Reaching a state of bulb saturation 2-19-16

It's daffodil time.
It’s daffodil time. Heather Hacking — Enterprise-Record

I recently realized I have been planting daffodils like Mark Watney planted potatoes — as if my life depended on it.

Daffodils have been my no-guilt go-to plant when I need to get some dirt under my fingernails.

With the drought, I did not water the bulbs. If it rained, the bulbs were lucky. If the bulbs died in the ground, I would never know.

This week I realized I have reached the spring-bulb saturation point.

Big-box stores hire people with master’s degrees in product placement. In this case, I bumped into a 7-foot-high metal rack filled with spring-blooming bulbs. The rack was erected in such a way that bags of bulbs fell into my cart with almost no effort on my part.


My plan was to fill two big pots with bulbs each weekend. In the spring, my plan was to have two pots of daffodils in bloom each week.

Great plan. Life changed.

The holidays came quickly. There was a weekend at the coast. We both came down with a cold.

I never planted all of those bulbs. However, the bulbs that remain can be forced indoors, including paperwhites and hyacinth.

Meanwhile, the pots filled with daffodils are blooming big-time. Just as planned, each week a new pot is ready to move near the front porch for maximum enjoyment.

Now, here’s the funny part: When I filled the pots I placed them just inside the fence on the side yard.

When I went to move them, I realized there were anemic-looking bulbs under the pots.

Poor daffodils. I completely forgot where I planted them. Now I know how squirrels feel.

Looking back, I also bought too many bulbs last year. When I ran out of pots I started tucking bulbs into every corner of the yard, and apparently along the fence in the side yard.

It’s like an Easter egg hunt to track them down — behind the fence, at the edge of the house, in the path of the weedwacker.


If you missed it, Brett McGhie, Butte County Master Gardener, wrote a good article recently about bulbs we can plant right now, If you peruse his articles, you can keep scrolling and find other useful articles from people who have attended many classes to learn about gardening.

Valentine’s Day

For Valentine’s Day, my beau took me to the movies, but we opted out of the whole dress-up and dine-out routine.

If you think about it, Valentine’s Day is the last night I would want to spend a lot of money on a good meal. I don’t want to squeeze in a reservation, feel hurried by the wait staff and suffer through glares from people who want me to eat faster.

We’ll go out one night this week when we can chow down in a leisurely way.

A few weeks ago my guy announced it was time to take down the Christmas tree. The needles were starting to fall onto the carpet, which he claimed is a sign the tree has outlived its usefulness.

However, the tree was a Christmas gift and I did not put up the ornaments until the day after Christmas.

“Nope,” I told him after verifying the pine needle problem.

“I’ll take it down at Valentine’s Day.”

I think I’ll stick with this tradition. Christmas trees are fairly cheap when you buy them on Christmas eve. As far as frivolous, decorative items, I think there is a need for more of these in January and February.


Super-smart university prof. Lee Altier will host a workshop next Wednesday, 5-6:30 on how to build a bee hotel for native bees. Meet at the University Farm greenhouse classroom, at the University Farm off Hegan Lane, 311 Nicholas C. Schouten Lane. Suggested donation is $10 if you want to make a bee hotel. Otherwise the talk is free.

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The key to happiness is watching your plants grow 2-11-16

A pink hyacinth bloom really brightens up the kitchen table. This flower has been a source of joy for weeks, transforming from bulb to bloom.
A pink hyacinth bloom really brightens up the kitchen table. This flower has been a source of joy for weeks, transforming from bulb to bloom. Heather Hacking — Enterprise-Record
These bulbs were placed in hyacinth vases at different times, which theoretically means the blooms would be staggered.These bulbs were placed in hyacinth vases at different times, which theoretically means the blooms would be staggered.Heather Hacking — Enterprise-Record

I have no clue where I first heard that anticipation of taking a trip is more fun than actually taking the trip. How much this is true doesn’t really matter. Planning a trip is fun and taking a trip is fun.

Not having enough money to take a trip is just a bummer. Hearing about other people’s plans to take a trip when you can’t take a trip does not bring happiness.

Not even knowing what it might be like to take a trip is just plain sad.

