for a year has more to do with oversight than good soil intentions. The result was a weed-smothering mulch mat, and eventually some good leaf mold.

A Monterey Bay Master Gardener article, makes a good case for adding leaves to the compost pile. Ideally, the gardener would rake the leaves into small rows, then run over them with the lawn mower. If the mower has a catch bag, you can easily dump the leaf confetti into the compost pile.

Most people don’t keep their compost pile hot enough to cook weed seeds, so try to keep weeds out of your leaf mounds.

Great garden gift

Thank you, thank you to my friend John who dumped the ginormous California Master Gardener Handbook ” on my chair at work a few weeks ago. I haven’t had this much fun reading since “Taylor’s Weekend Garden Guides,: Soil and Composting.”

When it comes to allowing leaves to decompose, the garden book recommends adding nitrogen, which could mean steer manure or synthetic nitrogen. This replaces nitrogen that is lost when leaves decompose.

What to do with clay soil

For many years, Bob Scoville has been my Glenn County go-to guy for plant information. I gave him a jingle this week to talk about leaves. As is sometimes the case, we ended up talking about other things.

On Bob’s side of the river, much of the soil is heavy with clay. You may notice your soil is heavy clay if you use garden soil in pots. When the plant dies and the soil dries, the dirt looks like a giant hockey puck. I think this is actually how curling was invented.

People with heavy clay soil might dig a hole and fill it with water. It could be hours before the water drains.

Bob’s solution on the west side of the river has been to add bags and bags of gypsum. We’ve talked about this before, but perhaps not in as great of detail. Gypsum is material you find in sheetrock, which makes up the walls in your house.

Bob buys gypsum for about $6 for a 50-pound bag at Northern Star Mills in Chico. “I just bought eight more bags last week,” Bob bragged.

The material looks like white flour and in the winter he sprinkles it on soil beyond the canopy line of his fruit trees. That’s where the roots reach. A good ratio is one pound per 10 square feet, he noted.

Bob gets very excited when he talks about is Alberta peaches. Apparently they should be entered into the world fair, and he’s intent on producing another mouth-watering crop next year. Having great soil is important.

I envision him working late at night, humming incoherently, wearing a white 19th Century bed cap – as each fist filled with gypsum is unleashed into the air, the sky is filled with a white mist.

When he’s not sprinkling, Bob also mixes gypsum with compost to work into the soil.

Why gypsum works

Good soil has four requirements, Bob explained – minerals, organic matter, water and air. Gypsum helps loosen the soil and minerals are made more accessible to plants. After five or six years, and many years of gypsum, Bob said his heavy clay soil has improved.

Leaf mold

Leaf mold sounds like something yucky you would scrape away with a spackling knife. However, leaf mold is basically a pile of leaves that you have allowed to sit in pile for a long, long time. See my example above.

This brief and informative article from Tulare/Kings counties Master Gardeners, k notes that leaf mold “mixed in with your garden soil will improve soil structure, increase water retention, and provide a super habitat for good soil organisms like earthworms and beneficial bacteria.”

You can also used leaf mold as a compost, once the soil looks like crumbly black cake.

If you’re someone who doesn’t like to look at a rotting pile of leaves for a year, the master gardeners suggest packing a black plastic bag as full as you can with leaves. Before tying the bag, thoroughly wet the leaves with the spray from a garden hose. Next, poke some holes in the bag. Finally, hide the bag out of view and out of full sun. Sun will cause the bag to deteriorate. You can venture into the bag seasonally and give the leaves another good squirt of water.

Just about the time you have given up on the project, the leaf mold should be ready and good to use on your garden beds.

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Sow there! – Looking forward, planting bulbs, Oct. 20, 2016

Chico Enterprise-Record (Chico, CA) – October 20, 2016

e happened lately within elbow’s distance of my little sliver of the world. Two friends had surgery to remove cancer. Both of my parents and one of my favorite Santa impersonators have retired. My nephew started college. My friend Samantha asked me to be her maid of honor and my mother’s nearly-perfect boyfriend died of a heart attack.

I don’t mean to belittle any of these events by stringing them together, because each is a very big deal, indeed.

My point is that life happens, all around us, all of the time. It’s beautiful, and sometimes sad and often one step in a direction that leads to the next big thing.

