Sow there! – A garden inventory as seasons change, Sept. 8, 2016

September 8, 2016

Fall is the season of contemplation.

As the days become shorter, I write in my journal more often and turn off the car radio to think while I drive. At the end of summer I toss out a few tired outfits, and think about the times I’ve twirled in those faded dresses.

In September I wonder whether I am having too much fun in life, and the direction I should turn to find more joy.

Mulling it over is also common for farmers and gardeners at this time of year. What worked and what should I try again?

Ixnay on eggplant

The dark lavender petals of eggplant flowers look like they are made out of crepe paper, with contrasting yellow centers. The fruit itself is so glorious that the word “eggplant” is used to describe a color.

Yet, I’d much rather eat just about any other food.

My beau claims that he loves eggplant, but he’s only eaten it from our garden twice this year.

Water is precious.

Space is precious. Why are we growing eggplant?

Flowers not food

In our household, it’s my guy who really enjoys growing the vegetables. I love nibbling on cherry tomatoes while wearing my bathrobe, but I’d rather look at flowers.

A zucchini plant took up about three square feet of space in the black plastic truck bed liner filled with soil. We have harvested two zukes so far.

“Maybe we shouldn’t bother with crookneck squash next year,” I said while unloading food from the farmers market.

The next day my boyfriend sent me a photo of two cheery yellow squash. “You see,” he wrote, “diddling the flowers really does work.”

Yes, the squash are finally producing fruit, but only because we hand-pollinate any female flowers we see. This requires a careful inspection each morning. I’m thrilled we finally learned the new pollination trick. However, I’ve purchased squash at the farmers market for most of the summer.

Give them some shade

We moved to our new house two years ago, and some lessons take years to learn.

After the first blazing summer we put up a few shade structures, including a triangular shade sail and one of those pop-up awnings.

I did a great job of tucking shade-loving plants into deep shade. However, the sun-loving plants did not love way too much sun.

I forgot that the direction of the sun shifts over time. Plus, this was a hard summer. We had several weeks when the temps rose to 100-plus for days in a row.

On more than one occasion I found those shade-loving plants nearly dead and crispy fried.

Most of these plants revived after I trimmed off the dead stuff and placed them in a shaded recuperation zone.

The lesson here is that even if the plants supposedly do well in full sun, they don’t necessarily love the Great Incineration that is Chico in mid summer.

On lessons learned

Right now I’m wishing I had planted multiple pots with zinnia and moss rose (portulaca).

Both of these plants take a while to get up to speed, but provide glorious late-summer bloom while everything else had faded.

Last year I wrote a column about the amazingly abundant orange butterflies, Agraulis vanillae. Don Miller, a bug expert from Chico State University, said this particular butterfly is known to feast on passion vine. I found the passion vine behind my neighbor’s fence and have been watering it from my side of the fence all summer.

Nearly every stem on that vine has been devoured by caterpillars.

It seems like every Agraulis vanillae on the block pays a visit to the zinnia growing on my front porch.

I simply wish I had grown more zinnia.

Other plants still providing summer splendor include impatiens (which have been carefully shaded) and gerbera.

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Sow There! – Daffodils make a great go-to bulb, Sept. 1, 2016

September 1, 2016

I don’t quite fit the profile of a frequent Costco shopper. We have a cat but no kids. I’m not the leader of a Girl Scout troop. My house is too small to store 60 rolls of paper towels. Yet, I roam the clean, double-wide aisles of Costco at least once a week.

The behemoth of shopping for folks with big-pantries is located just a few blocks from my work. When I desperately need a break from my desk, I’ll flash my membership to card and gather free snack items.

It’s like adult trick-or-treating.

With all of these snack visits, I somehow missed the big rack of spring-blooming bulbs.

Like most big-box stores, Costco stocks kayaks in winter and sweaters in mid summer. Right now you can buy Christmas wrap.

While I regularly make fun of this trend, including making loud, cackling noises at the mechanical witches, I appreciate the reminder to buy fall-planted bulbs.

If I time it right, I can buy the bulbs in August, then procrastinate for several months. Bulb-planters can also place bulbs in the ground every two weeks, from now through Thanksgiving, to allow for a staggered bloom.