This week I decided to check up on this trip happiness factoid. Is planning a trip really more fun than actually taking a trip?

I must say, I was rather shocked to find a New York Times blog ( about a study on the quantification of happiness, trip-planning and travel.

The article goes into some depth about the overall happiness of these nearly 2,500 people in Holland who were or were not taking a trip.

There was even a research survey conducted. You can read all the details here:

Obviously, some graduate student in the Netherlands gained happiness by finding a topic for her master’s thesis.

So here’s what I’m thinking … this happiness and anticipation isn’t isolated to trip-taking.

I’ve made a habit of finding anticipatory happiness from my plants.

This week I am quite content watching my hyacinth bulbs bloom indoors. You can also believe me when I say the entire process has been joy-filled.

One of the easiest bulbs to force this time of year is the hyacinth. I bought a jumbo bag at a big box store in August and gave half the contents to my mom.

If you can’t find any hyacinth vases at local thrift stores, you need to move more quickly next year. My mother and I spent the good part of a Sunday buying all that we could find.

A hyacinth vase is formed so that the bulb sits about a third of the way down the vase (see photo). Next, you carefully fill the vase until the water just barely touches the bottom of the bulb.

You might add half a teaspoon of water to the vase once a week.

The vase is clear, so you get the excitement of watching as the roots emerge from the bulb.

As of this week, three of the four hyacinth bulbs on my kitchen table are blooming.

They smell amazing.

No doubt, watching these bulbs over the past several weeks has brought me great joy. Was the joy of emergence more or less than the joy of actually being able to smell the flowers?

Yes. If I go back to school for my master’s degree, I’ll conduct a research project on the joy of watching plants grow.

As plants grow there is always something to anticipate. If love to garden, you probably agree that this brings joy.


My buddy Dan Reidel recently wrote about El Niño, and how we should expect a break of about 10 days before the return of the rain. Read the details here,

This is excellent news for almond farmers, who may have great weather during bloom.

For the home gardeners, its a great time to get some things done in the yard.

I’m hoping the Handsome Woodsman breaks out the weedwhacker this weekend, to beat back the grass that remains in that area we once called a lawn.

If you have some garden raised beds, this is a good time to work the soil, add compost, etc.

If you grew tomatoes last year, borrow a rototiller. Tomato hornworm pupa spends the winter in the soil. By finding and mashing those leather-looking pupae, you can cut back on summer tomato damage considerably.

You can also plant cool-weather leafy vegetables by seed, including lettuce and chard. If you work the soil really well, now is the time to plant carrots by seed.

Contact reporter Heather Hacking at 896-7758.

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Words of encouragement when battling invasive plants 2-4-16

Unruly privet, with a boatload of berries, is already taking over this section of alley in the Avenues. Each bird-luring berry has potential to be planted in your back yard.
Unruly privet, with a boatload of berries, is already taking over this section of alley in the Avenues. Each bird-luring berry has potential to be planted in your back yard. Heather Hacking — Enterprise-Record

If you sent me an email or a note on Facebook last week, thanks so much. I’m glad the short, but heart-felt rant about privet hit a nerve. I needed the encouragement to stay the course and rekindle my resentment against privet.

It feels really good to know others also hold a grudge against certain plants.

Susan Mason sent some useful information. If you don’t know her, Susan is a plant-yanking rock star and cofounder of Friends of Bidwell Park. If you looked at her hands I’m betting she has callouses from making our favorite green places better places.

In her very helpful email, she said her group has spent 4,835 hours removing privet, at last count.

Additionally, the Mount Lassen Chapter of the California Native Plant Society “logged almost 1,500 hours of privet removal on other Chico creeks, she noted.

This is unbelievable people. Lets give these people some rest.

Here is a link to some good photos of one common type of privet, If you learn what it looks like you can kill it in your yard. You can kill it if you see it growing from the crack in the pavement. You can shame your neighbors if they have privet growing as a hedge.

Today I am feeling badly that I almost let down my guard.

I had learned the evils of privet 20 years ago from my friend Shelley. However, when I moved to this new place and saw the plant growing everywhere, it seemed easier to let it grow than to spend time finding something else.