More than a year ago, my doctors told me I had a very early stage of uterine cancer. The pea-sized yuck was surgically removed, along with other body parts that were no longer needed.

It’s all good now, but in February 2015, my knees were wobbling.

An acquaintance told me that my outlook would change. He said this had been the case for him, and I knew it was true. He had this wispy sound to his voice, as if he was remembering his first love “You will never be the same,” he said.

I have not experienced the transformation he predicted. Yet, I feel as if life’s dramas have become blurred.

If the joys and sorrows of my life were colors, those colors would blend.

Planting hope

Of course, all of this musing circles back to gardening.

When I plant bulbs this fall, I’m counting on being here to enjoy them in their prime.

The necessary step, of course, is getting my hands dirty.

Up until a few weeks ago, my big bags of bulbs were in a big pile at the base of the television. The theory was that if I tripped over them, repeatedly, I would be more likely to put those puppies in the ground.

My beau invited his band mate to the house to practice for a gig. He cleaned up by shoving things out of sight. My bulbs were tossed into the outdoor plastic storage locker, where we keep the Sluggo and trowels.

At least now if I forget to plant the bulbs this year, it will officially be my boyfriend’s fault.

Food bulbs

While we’re talking about flower bulbs, this is a good time to plant garlic bulbs as well.

The folks at in Gilroy point to November and December as the prime bulb-planting months.

Some folks suggest planting garlic on the shortest day of the year and harvesting garlic on the on the longest day of the year.

That’s easy to remember right now. However, getting bulbs in the ground while you’re thinking about is better than continuing to trip over a bag in the living room.

Garlic is related to the lily family and the plants also send up a nondescript, lily-esque flower. It’s best to snip the blooms so that more energy is sent into the bulb.

Garlic World also states that garlic needs twice as much fertilizer as most vegetables, and that planting garlic near roses will make roses more fragrant.

Bulb season

Last month when I chatted with Jerry Mendon, of Mendon’s Nursery in Paradise, he said his nursery has cut back on bulb sales and now carried mostly daffodils.

At this point, big-box stores sell bulbs cheaper than Jerry can purchase them wholesale, he said.

That makes me really sad, but I’m one of those people to blame because I’ll buy a huge bag of bulbs on impulse when I’m shopping for toothpaste and toilet paper.

Jerry said he hates seeing bulbs planted in rows.

“It drives me nuts. It’s not natural,” Jerry said, getting close to a bulb-induced rant.

When he was a young man he was doing some work on the side for an English gardener employed at a fancy estate.

The gardener “took some ranunculus and threw them in the air, Jerry recalled. Whereever they landed, that’s where they were planted. He also never planted an even number of bulbs, and never, never in a row.

Bulbs do need phosphorous, a nutrient that does not move within the soil. For this reason, it’s best to put phosphorous in the bottom of the hole, then cover with a light amount of soil. The roots from the bulb will grow through the phosphorous zone.

Bone meal, feather meal or cottonseed meal will do the job.

Jerry and his crew will be glad to help you pick out good all-purpose fertilizers, or soils amended with nutrients.

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Sow There! – Time for eggplant to be on its way out, Oct. 14, 2016

October 14, 2016

“It’s over. I’m finally breaking up with you summer garden 2016. This is it! I mean it this time …”

This was the Facebook post from my friend Kerry. She included pictures of cardboard boxes filled with enough tomatoes to make bruschetta for an extended Italian family. Her last harvest included more eggplant than you could safely leave on your neighbor’s doorstep.

My own garden faded fast and is gone without a prolonged goodbye.

First the squash plants fell victim to colonies of invading aphids. I remembered to spray with soapy water until I forgot to spray with soapy water. Next, the big, floppy leaves started to droop and turned yellow.

We could have kept going on the tomato plants. Yet, my experience is you get more green fruit, which freezes before your summer tan fades.

My Handsome Woodsman keeps the vegetables watered and I’m in charge of the flowers in the patio with the lounge chairs.

One day he announced that he was ready to yank his plants. The next word I heard was that the deed had been done.

One last word

Before I move on to a softer subject, let me linger on this eggplant situation.

The short version is that I don’t like eggplant, my boyfriend doesn’t really eat eggplant, and yet we grow it every year.

Even now, after he harvested the remaining eggplant, the fruit covered most of the surface of the green resin lawn chair.