Not loving leftovers

Yet, you can’t buy a small package of bulbs at Costco. I still have some paperwhites remaining from last year.

Bulbs are resilient. I stored them in the shed, which is relatively cool and dry. When I pinched them this month the bulbs still feel firm.

About 20 years ago I tried to buy a bucket of shriveled naked lady bulbs at a garage sale. They looked like prunes and the lady refused to take my money. I put them in the ground and some of them grew. I divided them over the years, and even planted some in the yard of my neighbors.

That’s great, but life is short. If you want fantastic blooms next year, buy fresh bulbs.

Care of old bulbs

Some people will dig up their bulbs after bloom and store them for the winter. For best results, snip off the flowers as soon as the blooms start to fade. This

directs all of the plant’s energy back to the bulb, where energy is stored for growth next year. Allow the green leaves to die back naturally, to direct that energy to the bulb. Once the leaves start to turn yellow, stop watering.

When the soil is dry, you can dig up the bulbs.

Instead of all that, I let the leaves die back then stash my containers filled with bulbs along the side of the house.

A few weeks ago I needed one of those 15-gallon containers to replant a hibiscus plant.

The bulbs still seemed viable, in particular the hyacinth bulbs. I was already dirty and sweaty by this point, so I kept going.

Some of my pots looks almost empty. Others had a few rotten bulbs. Of the four giant pots I investigated, I ended up combining the bulbs into three containers.

I’m glad I spent the time, but it was a lot of work. In the future I think I’ll dig down a bit with a trowel and decide whether to simply add a few new bulbs in each container.

Those professional bulb-growers really know what they’re doing. They have the perfect soil, automatic drip systems, the right timing and application of fertilizers …

When we buy those bulbs they are ready to grow and burst.

Extra advice

If you love tulips, don’t expect them to bloom beautifully more than one year. This area just does not have the right climate. Also, ground and tree rodents love to eat tulip bulbs.

If you’re bored with normal, happy, yellow daffodils, mix it up. Some daffodils grow with a peach-colored center, others are white with yellow center, yellow with orange centers or yellow and yellow.

Check with your gardening friends before buying. The best bet is to trade 10 bulbs from your bag for 10 bulbs in their big bag.

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Sow there! – Heat can stunt growth for squash, tomatoes, Aug, 25, 2016

August 25, 2016

The hard part about learning new things in the garden is that we’re not scientists. When my squash flowers shriveled without producing fruit, we tried everything suggested by the Glenn County Master Gardeners. We watered less, added some nutrients, checked for bugs. Just for good measure, we did a squash dance and sprayed away the ants and aphids.

I’ve also been out there every morning spreading pollen from the male flowers to any female flowers spotted on the vines.

It’s working. This week we harvested two yellow squash and can see a few more on the way.

However, how do I know what technique did the trick?

This is how old wives tales are created. Someone about my age says “last time my squash did not grow, I tied purple string around the leaves and suddenly I had 15 squash overnight.

To add more mud to the mix, I read recently that the dismal squash season could simply be due to the heat.

This week Nancy Lindahl mentioned in her Wednesday food column that tomatoes seem skimpy this year. (Check out her excellent tomato recipes in the same column).

Two weeks ago I chatted with almond grower Rocque Merlo,, who said very hot weather can lead to smaller nuts because cell production slows.

We’ve had several week-long hot streaks this summer. If that can make almonds smaller, why wouldn’t it slow down tomatoes and squash?

More hot weather woes

The website for Bonnie Plants, includes hot weather advice, including varieties the company recommends for places where the summers are scorching.

Tomatoes, the Bonnie folks state, will fail to pollinate if the temps are 85-90 degrees in the day, and above 75 degrees at night.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been sleeping with just a sheet for most of the summer.

The article suggests placing tomatoes where they will receive direct sun just in the mornings, then partial shade for the heat of the day, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Not so-red when ready

The Bonnie folks also suggest picking fruit earlier. We’re waiting for tomatoes to become deep red. However, when it is 95 degrees or more for several days, the fruit may simply ripen to the color orange. You can pick fruit and let it continue to ripen indoors, the writers suggest.