In her helpful note, Susan continued by saying that there are actually three invasive privet species in town, Ligustrum japonicum, Ligustrum lucidum and Ligustrum ovalifolium.

Now we know.

I asked Susan whether there were other plants we should really watch for.

One resource is, which has the hot list of plants a lot of people don’t like. If you check this out, you’ll notice that many of these are some very lovely plants. These might even be things you would buy in a six-pack at your favorite big-box store, such as periwinkle and Pampas grass.

In her note, Susan says that periwinkle was purposefully planted in Bidwell Park in the 1950s by Boy Scouts with very good intentions.

Next time you’re in the park you may admire the pretty blue periwinkle flowers. Yet, make a mental note of how this plant can sprawl for acres and acres.

When Susan and her fellow plant pickers work in the park they also yank olives, ailanthus and hackberry.

A University of California research article, talks about how much easier it is to identify plants that might really take over, rather than waiting until those plants really take over.

When we’re done talking evil and invasive, we might as well talk about really evil and really invasive. There’s a list for that as well.

Susan helpfully pointed me (and us) in the direction of the California Invasive Plant Council, which conveniently lists plants we should learn to hate.

Here you will find English ivy, scarlet wisteria, Russian olive and edible fig.

Uh oh. I don’t know about others, but we went out of our way to procure a fig tree. I guess it wasn’t that hard. It was a volunteer in someone’s yard.

The nice thing about this second website is that alternative plants are listed.

Now I’m in the market for some fast-growing plants that will cover up a cyclone fence. Vining plants welcome.

Does anyone have some volunteer plants they are willing to donate to my cause?

Contact reporter Heather Hacking at 896-7758.

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Sow There! Frost, lemons and lemon bar recipe 12-3-2015

Meyer lemons have a thin skin, which means you might need to work on more lemons to gather a good pile of zest for lemon bars. Heather Hacking — Enterprise-Record

If you love lemons, now would be the time to get to know your neighbors and offer to lighten someone’s lemon load.

Winter citrus is a timely treat. Yet, the weather can suddenly turn cold and ruin everything still in the tree.

This usually happens when you’re out of town on a long weekend.

Forward-thinkers are picking boxes of the golden fruit now before they panic on a frosty night.

My neighbor Bob showed up on our doorstep with a beautiful box of Meyer lemons, which are perfect for making lemon squares. (More on dessert below).

The Bossman has a mandarin tree that has produced enough fruit to keep a shipful of sailors safe from scurvy.

Mandarins are great for smoothies. Just peel them and tuck into plastic zipped snack bags. Freeze them with other bags filled with frozen grapes, peeled and frozen kiwis and even fistfuls of frozen spinach and kale.

This week a Twitter friend named Andy invited me to his house where he and his wife grow concord grapes.

These have an unbelievably rich taste and can even be used for grape pie.

All this food is literally hanging around, but chances are very high that we’ll have an overnight freeze.

Concord grapes, like Meyer lemons, taste above and beyond other varieties of their fruit type.Heather Hacking — Enterprise-Record


A UC Merced pamphlet gives tips for citrus and the cold.

Mandarins, as an example, could be fine after a brief chill of 24 degrees. However, several hours at 26 degrees, the fruit could be ruined.

What happens is the cells burst, and then the fruit dries out quickly. You may recall biting into a decorative lime, only to find it nearly juice-less.

The tree itself can also be damaged at very low temperatures. Younger trees are more vulnerable in temperatures in the mid 20s. If you have a young tree, watch the weather and cover the tree on those chilly nights.

If the tree is damaged, do not prune until spring. When the tree starts growing again, you’ll have a better picture of what parts are dead.


It wasn’t until I made lemon squares that I realized how much labor and love goes into those little slices of toe-curling yum.

The key to adding more zing is adding more lemon peel (zest), which means more time with a grater in your hand.

A few yeas ago my friend Kara offered this great tip: Use a vegetable peeler to carve off large chunks of peel at a time. Then use a small food processor to cut the zest into tiny bits.

If you’ll be making lemon square again, you can get extra zesty and freeze what you don’t need.