I’m not certain, yet I wager if I say nothing, the eggplant will remain on that chair through the Chinese new year.

Other food uses

While brainstorming ways to make fun of this eggplant situation, I searched for craft ideas that involve produce.

I happen to have a box of thumbtacks with googly eyes at the ends (thanks to my sister). I picked a few perfectly purple eggplants, mindful to keep the stem intact.

This stem would become the bird’s beak. Next, just a few cuts with a knife, placement of the googly eyes and I crafted a penguin from this long-hanging fruit.

Next, I placed the eggplant penguins in a decorative bowl and perched the bowl on my boyfriend’s laptop computer.

He got the point and he made eggplant that night.

I must say, it wasn’t bad when mixed with onions, garlic, squash and a rich portion of teriyaki sauce. However, I would have enjoyed that meal just as much if the eggplant had been absent.

One day, when I had too much time on my hands, I sliced some eggplant thin and fried for a few minutes. These strips were used like lasagna noodles for an all-veggie lasagne. This was not bad. However, if I want eggplant two nights next year, we can buy a few at the farmers market and grow something else.

Also, if I want to pretend like vegetables are pasta, I prefer spaghetti squash.

We’ll see what my guy ends up doing with the dozen eggplants that remain. Some are a greenish yellow, as if the plant had given up, and simply did not waste the energy on becoming purple.

Cold weather plans

The good news, of course, is that we can just shake off the summer, grab our sweaters and move into the next season. The trustworthy UC Davis Plant Sciences planting guide,, gives the green light for planting lettuce, spinach, peas and fava beans by seed.

I’m also busy at my house tucking poppy seeds into the cracks in the pavement.

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Sow there! – Lessons in growing cool-weather vegetables, Oct. 7, 2016

October 7, 2016

Yes, it’s time to plant spinach, kale and other cool-weather crops.

Tuesday was World Teacher Day, which was perfect for a visit to the garden at Sherwood Montessori school. Several of the students showed me their tall, taller and tallest green, leafy vegetables, planted in a series of raised beds outside their classroom doors.

They put the plants in a few months ago, and there was enough for many a salad.

However, I got the impression these 9, 10 and nearly 11-year-olds were so proud of their garden talents, they would rather look at the plants than eat them.

During my visit, the kids were digging holes near the drip irrigation recently installed by garden helper Burt Levy. Next they carefully transferred small plants of spinach, kale and broccoli, with the patient guidance of my friend Luisa Garza.

I almost overstepped my boundaries as I instinctively reached to pluck the flower from a 2 1/2 foot tall, red lettuce plant.

If that job is to be done, it’s a job for the children, Luisa said.

That’s a bad trait of mine. When I attend a backyard barbecue, I pull other people’s weeds.

No help needed

Wednesday was picture day at the school, and groups of students decided to dress in costumes. Our class had chosen Harry Potter, and many of the children had lightning bolts drawn on their foreheads. Others wore men’s ties.

I asked one boy about a plant with some particularly large leaves. My guess was that this was chard. It was broccoli.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but when I grow broccoli it might double in size before winter sets in. Next, my broccoli plants stall in the yard, waiting until one spring morning when I’m not paying attention. Then, the plant suddenly bolts and I get flowers and no food.

For the school garden, these plants were put in the ground at the beginning of the school year, one child informed me.

The best time to plant seeds is in July, according to the UC Davis planting guide.

If we want spinach in March, now is the time to put seeds in the ground. Or we could plant small plants, as was the case this week.

Also, sow fava beans now for an April harvest.

Extra touches

While we were talking, Luisa encouraged me to pet the small marigold flowers. These were signet marigolds, which have a citrus scent. The flowers are also edible. What fun to sprinkle some colorful (and citrus-smelling) petals on ice cream or in a salad.

However, it is the French marigold, and not the signet marigolds, which repel nematodes in the soil. The University of California Integrated Pest Management folks have more information on this topic at v.

Fruits vs. veggies

Another lesson on Luisa’s plate this week was knowing which foods are fruits and which are vegetables.

We generally consider cucumbers, squash and beans to be vegetables, while the true definition has these foods as fruits.

As the children sat around an outdoor picnic table, Luisa explained that fruits grow from a flower and have seeds. The fruit category includes avocados, cucumbers, mangoes and tomatoes.