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Sow there! – Recipes for good eggplant few and far between, Aug. 11, 2016

Sow there! – Recipes for good eggplant few and far between

August 11, 2016

I’m not a big fan of eating eggplant. The texture is mush and the taste is bland unless mixed with foods that actually contain flavor.

As an ornamental, this member of the nightshade family is a beauty. The shiny, deep-purple skin makes eggplant an old standby in still life paintings. The flowers are also stunning, with lavender, pointed petals and contrasting yellow centers.

Yet, you lose that aesthetic beauty when the gray slices of eggplant hit the frying pan.

There are exceptional recipes, of course. Eggplant Parmesan is amazing. Also note that if you crispy-fry cardboard and slather it in marinara sauce and melted mozzarella, people will throw their arms in the air and exclaim “Mama mia!” I’ll also forgive the use of eggplant in stews and stir-fry. These dishes are a free-for-all and its hard to even know what you’re eating.

In contrast, my Handsome Woodsman claims he loves this summer and fall vegetable beauty. Among his favorite eggplant dishes is stewed tomatoes, garlic, onion and generous portions of eggplant. It’s actually tasty, as would be any bowl of mush seasoned with garlic and onions.

I was beginning to doubt his claims of deep eggplant appreciation. Over the past two years I have purchased particularly pleasing purple, fiber-filled eggplants. These looked beautiful when sitting, untouched, in the brown wooden bowl next to the microwave.

Of course, it’s my fault. He won’t cook a shared eggplant meal if he knows I will complain.

Ticklish food plants

Early this summer my beau came home with half a dozen eggplants — the actual plants — with green leaves.

We don’t seem to have bees in our backyard, but veggies are doing well if we remember to tickle the stems whenever we see flowers.

He tickled the plants when I wasn’t looking and now we have dozens of gorgeous, purple eggplant ready for him to eat.

By the way, tickling works for other plants, including peppers and tomatoes. These plants have flowers with both male and female parts. Often, wind does the job of moving the pollen where it needs to be. However, humans can help every flower become fruitful by tickling the stems. I even like to rattle the cage.

Eggplant suggestions

Back to eating: My bossman suggests slathering sliced eggplant in olive oil and garlic and grilling on the barbecue. Finish with a generous amount of Parmesan cheese. We also thoroughly enjoy the eggplant sushi tacos at Izakaya Ichiban on Notre Dame Boulevard. Large eggplant is sliced thin, breaded and frozen in the shape of a taco shell. When prepared, the shell is deep-fried and filled with sushi goodness.

August is hornworm month

August is national tomato hornworm month.

I had my first hornworm encounter this week, which means I found one worm and soon found two others.

Next time you’re standing next to your tomato plant and popping fruit into your mouth, be on the hunt for stripped stems.

This means you have a hornworm.

Other obvious signs are little globs or dark green or black on the leaves. This is hornworm poop.

Follow the stripped leaves with your eyes until you find the perfectly camouflaged hornworm. I like to chop them in half with the garden clippers.

From now until tomatoes are done for the season, gardeners may want to check their plants daily. To make it easier to see new hornworm damage, snip off the stripped stems as soon as you kill a new nibbler. This way you’ll be able to spot new damage.

At the end of the season, check for hornworm pupae under the surface of the soil where tomatoes once grew. These are leather-looking, lifeless bug capsules that will later hatch into the glorious sphinx moth. The big moth is helpful to pollinate night-blooming flowers. However the flyer will also lay eggs for future hungry hornworms.

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Sow There! – Grow new food plants in water, July 21, 2016

Sow There! – Grow new food plants in water

July 21, 2016

If you have basil and tomatoes in the garden, all you need is some fresh mozzarella to make a summer caprese salad.

Fresh mozzarella is different than the big balls of white cheese we use for pizza. The fresh stuff is sold in the fancy cheese section and comes in a tub of water.

The salad is simple; slice a ripe tomato into thin circles and do the same with a ball of soft mozzarella. Layer with fresh basil leaves and drizzle with just a bit of balsamic vinegar.