Also, its easy to burn the crust when baking lemon squares twice.

See the instructions below for the time-tested aluminum foil trick.

For crust:

1 cup all purpose flour

1/8 tsp salt

1/2 cup confectioner’s sugar (the same amount of regular sugar also does the trick)

1 stick butter, melted/not hot (or omega-rich butter alternative)

For filling:

2 large eggs

3/4 cup sugar

1 1/2 Tbs all-purpose flour

6 Tbs juice from two lemons

2 tsps (or more) finely grated lemon zest


Set oven to 325 degrees.

Spray an 8-by-8-inch baking pan with cooking spray. Line the pan with foil, so the foil overhangs all the sides. Then spray the foil with cooking spray.

Mix flour, salt, powdered sugar in a bowl, stir in butter to form dough (I put the butter in the microwave on defrost for about a minute to soften it).

When the mixture forms a dough, press into the bottom of the foil-covered pan. I used wax paper to flatten the dough. Another suggestions is to flatten with a measuring cup.

Double bake:

Bake the dough for 15 20 minutes, until pale brown.

In the meantime, whisk eggs, sugar, flour, lemon juice and zest in medium bowl.

When the dough is done, pour in the lemon mixture. Bake 20 minutes more.

While still warm sprinkle with a light dusting of powdered sugar, so the warmth helps the sugar stick. Some folks might use a flour sifter, for fancier application.

After cooling, you can tear away the foil and cut into small squares.


If you make a mistake or the lemon bars are not exactly perfect, you need to eat those mistakes before anyone notices.

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Sow There! Frost and plants, big decisions 11-19-2015

Mendon’s Nursery in Paradise is well stocked with chrysanthemums, a great table centerpiece that can be tossed out after the season. Heather Hacking — Enterprise-Record

What’s most important? What can you live without? Are some things no longer worth the bother?

These aren’t just questions we ponder after age 40. We ask these questions when we hear frost is on the way.

A cold night last week had me worried. It turned out to be a false frost alarm, but the scare was good training.


Plants can freeze in the ground. Yet, potted plants are even more vulnerable because the roots are not protected.

As we transition into cold weather, try to keep your container plants well watered. Heat becomes trapped in the moist soil during the day, and will be released overnight.

For cold-sensitive plants, cover with a tarp or old sheet before nightfall. By the time it gets dark, most of that heat from the soil will have escaped.

If you work close to where you live, take an afternoon break when frost is predicted and cover sensitive plants before the daylight is gone.

Knowing what’s cold-sensitive and what is not may require some research. Temperatures below freezing, 32 degrees, does not necessarily mean plants will be damaged. Most plants that grow in this area will not be damaged until the cold dips down to 20-25. The longer the cold lingers, the more damage is possible.

Check out this list from Louisiana State University:

What you use as a cover is up to you. For small plants, a cardboard box or plastic tub might do the trick. You can also try sheets and blankets. Note that plastic that directly touches the leaves could burn the leaves.

On the rise

Just as hot air rises, cold air drops. If you have plants that might die in cold weather, move them to a location on an upward slope, or onto a porch. The coldest of air will drop to the lower zone.

Cool-season annuals at Mendon’s Nursery.Heather Hacking — Enterprise-Record

Several weeks ago my sister and I went on the Farm City bus tour, which included a stop at Mendon’s Nursery in Paradise. I took the opportunity to ask one of Mendon’s knowledgeable staff about portulaca. What was the best way to keep it alive during winter?

In case you aren’t familiar with portulaca, it also goes by the name of moss rose. The succulent does well in hot, hot places, including my metal wheelbarrow filled with poor soil. It flowers profusely in the middle of the hot, hot summer.

The Mendon’s guy was quick with his answer.

“It’ll die. It’s a heat-loving plant. Treat it like an annual.”

I loved that he was so succinct.

No judgement. Let it die.

I feel the same way about chrysanthemums.

Mums were on sale at Mendon’s that day and they are lovely. They come in a variety of fall fashion colors.

Now I have a chrysanthemum bouquet in the center of my kitchen table. More than two weeks have gone by and it shows no sign of fading.