The list of veggies includes the parts of the plant that we eat, including leaves, roots, stems and buds.

After my confusion with chard and broccoli, I searched online and learned that broccoli leaves are indeed edible. Some people cut out the center ridge, then add the rest to a stir-fry, just as you would prepare spinach or bok choy. The flavor of broccoli leaves is like broccoli florets, only mild. The leaves also are packed with similar nutrients. One raw ounce of broccoli leaves packs 90 percent of your Vitamin A needs, 43 percent of Vitamin C, and even some protein.

Just for fun, I clicked a few more times online and learned that many people will also sauté squash leaves.

Careful, of course, because the leaves of some plants, including tomatoes, are toxic.

One more lesson

One more thing I learned Tuesday is that some of the best teachers, like Luisa, are those who are having the most fun.

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Plants that deserve a second chance, 10-01-15

Basil thrives outdoors and sometimes will survive the winter in pots. Heather Hacking — Enterprise-Record

A few months ago I read a press release from the state about “conservation fatigue.” Apparently, after months and months of saving water, people get tired of saving water.


Are we tired of having a bucket in the shower, a plastic tub in the sink and a yellow ring around the toilet bowl?

Or is the real issue that we are mad at our neighbors? We are tired of always being the one who follows rules?

We look over the fence and notice that the grass really is greener.

Good (little) water savers have a brown lawn, dead roses and greasy hair.

Our neighbors are watering the sidewalks, jaywalking and double dipping in the chip bowl.


I let half the lawn die this year.

What were we going to do on all that grass? If a band of traveling troubadours wants to set up a tent in my back yard, they can drive the stakes into parched earth.

The weather has also cooled over the past few weeks and I realize everything will grow back with time.

The grass near the back porch was dead, dead. I raked the tall stalks and went about my business.

Meanwhile, I keep a green plastic tub in the kitchen sink. When the tub is full, I venture out a few steps from the back porch and toss the tub of water in the general direction of the lawn.

Wouldn’t you know it. That patch of grass is making a comeback. Because it gets a just a splash of water on a consistent, haphazard basis, grass seed left in that area is now sprouting.

I’m guessing that once we get any significant amount of rain, the seeds from the long-forgotten lawn might even begin to sprout with new growth.

This is why the state of California and local water companies are not content that we simply let the lawn die. They’ll only provide funds for lawn conversions if something actually replaces the lawn.

Otherwise, regular watering and some seed will simply return the yard to its former green expanse.


One of my favorite plants this summer was a metal tub filled with Vinca rosea. In the past, this same plant turned to a blackened goo once the cold weather arrived.

Last year I pushed the bucket up against the side of the house. When spring arrived I was surprised to see new growth, and later the plant provided flowers all summer.

Basil and pepper plants are two plants that are perennials treated like annuals. Ideally, these plants would go into a green house for the winter.

Folks who don’t have a green house can bring a few potted plants indoors and place in a window that receives sunlight from the south.

You can also try your luck at keeping them in the ground or in pots outdoors. If its very cold, cover them up.

Just like other plants, trim them back to almost nothing if there is frost damage.

The website cautions that you don’t want to bring bugs into the house. The garden adviser suggested spraying outdoor plants with a stiff stream of water. Move to a different locations, wait a few hours, and spray again.

You’ll also want to check the underside of leaves and snip off any sections that might be infested.

If this sounds like too much trouble, you can always push the plants against the side of the house outdoors and hope for the best.

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Sow there! – Switching the fall veggies, the bugs will change as well, Sept. 23, 2016

September 23, 2016

If you’ve had a successful growing season, you might be looking at your summer vegetables with a bit of sadness. Squash and tomato leaves are turning crisp at the edges.

In my yard, the cooler weather means another (and maybe the last) flush of cherry tomatoes. We finally have yellow squash because we have become adept at hand fertilization.

What’s next?

Jerry Mendon, at Mendon’s Nursery in Paradise, said it’s not too soon to make the switch to winter vegetables.

Lettuce, spinach and chard all grow well through the winter months. They slow down as each month gets colder, then leap upward as the weather warms in spring.

Right now, while the air is still warm for germination, seeds can be planted each week for a staggered supply.

Potted veggies

If you don’t have a black plastic truck bed liner filled with soil, you can grow loose-leaf veggies in pots.