Some people add olive oil, crushed garlic or salt and pepper.

You can serve with soft break or toasted baguette slices, but why bother with the carbs?

The key is to pick the tomato fresh.

Basil lives again

A few weeks ago I bought a big bunch of basil at the farmers market, intending to make pesto. The basil sat around in the fridge and turned to mush. I asked the farmer for his advice. He recommended placing the green bunch in a glass of water on the counter.

The experiment was inspiring.

After several days, the plant produced white flowers. I changed the water, nipped leaves for caprese and went about my business. One day I noticed the plant had produced roots.


I love to make new plants through cuttings, but I had completely forgotten that basil works as well.

The same is true of tomato stems, by the way, Place in water and you can grow a new plants.

While many of us are familiar with reproducing house plants by placing a stem in water, we seldom think about multiplying herbs and veggies this same way.

“Live lettuce,” can be transplanted to the yard if its sold with a root ball. Try this when the weather turns cool.

Green onions are a great bargain at the farmers market. To grow a new plant, simply keep about 1/4 inch of the white part of the onion and all of the roots intact.

Next, make a hole in the soil with your index finger, and pop the root and partial onion into the soil, about an inch deep.

As the onion grows you can trim off the green leaves for salads and seasoning.

The onions I planted about a year ago are now so large they sent up big onion flower balls.

Outdoor/in jar plants

We had one long chill last winter and I thought vaguely about saving the outdoor philodendron plant. However, it’s crazy big and would have blocked the TV.

Instead, I took some cuttings. I placed these in a vase of water on a tall bookshelf. At night, the light from the desk lamp reaches the leaves and makes majestic patterns on the ceiling.

Now the plant is long overdue for placing in soil.

To wrap up this topic, other plants that are easy to root in water include geranium, creeping Charley, coleus, mint, lemon verbena and pothos.

One website I explored also recommended regrowth from romaine lettuce, by submerging the roots in water. This is also theoretically true for celery. Let me know if this works for you. I already have enough clutter on my countertop.

In general, here’s the super-easy tips for growing houseplants from a cutting:

Cut the plant stem at an angle and trim off the lower leaves. Allow a few leaves to remain at the top, sticking out of your vase or jar.

Change the water frequently and place in indirect sunlight. When you’re confident you have enough roots in your jar, transplant to a pot of soil.

If you fail the first time, don’t fret. Your investment was nothing.

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Sow There! Bugs in the garden are easy to spot when you have a day off 8-6-15

  1. Aphids are slimy after being sprayed with soapy water. The Portulaca has not been doing very well after aphids and ants found the plant to be the perfect snack zone for the suckers.Heather Hacking — Enterprise-Record

    I had an extra day off work this week and nowhere in particular to go.

    As a treat to myself I decided not to go to the gym, not to wash clothes and to forget about the dirty dishes in the sink.

    It seemed perfectly reasonable to spend my idle time staring at my plants.

    Just a few days prior, my beau had spotted the first hornworm of the season.

    Mom was visiting and I guess I was showing off. I grabbed the hornworm carefully between the blades of pruning shears and sashayed around the patio with the green gobbler.

    Mom cheered me on and shared the oft-told story of Uncle Jimmy and the hornworms.

    Long ago, mom’s grandmother offered a nickle per bug, which sent the grandchildren into a hornworm finding frenzy. Uncle Jimmy demonstrated exceptional zeal, laying his hornworms on the ground and systematically stomping on them: “five cents, 10 cents, 15 cents,” he chanted.

    In another version of the story, the hornworms are fed to the chickens after payment.

    Farmers are harvesting almonds this week, which is ahead of schedule. It may be my imagination, but it seems like tomato hornworms are ahead of schedule as well.

    If you have 8 minutes you can watch a video of the entire life cycle of the critter, from egg to gorgeous sphinx moth:

    This video was personally reassuring that I am not the only one who spends hours staring at plants.

    One reason we don’t spot hornworms earlier is because the eggs are tiny, about 1.5 millimeters. For perspective, the length of a flea is 1.5 mm.