After numerous attempts, I have never been able to make chrysanthemum bloom again. However, as a living bouquet it might thrive all winter.

You could make the same argument for orchids in bloom. When you give someone an orchid, the flowers will be stunning for months.

When the blooms fade, give the orchid plant to someone who knows how to care for orchids.

Poinsettias — exactly the same.

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Sow There! 12-31-15, When pepper Christmas tree gets gobbled, try a Valentine’s Day tree

Hyacinth bulb vases are ideal for forcing bulbs inside, because you can watch the roots grow into the water. However, this little fish bowl is a close second. Just add pebbles. Heather Hacking – Enterprise-Record
Heather Hacking-Enterprise-Record O’ Valentine’s Day tree. I don’t think you can really call it a “Christmas” tree if it gets placed in the tree stand Dec. 30.

This is a tough time for gardening. Every time I have a day off I think about putting more bulbs in the ground. Then I realize its uncomfortably cold outside.

On those long, dark Sundays, I found better things to do, like bake holiday cookies.

Even my cat doesn’t really want to go outside. She’ll take a little dash outdoors when absolutely necessary. The rest of the time we can find her curled into the new animal-print kitty bed with a 4-watt warming coil at the bottom.

If she could talk she’d be musing, “Living the dream, living the dream.”

To satisfy my garden itch, the kitchen table is now overrun by hyacinth bulb vases. I love checking them each day, often in awe that so many roots could grow from such a compact bulb unit.

While visiting my friend Perrin recently, I noticed she had little glass bowls filled with pebbles and hyacinth bulbs.

I cruised down to my favorite thrift store and found a cute little fish bowl. This is about the size you would use for a guppy won by tossing dimes at the county fair. I happened to have a bag of clean pebbles on hand, in the cupboard with other staples like flour and rice.

So far, there are four hyacinth bulbs in various stages of growth on the kitchen table.

If I do this right, I can continue to add water-filled vessels and have a bouquet of hyacinth flowers ready for Valentine’s Day.

That will be about the time we take down the Christmas tree.


Yep, one of my Christmas presents from my handsome woodsman was a four-foot tree.

I know it was an impulse buy, because I doubt he would pay $26.95 for a silvertip tree on Christmas Eve. That was the price on the tag. I’m guessing he paid the guy five bucks.

It’s beautiful. I love it. I have an excuse to keep a tree in the middle of the living room for several weeks.

Both my mother and my stepmother keep fully decorated (fake) trees in their living rooms year-round.

Several weeks ago I bragged about our indoor pepper plant that made a perfect a Christmas tree. It looked great for about a week. Yet, my beau noticed some holes in the leaves.

I didn’t want to believe it was a big deal. Maybe the bugs ate the leaves when the plant was still outside.

However, more holes appeared and the leaves started to droop.

After another week we both agreed that the bugs had to go outside before something hatched and flew away with my ornaments.

I inspected the plant in the sunlight. There they were, the hungry larvae nibbling their way across the foliage, just as happened recently with the kale plants in the raised bed.

In this case, the larva were dark green, the exact same color as the pepper plants.

As the holiday got closer, I couldn’t wait to start giving my guy some gifts.

First there was the Snark guitar tuner, because he was going somewhere and needed to be well tuned. Then, I thought he would look good in that new pair of 501 jeans.

I gave him a few gifts each day, and one day he went to the stores to buy me a thing or two.

Waiting until the last minute, apparently, is a good bargain shopping strategy.

The Christmas tree was one of the final gifts. He couldn’t really wrap it, so he had it hidden in plain view in the yard.

Because the tree will be around until Valentine’s Day, I’m thinking I could even call it a Valentine’s Day tree.

My beau could start buying Valentine’s Day gifts now, and place the wrapped items under the tree.

I could even make Valentine’s Day ornaments out of thick red paper, like we did in fourth grade.

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Sow There! How to plant paperwhites and surprises in the yard 11-12-15

The jumbo paperwhite bulbs are Narcissus Ziva. The flowers are easy to grow indoors and will grow in a dish with rocks and water. Heather Hacking-Enterprise-Record

With all the factors that can botch human attempts to grow food, it’s impressive we ever moved past hunting and gathering.