I’ve been extremely happy with Tuscan Baby Leaf kale the past few years. You trim off the leaves several times a week, and the plant responds by providing more leaves.

Just like most vegetable plants, the bugs will find you. Yet, pests usually don’t get unmanageable until the end of the plant’s normal life cycle.

When damage is light, I’ll flip over the leaves and look for clusters of eggs. Sometimes I’ll spray the plants with a bottle filled with water and half a tablespoon of dish soap.

If I’m eating my vegetables with my eyes closed, for fear I will watch myself eating bug eggs, it’s time to yank the whole plant.

The squash, for example, is reaching its critical bug mass about now.

The new growth is covered with colonies of squash-sucking bugs. I spray with soapy water and am hoping to get a few more squash before Halloween.

Jerry Mendon assured me there will be a new batch of bugs that love fall vegetables.

Cabbage butterfly, for example, will land in the yard like Mary Poppins taking a ride on an east wind.

“As soon as a plant goes in, she is there,” Jerry said of the female cabbage butterfly.

These are the small, papery white butterflies, which often come in twos and threes. They dance delightfully in the yard, spreading cheer (and dumping eggs on anything edible). Like most caterpillars, these will gobble up leaves of Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower, as well as kale, Jerry confirmed.

If it gets too bad, Jerry suggests Sevin dust (an insecticide). However, my plot of veggies is small enough I can usually spray and hand pick.

Greens and cold

Winter greens should be able to survive all but the coldest of cold.

Kale and lettuce seeds can also be tucked in among other plants. Just make sure you don’t plant some obscure exotic salad mix. You could yank the lettuce and throw the weeds in salad.

Cool season ornamentals

On the topic of Kale, Jerry just couldn’t say enough about ornamental winter kale. You could technically eat these plants, but they’re on the bitter side. Their beauty, however, is in bright winter color.

I told Jerry that winter kale had been a disappointment because they plants became a gathering spot for slugs.

The solution to this, Jerry said, is to mulch with cocoa bean shells. The shells are sharp and would do serious harm to a slug (or snail) silly enough to cross the cocoa bean shell terrain.

Another bonus, the mulch smells like chocolate for a little while. A bag is about 10 bucks.

By the way, Mendon’s has their seasonal sale, 40 percent off from Oct. 13-22.

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Sow there! – What do you plant where other plants have died?, Sept. 30, 2016

September 30, 2016

This week I phoned my friend Angela Handy, who knows most things gardenesque. The day I reached her she said she was spending a lazy afternoon, and spoke with such a relaxed drawl wondered if she was sitting in massage chair.

Could she help me with some ideas for fall planting, with an emphasis on plants that are drought-tolerant?

“My yard is always drought-tolerant,” Angela said. “I have spots I never water in the summer.”

Once she gets home from her job at Prestige Nursery, she doesn’t want to spend time watering. She brings home many plants, as one would imagine. Some thrive and some die, she said languidly.

Great. So what would she choose for filling in bald spots, where plants have died after years of drought?

A plant that came to her mind quickly is creeping wire vine, AKA Muehlenbeckia. Once established, the plant has almost no watering requirements, she said, especially in the shade.

The plants will also survive in the sun, even within close proximity to hot concrete, Angela said.

The plant has a reputation for being a invasive, but Angela said she “is not scared of it like I am with Vinca minor. (periwinkle).

One idea, which she may or may not get around to, is to plant creeping wire vine in green strips along the driveway.

People like driveway strips to allow water to percolate into the soil, rather than run down to the storm drain.

Maintenance required

The key with drought plants is that they still need watering during that first year. That’s why planting in the fall is ideal. The rain falls and the roots of the plant have a chance to grow. When the weather warms, you’ll still need to water, but not as often.

More plants to neglect

Angela said she’s had great luck with euphorbia. I looked this up and another name for euphorbia is “spurge.”

Many of us know spurge. It’s a spindly weed that really does grow in the cracks of the sidewalk.

About a year ago a truckload of dark gravels was delivered to my yard. There are so many spurge weeds now growing in the gravel, I’m wondering if the company sprinkled the rocks with weed seeds before the visit.

Yet, the good kind of spurge, euphorbia, can make great plants to fill in gaps. They’re known for having interesting clusters of flowers and will grow in almost any soil, except heavy clay, Angela said.