    Also, the small, medium and large hornworms are the exact color of the tomato plant upon which they are feasting. The best way to spot them is to find a stem where all of the leaves are eaten, and travel with your eyes toward the center of the plant. Hornworms also give themselves away by dropping dark-green globs of worm poop. Look for the worm several inches above the leaf covered with worm poop.

    While continuing to stare at plants, I also found some great praying mantises in the sunflowers.

    The biggest bug jackpot was in plain view and sucking the life out of the poor Portulaca.

    Portulaca, also known as moss rose, is a great container plant known for surviving abysmal heat. As the petals drop, you can often find a little bundle of black seeds, which are fun to sprinkle in bare soil.

    I dug my fingernails into some black spots, only to find something black and sticky.


    Fortunately, I did not need to rush off to work this day.

    Almost every stem of the succulent plant was covered with tiny black bugs – aphids.

    Ants were also standing periodically, keeping care of the aphid herd to collect honedew (the excretion of plant-sucking aphids).

    Nature is fascinating.

    Similar to early ranchers in the Sacramento Valley, the ants saw this portulaca as a vast prairie, perfectly suited for aphid ranching.

    Never mind that a monstrous woman with a squirt bottle filled with soapy water would come along and dash the ants’ pioneering spirit.

    If I had a few more days off from work I would take an eight-minute video to show what happens to aphids after being sprayed with soapy water.

    After mom’s visit, my sister stopped by. I offered her a basil plant for her kitchen window, but she was afraid the pot might have bugs in the soil.

    I had no idea what she was talking about. The aphids, ants, hornworms and praying mantises were currently preoccupied with other greenery.

    Yet, when we reached for the basil plant, a particularly fuzzy spider made a quick exit.

    Over the next few hours I had fun putzing around the yard, offering my sister plants. Even though there were no more spiders, every once in a while I squealed as if a spider had jumped onto my arm. No matter how old I get, its still fund to tease my older sister.

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Sow There! Don’t buy the hype on specialty fertilizers 5-12-2016

Cacti may be remarkably different plants than others, but the still need the same type of food. Local nurseryman Jerry Mendon says you don't need to get fussy with fertilizer. Just give plants some basic food.
Cacti may be remarkably different plants than others, but the still need the same type of food. Local nurseryman Jerry Mendon says you don’t need to get fussy with fertilizer. Just give plants some basic food.Heather Hacking — Enterprise-Record

Folks who have known Jerry Mendon since before pluots were invented, know that he’s a straight-forward type of guy. When I chatted with the long-term Paradise nurseryman a few weeks ago he was mirthfully annoyed by fertilizer hype.

What sparked the conversation was Jerry’s recent encounter with specialized palm tree food.


Jerry didn’t actually say “phooey,” but that’s what he meant.

“This got me to thinking,” Jerry actually did say. “To a plant, fertilizer is food. It doesn’t matter what kind it is.”

As a practical man, the idea of having 15 kinds of specialized plant food on a store shelf is irksome.

The Patriarch of Mendon’s Nursery in Paradise said it’s not just palm food. Gardeners can find azalea food, vegetable food, rose food …

“When a person says what kind of food do I need, I ask them what do they already have.”

The whole trend of specialty foods started in the 1950s, he recalled. Before that, there were just a handful of fertilizer brands, made by four main companies.

“About the mid ’50s, someone on Madison Avenue got the brainy idea that if we came up with foods for everything,” customers would buy more than one bag of plant food.

Now we have bulb food, citrus food, snapdragon food, Jerry said.

“They’re all in the same range” in terms of phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium.

When you look at the numbers on the side of a fertilizer bag, you’ll see something like 5x5x5. That means 5 percent nitrogen, 5 percent potash (potassium) and 5 percent phosphate (phosphorus). Other combinations like 6x10x4 are right in that same ballpark, Mendon said.


While I had Jerry on the phone, I picked his brain for what to do in my own vegetable garden this year.

We have a black plastic truck bed liner used as a raised bed. Last year we filled half the bed liner with brand new soil, mixed with sphagnum peat moss, seasoned steer manure, organic (bagged) compost and a bunch of cheap topsoil (less then $2 a bag at a big-box store).

The bed liner is on a slope, and nutrients drip out the bottom.