My recent experience growing vegetables reminds me why I prefer growing flowers.

We elevated our planting area to keep plants away from gophers and moles. Just when the kale was looking tender and tasty, cabbageworms made those plants their edible home. Earwigs sneak in at night. When I’m at work, birds swoop down and nip at young sprouts.

After all of that, it’s so much easier to bring several dollars down to the farmers market. Farmers must have magic spells that help them food grow.


This week my boyfriend Dave called and said he spotted a white rabbit among our potted plants.

I guess I just didn’t believe him, or didn’t believe something cute and cuddly could be a problem.

Later he called and said the rabbit had climbed into the black fabric pot where some spinach managed to grow.

In broad daylight?

Where was our cat?

I asked for photos.

This was not a scrappy, tan-colored jack rabbit with gangly legs and ears. This fluffy white bunny must have escaped from a neighbor kid’s 4-H pen.

I think we all understand why the rabbit made a mad dash and headed to my yard. The critter could clearly smell that something green and edible was growing nearby.

Heather Hacking-Enterprise-Record There’s a new pet in town, this one a bunny that apparently likes my yard better than its own. The attraction may very well have something to do with young spinach plants .

Moving on up

The precise reason that I purchased black fabric pots is that they are lightweight and portable. The leafy vegetables in pots can be moved onto pedestals high enough to frustrate the white rabbit.

We had dinner with friends Robert and Marie this week. The couple moved to a new home recently. Marie was proud of her new yard, and quite willing to give me a tour via flashlight.

When you move to a new home its not a bad idea to go to Habitat for Humanity’s ReStore every week. You’re bound to find something you need.

In the case of our friends, they picked up some older kitchen drawers and filled them with dirt.

The drawers were placed on top of boards that are balanced on two sawhorses.

Marie bought lettuce starts, now growing undisturbed by the myriad of perils that exist in my yard.


Meanwhile, it’s a little bit easier to control the growing environment indoors.

Recently my mom and I split a big bag of Costco paperwhites, Narcissus Ziva. They’re billed as extra large, and I must say these bulbs are as big as daffodil bulbs. Many of them have attached bulblets.

Paperwhites are known for being grown indoors. You can use a shallow container filled with just a bit of soil, or fill shallow containers with pebbles and water. No drainage holes.

Last weekend I scored some white ceramic containers at the thrift store. These are for baking very small loaves of bread, and still had a sticker on the bottom from Michael’s.

Next, I hit the dollar store for several bags of small, clean stones.

Because of the large size of the bulbs, I could only fit three into each small container.

To grow paperwhites, place the stones about 1-2 inches deep in the dish, then add the bulbs, with the wide section touching the pebbles. Add more stones so the bulbs stay in place. Most people group the bulbs so they are almost touching.

Next, add water so it just barely covers the roots of the bulb. Too much water will rot the bulb. You’ll need to check the water level every few days, more often if your cat drinks from the containers.

After about three weeks, move the plant to a sunnier location. You may need to stake the flowers so they don’t flop over.

Note that when planted in water, the flowers are relying on the bulb for stored energy. Plan to toss the bulb after bloom.


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Sow There! How to shop early for Christmas 11-26-15

In a small house all you need is a small tree. In this case, a pepper tree will do. Heather Hacking-Enterprise-Record

Gotta love those forward-thinkers at the bigger-box stores. Like it or not, we can peruse Halloween costumes in August and buy Christmas wrap by the second week in September.

I think the grand plan is that we buy things in the middle of the summer and hide them from children. These gifts are so well hidden, the parents forget and buy more gifts in October and November. By the time the holiday comes around, people have too many gifts.

For those extra gifts, many charities have barrels around town and you can make other children happy with those things you bought in August. We’ve put together an online map with gift drop-off locations. Check “share the season”:

After years of resistance, those mass merchandisers have finally worked their way into my brain. Not only did I start holiday shopping early, I think I’m done. Thanks to the early reminders, I started buying holiday gifts when I was still wearing shorts and Croc sandals.