She said she is also quite fond of purple fountain grass. However, this particular plant will die back in a cold snap.

The Master Gardeners of Sonoma County suggest this plant as an alternative to lawns,

Yet, be careful. A similar plant, Mexican feather grass, is on the University of California Master Gardener’s radar for being evil and invasive, This online resource suggests Mexican deer grass instead, or blue grama grass,

Foxtail fern, or Myers’ asparagus fern, is a welcome volunteer in Angela’s yard. If you know asparagus ferns (a popular house plant in county fair entries), this fern is similar but different. The plumes include short needles and the plumes are more compact, rather than open and wispy. Angela has several plants in part sun, partial shade, and they have done well.

One thing to keep in mind is that each person’ yard is different — different soil, exposure to wind and sun. Each yard has a different person at the end of the hose.

Angela said she has killed just as many plants as have survived. Yet, she’s probably just being hard on herself.

One consistency in her gardening life has been roses, because most will survive neglect. As with all plants, there will be more reward if plants are given exactly what they need.

Comments Off on Sow there! – What do you plant where other plants have died?, Sept. 30, 2016

Sow there! – Big garden chores for cool days of September, Sept. 16, 2016

Many of the important things in life are done in quick bursts, followed by long periods of periodic maintenance.

Examples include:

• Finding a relationship.

• Searching for a job.

• Building a raised garden bed.

• Cleaning out the refrigerator.

Achieving those first results requires a huge effort or a lot of money. Yet, we enjoy the benefits for years to come. More examples include major home improvements, earning a college degree and liposuction.

Good garden weather

The past two weekends have been perfect for working in the yard. One Sunday I started in the morning before I had combed my hair, then realized it was noon and I had dirt all over my pajamas.

When I look around my yard I see several projects that required many hours of work. Mixing sand and soil for my wheelbarrow cactus garden was a big pain. However, all I need to do now is brush away a few leaves.

This week we planted star jasmine along the ratty metal fence. If all goes well, a privacy hedge will grow, overflowing with fragrant flowers and glossy leaves.

Twenty years ago I helped plant a needle-nosed ivy along an ugly concrete wall. Now I see a wall covered in green.

I could keep going with examples, but you get the point. While the weather is nice, why not do a big garden project? The rewards will continue for years.

Words on ornamentals

All summer I have resented the fact that we are growing eggplant. My boyfriend claims that he loves the purple fruit, yet it hangs there, untouched, sad, faded and now limp.

I don’t like eggplant unless it’s slathered in sauce and cheese or served as a sushi taco at Izakaya Ichiban.

To try to solve the eggplant excess problem, I’ve been exceedingly nice.

Could I add eggplant to his half of the veggie stir fry?

No thanks, my boyfriend said.

How about some fried eggplant with eggs?


I must have taken a happy pill the day I offered to try using sliced eggplant instead of lasagne noodles.

He said he didn’t want to heat up the house by turning on the oven.

My new strategy is to consider eggplant as an ornamental plant.

If that’s the case, I can harvest the beautiful fruit and give them to a third-grade teacher for craft projects. One clever mom with a website,, uses buttons and flat thumbtacks for eggplant faces. Many foods can be carved into disposable ink stamps. Dried eggplant-head dolls?

Judging from Pinterest, I could be a pioneer in eggplant crafts, because my search turned up very little of interest.

More vegetable news

Several weeks ago I contacted Bob Scoville, my go-to source at Glenn County Master Gardeners. He helped with some tips on how to fertilize squash by hand. I know this topic is a jarring departure from eggplant, but squash is actually an interesting topic.

Bob also forwarded a fact sheet about the history of squash.

We all think of zucchini, for example, as an Italian fruit. However, squash comes from the Americas.

Seeds and other squash parts dating back 8,000 years have been found in Mexican caves.

American Indians shared squash with European settlers, the pamphlet states. The Europeans brought seeds back to their countries and helped make new versions. That’s where “zucchini” comes along. In the late 1800s a new type of squash was bred in Milan, and later brought back to the United States in the 1920s.

Zucca is the Italian word for squash and zucchina means little squash.

The University of California pamphlet gives zero information on how to use zucchini in third-grade crafts.

Comments Off on Sow there! – Big garden chores for cool days of September, Sept. 16, 2016