My plan had been to add more steer manure this season.

Jerry, who was already on a roll from the fertilizer conversations, said the steer manure really wouldn’t do much and was “not worth the price.” Also, big animals are fed so many chemicals, I would be introducing all of that into my vegetable plot, he continued.

“The maim thing with soil is to get some sort of mulch in it,” Jerry urged. This loosens the soil. Next, add something that will provide “food” for plants.

He suggested a soil amendment called Paydirt , which contains a large percentage of aged chicken manure. Other ingredients are redwood sawdust and mushroom compost.

He also suggested mixing very good soil with an equal part of garden soil.

Mendon said he gives this same advice for people growing tomatoes in 10-gallon buckets.

Some plant advisers will say that adding soil from the yard is not the right choice. Yet, Mendon said he disagrees. Native soil helps with moisture retention.

Paradise is known for having heavy soil. Mendon said he sells a lot of Bumper Crop, a soil amendment that contains trace minerals and bark. The amendment is treated with nitrogen. Normally, as bark decomposes it grabs nitrogen from the soil. The extra nitrogen in this bagged product counteracts this issue.

For my half of a truck bed liner, Jerry recommended I add about six bags, which sell for about $8 each.


He said to also be wary of products that contain ammonia sulfate. This is a quick release fertilizer that can do more harm than good.

An article from the Almaden Valley Nursery,, notes that the product can make dull grass look green in two days. Yet, only the foliage was fed, not the roots. Over time, salts in ammonia sulfate can build up and change the pH of the soil, this article states.

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Sow There! Better friendships through food sharing 6-23-16

Donut peaches
Donut peaches Heather Hacking — Enterprise-Record
CurrantsCurrants Heather Hacking — Enterprise-Record

I rarely go a week without visiting a farmers market. I love the colors, enjoy running into friends and I usually find something to eat. However, my freezer is packed with fruit and both crisper drawers in the fridge are full.

When I visited Mom, she showed me her new raised beds and sent me home with a bag full of squash.

Our paper’s advertising director, Fred, shared some of his plum harvest with his fruitless coworkers. My boss at work — even more squash.

Sharing food from our yards is one of the beautiful things about living in bountiful California.

My coworker Sally lives on the outskirts of town where residential streets blend into orchards. At times her neighbors have held garden parties. The friends begin the tour in one yard, spend a half an hour, and visit each gardener on the block. Because so many people grow food, people swap melons for tomatoes.


If you think about it, one mature fruit tree produces a barrel-full of fruit. Nobody likes to eat the same food day-after-day.

Yet, if each person on your block grew a different type of fruit, you could hold fruit-salad parties.


The Jesus Center 1297 Park Avenue, will also gladly accept your fresh garden edibles. You can take them to the back door near the kitchen, or through the front doors on Park Avenue.


We’re big into using the dehydrator when someone shouts out an offer to raid their fruit tree. Some of our favorites dried fruits are peaches, Roma tomatoes, persimmons, plums and apricots.

Dried fruit can be chopped into bits with scissors and added to salads or oatmeal.

You can also combine dried fruit, almonds and chocolate chips for a home version of trail mix.


LaDona Knigge sent me a note recently with an invite to pick some of her donut-shaped peaches.

It did not take me long to dig the dehydrator out of the shed and gather up the grocery bags with the strong handles.

LaDona is a clever gardener and her specialty is growing food in just about every corner of the yard.

Beginning in 2010 she and her late husband Willis Geer turned an ordinary home with a front lawn into a food oasis.

By the time the drought slowly crept into our lives, she had colorful balls of food growing right outside her front door.

It takes time and care to grow good among a home’s landscaping.

Her peach tree is near the street, with the heat from the sidewalk doing magic on the ripening fruit. She keeps the tree trimmed small for easy reach and no risky moves on the top of a ladder.

Most of the yard is mulched, which would earn her a gold star in a drought garden contest.

In other parts of her yard she might cut a branch here and there to allow plants the sunlight they need. Or she might tuck an herb in an area that has a nice mix of sun and shade.

The result is that a visitor can walk around the yard nibbling at just about every arm’s length.