I thought ahead and made purchases on the Sierra Oro Farm Trail, at the downtown Chico Harvest Sidewalk Sale, and during my regular trips to the Chico farmers market. I’ll make one more dash for perishable gifts, but other than that I think I’m done.

Close friends will nod knowingly when I say I hate, hate, hate mainstream shopping. I lack patience, dislike overwhelming smells and pay very little attention to fashion. Sometimes I’ll have a panic attack while circling around the mall and looking for a parking place. It’s no fun to shop with me because I’ll growl if I see obstacles ahead, such as double-wide baby strollers.

I realize this makes me a poor consumer unit.

We’re Americans. Half the economy is tied to nonessential purchases. By the time we can spell the alphabet we also know how to ask Mom for something made by Mattel for children age 4-6.

The best way to convince me to shop is to throw a big can’t-miss community event (see examples above).

Chico’s Christmas preview really has it right. This isn’t shopping, its a big street party with shopping slipped in on the side. Christmas preview has bowls of chocolate, a tower of cupcakes, music on most street corners and ballerinas dancing in the windows. Somehow I don’t even mind when the double-wide strollers stop in the middle of the sidewalk.


With most of my presents ready to wrap, the rest of the holiday preparations are falling into place. As luck would have it, I never took down the white Christmas lights down from the living room.

Also, we had a cold snap a few weeks ago. Our jalapeno plant had grown fabulously large this summer in a black fabric pot. When it got really cold, I dragged the plant into the living room. The somewhat leaky fabric pot was placed inside a better-looking plastic pot. The pepper bush already has dozens of red jalapenos hanging from the branches, which are even better than actual ornaments. It took just a minute to unravel some of the white lights from the door frame and drape the string of lights around the pepper plant. The pepper plant was growing inside a tall metal tomato cage. That cage is great for hanging ornaments.

Many regulars at the Saturday farmers market remember Mike Morgenroth, who sold tomato seeds in yellow envelopes. Before he died, he taught me that several plants we grow in summer will survive the winter if brought indoors. Hot peppers, eggplant, basil and tomatoes are actually perennials, he said. In Chico we think they’re annuals because they die when it gets cold.

I know basil will grow indoors, and now it’s time for the hot pepper Christmas tree.

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Passion vines and butterflies, a delightful combination, 10-09-15

Agraulis vanillae, takes a little break on a zinnia flower.Heather Hacking—Enterprise-Record

My yard has been blessed with butterflies all summer.

There’s something special about these insects, as evidenced by their popularity in greeting cards, jewelry and tattoos.

Is it because they are so delicate? As if the mere wind could crumple their wings? Or perhaps because of the way they move — dancing softly, hesitant to land. Maybe because they are fleeting, a creature that flutters by but will likely not linger.

Early in the season I spotted one small, orange butterfly.

It’s been a dry summer and not much has bloomed in my yard.

Soon there were two of the insects, which is always more fun. I like to imagine they are in love or in some other insect way enjoying the wave of air in tandem.

As the summer months continued, more and more butterflies flitted by. They came in pairs and sets of three. Recently I counted a row of six. A group of butterflies, by the way, is called a kaleidoscope.

One Saturday afternoon photographer Dan Reidel and I had an assignment, but I needed to stop by my house.

As I retrieved something inside, he spotted the 10-foot-high sunflowers and went hunting for a photograph. The butterflies danced by his camera lens.

“I think I found the source,” he said a few minutes later.

A few tendrils of a passion vine had grown over to my side of the fence. On a few green strands we spotted at least 10 caterpillars.

This was mesmerizing. Orange critters with black, lash-like protrusions, some were already in their tan-colored cocoons. One had a milky-gray streak down its side, which I guessed was the start of its metamorphosis.

More time has passed, and the caterpillars have devoured the passion flower vine. When I peek through the slats of the neighbor’s fence, I see that most of the leaves are gone. Dozens and dozens of caterpillars hang from the nibbled vines.

The sad plant reminds me of the childhood book “The Very Hungry Caterpillar.”


My new friend Don Miller teaches in the department of biology at Chico State University and was nice enough to share what he knows about the visitors to my yard.

I emailed him some photographs.