In the front, bright red currants look like salmon eggs, ready to put on the end of your fishing rod. Dried or fresh there are many recipes that call for currants,

Along the fence, LaDona has two blueberry bushed that doubled in size since the last time I visited. The plants are under a redwood tree, which is fine because blueberry plants do well in acidic soil. She said she trimmed a redwood branch to allow the two to coexist.

Along her side yard she has artichokes and herbs galore.

On the other side of the yard, a neighbor’s apricot tree branches out onto her side of the fence.


I haven’t tried this yet, but it sounds like a fun recipe found on,

Combine 1 1/4 cups dried figs with 2 1/2 cups additional dried fruit, such as applies, apricots, pears or prunes. Zip the fruits in a food processor until the mixture is like a paste. Mix in two tablespoons honey, two tablespoons orange juice and 1/2 cup cocoa powder. Cover and refrigerate until chilled. Next, roll into balls a little bigger than an inch wide.

I’m thinking while we’re at it, you might as well roll the balls in some coconut flakes.


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Sow There! Mid-summer veggies; what now? 6-9-2016

Just a few days after this picture was taken, these beauties are ready to be eaten, preferably while watering and while wearing my pajamas.

Summer vegetables are the sprinters of the plant world. They get out of the box at full speed — grow, produce, set seed and die — all within a single season.

Zucchini is just the best example. We put seeds in the ground in May. By early June the plants are growing several inches a day.

In mid July I will be picking one or two a day, try to find new zucchini recipes, choke down zucchini slices like they are popcorn, hand zucchini to friends, using the toaster oven outside to bake zucchini muffins, hand zucchini to strangers, plan to carve a canoe from zucchini that grew and grew …

Just about the time I remember how to actually spell zucchini without spell-check, the plants are tired and ready to die.

Is it worth it?

In addition to the plants in our black plastic truck liner raised bed, we have four tomatoes in 10-gallon pots. As of right now there are two medium-sized red tomatoes and about four golf-ball sized tomatoes. We also have dozens of dried, fruitless flowers.

“Is this worth it,” I said out loud while the cat circled around my ankles like a figure 8. “Couldn’t we just buy a tomato here and there at the store?”

Yes, my Handsome Woodsman confirmed. Yet, when was the last time I bought tomatoes and ate and enjoyed the fruit whole? When was the last time I treated a store-bought tomato like a sweet summer fruit?

He is right on this particular point. When I eat tomatoes I am standing in the yard, usually in the morning. I pick a fruit and let the flavor explode into my mouth.

If I make an omelete, I grab cherry tomatoes off the plant and throw them into the eggs whole.


When I called Jerry Mendon at Mendon’s Nursery in Paradise, I had several questions, but asked him about tomatoes as well.

“Are they worth it?”

I could tell he was wondering whether this was simply a rhetorical question.

After a pause Jerry said it like it is.

“I can’t stand store-bought tomatoes,” he said. The varieties are bred for mechanical harvest. The fruit has a tough skin. They are picked green for better packing, he said, among other things.

He’s right of course.


The conversation quickly shifted to dead tomato blossoms. Jerry confirmed that when it gets hot quickly flowers fade.

The reason has more to do with sudden change a in temperature vs. the actual temperature, he said.

Very soon we’ll have another flush of summer fruit, he predicted.

The best time for tomatoes to set fruit is when night-time temperatures are between 60-70 degrees.

Meanwhile, he suggested adding a heaping teaspoon of plant food about every two weeks to my 10-gallon containers. The first number of the plant food is nitrogen, and he recommended using fertilizer with a 4-8 as the first number. The other numbers matter much less.

As noted in an article about a month ago,, there’s no reason to buy specialty fertilizer for different plants, Mendon maintains. Plants can’t read the words on the bag, they just want plant food.


As for the rest of the raised bed, it’s probably time for me to add mulch. The problem is that I keep adding seeds to the open spaces in the soil.

Mendon recommended adding a mulch called Bumper Crop, which contains nitrogen. Mulch is always great for keeping in moisture and preventing weeds. However, as the mulch breaks down, it robs nitrogen from the soil.