He had recently been to S&S Produce and noticed a passion vine stripped almost bare. A crazy collection of butterflies could be spotted nearby.

Don has also talked to Diane at KZFR radio, who has the same plant with a multitude of butterflies. A co-worker at my office has had the same experience with passion vine.


Passion flower, Passaflora, is not a native plant. For that reason, it’s fairly remarkable that the butterflies and the plant have been able to find each other, Don said with awe.

The butterfly is the Agraulis vanillae, known to flit about the extreme southern parts of the United States, and into Mexico.

The insect expert said this particular butterfly is “married to” the passion vine, and is known to seek out just this plant.

A chemical compound in the plant is poisonous, but this particular butterfly is immune. When the caterpillar eats the poison, it becomes poisonous as well.

Other butterflies are known to habitate just one plant, including thepipevine swallowtail butterfly.

So why so many Agraulis vanillae butterflies this year? Don theorized that a mild winter allowed more to survive. That’s the same explanation for the summer infestation of grasshoppers north of town, in the area near Wookey Road.

As for “my” butterflies, Don said the party will continue as long as there is life in the passion vine and no hard frost.

I couldn’t help myself. I dropped the hose over the fence and watered my neighbor’s passion vine.

You can watch a cool video of this insect at

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Sow There! Forcing paperwhites and hyacinth bulbs 12-10-15

Paperwhite bulbs grow just dandy indoors in a bowl filled with pebbles and just a little waterHeather Hacking — Enterprise-Record

My Handsome Woodsman was out in yard this week, bright and early, raking golden maple leaves into soggy piles.

Why was he raking? Certainly not because he was following any sort of chore list.

Nope. The air was crisp. He wanted a little exercise. The cat was inside, bleating for wet food.

Why do people like gardening, raking leaves, mowing lawns, planting seeds?

For a lot of reasons.

If there was a Jung/Briggs Myers personality test for gardening, we could sit and ponder the various personality types.

The yard show-off. The contemplative cultivator. Hungry utilitarian.

Others might be lumped into the category of “watchers.”

We all love the really big shows — Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens, the walkways of Disneyland , the George Peterson rose garden at Chico State.

However, I’m just as thrilled by the single bud that changes every time I take a new look.

For the past month we’ve had containers of paperwhites on the kitchen table.

These started out as big, fat bulbs – Narcissus ziva. For several days we watched as the bulbs sent out long tentacles that soon hid under the pebbles at the bottom of the containers. Next, green sprouts emerged from the bulbs.

The green grew and grew.

At one point I started marking the height on a piece of paper so I could note the progress the next day. Soon, I was marking the height in the morning and was impressed at the new measurement that night.

Around Thanksgiving, these babies were growing an inch or more each day.

This week the plants are flopped over. The flowers are nice and white, but rather small compared to the length of the greenery. I’m thinking this particular brand of paperwhites is intended for outdoors.

At the very least, I should have moved the plants to a sunnier location.

We tied the leaves together with a holiday ribbon. Yet, they grew more and flopped again.

Someone who liked to solve problems might build an elaborate paperwhite trellis. However, I’ve already moved on to hyacinth bulbs.

If I ever get a chance to teach third grade, I’ll have a bulb growing year-round.

What fun to watch the roots reach further into the water each day.

Later the foliage will emerge, followed by a powerfully fragrant bloom.

You can’t help but wonder how all of that plant infrastructure was crammed into that small bulb.

The Better Homes and Garden website,, says to buy pre-chilled hyacinth bulbs, or put the bulbs in the refrigerator for five weeks. Keep bulbs away from fruit.

The bulbs themselves can be irritating to the skin or eyes, the Better Homes gardeners note, so wear gloves while handling

Next, you’ll need a hyacinth vase. This has a bowl at the top, which perfectly fits a hyacinth bulb. The neck of the vase narrows, then gets larger closer to the bottom.

After placing the bulb in the top chamber of the vase, change the water every once in a while and turn the vase so the plant does not lean toward the light.

If you’re a “watcher” you could enjoy the plant until it reaches the bloom stage and gift it to a friend who loves immediate garden gratification.

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