Bumper Crop has the extra nitrogen to offset the depletion of nitrogen, Jerry explained.


Its not too late to plant basil seeds in the ground. Basil seeds grow easily. The leaves can be harvested for salads or to eat with tomatoes while you stand in the yard.

I personally always forget to plant fall-ripening food like pumpkins and winter squash. Now is a good time to place those seeds in the ground.

I was flattered that Jerry remembered I was growing things in a black, plastic truck bed liner. He said I should be careful not to plant seeds too close to the edge, which will be about a million degrees. His advice is to keep plants 10 inches from the edge. The good think about vines is that the leaves will grow over the edge, taking up very little space in the actual raised bed.

The vines can also be trained to climb as chain-link fence. Just be careful the vertical growth does not block the sun in your garden area.

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Sow There! Two is a crowd when it comes to cats in the yard, 5-26-16

Mystery kitty.
Mystery kitty. Heather Hacking — Enterprise-Record

Our cat, the Feline Unit, is a talker. She follows us around the house demanding wet food, saying hello, and demanding wet food.

Sometimes we hear her having long, soulful conversations with neighborhood cats. These aren’t the hiss-fits you hear when there are too many tom’s circling a dumpster. These are friendly little cat chats. I know it’s more than one gentleman suitor because I recognize their different voices.

Saturday evening I was in the yard salvaging the last of the kale and killing cabbage worms.

Up sauntered the most bizarre-looking lion kitty. At first I thought this orange cat had been shaved. It has a giant mane of hair and a ball of hair at the end of its tail. The rest of its fur is thin.

I looked up this bizarre cat hairstyle online. It’s called cat alopecia, and can be caused by mites, fleas, thyroid problems and cat neurosis.

I ignored the cat when it talked to me, but I recognized its voice. This was probably my chance to hiss, stomp my feet or throw pebbles. Yet, I was having a nice moment with my kale.

The cat hid under the wheel of my boyfriend’s car, telling me very important things.

Then it happened. I bent down to pull a mallow weed and the cat was on my hand faster than a racing pig at the county fair. It rubbed three parts of its body onto my extended hand before I had a chance to retract my fist full of mallow.

I started walking, fast mind you, toward my door. It followed, all of its meek disposition suddenly gone.

By the time I called Mandy, the cat was at the screen door, talking loudly.

“Congratulations on your new cat,” Mandy said. “What are you going to name it.”

Here’s the thing. There is NO way I am adopting a new cat, no matter how much my heart feels for this poor, very, very desperate, strange looking creature. We can’t have two feline units in the house.

I walked closer to the door while talking to Mandy. The cat’s cry increased four decibels and Mandy howled with laughter.

I’m thinking I’ll box up the cat and give it to her as a wedding present.

I can see how my kind-hearted friends end up with 12 cats in their yard. Every creature needs food. Every kitty wants love. Next thing you know you’re buying cat food in bulk at Northern Star Mills and walking around with multiple colors of fur stuck to your black skirts.

Wednesday night my boyfriend and I sat at the kitchen table when we heard the familiar sound of the cat door and kibble being nibbled.

However, our cat has a bell and a collar that clinks on the rim of the metal bowl.

Sure enough, the lion kitty had walked into the laundry room and was happily chomping.


I talked at length with Tracy Mohr, animal services manager at the Chico Animal Shelter. She said cats can have up to a two-mile roaming range. In all likelihood, this cat probably lives somewhere nearby. Cats often roam, she said. They might spend all day at one home, then spend the evening at another house begging for food and attention.

This makes sense, because I’ve been hearing this particular voice for a while. What’s new is actually seeing the cat. For all I know, it could have been been eating out of the laundry room for weeks.

My best bet, Mohr agreed, is to make my home inhospitable.

For the past 40 years society has trained people to take strays to the local animal shelter. Mohr said the reality is that only about 2 percent of lost cats are found this way. Most lost cats find their way home on their own, she said. The worst thing to do is to transport the cat to another part of town. Then the owner will never find their cat, she said.

This is a great time to make the pitch for having a microchip installed for pets. Mohr said I could bring the lion kitty down to the shelter to check if there is an owner nearby.


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